clvl 50 is quite an achievement, but the actual diference between clvl 40 and clvl 50 players is 10 points of damage when we're talking about stun mechanism. Currently, all melee damage on Doom stuns characters just because it's very high. While arrows have a potential to not stun a player. I'm trying to bring this to some alternative solution when both melee and missile damage CAN stun a player, but not always, and missiles would stun less often than melee attacks, because usually characters get attacked by multiple shooters at a time and only by a few melee monsters.
The only solution about melee damage I can think of is AS with higher absorption and more randomness in absorption percentage. Randomness - for stun chance: if one hit will receive low percent of absorb it will stun, another hit which gets high absorption will not stun. An improvement, no? ,-) Oh yeah, by the way, I could also link AS damage absorption random percentage to some character parameter like CLVL. For example, (25 + Rnd[clvl])%, or maybe (30 + Rnd[curVIT/8])%. The latter will give more absorption potential when under Fury (which gives clvl*2 boost to curVIT).
Regarding arrows, they still need stun potential. For clvl50 characters the percentage of hit is low already due to high AC, the percentage of arrows that would stun will be dependant on monster damage. I might need to revise monster damages actually, to make this thing work better, and give the monsters damge with more randomness. Say, 220-240 instead of 238-240. Then it will be easier to balance damage for different clvl players with different DFE values. Thank god, melee attackers will not require such adjustments because of AS absorption randomness.
As to melee monsters, sometimes, their damage should be reduced below 50 points too, to accomplish this.
If damage is 250 points, 70 DFE will leave 180 points after that. With AS absorption of 50%, it wil result in 90 points, 75% absorption will give 170 / 4 = 42 points approximately. Already better, but still to high. 80% will result in 34 points. Good. That would be nice already. If lower limit would be something like 30%, it would give 119 points of damage. The result: with AS's damage absorption of 30-80%, final damage received from initial 250 will be random [34-119].
Secondary problem: how to make gladiator use Arcane Shield more effectively
See this document for more info on the subject
Probably, you'll give me some advice based on that info...
the formula now is 20 + Rnd[10 + (baseVIT / 4)]%
I'm also thinking about changing gladiator's skill to AS. He'll have better chance to use Fury than AS as magic anyway...
OK, it seems that I finally got it working, now it's time to cut down DFE
DFE adjusted in affix data and on unique items, now to other things...
I'm thinking about giving Uber Diablo resistance to physical damage...