Changes log for Diablo: The Hell 2 mod ..updated downwards (newest changes down below).. This log is best viewed in fullscreen, with resolutions of 1600x900 or higher (I use 1920x1080 when writing this) Latest version of the mod available only on the main website: Community: Youtube: Twitch: Mod development started 2017-12-22 Contact email: ================================================================================================= The log: Changes up to that point were lost because of poor documentation. v1.46c RC6 + Astral bonus (+200% vs Demons) changed to +100%; + Jester's bonus (random 0-600% damage) changed to Random 0-300%; + Devastation bonus (5% chance of triple damage) changed to 5% chance of double damage; + Boss' MLVL formula was changed to 'mlvl+4': now boss has +36% chance to hit as compared to base monsters (not 45% as before); v1.46d + Hive Princes and Defiler now have full immunity to Stone Curse; v1.46e + Added new TRN file for Uber Diablo; + Na-Krul changed into Uber Diablo, gave him Diablo attacktype; v1.46e RC2 + More HP and damage for Lazarus; v1.46e RC6 + Added new dlvl-16 Dark Mage subtype 02 boss: Ur-Annon; + Death Knights' mlvl: +1 (54 now); v1.46f + Lazarus, Red Vex, Dark Jade and Uber Diablo are all now immune to Stone Curse; v1.47 + Added 'Diablo' Boss to Pandemonium (has pack of Dark Lords); + Modified Pandemonium architecture a bit - challenge increased; + Tons of adjustments to unique items; + Many modifiers to EXE: code optimization; + Many pointers reset for additional space; + Many monsters' stats and frames adjusted; v1.47 RC1 + Arrogance Plate didn't give DFE bonus: fixed now; v1.47a + Removed bugged Oils from the game (thanks to Zog-Zog for pointing out this bug); + Bugged Oil of Skill base item replaced with new blunt weapon: War Mace; + Reworked blunt weapons' requirements because of adding War Mace; + Modified picture for War Mace; v1.47a RC1 + Changed 'The Dark Lord' to 'Guardian Demon'; v1.47a RC3 + Adjusted some base weapon requirements for better balance; v1.47h RC1 + Added new base item: Plate Corselet; + Added unique picture for Plate Corselet; + Added new base item: Great Plate Mail; + Added unique picture for Great Plate Mail; + Added new picture for unique 'Embossed Plate'; + Adjusted AC for unique plates; + Changed picture of 'Spiritual Armor'; + More item requirements optimization; + Changed monster 'Guardian Demon' name to 'Greater Demon'; v1.47i RC8 + More code optimization for more space; + Added new base item: Pigface Helmet; + Added unique picture for Pigface Helmet; + Added new picture for Apprentice's Mail; v1.47i RC9 + Advocate's- and Sorceror's Plates used incorrect picture: now fixed, they use Padded Cuirass pic for now; v1.47j + Better gameplay balance on dungeon level-1, due to adjusting damage stats and to hit of monsters and bosses; v1.47j RC1 + Reseed fix applied (iirc, It's Crystallion's fix); + Pigface helm picture improved; v1.47j RC8 + Eerie shrine back in business (adds 1 to MAG); + Maximum blocking chance for ranged attacks set to 80%; + Maximum blocking for melee attacks set to 75%; v1.47k + Auto-Hit for monsters set to the minimum of 25% now: that will prevent the game from becoming too easy for high AC chars; v1.47m RC1 + Auto-Hit for monsters didn't work as intended: fixed now (that was a lot of work); v1.47m RC2 + Fixed name of a base item: 'Centurian Helmet' > 'Centurion Helmet'; v1.47m RC3 + Maximum chance of blocking missiles reduced to 70%; v1.47m RC4 + Multiplayer messaging now shows DLVL that the player is on, instead of his (her) CLVL; v1.47m RC5 + Bone Spirit flying slowly now; v1.47m RC8 + Removed all speed bonuses for Bows from affixes and unique items; v1.47m RC9 + Unique bow 'Tormentor' changes: _Jester's_ effect replaced with _Armor Piercing_ (2); v1.47p + Monster Archers now use different To Hit formula, which makes them more dangerous on higher difficulty modes; v1.47s + Added new powerful unique close helmet: Grim Reaper; + Added new base item: Elite Close Helmet; + Added new picture for Elite Close Helmet; + Reworked unique helms a bit; + More code optimization for additional space; + Modified unique bows a little (for better balance); v1.47t + Added new base item: Heraldic Shield; v1.47t RC1 + Better balance in blocking bonuses for characters; v1.47v + Added new base item: Balanced Plate Mail; + Fixed Black Skull picture + added fangs to make it look more vicious; + Got rid of 'The Burner' (unique bow, weak one); + Made new unique plate armor 'Internal Sanctuary' - supposedly, best for Monks and Assassins (provided, they can wear it >); + Fixed 'Winged Helmet' unique's picture (used to be a bit offcenter); + More code optimization for additional space; v1.47w + More code optimization for free space; + Added new supercool picture for Underworld Plate: it glows in dungeons (especially in Hive); + Adjusted many unique items' stats again for better playability; + Coming soon: Zog-Zog's The Hell Data files (will be attached to EXE package in every release); v1.47w RC1 + 'Samurai Helm' renamed to 'Kabuto Helmet' (it's the real name for such helms); v1.47x + Added new pic for Balanced Plate; + Fixed some unique pics: Sacred Armor, Labiri Mask; + Again, more code optimization; v1.47x RC1 + Quick fix to Black Raven: uses appropriate pic now; v1.47x RC6 + Added new base item: Precision Bow; v1.47z + Added new base item: Gothic Sallet; + Added unique picture for Gothic Sallet, replacing obsolete 'The Rotter' pic; + 'The Rotter' now modified into a very deadly blunt with a severe mana drain downside; + Horned Helm renamed to 'Horned Barbute'; + Barbute's AC lowered to 17; + Guardian Helm's AC lowered to 18; + Gothic Sallet's AC set to [19-20]; + More code optimization, as usual; v1.47z RC1 + 'Heaume' renamed to 'Norman Helmet'; v1.47z RC2 + Staves' damages revised; v1.47z RC5 + Added one more boss to dlvl-13: Caballot; + Created unique color for Hell Guards (replacing obsolete); v1.47z RC7 + Fixed shield names: Scutum -> Buckler, Buckler -> Wooden Shield; v1.47z RC8 + Now gladiators get stunned at damage >1.5*clvl; v1.47z RC9 + Increased Arcane Shield's damage absorbing: now it's Rnd[25-50]% v1.47z RC10 + 'Samurai Mail' renamed to 'O-Yoroi Mail'; v1.47z RC11 + 'Wooden Shield' renamed to 'Targe' (magical name will be 'Targe' as well); v1.48 RC7 + Added Rune of Shock: triple Lightning Nova effect; + Added Rune of Blaze: triple Fiery Nova effect; + Added rune picture (replacing obsolete 'Bone Axe'); + Adjusted many base item names; v1.48a + Gave runes appropriate descriptions; + Fixed Death Claws' neutral animation speed; v1.48c RC1 + Halved all To Hit bonuses in Affixes and on uniques because they were too powerful, didn't change To Hit on jewelry though; + Lowered Max To Hit in melee PvM to 85% to add more tension to battle; + Lowered '+ all attributes' bonus on Wall of Spears: was too powerful; v1.48c RC2 + Lowered Arcane Shield melee damage absorbtion to 20-39% (25-49% was a bit too powerful); v1.48c RC3 + Helm of the Fearless: VIT bonus set to [20-80]; v1.48c RC4 + Chameleon's '+%damage' bonus removed; 1.48d + 'Psychic' and 'Solemn' prefixes replaced with +% damage for bows (this was really needed); + Adjusted all unique bows' damages; v1.48d RC1 + Fixed support for high +% damage prefixes on bows; v1.48d RC2 + Maulers' walking speed increased by 20%; + Maulers' hand-to-hand damage increased by 1%; v1.48d RC8 + Improved Cast-Iron Sword pic; + Changed Blur Witches' color; + Blur Witches now cast stars at +12,5% rate; + Modified Blur Witches' resistances; v1.48d RC9 + Thunder Lords cast lightnings faster; v1.48e + Slayer starts breathing Inferno 1 frame earlier, but recovering from breathing takes 1 frame more than before; v1.48h + Increased number of monsters in Lazarus room in MP; + Modified some Uniques items (see Zog-Zog's TH Data Files for v1.48h+ for more info); v1.48i RC3 + Sabre has innate AC bonus: AC 5; + In Multiplayer game on dlvl-15 sometimes a vampire boss will appear; + 'Demon Bane' unique renamed to 'Demon Hunter's Ankh'; v1.48i RC7 + Gladiators receieve decent damage bonus when weilding axes, this bonus is based on their VIT; v1.48k + Once again, a lot of optimization done to Unique Items section; v1.48k RC6 + Assassins receive bonuses from weilding swords now; v1.48l + Again, updated Unique items: DFE is growing right on helms now: no two helms can have same DFE now; + Added varying +% AC to Helm of Glory; + Necromancer's Helm gives more magic [15-25]; + Slightly less '+% damage' on Executioner's Blade [300-400%] and more '+DFE' [5-7]; v1.48l RC1 + 25% Reduced chance for durability loss when character is stunned; v1.48l RC2 + Gladiators' damage bonus when weilding axe is lowered to clvl*vit/75; v1.48n + Modded the hell out of SP & MP Lazarus quests: more challenge, more monsters, more bosses, more architecture; + Added Soul Burner boss in Multiplayer game, dlvl-15, she WILL appear there, but not always, and only in MP; v1.48n RC5 + Greater Demons and Uber Diablo are more of a challenge now: HP are the same, but they attack and recover from hit faster; v1.48n RC7 + Monsters now recieve 4*mlvl Hit Points from their Warcries as before (they used to gain 1*mlvl), beware; v1.48n RC8 + Durability warning icons will now appear for values of 9 (yellow), and for 4 point (red); v1.48o + Ghost Warriors' hit recovery is now 25% faster; + Ghost Warriors' resistances boosted: they should NOT be an easy target even for a high level Mage; v1.48o RC2 + Lachdanan the Cursed is now Triple Immune BUT can be Stonecursed; + Ghost Warriors renamed to Blood Knights (this name fits their coloring better); v1.48o RC3 + Eviscerators' Hit Recovery is now 25% faster; v1.48o RC7 + Eviscerators' walking speed: +12,5%; + Thunder Lords' walking speed: +12,5%; + Thunder Lords' Hit Recovery is now 25% faster; v1.48o RC8 + 'Helm' renamed to 'Gladiator's Helmet'; v1.48q + The Butcher has been seriously modified: now he's gonna be a lot more of a challenge even on Hell mode; + Now Butcher pierces armour, does more damage, has more HP, swings faster, recovers faster, mlvl higher, color changed; v1.48q RC3 + Added Relicts of Infravision (thanks to Zog-Zog for the idea); v1.48q RC4 + Rune of Shock: increased damage, changed casting animation and sound to Lightning (used to be Magic); v1.48r + Added Relicts of Warp; v1.48s + Added another base armor: Brigandine. It requires less STR and more DEX. Also, its AC varies greatly; + Leather of Aut now can be found on Brigandine also; v1.48s RC2 + Fire- and Lightning Walls are double now. Resistant creatures won't require you casting walls twice now. Mana cost is double too; v1.48s RC5 + Fixed everything about relicts; v1.48s RC8 + Added Fire Bat boss to Hive; v1.48s RC9 + Quick fix: changed icon on Relicts of Warp; v1.48u + Lightning Nova traps are now extremely dangerous; + Fiery Blast does less damage; + Fiery Nova does more damage; + Lightning Nova does more damage; + Runes do more damage; v1.48u RC1 + Arcane Star fly speed: +62,5%; v1.48u RC2 + Monsters' Fiery Blast speed: +200%; v1.48u RC3 + Little boost for Uber Diablo's resists; v1.48v + Nova trap does even more damage; + Added new dlvl-11 boss; + More code optimization for additional space; v1.48x + Added new base item: Naginata; + Great Staff renamed to Double-Bladed Staff; + Greater Vitality-based bonus for Gladiators for weilding axe; + New pic for Naginata; + Crawlers renamed to Wyrms; + Added new dlvl-10 boss for wyrms; + Improved color for Moon Clan archers; + Blur Witches renamed to Bright Witches (still looking for better ideas); + The Butcher: +500 HP; + Staff of Chaos now can be based on Naginata also; v1.48x RC3 + The Butcher: more HP and faster hit recovery; + Skeleton King: more HP and more damage; v1.48y + Chimera: improved attacking; + Added new dlvl-14 Chimera boss: appears rarely; + Modified Chimerae's resists; + Modified Rune drop animation; + Modified Pacification Ring pic; + More free code for future addings; + New unique color for Chimera boss; + Chimera: +2% average HP; + Chimera: hits 25% earlier than before; v1.49 + Added relicts of Engagement: help melee fighters; + Added relicts of Concentration: help spell casters; v1.49 RC1 + dlvl-1 monsters give a little less XP; v1.49 RC3 + a bit more damage for base monsters on dlvl-1; + a bit less damage for bosses on dlvl-1; + Nummar the Gravelurker: +140 HP, +2 minimum damage; v1.49 RC4 + Vampiric Plate improved; v1.49a + Fixed critical bug (Uber Diablo freezed game when dying), thanks to Zog-Zog for this bug report ; v1.49a RC5 + Freed some code: now there is free space to add 7 more base items; v1.49b + The Butcher's room modified; + The Butcher: +40 AC; v1.49b RC5 + Uber Diablo's resists no longer weakened by books; + Na-Krul's activation speeches disabled for Uber Diablo; v1.49b RC6 + Arcane Star: -12,5% fly speed; v1.49b RC8 + The Butcher receives SC immunity; + The Butcher receives KB attack; v1.49c + Uber Diablo won't drop his usual rewards anymore, for now he wont drop anything; v1.49c RC2 + Fixed Diablo HP: caused crash; + Fixed Greater Demons' hit frames: they did no damage; + Fixed Blood Knights resists: SC immunity restored on all difficulties; v1.49d + -DFE lowered on high level unique items to maintain balance; v1.49e + -DFE lowered on unique helms, mostly on high level helms; v1.49f + Adjusted ALL unique items' prices for better overall balance (some items were too expensive to repair); + Barbariz' devastation effect changed to knockback; v1.49f RC1 + MvP missile max block 65%; v1.49f RC2 + MvP melee max block 72%; v1.49f RC3 + Slightly more damage for Lightning Nova trap; v1.49f RC5 + Arcane Shield spell now absorbs 25 to 50% of melee damage, average is 37,5% (which is 3/8); v1.50 beta 1 + Relicts of Identify now cost 80 GP; + Vampires are again immune to SC; + Bone Axe replaced with Amazon's Corset - best unique armor for Scouts; + More DFE on Axe of Insomnia; + More +%damage and a bit more DFE on Axe of Insomnia; + 'Halls of the Blind' quest back in business: SP only; + Lightning Nova trap: damage fix; + Soul Burners are now immune to SC; + Dark Witches are now immune to SC; + More code optimization for free space; + 'Halls of the Blind': modified maps and monsters; + Added new Fear Hunter boss: Belzeboth the Ruthless; + Eviscerators and Belial are recolored; + Added new base item: Heavy Crossbow; + Added new unique item (replacing obsolete Holy Scorcher): The Ballista (based on Heavy Crossbow); + Completely reworked XP building system: some monsters give more XP, others - less; + Adjusted some bosses' damage and HP; + Izual recolored; + Azmodan recolored; + Many monsters' damages adjusted for better balance; + Dlvl-6 witches have slightly increased their max damage; + Galanta's max damage increased by 10 points; + Fixed Holy Defender pic; + Renamed some unique bangles; + Battle Ring's stats slightly boosted; + Baal recolored; + Gluminhaar recolored; + Added new single boss to dlvl-6: Selena, based on Succubus v1.50 beta 2 + 'Celestial Bow' renamed to 'Diamondyne'; + Diamondyne received new unique image; + Modified all unique bow stats; + Added new base item: Rod of Blood Shaman; + Added new unique item (replacing old Gore Axe): Rod of Blood Mage - best staff for Mages; v1.50 final release + Added new base item: Scutum (shield class), low durability high AC; + Added new pic for Scutum; + Made changes to MPQ file: now incompatible with older releases; v1.50 RC1 + Fixed Pepin's Poisoned Water quest reward speech (..ring.. -> ..helm..); + Fixed Scutum pic (used to be a bit offcenter); v1.50 RC2 + Winged Helmet's resistances reduced to 10-15%; + The Conqueror's resists reduced to 15-20%; v1.50 RC3 + Some monsters' SC immunities fixed; v1.50 RC4 + Naginata and Double-bladed staff didn't display staves' magic code: fixed now; v1.50 RC5 + Added DEX cost to all staves; + Changed requirements in item display options to always have space for showing 3 values required; v1.50 RC6 + Labiri Mask pic: color fixed; + Asylum: minimum DFE raised by one; v1.50 RC8 + Much more code optimization for free space; + Griz now shows 'magical items' instead of 'premium items'; + Balrogs and Hellhounds will no longer breathe Inferno at melee distance; + Balrogs and Hellhounds will not delay when attacking melee; v1.50a + Assassins receive much more mana from wearing +MAG items; + Chain Lightning has smaller detection range and gives less gaps at high levels; v1.50a RC1 + Uber Diablo now will drop either magical or unique item; v1.50a RC2 + Added monster spawn trap and concentrated Lightning Nova (this one is very deadly, beware); + Nova trap damage lowered, but still very deadly; v1.50a RC3 + Added Pandemonium Intro sound - nice; + Bone Spirit: +20% fly speed; v1.50a RC4 + Uber Diablo received dying sound; v1.50a RC6 + Illusionists are now immune to ANY damage when retreating (that makes them even nastier type); + Illusionists now recover from stun faster; + Illusionists' hitpoints vary greater now; + Illusionists are now always immune to Stonecurse, on all difficulty levels; + Dark Witches are now fully immune to Stonecurse; + Zurandr (one of 2 Warper bosses) is now immune to Stonecurse, the other warper boss still can be stoned; + Bone Spirit now takes 1/6 of target's life (it is really better for the balance this way); + Ballista does less damage; v1.50a RC7 + Bile hounds and Hell hounds hit 1 frame earlier in melee; v1.50a RC8 + Illusionists use the same formula as other monsters to check for stun (that makes them more dangerous); + Golem tohit fixed: used to overflow at high slvl; v1.50b + Gladiators receive 1 AC bonus each time they level up (to partially compensate for absence of shield); + Gold Golems have wider HP range; v1.50c + Changes reverted back to v1.50a RC8 because Gladiators caused crashes occasionally; v1.50c RC1 + Baranar's damage halved (after all, it was way too powerful and imbalancing); v1.50c RC4 + Adjusted DFE on Templar's Mail and Mail of Bleeding; + Replaced Lifestealing on Mail of Bleeding with +AC%; + Characters now get stunned even with resistance to the attack if the damage is high enough; + ...and resistance cap is raised to 70% for some compensation; v1.50c RC5 + Moon Clan archers receive SC immunity; v1.50c RC6 + Fire Arrow Traps do more damage; v1.50c RC7 + All characters now start with 200 GP; + Relicts of Warp now cost 1500 GP; + Less goods at Pepin; v1.50c RC8 + 'Berserk' Spell removed from game; + Toughest of monsters now have increased DFE and immunity to complex criticals; + Less max STR and more max DEX for Assassin class; + Samurai swords and Flails now tend to be used by Assassin rather than by Paladin/Gladiator; + Raised DEX requirements on samurai swords and flails; + Raised Balanced plate DEX req. and lowered STR requirement, but still it doesn't suit Scouts; + Huge sword STR requirement: +10; v1.50c RC9 + Reworked Runes: now they explode upon setting (throwing?) them; + Modified Runes' control panel display messages; v1.50d + Now small tinctures of healing & mana refill orbs by 25-62,5%, this is true for all classes; v1.50d RC1 + Spell traps' ToHit raised significantly; v1.50d RC2 + Unique jewelry stats adjusted again; v1.50d RC3 + Lazarus speech restored: both in SP and in MP; + Gold Golem: SC immunity on Horror/Purgatory, but triple immune and no SC immunity on Hellmode; + Setebos: quad immunity (M+F+L+SC); v1.50d RC4 + Zhar the Mad: a little less HP, more damage, SC immunity; + Gharbad the Weak: more damage, SC immunity, M&F immune, Lite resistance; v1.50d RC5 + Warlord of Blood now appears in his room in MP on floor 13, guiding the gate to deeper Hell levels; + Warlord of Blood made stronger; v1.50d RC6 + Renamed 'Warper' to 'Warping Demon'; v1.50d RC7 + Zhar the Mad now appears in MP also; v1.50d RC8 + Adjusted some of unique items' stats; v1.50d RC9 + Added Tainted shrine to Multiplayer; + Changed messages for Tainted shrine; v1.50e + Venom Clan archers now dwell on dlvls 6 - 8, +they appear in SP 'Anvil of Fury' quest on dlvl 9; v1.50f + New Venom Clan bosses on dlvls 7 and 8 with unique colors and high damage (beware ,-) ); v1.50f RC1 + Uber Diablo: mlvl raised by 1; v1.50g + Affix data adjusted; + Prefixes that give more ToHit and Suffixes from Armor Piercing series no longer can be found on one item; v1.50h + Adjusted all unique items' To Hit data; v1.50h RC2 + Renamed Flaming Avenger to Blade of Shadows; + Modified Blade of Shadows into a powerful sword with nasty side effects; v1.50h RC3 + Modified Black Raven unique; v1.50h RC5 + Blazing Wrath is harder to find; + Blazing Wrath price: +10000 GP; v1.50h RC6 + Jester's Prefix is qlvl-20 now; + Jester's Prefix cost: 4000 GP; + Jester's Prefix: no double occurance now; + Jester's Prefix: can't be found on bows now; v1.50h RC7 + Hoop of Magma improved; v1.50h RC9 + Assassin's Tool changed into Doomspike; + Doomspike: changed into highly piercing parrying dagger with lowered damage; v1.50i + Punisher renamed to Immortal King; + IK stats changed; + Amazon's Corset modified; + Ajimanta's Edge does more lightning damage; + Brute Plate renamed to Bovine Plate; + Gore chain mail-> Red Dragon Scales; + Dlvl-8 Stones' fire attacks: +1/6 damage (to get these more in balance with their melee damage); v1.50j + Got rid of useless doubling suffixes (devastation, 25% armor piercing, etc.); + Introduced '-Light Radius' suffixes: 'of dark' & 'of gloom'; + Jester's prefix renamed to Dreadful; + Dreadful prefix is qlvl 35 now; + Dreadful prefix cost: +10000 GP; + Dreadful prefix item multiplier raised; + Warrior's Band: default Diablo pic restored (after all, it looks better this way); v1.50j RC1 + Minor menu modifications; v1.50j RC3 + Fire arrows suffixes: damages adjusted; + Modified fire arrows suffix names; v1.50j RC11 + More Affix adjustments; + Some Unique items adjustments; v1.50k + Triburas no longer knockback when they hit; v1.50k RC1 + 'Fine' prefix renamed to 'Ceremonial'; + 'Better' suffix is 'Ritual' now; v1.50k RC3 + Heavy crossbow: min dmg reduced by 10 points ( 31 - 116 now); v1.50k RC4 + Minor adjustments to +damage suffixes; v1.50k RC6 + Changed color of Shadow Beasts and their Boss; v1.50k RC7 + Changed suffix of 'structure' to 'demon slaying'; v1.50k RC8 + Suffixes that increase bows' durability replaced with AC bonuses on weapons and staves; v1.50k RC9 + Devastation chance to ocur: 5% -> 20%; v1.50l RC7 + Some Suffix modifications (can cause morphes); v1.50m + Some Prefix modifications (can cause morphes); v1.50m RC4 + Glowing Sallet renamed to Sallet of Xentur; + Other minor Unique item name modifications (no morphings, keep cool); v1.50p + All +ToHit% Prefixes rebalanced (morphing can occur); + Added 3 -DFE Prefixes (on jewelry) (morphing can occur); + Minor changes in Unique items (no morphings will happen); v1.50p RC1 + Changed one of the bows' GFX; + Crystalline suffix costs a little more; v1.50q + '+damage' suffixes qlvls adjusted; v1.50r + Modified Brute Demons and Grunt Demons (+corresponding bosses); v1.50r RC1 + Fixed -DFE balance on jewelry; v1.50s + Small optimizations in Prefix-Suffix data; v1.50t + Wyrms received different attack type; + Added bat boss to dlvl-5 with unique attack type; v1.50t RC1 + Shirmac's attack type changed; v1.50t RC2 + Shadow Weavers: -10% max damage; v1.50t RC3 + Undead Angel renamed to Death Angel; v1.50t RC6 + Shiasar's attack type changed; + Shiasar's damage changed; + 'the dark' suffix changed to 'assault': makes bows shoot multiple arrows; + same about 'the night': changed to 'hunting'; v1.50t RC8 + Added 2 more Shadow bosses to dlvl-5 (they appear not always); + More code optimization for free space; v1.50u RC2 + Some damage adjustments for bosses on floor 3; + Added 2 more bosses on dlvl-3 and dlvl-4; v1.50u RC8 + 3 more bosses on floor 3; v1.50v + Crown duration fixes (thx to Lime_Horror for pointing that out); v1.50v RC2 + Biledrakk: +10% hit points & a bit more max damage; v1.50v RC3 + Small name changes for church bosses; v1.50v RC6 + Replaced highest level Dodging prefix with Boar's: KB on bows & crossbows (minor affix morphing can occur); v1.50v RC7 + 'Black Marsh Bow' significantly improved (in the name of balance!); v1.50v RC8 + Tainted shrine disabled; v1.50v RC9 + A bit more HP for Setebos; v1.50w + Rustweaver back in business; v1.50w RC1 + Mendicant's shrine is back (SP only); v1.50w RC2 + New character level restrictions for entering Catacombs, Caverns and Hell in MP; v1.50w RC4 + Valonts renamed to Vortex Lords; + Staff of Chaos renamed to Chaos Bringer; v1.50w RC6 + Satanists renamed to Goat Lords; + Goat Lords: new sounds; v1.50w RC7 + Red Witch renamed to Blood Witch; v1.50w RC8 + Updated many boss names for more plausibly sounding ones; v1.50x + Added one more Snake boss; v1.50x RC2 + Sacred Armor renamed to Civerb's Vestments; + More code optimization; v1.50x RC3 + One more boss on dlvl-7; v1.50y + Aglamar's pack now has different behaviour; + Gave new sound scheme to Hellhounds; + Blade of Shadows: less +DFE; v1.50z + New sound scheme for Vault Rats; + Modified scheme for Scavengers (Grave Diggers still use previous soundset); v1.51 + Added Holy Water to the game (similar to ex-rejuvenation potions); + New pic for holy water (replacing obsolete blue relict and unused Fool's Crest); + Eldritch shrine is back in the game (found below the 6th dungeon level); + Divine shrine is back also; v1.51 RC4 + New soundset for greater bats; v1.51 RC5 + Second TP relict used to have Full Holy Water pic and drop animation. Now fixed; v1.51 RC6 + More variety in Undead sound schemes: Zombies updated; v1.51 RC7 + New soundset for Trikterras; v1.51 RC8 + Now Cave Snakes will spit poison sometimes (and also attack melee, of course); v1.51 RC9 + Altered sound scheme for Giant Skeletons; v1.51a + Shemmir lost his pack; + Shemmir now uses different attack type; + Additional moaning sounds added for Shemmir; + Shemmir: damage [4-12] -> [5-10]; + Shemmir: hitpoints 188 -> 200 (and now he can gain hitpoints above his maxHP in battle); v1.51b + Too many changes to describe :) v1.51b RC2 + One more boss added; + Namorra's pack uses Fallen attack no more (used to gain way too much hitpoints); v1.51c + Adjusted dlvl-4 monsters' data; + Added some new sounds for Bone Wings and Exoskeletons; v1.51c RC1 + Low level Crystalline prefix a bit more expensive and (hopefully) has less +%damage; + Ceremonial prefix made cheaper (thanks to Koven for pointing that out); v1.51d + Altered Hive greetings from Defiler; + Modified some of the Crypt's journal message and speech; v1.51e + More modifications to Cryptic Journal routine; + Modified Support data and background image; v1.51g + New sounds for Boars; + New Second ani for boars; v1.51g RC1 + The Butcher: new sound set; v1.51g RC3 + One of Wirt's gossips updated; + One of Adria's gossips updated; v1.51g RC4 + One of Farnham's gossips altered; v1.51g RC6 + Grave matters related gossips fixed; v1.51g RC7 + Altered behaviour for Tahu; v1.51h + A lot of Rat data adjusted; v1.51i + Dark Reapers and their bosses are modified; v1.51i RC3 + Minor changes in Unique items' names; v1.51i RC4 + One of Exoskeleton's sounds fixed; v1.51i RC5 + Suffix of 'health' renamed to 'resistance'; + More changes in Support information; v1.51i RC6 + Doomfire now is a spectacular boss, as well as a tough one... ; v1.51i RC8 + New weapon swinging sounds; v1.51i RC9 + New sound set for Grotesque; + Swing sounds restored to originals; v1.51j + New pic for Hide shell; + Hide shell renamed to Velessar's Leather; v1.51k + New monster added: Werewolf (Undead); + New animation for Werewolves; + New sounds for Werewolves; + Special boss for Werewolves; + Tribura kicked from the game (was practically useless); v1.51k RC1 + Battle Ring renamed to Soul Haven; + Optic Talisman -> Battle Talisman; + Sky Tears -> Pendragon; + A little boost on Soul Haven (to make it more attractive for low level characters); v1.51k RC3 + New gossip for Gillian; + Fixed gossip for Pepin; v1.51l RC2 + Got rid of Rage demons and their boss (Borje); + Added new monsters: Beholders; + New TRN for Beholders; + New Beholder boss; v1.51m + Beholder stats adjusted; + Beholders now have their own sounds (still looking for better ideas); + One of Cain's gossips replaced with another one; v1.51m RC1 + Slain Hero used to freeze game for Scout (thx to Koven & DiAS for this bugreport), warning: item morphing can occur!); v1.51m RC2 + Monk is more proficient with other weapons now; v1.51m RC3 + Characters now have less 'area memory' and spend more time on refreshing their memories about the map of the dungeon (in other words: less automap area), Hopefully, this will make the game more interesting; v1.51n + Replaced Vortexlords from dlvl-15 and their boss Gammorin... + ...with dlvl-13 Mud golems and their boss Borje the Dirtblood; + New SFX for Mud Golems; + New animation files for Mud Golems; + Automap radius +20%; v1.51n RC1 + Mud Golems do a bit more damage; + Same about Borje; v1.51n RC2 + PvM max melee ToHit = 92% now; v1.51n RC3 + Zhar the Mad: more damage and more HP; v1.51n RC4 + Beholders do more damage; v1.51n RC6 + Slain Hero game freeze bugs fixed; + Fix from 1.51m RC1 reverted back; + Battle Axe qlvl set to 30 (for better drop pattern), yes, morphing can occur, but it's better this way; v1.51o + Battle axe: findability fix; + Bastard sword: qlvl and findability fix; + Breast plate: qlvl and findability fix; + Slain Hero now gives Book of TP to all character classes; v1.51o RC2 + Wakizashi will no longer drop too early (qlvl raised); + Staves: higher qlvls (again, to prevent powerful staves from dropping too early); v1.51q + All shields' qlvl adjusted (can morph); + All unique shields' qlvls adjusted (can morph); + Halls of the Blind quest will now give Battle Talisman instead of Shield of Tyrants; v1.51q RC1 + Zhar quest removed from multiplayer because it didn't work properly; v1.51q RC4 + Werewolves' seeding size fixed: now they will appear more often; + Because when they appear another type of monsters won't, I added another Werewolf boss to the game; v1.51q RC5 + Small enhancements in Werewolf, Giant Skeleton and Exoskeleton sounds; v1.51q RC6 + Small changes to The Rotter and DarkStar ilvls for better drop pattern (no morphing will happen); v1.51s + Many of the SFX adjusted so that they don't break Diablo atmosphere; + Map Radius set to 50%; + Fool's Luck and Labiri Mask are separated further with qlvl to give Fool's Luck more chance of being dropped; v1.51s RC4 + Monk didn't use Relicts of concentration properly: now it's fixed; + Goatlords' death sounds: more variety; + Exoskeleton's special sounds: more variety; + Exe data optimization; + Recompiled Hell data file for reducing size; v1.51s RC6 + Added Quakelord boss to compensate for absence of Vortexlord boss; v1.51t + Azana the Lich Queen does more damage now; + Preparations made to enable Intro; + Further modifications in DLL files; + Werewolf, all Boars, Hellhounds: SFX corrected; + Reducing HellDF.mor size by optimizing codespace; v1.51t RC1 + Lower minimum HP values for Boars; v1.51t RC2 + Defiler's greeting speech improved; v1.51u + Improved Skeleton King's special map; + Skeleton King made stronger; + Skeleton King's greeting speech improved; + 'The Curse of King Leoric' quest moved to DLVL 3; + 'The Butcher' quest moved to DLVL 1; v1.51v + Unique item levels thoroughly checked and set to make sure ALL items can be dropped now; + Some uniques have their corresponding base item changed; + Some uniques have their level modified; v1.51v RC1 + Spectral Slasher dropped a bit later; v1.51w + More improvements in unique items section; + Butcher made stronger (to reach his most on Hellmode); + Skeleton King made stronger (same reason); v1.51x + Skull Shield renamed to Bone Guardian; + Grotesque: slower idle animation; + Spiritual Armor is now based on Sorceror's Plate; + Helm of the Fearless renamed to Pride of the Elders; + Dragon's Shield renamed to Dragon's Gaze; + +AC% bonus on Bone Guardian varies from +100% to +300% (do you feel lucky?); + Suffix of Avoidance: max AC is now 25 (used to be 30); + Bouncer's ToHit frame changed from 4 to 5 (looks better and makes him a bit less dangerous); + The Butcher: +10% attack speed; + Hive Prince: ToHit frame changed from 8 to 5 (looks better + makes him harder a little); + Skeleton King: ToHit frame changed from 8 to 7; + Skeleton King: +15% attack speed; + Skeleton King: hit recovery frames changed from 6 to 1 (makes him harder); v1.52 + Belphegor's Ravager now based on Hatchet and is of QLVL 3 (stats changed - weakest of unique axes); + Berserker's Cleaver: stats changed; + Berserker's Cleaver: new pic; + Mage Slayer axe removed; + Mage Slayer is now based on staff (for Monks); + Heart Seeker also made into a staff; + The Sadist removed; + Added new unique item: Kain's Valor (mail, for chars with high DEX); + Night Axe removed; + Added new unique staff: Aguinara's Vengeance; + Warrior's Band: pic improved; + Restored default Diablo pointer; + Spectral Slasher: more damage, less speed; + Kite Shield: pic improved; + Nikhlatak's Axe: less +tohit% and +damage%; + Rod of Blood Shaman: -DFE value halved; + Chaos Bringer: small data changes; + Added Lite-shooting Goat to DLVL 9 (appears ***only*** in SinglePlayer mode); + Walking Corpses receive different death animation; v1.52 RC1 + Undead are immune to Bone Spirit now; v1.52 RC2 + Gladiators no longer swing clubs faster than swords (that was useless and made this animation look choppy); v1.52 RC3 + 'Warlord of Blood' quest disabled in Multiplayer because it didn't work as supposed; v1.52 RC4 + Fountain of Tears now casts Arcane Shield spell; v1.52 RC5 + MvP Melee Autohit: 25% -> 23%; v1.52b + Hive renamed to Abyss; + Grotesque: hit frame changed from 8 to 12; + Grotesque: mlvl raised; + Grotesque: way more HPs; + Grotesque: has KB now; + Grotesque: gives more XP; + Grotesque: more resistances; + Grotesque: more damage; + Lokromakt: more damage and HP; + Grotesque: moved to DLVLs 17-20; + Grotesque: more AC; + Grotesque: much higher ToHit chance; + Grotesque: subtype raised from 2 to 5; + Hive Prince renamed to Abyss Guardian; + Unique music for Abyss; + Unique and varying coloring for Abyss; + Lokromakt moved from DLVL 12 to DLVL 19; + Rakarra renamed to Poison Bat; + Unique and varying coloring for Cathedral; + Better colors in Crypt; + Total recoloring of Catacombs; + Hell levels recolored for more color variety; v1.52d + Poison Bats will no longer appear on Abyss lvl 4; + Lower seeding size for Poison Bats; + Higher seeding size for Grotesques; + Lash worm: +5 to minimal damage; + Pride of the Elders is now based on Centurion Helmet; + The Conqueror now based on Full Helm; + Cathedral thoroughly recolored; + Abyss recolored again; + New color for Grotesque; + New color for Lokromakt; + Biclops renamed to Blood Legion and moved to Abyss; + Blood Legion's stats adjusted to suit Abyss; + Anku moved to level 2 of Abyss; + Minor code optimizations for more space in EXE; + Drake animation fixed (560KB space free in data file now); + Drakes now again use Viper attack type (will be harder for Scouts, beware); + Xaraleti still uses common attack with 2nd hit; + Drake's attack frames: 13 -> 12 (a bit faster); + Cave snake: subtype raised for more agressive attacks; + Generally Cave Snakes will do less damage now (but they will be faster to compensate); + Cave Snake: +20% hit recovery speed (5 -> 6 frames); + New sfx for Blood Legion; + Corrected sfx for unraveler type (death+hitrecovery), used to be a bit too loud; + Some more insignificant changes; v1.52f + Small adjustments in Cathedral colors; + Map radius set to 80% (I keep getting complaints that it's too small); + Cave Snake's framesets set to Diablo defaults: speed version will be the Blood Viper; + Moon Clan archers used to be vulnerable to Lightning, now their weakness is Fire; + Tomb Runners renamed to Rage Lords; + New monsters in Abyss levels 2-4: Blood Vipers; + 3 new bosses in Abyss, on levels 2, 3 and 4, all based on Blood Vipers (appear not always); + Blood Vipers' seeding size adjusted; + Unique coloring for Blood Vipers; + Again, a little improvement in Hell levels palette colors; + Again, re-adjusted Abyss colours; + Added Grotesque boss w/pack to Abyss lvl 4; + Shemmir: -1 max damage; + Shemmir: color improved; + Nebiru's name expanded; + Walking Corpses renamed to Burned Corpses; + Rotting Corpses shifted colors; + Shemmir and Likhar changed colors also; + Nebiru: +10 HP; + Nebiru, Likhar & Shemmir: now quadra immune; + All small skeletons' neutral animation speed adjusted; v1.52g + Added taunts for The Butcher; + Skull Shield: flip animation fix; + Ring flip animation: now with shadows; + Large Shield flip animation: same; + Blade of Shadows -> Shadow Prince; + Grim Demons: Intelligence factor raised from 3 to 9 to increase chance of 2nd hits; + Many other monsters' subtype adjustments; + PWS quest water recolored (imo, it looks better now); v1.52h + max block vs Ranged Monsters = 59% now (less chance of blocking yourself to death); + max block vs Melee Monsters = 67% now (for same reason), this makes Vitality a bit more important; + Abyss Guardians receive colr translation; + New color for The Defiler; + Abyss Guardians' stats adjusted; + Defiler's stats adjusted; + Abyss Guardians SFX improved to better reflect Diablo atmosphere (still looking for better ideas); + Fountain of Tears now casts Mana spell (AS didn't work properly); + Test version of character life regeneration implemented (many thanx to Zamal & Zenda for support with ASM); v1.52k + Various small adjustments & bugfixes; + Test version of regeneration removed until full version is ready; v1.52m + Low level Crystalline prefix renamed to Glass; + More duration penalty on Crystalline & Glass items; + Undead Hunter: bugfix; + Leo now appears in Crypt level 1 in MP; + Soul Hunters can now appear in urns in sarcophagi in Crypt level 1; + Soul Hunter pack for Skeleton King (sometimes he still will appear alone); + Restored character speech when killing SkelKing; + SkelKing: faster walk and attack speed; + Chamber of Bone will no longer contain Skeleton Lords; + Goat Lords: idle animation speed adjusted; + Mana Shield Icon (on top of character's head) used to disappear sometimes, hopefully, it's fixed now; + Blood Knights attack much faster now (14 > 10); + Uber Diablo: HP fix; + HP modifier for Purgat. and Hellmode modified for base monsters and bosses (slightly boosted); v1.52n + All Spiders' hit frames adjusted; + Chimera's hit frames adjusted; + Chimera: damage adjustments; + Blood Legion: hit recovery faster; + Warping Demons: hit recovery even faster; v1.52o + Revised damage for Bouncer; + Adjusted tohit frame, attack speed & hit recovery speed for all Crypt creatures (now Crypt can be said to be 'Uber location'); + Butcher: + 10% attack speed; v1.53 + 'Likhar the Gravespawn' morphed into 'Rotflesh Gorefeast' (Scavenger-based, high HP, low dmg, corpse eater, corpse pack, different color); + Better 'Magic spell type 1' sound; + Uber Diablo is immune to all but Lightning (lite-resistant); + Bloodskin wyrm lost its SC immunity, and also lost 10% of its HP; + Immortal King data adjusted; + Galahad's pack changed to Succubi (used to be Goat Lords); + Some DLVL 11 boss data adjustments; + Some CaveBoars didn't cause damage upon charging, now it's fixed; + Balthazar now accompanied by Vicious Imps; + Mud Golems: +25 AC; + Replacing Shadow Beasts with new Corrupt Order (Stalking Assassins) - use bow, sneak, retreat a lot, high AC, low HP, lite arrows, new GFX; + Unique soundset for Corrupt Order; + Shadow beast boss kicked from the game; + Cathedral monsters data adjusted again (for smoother balance), a lot of work done in this area... ; + Skeleton King is now resistant to Fire (fry the bastard if you're playing a Mage); + Greater Demon: subtype lowered; + Lazarus room in MP: some monsters replaced with others; + Lazarus level in SP: added 2 monsters, replaced some (this will be fun...); + Zabulon will usually stand guard with his pack outside of Lazarus room or keep the gate to Pandemonium (only in MP, as before); + Less HP and greater HP variety on Greater Demons; + Diablo's weakness changed to Fire, this stops him from becoming too hard, but his pack will be immune to Fire (use Lite), so beware; + Corrupt Order now always stand guard (appear) at the gateway to Hell (DLVL 13), they use faster retreat, and their arrows are deadly; + New boss on DLVL 13: Xorene the Lazarus Guard will lead a pack of Doom Knights and shoot Lightning arrows; + Uber Diablo book speech improved; + A bit higher volume for Corrupts' attack sounds; + Zabulon now accompanied by Dark Witches; + Ur-Annon now has a mob of Vampires; + The Vizier now has Dark Mages as his pack; + Warlord of Blood now appears in MP also, but now his escort is Death Knights; + Warlord's greeting speech improved; + Death Knights now attack faster than DLVL 13 Knights (14 > 12), but slower than Crypt Knights (10), which makes the balance better; v1.54 + Video support file added: now The Hell will always play 2 logo movies when starting (if it doesn't, report it ! ); + Uber didn't play new 'imprisonment' speech as intended: fixed now; + Many improvements in dungeon object GFX; + Gave Abaddon better color; + 200+ changes in item GFX (various improvements, color adjustments, etc.); + Thorough Unique item section rebalancing (breathe deep, no bad morphing); + Further code optimization for free space and some other cool stuff; + Some silly bugfix with Krondor's Cudgel which didn't drop because it had no corresponding base item: now it's fixed of course; + Many other improvements that I don't even remember... ; v1.54a + Gladiator's starting stats changed from STR20-MAG0-DEX15-VIT25 to STR25-MAG0-DEX15-VIT20; + Gladiators now start with two heavy bones; + DLVL 1 monsters' tohit values lowered by 3%; + Buckler AC is changed from [5-6] to [1-4]; + Targe AC is changed from [7-8] to [5-8]; + All Church monsters will be Quadra Immune on Hellmode, beware of BoneWings as they are also *resistant* to HolyBolt; + Exoskeletons attack twice per melee attack; + Temptresses now have more fitting color; + Queen of Whores also received different color; + Galahad the Bonewhite now has a harem of Temptresses; + Isagarn renamed to Isagarn the Dogface, has new (read: better) color, has SC immunity, lower min damage, higher max damage, more HP; + TH ReadMe file updated; v1.54b + Huge Sword DEX requirement raised to exclude Gladiators from potential weilders of Blazing Wrath; + PWS quest water color adjusted again (looks more realistic now); + DFE adjusted on many unique items for better balance; + High DEX melee weapons: damages changed, now they have wider damage range (for ex., Katana goes from [49-51] to [1-99]), this is done to ensure that Assassins won't stun monsters everytime they hit when wielding two powerful weapons at once, that brings more randomness to battle; v1.54f + PvM melee max tohit = 89%; + New sound for Cauldron; + Warlord of Blood now will make almost no pause when chasing and attacking; + Uber Diablo receives new sound set and greeting speech; + Leoric is given greeting speech; + Defiler, too, sometimes will greet players; + Izual: more HP, gained SC immunity, +2 to minimal damage value, +new special greeting speech; + Greeting speech for Lord Mordor; + Greeting speech for Gyfax the Slayer; + Amducian: quadra immunity, + greeting speech, +50HP; + Ur-Annon: greeting laughter added; + Greeting speech for Lord Of Torment; + Zabulon renamed to Zhar the Mad, will still appear only in MP, will have a pack of dark witches, will have greeting speech and characters will comment his death; + Arch-mage Malignus renamed to Zabulon; + Bile Demons now can cause critically high damage with their second attack, this will be painful but rare (to keep things in balance and make them dangerous enough on hellmode); + Varaya receives greeting speech; + Sarogyl the Decapitator: greeting laughter added; v1.54p + Blacksmith Oil now restores ~50% of items' durability, up to the maximum of 25 points. It will, however, as before, raise item's max durability by 1 point if applied on a repaired item; + Varaya and her pack will cast Flash (in addition to their Arcane Star attacks) if you get close, and they'll instantly retreat in hidden mode if their HP get below 50%; + Varaya: +500 HP; + Lazarus now will cast Bone Spirit (beware: this damage is NOT capped at 255, it takes 1/3 of your life and it cannot be resisted), he'll still have phasing invulnerability, will phase away if HP get below 50%, and will cast Flash at melee distance; + Imp Rogues will no more retreat in hidden mode, but their retreat chances are greatly increased, and they attack using Fire Bolts now, Baranordes will still have his former attacktype; + Imp Rogues no more chase characters (this makes them a harder target for cornering purposes), but they still can open doors when retreating from you; + Dirt Demons charge without bending their neck, that kind of charge makes them differ from Abyss Demons and Obsidian Lords; + Snakes now can hit when charging and can stun with such hits, Blood Vipers will knock you back with such attacks and (with ~50% chance) again charge at you - beware; + Barons of Hell renamed to Slayers; + ex-Slayers renamed to Balrogs; + ex-Balrogs renamed to Vortex Rogues; + Gammorin's name expanded with "..the Hell Baron"; + Vortex Rogues gain Lightning resistance on Horror/Purgatory difficulties; + Some monster data adjustments (polishing balance...); + Namorra will also throw fireballs, in addition to her melee attacks, her fellow bats will still only use melee attack, but they can charge (without hitting); + Beholders' missiles can be viewed now; + Abyss Guardians' and Uber Diablo's Apocalypse gfx can be viewed now; + Chimera receives full support for double-rated melee attacks (hits on frames 6 & 9); + Chimera: lowered primary damage a bit to compensate for double melee attacks; + Abyss Guardians will now inflict additional damage with their tentacles (hit on frames 5 & 10); + Abyss Guardians: lower minimum damage to compensate; + Blood Golem also receives double melee attack (hits on frames 9 & 13), and also has minimum damage lowered; + Huge Golem: same story (9 & 13); + Same with Death Angel, Skullwing, Storm Wings and Fiery WIngs (hit on frames 7 & 14), damages adjusted of course; + Aglamith will also cast Bone Spirit (watch your gear - those things can damage it); + Optimizing "no drops at death" feature gives 344 free bytes; + Second attempt applied to prevent other players from seeing naked characters after their restart in town (will need online tests though); + Chargers' ToHit = 950% now (you'd better get out of their way); + Items of Thorns will now do random 1-125 damage; + Spell trap tohit set to 120%; + LightRadius decrease on Mask of Anger set to 10%; + Battle Talisman: extra AC vs Undead replaced with Thorns (random 1-125 damage to attackers); + Armor Piercing effects have less power now; v1.54q + Death Angels: better color, hit recovery faster (6 > 5), +3 AC, less minHP, more maxHP, added support for 2nd animation; + Nephalon will lead a pack of Death Angels (no pause double melee attacks), and he himself will backup his double attacks with Inferno (won't cast it at melee distance though); + Nephalon the Cursed: color improved; v1.54s + A lot of base- and unique item data was adjusted for better stun mechanics; + Corrupts do a bit mode damage; v1.54t + Xorene will now always lead a pack of knights, and her appearance and attacktype will depend on the actual knight type (this brings more randomness to playing); + DLVL 13 seeding sizes adjusted for more randomness, and for decrease of boss numbers found together; v1.54u + Gladiators do less damage with one or two swords (CLVL*STR/125), clubs still have their bonus (.../75), and axes are the best choice (especially for high VIT Gladiators); + More code optimization for free space; + Spawning trap bugfix; v1.54v + Many blunt weapons' damage stats adjusted for better stun mechanics; + Greatly increased variety of monsters and bosses on DLVL 21; + Added 4 new bosses to DLVL 21 pool; + Vampirique renamed to Mindpiercer; + Barbariz renamed to Gorewhipper; + Leoric: attacks faster (10 > 9); v1.54w + Diablo death animation improved; + New Thorns effect was reported to crash the game when equipped and hit by a monster, the effect removed for now; + Corrupt Order: new walking animation; + Corrupt Order: walking speed decreased (1 > 8), this actually makes them easier; + Corrupt Order: new idle animation; + Lazarus moved closer to his room entrance in Multiplayer; v1.54w RC2 + All melee weapons now have the same damage for Gladiators, except for axes which receive nice damage bonus from Vitality; v1.54x + Gladiators now can use bows much more effectively, damage done with bows is based on the following formula now: ((STR*CLVL)/75)/2; + Hidden will now sometimes pop up from Cryptic urns and sarcophagi (only Hidden, Illusionists don't hide like that); + Sneakers, Shadows & Shadow Weavers will sometimes pop up from Catacomb barrels; + Abyss pods will sometimes contain Blood Legion; + Catacombs will now render more relicts and books by creating Ancient Tome rooms; + Grapterra: lower chance for retreat, but higher damage; + Adjusted/improved/added flip- and inventory sounds for chainmails, runes and lite shields; v1.54x RC1 + Leather Cap and Fool's Luck: new flip animation and sounds; + Cuthur: maxdamage raised; v1.54x RC2 + Quake Lord renamed to Hell Minion; + Burning crosses will now cause damage; v1.55 + DLVL 24 monster seeding sizes adjusted (now there will be 3 types of monsters there each time, which makes the game look and feel better); + Added 7 new bosses to DLVL 24 pool (various attack types, new colors); + Thunder Lords become fire resistant on Horror/Purgatory modes (used to be immune), on Hellmode they will still be only vulnerable to magic damage; + Soul Hunters (hidden type) renamed to Bone Creepers; + Ravakh the Crypt Baron renamed to Doomfang Bloodgutter; v1.55e + Reorganized monsters in Cathedral, now there will be much more variety in monster combinations; + Added several new bosses to Cathedral; + Minor changes in item flip animation and sounds; + Further place optimization for future addons; + DLVL 5 monsters seeding sizes adjusted; + Added some new bosses to DLVL 5 pool; + Minor adjustments in DLVL 5 monster and boss stats; v1.55g + DLVL 6 monsters reorganized; + Added ~15 new bosses to DLVL 6 pool; + Code optimized for free space; v1.55i + Fixed durability issues on Leviathan's Cage and Vamp plate; + Some unique items are given more fitting names; + DLVL 7 monsters and bosses are totally re-adjusted; v1.55j + Burned Corpses will sometimes appear on dlvl-2 now; + More maxHP on Burned Corpses; + 2 new Burned Corpse bosses on dlvl-2; + Illusionists renamed to Illusion Weavers; + Torturers renamed to Overlords; + Bile Demon data adjusted; + Bile Demons can appear on dlvl-8 now; + Dlvl-8 monsters and bosses re-adjusted; + More bosses to choose from on floor 8; + Fire bats will no longer appear on dlvl-8; v1.55k + Dungeon level 9 revision complete; v1.56 + Now acid puddles won't cause such a horrific damage when piling up (I received a lot of complaints regarding this issue. hopefully, it's fixed now); + Worst kind of puddles will come from Wyrms, less dangerous from Venom Spiders, Acid Hounds and Bile Spitters, and least harmful from Poison Bats and Pit Spiders; + Several Cave tiles fixed; + Wyrms didn't show "spit poison" effect, now it's fixed; + Wyrms now have knockback ability; + Intelligence factor was modified for all spitter type monsters, damage/tohit% was adjusted also; + ReadMe file update; + DLVL-10 revision complete (more and more boss packs have the "shooter minions+melee boss" combinations as of late, or melee minions+shooter boss, it's done to enhance boss gangs difficulty); + Shielded Imp -> Imp Trooper; + Xalicalar: better color; + Iron golem -> Obsidian Golem; + Black golem -> Black Hulk; + Obsidian Lord -> Black Horn; + Updated character selection menu Assassin image (made by San40); + Rogue's Gorget renamed to Gorget of the Huntress, and its stats adjusted; + DLVL-11 completely reworked; + Imp Troopers attack faster: 13 > 12; + DLVL-12 reworked; + Reapers' stats adjusted; + Beholders will also appear on floor 12 sometimes; + Cave levels adjustment complete; v1.56a + Many small updates in unique item names; + Reorganized data (cleaning space for future addons); v1.56b + Fountain of Tears will give Arcane Shield now; + Axe of Insomnia improved a little; + Big Imps: walk animation fixed (it's a quickfix, better fix will be applied later); v1.56c + Mud Golems: +50 AC, -100 minHP, - 100 maxHP; + Corrupt Order: slower idle animation; + After my dying a LOT to coop partners' missiles, PvP missile Friendly Fire gets completely DISabled (Fresh Meat kindly agreed to do this boring 10 minute test and everything was OK); v1.56d + Goat Lords: death animation fixed; + Banished: +40 AC; + Doom Archer: +5 AC; + Apocalypse spell is given more chance to be found now; + Lightning & Fire Nova spells will cost more mana now (they're too powerful to be used as a substitute for FB and CL); + Firewall, Lightning wall, Mana Shield books will cost ~30% less gold; + Holy Bolt damage was lowered and now its formula is: Min. Damage: 9 + CLVL, Max. Damage: 18 + CLVL, Flying Speed: 16 + 2*SLVL (Note: CLVL stands for "Character level"); + Unique Item renamed: Disembowling Blade -> Celestial Justice; + Golem's MLVL raised; + Golem's AC set to 250; v1.56f + Slightly improved Town palette; + Aglamith: attack type changed, and a pack is given; + Apocalypse damage incresed and new formula is: Itt(clvl, Rnd[60] + 1), spellbook damage adjusted as well; + Apocalypse mana cost increased; + Apocalypse book cost greatly increased; + Apocalypse charges on staves reduced; + Apocalypse MAG cost to read/use staff raised; + Assassin: +10 Max. VIT, -10 Max. MAG; + Nova Trap damage reduced; + Lite/Fire Nova damage lowered; + Gloomy Shrine gives more AC; v1.56g + Arcane Star now has its damage increased, new damage formula is: 20*SLVL + 2*MAG; + Spellbook data adjusted accordingly and now it shows correct damage for Arcane Star; + Lance Guard > Reign of Kaamos; + Reign of Kaamos: extra AC vs Demons replaced with decreased Light Radius, base AC increased; v1.56k + Arcane Star has its damage formula improved: 40*SLVL + 2*MAG; + Inferno burns much better now; + Lightning & Chain Lightning damage increased; + Spellbook data optimized to show correct damage values; + Less charges on Apocalypse staves; + Bone Spirit casting sound changed; + Teleport: same; + Demon Hunter's Ankh: original image restored; + New animation for Lazarus staff; + Nether Bow > Windforce; + Minor adjustments in base item damage values; + Mages now start with Wand of Holy Bolts; + New flip animation for wands; + Rod of Blood Mage > Joker's Beak; + Joker's Beak loses -DFE, becomes one handed (allows to equip shield in 2nd hand slot), loses -50% ARD, has random magical AC; + New image for Joker's Beak; v1.57 + Players' melee damage is capped at CLVL*64, it's done to limit life & mana steal and to prevent too powerful hits from complex criticals (missile damage is still unlimited); + Chaos Bringer loses its demon slaying bonus; + Chaos Bringer: new image; + Gladiators attack faster when weilding axes: 9 > 8, this will make axes more desirable as a weapon when choosing between double swords/blunts or axes; + Gladiator GFX: updated axe attack animation, it no longer looks choppy; + Leoric's Tomb has been modified: fixed many tiles and removed the grates; + Shimmering Shrine turned out to have a wrong message: now it's fixed (Spirtual > Spiritual); + Murphy's Shrine is back: either damages an item (1/7 chance) or takes away 1/7 of your gold; + Glowing Shrine is back, only in Single-player, message updated; + Secluded Shrine is reactivated; + Spooky Shrine is back (only in Multiplayer of course); + Hidden Shrine is reactivated, only in Single-player; + Holy Shrine used to cast Phasing upon touching it (quite useless), now it will cast Etherealize making you invulnerable to melee damage for a while, only found in Single-player; + Badark the Dirty > Fleshgrind; + O-Yoroi > Embossed Mail; + Bulbad the Stupid > Sathgor; + Golem: - 10 MLVL; + Golem: spellbook damage display adjusted; + Flaming Knights: lightning resistance on Horror/Purgatory modes; + Uber Diablo: again magic resistance, and immune to everything else (now there's some sort of logical pattern in Rulers' resistances: Diablo - Fire, Defiler - Lite, Uber D - Magic); + Firebolt trap and Lightning trap now have very random damage that varies from low to very high; + Normal arrow traps do decent damage now - their damage no longer can be neglected; + Hydra: less charges on staves, higher mana cost, higher recharge cost; + Fixed damage display for Hydra in spellbook; + War Mace, Light Cane and Large Mace won't morph into Scale Plate Mail when put into inventory altogether (it was a bug, inherited from Hellfire's 'Reconstructed Note' quest); + Lightning Demons now do more damage with their lightnings (you'll need extra resistance to survive); + Balrog Demons and Hellhounds now do more damage with their firebreath (extra resistance will be needed); + Monsters do more damage with Flash now; + Burning Crosses now will inflict more damage, and that damage will increase with DLVL and difficulty mode; + Exploding Barrels now will do more damage [16-32]; + Kabuto > Kabuto Helm, and magic name changed too: Kabuto > Helm; + Black Hulk > Black Golem, Blood Golem > Blood Hulk, Huge Golem > Greater Hulk, Rotting Corpse > Rotting Carcass, Grapterra > Familiar; + Hell Minion > Vortex Rogue, Vortex Rogue > Balrog, Balrog > Balor; + Balors: -200 minHP, +200 maxHP, +Knockback ability; + Many more monsters renamed; + Abyss Demons: gain Lightning resistance on Horror/Purgatory (they were too easy without it); + Fire- & Lite Ring spells now work correctly - you have to cast the spell just once and it will prevent non-immune monsters from entering the circle; + Fire- & Lite Ring spells: less mana cost at high SLVL, slower manacost decrease at SLVL increase; + Pacification Bracer: FHR > +ToHit% [10-30]; + Aguinara's Vengeance: Healing Charges replaced with 2% Life Steal; + Norman Helmet > Skull Cap, Temptress > Dark Mistress; + Monk: higher damage with staves -> (CLVL*(STR+DEX))/100, and lower damage with other weapons -> (CLVL*(STR+DEX))/150; + Many monsters' resists adjusted (because of recent spell adjustments); + Halls of the Blind, Chamber of Bone: DUN file bugfixes and minor updates; + Max Resistance is now 80%; + Each Vitality point on items gives Monk 2,5 HPs (same bonus as for Paladin); + Ordoseris (fire shooting): +50% damage; + Poison Bats do less poison damage and their acis puddles do less damage also; + Poison Bats no longer have 'follow' feature; + Gotterdamerung: gives more resistance [15-25], lowers ToHit and Damage by 20%; + Some boss names used to wrap around after going to town and returning, or after reloading game: now fixed; + Sometimes Pepin didn't drop the reward item for finishing Poisoned Water Supply quest: now fixed; + Town map updated; + Multiplayer games of Horror Difficulty are restricted for CLVL 30+ players; + Multiplayer games of Purgatory Difficulty are restricted for CLVL 40+ players; + Modified character restart coordinates; + Modified XP reward for all monsters: monsters in Hell will give ~15% less XP, Abyss: ~20% less XP, and Crypt: ~25% less XP <- this will provide more balanced leveling; + Fixed bug that caused game crash because of bosses that used Bone Spirit attack; + The Cabalist receives different attacktype; + Aglamith will now cast charged bolts and will have a pack of melee attack spectres; + Aglamith: damage greatly increased because now damage is affected by ARD and can be resisted; + Credits updated; + Startup movie changed (IMO, it's better); + Rebalanced Purgatory mode monsters and bosses so that Church and Catas are now more fun (monster HP increased); + Doom mode will introduce great challenge, starting straight from Church, usually no monster on Doom mode will have less than 2000 HP; + Made sure that the overall balance wasn't hurt by the 2 changes above, but only Church and Catacombs monsters received a boost; + Monsters' AC modifier for Purgatory changed: +50 -> +40 (Doom mode still has +80 bonus); + Monsters do more damage with Flash now; + Slightly raised Magistrates' Fiery Blast damage; + Grim Reaper: fixed -10% Light Radius; + Soul Hunters: -200 minHP; + Blood Hulk: new colour; + Spell cast mana costs revised again; + Holy Bolt: min speed is 8, max speed is 50, raising SLVL will now have a nice impact on that thing (+2 speed per SLVL) and will make it less useful for non-caster classes; + Mud Golems and Bile Demons no longer try to retreat after getting stunned; + Pacification Bracer: +%ToHit is now [21-35]; + Frost Signet: completely revised; + DLVL-8 monsters Seeding Sizes revised; + Secluded shrine will no longer appear in Multiplayer game; + -DFE & Resists revised on unique armors and shields; + Monsters' difficulty damage modifiers are revised so that Purgatory and Doom mode early level monsters won't be too easy anymore - even Purgatory Cathedral will be harder than Horror Hell or Abyss; + 3 More Goat Clans; + Less life & mana stealing to prevent too powerful leeching for high level characters; + Many monsters' damage revised; + Rage Lord > Horned Death; + Revision 84: rewrote some of character-based mana bonus code for free space; + Revision 87: reorganized some of Life & Mana dealing code for additional space; + Increased Life Stealing: +6% max stealing -> +3% max stealing; + Paladins' inherent melee tohit bonus lowered: 35% -> 20%; + Horror mode monsters now have less AC, Purgatory and Doom - much more (+75 & +150 respectively), and monster AC escalation is very well balanced now, Horror mode will be a little easier though; + Some monsters have their damage lowered for Horror mode and raised for higher difficulty modes; + Revision 104: various data changes for better difficulty balance; + Xalicalar receives activation sound; + Balthazar receives activation sound; + Duklin receives activation sound; + Greater Imps are given different soundset; + Gloom of Oblivion > Grasp of Oblivion; + Diablo receives activation sound; + Credits updated again; + Monsters' HP are modified for difficulties both in SP and in MP for the same amounts, but the fixed added bonuses differ (half of them in SP to keep things in balance); + Underworld's Heart: +[1-2] SLVL modified to +[10-20]% All Resists; + Centaliane receives activation sound; + Deactivated some of unused Theodore quest code and got 55 free bytes in return; + Grimspike receives activation sound; + Boars will sometimes roar from long distance, even if inactive; + Base monsters now give a bit less XP on Purg/Doom modes (~25% less XP), bosses give XP as before; + Monster Stun formula has been set to MLVL*4, which makes game balance MUCH better, but beware of the Rulers - some of them will require damage greater than 500 to stun them on Doom mode; + Subver.101: some routines were changed, re-changed and reorganized, which gave me 112 bytes of free space; + Banished were quadra immune on Doom Difficulty, now they are resistant to Magic (but still immune to Bone Spirit, as all Undeads); + Doom mode Church monsters' resists adjusted so that they won't become impossible for Mages who'd have to fight them with Holy Bolts (this might get fixed in next versions if Holy Bolt gets balanced well); + SubRevision #104: made a lot of free space (500+ bytes) by disabling some unused quest code and obsolete Command file code (Command.txt file now will have absolutely no influence on the game); + Familiars now are Demons (because Familiars are animal-shaped Demons); + Scavenging monsters now gain more life on higher difficulty modes; + Scavenging makes a monster go over his maxHP for about 5-10% (this makes higher difficulty gravediggers and ravagers a bit more difficult when found in packs); v1.57e + Xorene receives activation sound; + Purgatory bosses do more damage (+5); + 1.57_03 > Malantor receives activation sound; + 1.57_04 > Munmar's Grin: +All Attributes [9-12], Wall of Spears: +All Attributes [5-8]; + 1.57_07 > Higher difficulty monster damage modifiers rewritten for even better balance; + 1.57_08 > Dungeon palettes in variety - floors [1-16]; + Koven's 1% mana steal bug fixed, now it works OK; + Minor Crypt architecture fixes (SOL); + M10 > Flash is given Magic cast animation and sound; + Crypt makeup complete; + Abyss too, but many palettes are duplicated, more uniques will come with future updates; v1.57f + Bone Creeper, Doom Archer, Soul Hunter: Hitpoints decrease (~15%); + Bile Spitters: HP decrease, ~30%; + Extended player entry speeches for Cathedral; + Rebalanced +AC% prefix values; + Suffix of Aegis now can be found on armors and helms; + Uber Diablo's death gives resolution music like in Diablo-2 (that was Fresh Meat's idea, now it found its way to the game); + Same with Butcher, but his resolution sound has 2 variations; v1.57g + Monster difficulty modifying code rewritten for free space and improved; + Church monster resists revised; + Sathgor now resists lightning; + Small boost of damage absorption on some high level unique armors and helms; + Grim Reaper gives more AC: [130-200] > [176-200]; + Crypt music now has stereo quality and higher bitrate (will require downloading new music file); + Character maximum resistance is 85% now; + 1.57f_09 > Rewritten some of resistance display code, gained 48 bytes free space; v1.57h + Arcane Star damage formula updated: 40*SLVL + 4*CurMAG; + Fire & Lightning Nova damage increased by ~20%; + Staves with spells: recharge and price cost, defined by spell type, revised; + Roman Armor > Roman Leather Armor; v1.57i + DLVL [1-3] monster damage revised (a bit less, in general); + Huge Sword damage: [20-85] > [13-92], this way it's better for stun mechanics; + Blazing Wrath: +damage% is now [200-300]; + Church level architecture update (SOL); + Werewolves: reverberation increased for 2nd howling sound; + Melee double-rate attackers on DLVL 4 have their damage reduced (this makes them easier on Horror and has almost no impact for higher difficulty modes), bosses still unaffected; + Werewolves: resistance update (used to be quadra-immune on Doom) - now they resist Magical damage; + Staves with +ToHit% prefix won't cost as much as before (thx to Mollari for pointing that out); v1.57j + Dark Mages: MLVL reduced by 1, -15 XP points, -35% HP; + Magistrate: -35% HP; + Many ranged attackers have their HP decreased; + Blood Knights: less damage, faster walking, less minHP; v1.57j RC2 + Max DFE capped at CurrentVIT / 2 (for ex., a character with CurVIT 60 won't go over 30 DFE), this makes VIT more important as a stat and ensures smoother DFE increase; + The Ghost > Soulflayer; v1.57j RC3 + Decreased ToHit [-50] on Gorewhipper replaced with Decreased MAG [20-30], now this sword will be used mainly by Paladins because Gladiators usually won't have enough Magic; v1.57m + Grotesque: AC decreased by 20 points on all difficulty modes (being so damn BIG, they should be easier to hit); + Engart's Maul > Thunderclap, Scepter of Pacification > Scepter of Engart; + Abyss stairs up message fixed: 'up to abyss lvl #' -> 'up to abyss level #' ; + New Grotesque boss on Abyss floor 2: Tantorus. Has pack, very high subtype, almost doesn't delay when attacking and chasing, has randomly triggered activation sound (growl); + Item drop rate revised and drop randomness increased; + Kain's Valor could be found on Pigface Bascinet (shared same unique item number with Embossed Mail): fixed; + Part of affix data relocated for free space for enlarged base item data table; v1.57n + Many monsters' HP values revised again (all for better gameplay); + Suffix of Zest costs less: 1000 > 200; + Suffix of Zest is now available on shields; v1.57n RC2 + Borje has less HP: 6000 > 2800; + Sabazias' resistance updated: quadra immune > immune to F,L,SC and resistant to M; v1.57p + Speed enhancement suffixes limited to Speed (+2) and Haste (+4), others never worked since Diablo, so no use; + Added suffix of Bashing (piercing 50% of monster's armor), it will never be found on items together with {+ToHit%} or {+ToHit% and +Damage%}; + Affixes completely revised for better balance (affix morphing can happen, but it's all for the good); + Prefixes of {+ToHit%, +Damage%} are given more fitting names; + Shemmir > Boilrot, and has lower subtype, quite nice for DLVL-1 now (not too hard, not too easy); + Knockback series affixes revised for better availability and smoother price escalation; v1.57q + Suffix of Thorns is back, deals RND[1-100] damage (perhaps, later it would be wiser to connect it to CLVL or MLVL, we'll see); + Some unique item revision (minor); v1.57q RC1 + Items of Thorns cost less (item price multiplier decreased: 8 > 5); v1.57q RC2 + Monsters do less damage when casting Flash spell (still, I recommend maxing out magic resistance when facing flashers); v1.57q RC10 + Relocated affix data; + Resistance prefixes revised; v1.57q RC17 + Unique item text relocated; v1.57q RC18 + More text relocated; v1.57r + Relicts of Infravision cost less: 600 -> 200; v1.57s + Reapers' hit recovery speed increased: 6 -> 4; + Reapers: less HP [600-900] -> [600-700], as a result they are less boring and more fun; + Base monster damage values revised; v1.57t + Characters now have passive life regeneration (at a fixed rate though, mayhap later I'll connect it to Vitality); + Shredded: animation fixed; + Death Guardian: slower idle animation; + Monsters gain 50% less life from warcries as before; + Corrupt Order: less MaxDamage (to make Gloom Clan always do more damage); + Several Hell palettes updated; + Slightly larger boss packs; + Greater Demons & Abyss Guardians now have less HP (~30% less); v1.57u + Many monsters received support for Lich and Arch-Lich (Soul Burner) spell effects (will be used for new bosses in future); + Many monsters with Goat Archer AI have less chance to retreat now (this will surely make battle for melee fighters less frustrating), Gloom Clan and Soul Burners still retreat as before. Monsters changed : >>> - goat archers (except gloom clan) - witches (except soul burners) - beholders - fire & poison bats Bosses can still be more cautious and retreat faster than their corresponding base monsters; v1.57u RC1 + Paladins, Monks, Assassins and Gladiators now have ~30% chance to avoid knockback in MvP melee; v1.57u RC5 + Prefix of Sharp renamed to Deadly; + Prefixes of {+ToHit%, +Damage%} series have their maximum damage values revised; + Monsters now have slightly less +HP bonus for higher difficulties (Boss HP modifier unchanged); + Shredded: animation fix again; + Bembuz -> Icebone Freezeaxe; v1.57v + Rewrote Life regeneration code (now regenerate 1/64HP per 1/20sec + 1/64HP per every 8 points of BaseVitality, and double regeneration rate in town); + Added Mana regeneration (same formula as with life regeneration, based on BaseMagic); + Fixed Paladin and Gladiator (Glad's fix needs his file - thglad.mor) animation (neutral, mace+shield, in dungeon, south-west direction <- used to be same as for west direction); v1.57v RC1 + A critical fix: because of increased mob size, there was a monster amount overlap in Pandemonium, which casued gamecrash after entering the level, now fixed; + Diablo's room in Pandemonium is no longer open; v1.57v RC2 + Barrels do less damage (restored original values -> [8-16], damage type = Fire); v1.57v RC4 + In MP mode Leoric, Uber, Blood Legion and Werewolves steal life, 100% of damage they cause is added to their current life; + Shrine names can be seen again; v1.57v RC5 + Sparkling Shrine now can appear as early as DLVL 1 (as before, both SP and MP); v1.57v RC7 + Life and mana regeneration revised: 1/64HP every 0.05 sec per every 8 points of Base VIT/MAG, if required attribute is lower than 8, no regeneration; + Mage starting stats revised: 10STR-35MAG-5DEX-10VIT -> 10STR-35MAG-10DEX-5VIT; v1.57w + Plague Warriors: max damage reduced by 2 points; + Byclops: Attack CL2 animation corrected; + Byclops: Neutral CL2 animation corrected; + Multiplayer games of Purgatory mode will become unavailable only for CLVL 45+ players; v1.57w RC1 + Grizwold no longer restricts himself to the item types that current player doesn't have (this gives way better variety at his shop); v1.57w RC2 + Some Crypt palettes corrected (coming with new HellDataFile archive); + Melee PvP completely disabled and cleared 586 bytes of codespace, do me a favor and test this in coop games by engaging each other in melee, if you won't be able to hit each other for, say, 200 hits and the game doesn't crash, it's OK then, I'd also like to receive report on this on the forum to make sure it can be implemented and that future updates can be based on that version; v1.57x + Many monster and boss resistances corrected and updated; v1.57x RC4 + Assassin received new entering speech for DLVL 1; + Corrected several Catacomb palettes; + Blood Viper > Gore Viper; + The Cremator does less damage: [6-14] > [3-13]; + Minor improvements in boss- and unique item names; + Blood Legion now have warping on stun ability just as Warping Demons (archers, beware); v1.57x RC6 + Monk used to crash game when entering Cathedral: fixed; + Flash spell used to have a bug: applied quickfix (later the spell will be optimzed); v1.57x RC8 + Some value wrap-around issues (on unique items) were fixed; + Hoop of Magma: less +Fire Resist [60-70]; + Gotterdamerung: clumsiness effect replaced with -SLVL; + Fire arrows damage effect on Hoop of Magma replaced with Thorns effect; + Less Vitality bonus from Hoop of Magma: [20-30] -> [10-20]; + Hoop of Magma: DFE goes from fixed -3 to random [2-4]; + Pendant of Deceit: AC penalty replaced with Mana penalty [20-40]; v1.57x RC9 + Hidden and Murphy shrines were disabled to put an end to random crashes with players touching those; v1.57y + Abyss level palette #61 added to data archive to prevent gamecrash (this error had 1/60th chance to occur upon loading one of Abyss levels); v1.57y RC2 + Monster stun formula: MLVL*4 >>>> MLVL*8 (it's better this way); + Monster's life: in Purg ((Horror*1,5)+960) and Doom ((Horror*2)+2000), bosses use the same formulae as before: Purg ((Horror*3)+1280) and Doom ((Horror*4)+2016); v1.57y RC3 + Characters receive new ability: Evasion. It gives them ability to dodge monsters' attacks (both melee and missile) by (BaseDEX/4)%. For ex., Gladiator with BaseDEX of 40 has 10% chance to dodge attacks, Scout with BaseDEX of 120 has 30% chance to dodge attacks, etc.; + On the other hand, monsters now have no automiss (used to have 5% + CLVL/4), characters rely on their Basic Dexterity now, completely; v1.57y RC4 + Holy Bolt damage formula updated: CLVL + rnd[19-38]; v1.57y RC5 + Experience is no longer shared between players in Multiplayer. Now it's getting more realistic. Thanks to Orachin for putting my brains in the right direction on this matter; v1.58 + Monster HP display modified from "max/cur" to "max\cur"; + Characters' Lightning spell damage formula changed to: (Rnd[CLVL] + Rnd[10] + 5) * 4; + Fiery Blast damage formula set to: Rec(slvl, 2 * (Rnd[10] + Rnd[10] + clvl) + 4), and missile speed to 8 + 2*SLVL, up to the maximum of 50 (you start off with slower FB now); + Apocalypse books disabled completely, staves with Apocalypse will no longer be sold by Adria and will be a bit harder to find, Apocalypse charges on staves reduced to Rnd[1-3]; + Bone Spirit damages monsters more: 1/6 -> 1/4; + Fire/Lightning Nova does a little more damage, but still its damage strongly depends on SLVL (don't be upset that it's weak, it's not, you just have to get the SLVL high enough); + Arcane Star costs more mana to cast (initial 30, decreased by 1 per SLVL, minimum 10 mana), book price raised to 14000, charges on staves = Rnd[30-50]; + Aglamith: damage decreased; + 'AC vs Undead' bonus decreased to +10 AC, AC vs Demons reduced to +15 AC; + The difference between MLVL and CLVL is now less important for determining chance to hit in MvP (melee and missile), Hellfire original formula restored; + Because of the change above all of the AC data in unique items section was revised; + Monsters' ToHit formulae were modified for gradual escalation of ToHit: now players need AC up to 100 on Horror, 200 on Purgatory and 300 on Doom, for further info visit TH Forum; + Obsolete +AC% series affixes were replaced with other (more suitable) bonuses (this will cause some of affix data morph into other affix, but there's no real cause for panic); + Some further base item AC adjustments; + Some cursed affixes are back (-AC%, -damage%, -tohit% and -damage%); + Prefixes of +charges are also back now (Plentiful & Bountiful); + Introduced prefixes of AC bonus vs Undead/Demons; + Charge amounts on staves are limited to the maximum of 80 to prevent problems with "+charges" prefixes; v1.58a + AC balance issues were fixed; + Monster ToHit modifiers for difficulty modes were modified so that AC required fpr Horror mode is 1-100, Purgatory 100-200 and Doom 200-300; + AC balance was adjusted so that some monsters will have increased chance to hit with their special attack and bosses will require more AC (+8), rulers will require most high AC; v1.58a RC1 + Durability Icons appear for items with current durability 7 (yellow) and 3 (red); v1.58a RC2 + Evasion mechanics updated. MELEE: Evasion = 0 + (BaseDEX / 8)%, autohit = 22%, MISSILE: Evasion = 2 + (BaseDEX / 4)%, Autohit = 20%; v1.58a RC5 + Flesh Clan: small increase of special damage, special attack tohit increased by 1%; + Gloomy Shrine adds 1 AC now; + Critical hits in melee combat now caused by all classes (except for Mage), formulae is still the same: CLVL% chance for double damage. This improves Monk and Assassin balance; + Monster stun formula reverted back to MLVL*4; v1.58b + Again rebalanced monsters' ToHit (+4 AC per level increase required for best protection, up to AC100 for Clvl30 players on Horror); + Suffixes of +VIT series revised; + AC revised on many body armors; + Requirements revised on many body armors; + Modified AC and requirements on shields and helms; + SubREV158a_15: Adria will buy items back at lower price than before: 25% -> 12,5% (just like Grizwold); v1.58b RC3 + Monsters on Doom mode somehow had less HP than specified, found the bug and fixed it; + Chance for blocking is now based on baseDEX instead of current. Vs Melee monsters it's max 80%, vs ranged attackers it's max 75% chance; v1.58c + Evasion and DFE limitation didn't work properly, now it's fixed; v1.58d + Monsters AC balance completely rewritten for better gameplay. On Horror you'll meet monsters with AC of 1 - 85, on Purgatory 86 - 170, on Doom 171 - 255; + Paladin's inherent ToHit bonus lowered: +20% -> +5%; + Warrior's Band gives less +%damage: [50-100] -> [20-60]; v1.58e + PvM melee: minimum tohit = 2%, maximum tohit = 92%; + PvM (melee, arrow and spells) have base tohit of 25% now; + PvMmelee: FTH = 25 + Dex + ToHit(items) + Clvl + bonus(player) - AC(monster) - penalty(quarter damage); + Character stats menu updated (always shows correct ToHit% now, but CLVL still needs to be added on top of that, perhaps will be done in the nearest future); + Prefixes of +%ToHit and +%ToHit,+%Damage revised; + Effects with +%ToHit and Armor Percing still won't be found on one item; + MvPmelee: autohit = 20%; + MvPmissile: autohit = 15%; + Paladin's inherent ToHit bonus (when using bows & crossbows) set to 10%; + SubREV158dz4: Armor Piercing updated: Piercing > ignore 12,5% AC, Puncturing > 18,75% AC, Bashing > 25%; + Gladiators receive +6,25% on top of AP bonus (18,75%, 25% and 31,25% respectively); + ToHit bonus from Armor Piercing is not displayed at character page (because the bonus depends on the current monster's AC, it varies, and can never be shown correctly); + Helm of Glory greatly enhanced (because of increased requirements); + PvM missile: minimum tohit = 1%, maximum tohit = 93%; v1.58e RC1 + Added support for new music MPQ file: HellMF2.mpq; v1.58e RC2 + Normal arrow trap: DLVL modifier damage reduced from dlvl*32 to dlvl*16; v1.58f + Monks and Assassins do +300% critical damage (others do +100%, as before); + Mages can cause critical hits in melee. Still not very useful for them; + Monk's magic cast animation decreased: 13 -> 16; + Minor adjustments to Monk's unique staves; v1.58g + Experience, needed to reach Clvl2: 4000 -> 3500; + Heart Seeker can now be found on Composite Staff, too; + Less max DFE on Sabiru's Hideout; + Conquistador made indestructible, and max DFE raised; + Civerb's Vest has higher durability; + Heart Seeker: +%tohit +%damage changed to +[200-300]% damage; v1.58h + Trap damage is now varied for dlvl and difficulty. Less damage at the beginning, in general. Use '2007-12-14, 21-01, Traps Damage Increase.txt' for debug; + Trap damage revised for smoother increase (Xcept for Lite). Still, don't expect a calm promenade. And Scouts that won't use their skill will shoot themselves in the foot (grin); v1.58i + Monster HitPoints completely revised so that many monsters on Horror mode have less HP than before and HP amount grows smoother (check 'Formulae.XLS' for further details); + Difficulty modifiers for monster hitpoints are modified too. Monsters: Purg: (Hor*1,5)+960, Doom: (Hor*4)+2240. Bosses: Purg: (Hor*3)+1280, Doom: (Hor*4)+3200; + Empyrean Axe lost its +%damage bonus; + Minor adjustments in monster resistances; v1.58j + Flash damage from monsters depends on their minimum damage (this way it's much better balanced for difficulty mode purpose); + Aglamith's damage corrected: [18-48] -> [5-50]; + Affix prices thoroughly adjusted for better economy balance. Gold now plays larger role; + Missile Evasion formula update: 5% + (BaseDEX / 4)%; v1.58j SV5 + Now I will use term 'Sub Version' instead of 'Release Candidate'; + Further adjustments in monster resists (with new HP stats some used to die to Lightnings way too fast); + Suffixes of Fire/Lite arrows and Life/Mana leech cost less; + Magic books: prices revised; + Adria is more greedy: return price goes from 1/8 to 1/16; + Unique item prices revised; v1.58j SV6 + Monster hit points are displayed in a different way: "Hit Points : [current] of [base]" ; v1.58j SV7 + Mage's maximum DEX is now 80, maximum VIT is 100; v1.58k + Shadow Weaver renamed to Nightmare; + Grizwold repairs items at lower price (-50% price), but his return price has gone down again (now it's 1/16 or 6,25%); + Spiritual Fortress: +%AC changed to random +[5-35]%; + Damage bonus from VIT (when using axe) for Gladiator class reduced: VIT*CLVL / 50 -> VIT*CLVL / 75; + Durability loss speed on bows lowered: 1/50 -> 1/70; + When using bows, Scouts deal +300% damage (Critical Hit) with a chance of (1+(CLVL/2))%; v1.58l + Warping Demons: used to be only resistant to magic on Doom mode. Now resistant to Lightning (to give Scouts a chance for survival); + Town revised: portals appear at their default site, NPCs relocated, architecture modified; v1.58l SV3 + Small Bow damage: [2-7] > [2-8]. This will allow starting Scouts to stun monsters in the beginning with a chance of ~15%; + DLVL 1-3 monsters have HP decreased by ~15%; + Aglamith & Kroganon: maximum damage reduced; v1.58l SV5 + Suffixes of +Life/+Mana rebalanced (Heal all your characters before upgrading!); v1.59 + Some Boars' Hit sound improved; + Armors & Helmets: durability revised; + Bow durability goes down a little faster: 1/70 -> 1/60; + Scout's base damage modified to: (CLVL * (STR + DEX)) / 150. Less dependant on bow damage, more dependant on her CLVL, STR & DEX stats; + Monsters do a little less damage with Flash (damage formula still has to be rewritten though, in the future); + Lightning from monster is now less aggressive; + Rod of blood shaman gives less AC: [50-100] -> [10-15]; + Anvil of the ages is no longer findable (use oils to increase item durability); + Gladiators now get stunned if final damage received is greater than their CLVL (same formula as for others). Thanx to Orachin for explaining this; + Grim Reaper adds to VIT instead of STR: +[11-15] points of VIT added; + Amazon's Corset improved, but DEX penalty is still there; + Grizwold's repair cost increased by 50%; + Thorough price rebalancing in affix data; + Glass and Crysstalline items cannot be sold anymore (can be found only); + Fixed Hell Clan's 2nd death sound (used to have a short delay at the beginning); + A lot of monsters and their bosses relocated for better monster variety on levels (inspired by someone's post on TH forum); v1.59a + Flash damage from monsters is now much better balanced (however, North, North-East and East directions don't cause expected damage. Probably, will be updated later); + Same about Lightning damage from monsters - escalates smooth but steady (my ultra high-protection geared Paladin still gets hurt in Crypt by Varaya's flash pretty bad and Aglamith now barely damages characters at the beginning); v1.59a SV1 + A gamecrash issue was fixed on DLVL 6 loading (wrong boss for Unseen pack); v1.59b + Gold drop balance improved. Now you'll have to treat it with caution and utilize more oils, +be careful when using Glass/Crystalline items - they are not supposed to be your main weapon (repair cost is high, you'll go broke, use such items on bosses/packs only); v1.59c + Hidden and Illusion Weavers: HP decreased a little; + Monsters' Lightning damage = ( ( AC + 3 ) * 4 ), lightning attempts to hit every 0,05 sec for a total of 10 times; + Paladin's base damage formula set to: ( ( CLVL * STR ) / 50); v1.59d + Maximum DFE limit now connected to Base Vitality. The formula is modified to ((BaseVIT + 1) / 2). This will make Vitality even more important; + Effective DFE value is now displayed in character menu; + Fury no longer affects maximum DFE; v1.59e + NPC names modified (mostly, restored originals); + When selling to Griz, unique items will be shown in golden. If unique item requirements not met, it will still be shown as red (this code might need further improvement); v1.59e SV1 + Unseen pack on DLVL 7 used to be invisible because of too high IntF: fixed by setting IntF to '3'; v1.59g + All 60 color palettes for Cave levels are updated; + Increased amount of town palettes; + Return prices at Grizwold & Adria halved again (gold becomes even more important, again), they buy items back at 1/32 of their initial cost; v1.59g SV2 + Double Warlords in multiplayer DLVL 15 were fixed (there is only one Warlord now); + Free space from the fix above was used to introduce new Slayer boss on level 12: Satibal (subtype 2, damage 35-45, resistant to Lightning and immune to the rest); v1.59h + Staves' damage values adjusted; + Shield AC values adjusted; + Shield of Tyrants: +%ToHit replaced with +%Durability (very random value), and less +DEX bonus ( +[15-20] ); v1.59i + Helm of Glory now can also be based on Horned Barbute, which means there will also be a STR character version of this helm; + Aldur's Legacy can be based on Thin Plate; + Grim Reaper & Black Skull: stats and effects revised; + Less damage absorption on Kain's Valour: Rnd[11-15]; + Slightly less +%ResistAll on Internal Sanctuary: Rnd[10-30]; + Less +%Damage on Mask of Anger; + Abaziil's Promise can be based on Splint Mail; + Bloodsucker: 2% ManaSteal replaced with Devastation effect; + Executioner's Blade gives 3% Lifestealing instead of Increased Lifestealing; v1.59j + Arcane Shield's durability (number of hits taken before it expires): [CLVL * SLVL] >>> [1 + CLVL + SLVL]; v1.59k + Apoc charges on staves: [1-2], with triple amount the maximum will be now 6 charges, which is better for game balance; + Monks receive +CLVL bonus for AC with no armor or light armors (used to be +[CLVL*2] ); + Monks receive +CLVL bonus for wearing unique mail armors (used to be +[CLVL*2] ) and +[CLVL/2] for wearing non-unique mail armors; v1.59k SV1 + Wand of holy bolts costs less and thus makes Mages' start easier: 300gp >>> 100gp; v1.59k SV2 + Suffixes of 'speed' & 'haste' now can also be found on bangles & collars (this will prevent weapons with no speed enhancement bonus from becoming less useful). If something odd happens with those let me know; v1.59k SV3 + Charged Bolt damage formula modified: minDmg 1, maxDmg 1+[curMAG/4] >>> minDmg 1, maxDmg 2+[curMAG/2]. Note: spellbook damage still the same as before because I didn't find where to modify it. Will have to do it later; v1.59m + Arcane Shield no longer has damage rebound on monsters. It used to give problems sometimes (monsters gave 2 or more drops and didn't die); + Holy Bolt damage formula set to: minDmg = baseMAG+5, maxDmg = baseMAG+10; + Some of undead monsters are given quadra immunity (because of modified Holy Bolt); + Fiery Blast (real) damage formula set to: Rec(slvl, 2·(Rnd[20]+Rnd[20]+clvl) + 10). Spell book damage is also more or less accurate; + Increased damage from Thorns still gave problems (occasionally) of duped drop from monsters upon death. Damage reduced to Rnd[1-25]; + Golem's ToHit formula set to: 32 + (2*CLVL) + (4*SLVL). This will make Golems with high ToHit available only to high level Mage players and also prevent Golem's ToHit overflow; + Golem's AC set to 80 (used to be 250); + Golem damage made very random: low minimum damage and high maximum damage; + Inferno does less damage, but increases stronger with CLVL (previously, it was sorta overkill); + Arcane Star damage formula modified to: (160*SLVL) + (2*curMAG); + Suffix of 'spellcraft' can be found on armors and helms now (I believe, spellcasters will benefit from this); + ReadMe file updated; + 'Lightning' spell damage formula updated: ( Rnd[CLVL] + Rnd[4] + 4 ) * 8. Spell book damage will show: min 5, max 5 + CLVL; + Civerb's Vest now can be based on wizard's robe too. Now there is a Mage class light armor unique also; v1.59n + Various modifications to Cathedral architecture: many obstacles block missile (shafts, braziers); + Same about Hell (large objects block missiles, stairs down 2 inside tiles block walking); + Same about Abyss: large obstacles block missiles; + Same about Crypt: large obstacles block missiles and block sight (more horror!); + Devil Kins and their boss (Galister) are given better colors; v1.59o + Fire Bolt damage corrected. Now it has some use. Damage set to Rnd[20] + SLVL + MAG + 1. Spellbook damage is corrected as well. Speed lowered to SLVL*2 + 8; + Charged Bolt spellbook damage display corrected; v1.59p + 'Flash' spell was fixed and now it does better damage. The formula for damage is: [3•Rec(slvl, Itt(clvl, Rnd[40] + 1))/2]/64. Spellbook damage displayed is also very accurate; v1.59q + Giant's Knuckle: AP bonus replaced with -1 SLVL; + Some spells have mana cost revised (Inferno, Holy Bolt, Fiery Blast, Lightning, Flash, Fire Bolt, Charged Bolt); + War staff and Composite staff had the same image. Fixed by giving War staff new image; + Tiny updates to Catacombs architecture (some objects block missiles); + Hydra no longer substracts mana for each charge. Now it casts fire bolts instead of fiery blasts and has lower detection range (25 -> 15). Spellbook shows unresisted damage from one such firebolt; + Recompiled HellDF archive to decrease the filesize; v1.60 + All Abyss palettes finished; + Several more Cathedral palettes updated; + Crypt palettes 11th & 14th are updated; + Gladiator's maximum base VIT was limited at 220 to limit maximum DFE at 110 points; + 'Flame Wave' spell shows correct damage now. Yes, it's that small actually! (still, the spell is no good and needs to be made into something useful); + 'The Hell' now supports Hellfire installed on all languages and always displays english letters correctly (my expanded version of Unexpect3D's patch); + Scarab of Revenge: +%ToHit bonus removed; + Anduril's Heritage completely revised. Now it gives decent AC, but increases damage from enemies; + Renegade's Ring completely revised. Gives huge +%ResistAll bonus and gives ARD decrease, but increases damage from enemies; + Frost Signet: +light radius decreased to +10%; + Gorget of the Huntress loses its +DEX bonus, but STR penalty is also decreased to random [15-25]; + Extra Vitality bonus to damage for Gladiators increased a bit: (VIT*CLVL)/60; + Scout's base damage set to ((STR + DEX) * CLVL) / 175; + Scouts' chance for critical when using (cross)bows reduced from 1+(CLVL/2)% to 1+(CLVL/4)%; + Credits updated in Readme; + Lash Worms & Blood Legion: HP decreased, Black Horns & Blood Hulks: HP increased; + Meta menu fix (by Unexpect3D) applied: now when creating new hero you'll see OK & Cancel signs at the bottom (they disappeared after renaming Bard to Assassin); + Catacomb palettes completely redesigned; + Most of Cathedral & Crypt monsters receive quad immunity on Doom mode; + Immortals' attack type set to Lich (used to be Firebat); + Cave palettes fixed: numbers 32-37, 47 & 49; + Leather cap price goes down: 75GP -> 30GP; + Grizwold repairs items at lower price: 75% -> 50%; + Mage starting stats changed from 10-35-10-5 to 15-25-15-5; + Wand of Holy Bolts: requirements adjusted because of Mage stats update; + First collar renamed to 'Amulet', magical name changed also. Second type will still be known as 'Collar'; + The abiity to run in town is disabled. Both in Singe- & Multiplayer modes; + Corruption effect now stops all regeneration (both life and mana), only findable on uniques; + Bone Guardian updated: very high AC, gives a lot HP, but has Corruption effect; + Corruption caused mana loss (along with regeneration loss): fixed; + Hoop of Magma revised: no longer gives Fire damage on hit (could contribute to bugs), adds to STR, gives huge +damage increase, but adds to damage from monsters a lot (+DFE); + PvM Melee maximum damage cap raised from CLVL*64 to CLVL*128 (for ex., Clvl-40 player can deal maximum 5120 damage per one hit if he gets lucky); + Corruption caused game freeze if character died: fixed; + Gorewhipper does less damage; + Executioner's Oath: +damage decreased to random [30-60]; + Hoop of Magma: +DFE decreased, and also it's more random now; + Life bulb colors adjusted on panel8.cel: some red pixels were left; + Bosses now always show their hit points, but also always hide resists; + Bone hunter update: +%ToHit effect replaced with Devastation, and +%Damage is less than before: [200-300] -> [100-150]; + Farnham's stance reverted to original (sitting); + Several in-game menu updates; + Tons of various small bugfixes and tiny data adjustments; v1.60a + Town palette #14 updated, based on palette #9, it shifts color of the grass towards yellow-brown. Roofs are affected a little, too, but not to the point where they would seem weird; + Town palette #15 updated, based on palette #14, it makes the village look more like evening style; + Life & Mana regeneration occured only for the character who created game in MP: fixed; v1.60b + Spell cost adjusted for many spells: Firebolt, Charged bolt, Arcane star, Inferno, Lightning, Holybolt; v1.60c + Visual and sound spellcast effects adjustments: MS, AShield, Golem; + Hydra stays longer and has enemy detection range raised from 15 to 40 tiles; + Some negative prefixes fixed and replaced with useful effects; v1.60d + Many prefixes of +%damage series modified to reduce their cumulative strength for dual wield classes; + A lot of small adjustments done to unique items to fix difficulty balance for melee classes; + Scout again has critical chance of (1 + (CLVL / 2))%; v1.60e + Automap radius set to 90%; + Arcane Shield damage absorption now works differently: absorb (10 + Rnd[50])% melee damage left after DFE modification, average absorption is 35%. It's more random now; + Monsters now stunned if final damage is greater than (monsterAC*4). Weakest Horror mode monsters will be stunned with 4 or 8 damage, hardest Doom mode monsters - at damage of 1000 or more; + Elemental now does physical damage, uses magic casting animation and costs more mana. Damage formula: Rec(slvl, 2·(Rnd[10]+Rnd[10]+clvl) + 4)/2; v1.60g + Sculptures of creatures in Crypt now block missiles and don't allow walking over them; + Town palettes updated (it's been whole day of working with those); + Tight bow: new image (Diablo Composite bow default); + Long battle bow damage update: [2-55] ->> [13-44]; + Wakizashi damage update: [3-86] ->> [16-63], Katana: [1-99] ->> [21-76]; + Wakizashi gives random +[1-4] to AC, Katana gives random +[2-6] to AC; + Flail damage update: [2-46] ->> [12-36], Triple flail: [1-67] ->> [17-51]; + New base item: Gothic axe, replaces obsolete anvil of the ages. Insomnia can be based on Huge axe and Gothic axe now; + New picture for Gothic axe; v1.60h + Suffixes of +Life/+Mana can be found on items more often and their values can be higher than before (up to +100 mana on armors and 50 life on jewelry), affixes can morph again, but it's for the good - previously you could usually find only crap thingls like amulets of the rat, now items with +Life/Mana will be of greater use; + Gladiator's VIT bonus to damage with axe equipped is now (CLVL * VIT) / 50; + Gladiator's base damage for using bows is now (CLVL * STR) / 80; + Reduced XP points gained from killing Greater demons: 2000 ->> 1000; + Reduced XP points for killing Uber to prevent value overflow on Doom mode: 15000 ->> 7500 (note: for Doom, XP mod is 4x + 2.5k, boss kills give 2x XP over that); v1.60k + Deeper revision of +Life/+Mana suffixes: names, prices, values; + Icebone Freezeaxe's damage lowered: [1-32] ->> [4-22]; + Players can no longer see shrine names; + Armors and helms can give more DFE now (+5 max), shields - less (-10 max); + DFE revised on all unique items; + Many various updates to unique items; + Suffixes +SLVL series cost less gold; v1.60m + A tile near stairs down in hell no longer blocks missiles; + Palette #3 for Catacombs updated; + Concentration relict now gives Magi + Mana Shield + Healing, Engagement relict gives Fury + Arcane Shield + Healing; + Azana's subtype lowered: 3 ->> 2. This will will give her (it?) less chance to retreat; + AShield damage rebound works as in HF101 again (160k_03); + Arcane Shield damage absorption set to: 20 + Rnd[ (10 + (base VIT / 4) ) ]%, so that characters with high Vitality benefit more from it (check TH Forum for the new Damage_Balance.xls table); + DFE revised on magical and unique items, again; + All Horned Beasts now belong to 'Beast' category, Corrput Order are demons, Familiars are demons, Gold Golems are undead; + Arcane Star casting sound set to 'fire'; + Arcane Shield renamed to Aegis; + Suffix 'of resistance' renamed to 'of health'; + Suffix 'of aegis' renamed to 'of resistance'; + Scout's skill changed to Infravision; + Windforce no longer gives infravision, but gives fire arrows; + Fury costs less mana (20, and -1 per every additional SLVL up to minimum of 10); v1.62 + Immortal King: damage display corrected; + Helm of Glory slightly updated: less maximum +all stats value; + Golem (summoned) and Uber Diablo now resist arrow damage, 75%; + All boss monsters resist melee damage, 50%; + Uber Diablo resists melee damage, 75%; + Various small adjustments to Affix data; + Bonewings are no longer resistant to Holy Bolt damage; + Various adjustments to unique items; + Mask of the Black Skull is given new name ->>> Baldur's Bane; + Skelaxe neutral animation speed lowered: 0 ->> 2 (looks better now, especially with infravision); + Monsters gain 50% less life from scavenging; + Nazahang: less HP; + Nebiru moved to dlvl 2 and has pack now; + Gravediggers can appear on dlvl 2; + Gravediggers' data adjusted, they also give a bit more XP now; + (rev160m_07x2) First bangle type renamed to 'Ring', also restored original ring image from Diablo 1 (IMO, it fits atmosphere better). This update requires downloading new full release; + Affix price multipliers revised, completely. Now prices won't go high too much as you adventure deeper in the dungeons; + Repair prices at Grizwold's lowered again: 50% ->> 40%; + Leviathan's Cage seriously improved and could be interesting to many warriors; + Added 50+ new unique items for different character classes, many with random stats, for even greater randomness; + Axe of Insomnia is given new name ->>> Stigmatizer; + Ravager walk speed decreased: 4 -> 5; + Knightly Visor changed and given new name: Veil of Steel (now it's a very specific helmet); + Acid hounds speed decrease: 4 -> 7, Hellhounds: 4 -> 6. Bile Spitters are still the fastest class (4); + Azure Drakes resurrected, Cursed Souls removed. Corresponding bosses corrected; + Overlords: soundset fixed; + Familiars now appear on dlvls [7-8], corresponding bosses relocated and their data adjusted; + Quasits speed decrease to Diablo default (they charge in anyway), Dark seraphs have speed decreased too be a middle class between Quasits and Familiars (fastest class); + Scavenger (gdiggr gfx) renamed to Tomb slave; + Magistrate has counselor gfx now, trn coloring not used; + Magistrate: AC raised from 56 to 80 to allow for higher Flash damage, casts Fire blast less often and damage lowered a little, appears on dlvls [22-23] and never together with Dark mages; + Dark mage no longer uses trn coloring, AC raised to 82, appears on dlvls [22-23], Lightning does a bit more damage, never appears together with Magistrate on same level; + Lazarus: color update; + Dlvl 10h now obeys the same random monster seed procedure as other levels, tho Centaliane will always appear there (wouldn't wanna miss this guy - I like him personally); + New monster: Pit Baron, new color, new bosses. Replaces one of knights on dlvl 13; + New monster: Flayed One, new color, new bosses, replaces one of knights on dlvl 13; + Fixed cave palettes %s 9, 37 & 51; + New Black horn boss on dlvl 16 (optional); + Xorene that accompanied Flaming knights is now guarded by Slayers; + Soulburners are no longer forced to appear on dlvl 24, + Lilith has a pack of SB's and uses 24h attacktype (both her and the pack), Soulburners can appear on floor 23, too; + Imp brutes can appear on dlvl 13 and can be accompanied by Xorene (attack type #26h); + Grim demons, Deathwings, Devil kins, Bilespitters, Dark witches, Magistrate, Warping demons, Dark mages & Illusion weavers appear on dlvl [22-23], + their data adjusted; + Bosses for many of the monsters above are scattered around the two levels; + Blood witches appear on dlvls [15-17], have a boss on floor 16; + Smallest creatures (scavengers, bats, stingers) are restricted to gold drops only; + Uber drops 2 items now, Defiler too, along with the map :D + Setebos now has immunity to fire, lite, magic and SC, resists 50% melee physical damage (as all bosses), but is vulnerable to arrows and HolyBolt (as all Undead); + Gold golems appear on dlvls [21-23], but boss only on dlvl 23 (Setebos); + Soul Burners have quad immunity on Doom mode and thus are affected only by physical damage and non-elemental (Apoc, Elelmental, Golem, Melee); + Lilith also receives quad immunity; + Gold golems receive new soundset and color; + Imps' retreat distances adjusted: Gremlin (4), Imp (4), Carver (2); + Monsters now can shoot fire arrows; + Blood Clan, Soul Hunters shoot fire arrows now, Night Clan, Doom Archer - lightning arrows; + Fire- and Lightning arrows cause additional elemental damage, which can get critical (so to speak). Such damage can do repeated attacks for about 7-9 times; + Gloom clan bosses use deadly fire or lite arrow attacks with high damage - beware; + Litedemons' second attack lost its +damage bonus; + Bonewings are given support for double melee attacks (attack: 20 frames, hits on frames 7 and 13); + Bonewings receive quad immunity on Doom, since they are no longer resistant to HB damage, it's fair enough; + Bosspacks with different boss monsters: fixed boss support - now they get activated atogether; + Bosses alert their minions to your presence and don't get deactivated, minions try to regroup with their boss if they lose sight of the player; + Overall improvement to bosspack behaviour that makes bosspacks more challenging; + All drakes hit on charge, Gore Vipers knockback also (as before); + Grotesque now belongs to Undead type and can appear in Crypt level 1, too; + New monster replaced obsolete Venom spiders: Flesh golem. Incredibly strong (double hit), does KB, slow walking, always growling, new color, new soundset, appears on dlvls [20-22]; + Monsters' fire- & lite arrows cause less damage (-50%), but still they are extremely dangerous; + New bosses for Flesh golems on floor 21 & 22; + Flesh golems cause increased damage in melee; + Uber Diablo can hit up to 3 times per one attack - beware; + Abyss guardians can hit with their hand, plus with both their tentacles, hitting up to 3 times per attack - beware; + Greater demons attack slower but cause increased melee damage, Apocalypse cast rate also lowered, MLVL lowered by 5, ToHit increased by 10% (thus, their ToHit chance is still the same); + New soundsets for Doom archers and Soul hunters; + New monster: Tormentor, appears on dlvls [6-8], undead, 2 bosses on floors 7 & 8, melee attack, replaces obsolete Black spider; + Shiasar the summoner now has a pack of Black golems, appears in Pandemonium, not always; + The Defiler no longer drops crypt map in multiplayer mode; + Abyss guardian: color update (removed small red dots); + Faster dying animation for Warping demons and Blood legion: makes it more realistic and, hopefully, decreases dying time (less desynchronization issues); + Shiasar: color update; + Blood knights walk slower: 5 -> 6, can appear on dlvl 24, hit earlier (hit frame: 8 -> 7), seeding size updated (1810 now) and have boss on dlvl 24 (Black ghost); + Thunder lord (1800) and Eviscerator (1820) seeding sizes adjusted so that Blood knights (1810) will never appear on the same level with Eviscerators (both pure melee type); + SkelAxe type skeletons do a bit more damage than SkelSd type because the latter has (usually) higher AC and faster attack speed; + Galahad & Molianta: resists fixed; + New monster replacing obsolete Doom knights: Lurker, appears on dlvl [2-3], has bosses on dlvl 2 & 3, every new game you play and face them they have different color, their bosses, too; + Biclops & Grunt beast now belong to beast type; + New soundset for Balors; + Plague bones is switched with Stormwing (slots), for now Plaguebones are deactivated, might add some monster in the future; + Warping demons use the same level color adjustment as Lurkers, which also gives them random skin color every game, and also makes them more sneaky; + Lower seeding size for Vortex rogue; + New monster: Dragon kin, replaced obsolete Hell knights, dwells in crypts, very dangerous, two bosses on floors 23 (Tanari) & 24 (Leviathan); + New translation color given to Dragon kin; + Monster Flash damage formula modified from (AC+3)*4 ->>> (AC-3)*8, this should give the same flash damage for low level monsters (e.g. Aglamith), and more to high level monsters; + Catacomb palettes 6 & 59 revised; + The Overseer has less HP, received pack of skeleton archers, quad immunity, higher minimum damage and lower maximum damage (watch out for problems: rev99x19); + Hundreds of various monster & boss monster adjustments and relocations (too numerous to be documented); + Madaxe dogmaster renamed to Madaxe impmaster because now he has a pack of Imps with him; + Grim demons: color translation revised, their boss (Ragnakk) got recolored, too; + Added GG boss on dlvl 22, with Hidden attack; + Replaced unused Bonewing with new monster: Winged demon, dwells in catacombs [5-8], bosses on dlvls 6 and 7, gargoyle type, weakest stats, low level, high seeding size (1650); + Winged demon monsterslot excluded from dual attackers; v1.62 SV1 + Madaxe Impmaster used to crash the game because of incorrect subtype: fixed; v1.62a + Hound boss on dlvl 7 used to have incorrect name (shared it with Impmaster), corrected by giving him unique name: Bullseye Dogmaster; + Lowest level skeletons' HP and ToHit lowered a bit to avoid making the beginning of the game too hard; + Redeemer gives multiarrows instead of KB; + Windforce gives litearrows instead of firearrows, dmg [1-200]; + Incinerator firearrows damage set to [1-150]; + Berserker's Cleaver gives 20% chance for double damage instead of 0-300%, and has variable attack speed (2 or 3); v1.62b + Krondor's Cudgel now can be found on Morning star and War hammer, and it's been completely revised. I think, now it will be very useful weapon, with its specific use; + Gnarled Root no longer gives KB, but gives huge DEX boost and decreases damage by a specified %; v1.62c + Cryptic shrine casts lightning nova instead of fire nova; + Spiritual shrine restored (fills inventory with gold); + Spiritual shrine gives more gold now, depending on dungeon level and difficulty mode; + Uber's double drop bug in MP was fixed (hopefully), now he will drop 3 items (Defiler - still two items); v1.62d + Lugantares: resists fixed, +2 to min dmg, whole pack has subtype 4 Charge attack; + More effects available on jewelry now (warning: affix morphing possible); + +Life/+Mana affix data corrected: less cost and higher values; v1.62e + The Vizier used to have color translation that didn't really differ him from his minions: fixed; + Karag-Nur now has a pack of skeletons (this was planned before but I forgot to implement this); + Lurker boss on dlvl 3 does less damage: [20-32] -> [16-25]; + Cathedral palette #50 corrected (floor: less contrast); + Assassin lost her bow speed bonus, Gladiator acquired it instead; + Base arrow speed lowered: 32 ->> 28 (at certain distances Scout always missed monsters and had to step back or forward to start hitting again); + Same with Fire/Lite arrow speeds; + Zhar the Mad (MP version) TRN color set to 'Izzy'; v1.64 + More monsters can appear in barrels now; + Leoric now can have different pack in Multiplayer: Bone creepers, Soul hunters or Doom archers (I'm not sure but I hope it works, needs fieldtesting - let me know if something odd happens); + Catacomb palettes #29 and #46 redrawn (comes with next full release, not in patch); + Monsters do less damage with their fire/lite arrows; + Sound notification on Infravision end (Oli's suggestion); + Blaze & shock runes now do more damage with higher CLVL (slvl = clvl / 4), items with +/-SLVL are also taken into account, ToHit% is still based on curMAG; + Monsters' lightning damage formula update: (AC + 3) * 4 - >>> (AC - 3) * 8, this raises late monsters' damage decently while keeping early monsters' damage almost at the same level; + Monsters' inferno damage increased, and this makes the resistance to it more valuable; + In 1.62e monsters' fire/lite arrow speed was unintentionally lowered: fixed by increasing it to 50; + Gold golems were included in the check for monsters that don't start retreating after getting stunned while having Hidden attack type (Tombstone now will become more dangerous); + Sweep attacks inflict more damage: 25% ->>> 50%; + Characters' life and mana regeneration is now based on current Magic and Vitality; + Regeneration formula update: 1/3rd of 1 HP per second for every 16 points of current MAG/VIT (now +VIT/MAG items have a small advantage over +Life/Mana items); + Introduced new prefix: Faster mana regeneration ('Warlock's...' ). It effectively doubles the regeneration of mana. Doesn't work with the Corruption items equipped; + Introduced new suffix: Faster life regeneration ('...of Stamina'). It effectively doubles the regeneration of life. Doesn't work with the Corruption items equipped; + Some adjustments to unique item data; + Fixes to the Fury spell from TheDark53's Rage applied. No need to redo all this myself after all. Works good so far, if something odd shows up, let me know; + Restored Melee PvP routine; + Melee PvP: Tohit% is the same as versus monsters, FTHmelee = (25 + curDEX + ToHit_items + CLVL + Bonus_player - AC_target)%, maximum tohit = 85%; + Melee PvP: blocking is based on baseDEX, max block chance = 70% (rev 1.62e_11); + All Hidden are stunned at any damage received, all golems (except summoned and Mud) are immune to stun, Bone creepers are stunned normally, but retreat only if stunned; + Grotesque, Flesh golem and Gold golem now have immunity to knockback; + Grim demons recolored again; + Ragnakk's color translation update; + Zabulon: recolored (thx to Pingy for pointing this out); + Skeleton King used to have Bone creepers as guards and they always had butcher's attack type, now this should be fixed by letting them retain their original attack type and subtype; + Life stealing reduced: 3% ->>> 2%, 2% ->>> 1%, Increased life stealing is the same (+ Random[0 - 3,125]% life stolen per hit, average increase ~1,5%); + Monk starts game with a staff (used to start with light cane) <- Frozen's suggestion finally implemented; + Goatlord death animation: small color fix; + Monster fire/lite arrow speed: 50 ->>> 44; + Hell clan and Moon clan appear in rooms with goat shrines (as other goats); + Exploding barrel damage escalates with difficulty mode and dungeon levels; + Fountain of Tears is now functioning as in Hellfire: decrease one stat, increase another one; + [rev_24] Griz and Wirt now can sell jewelry in Multiplayer mode; + Trapped dungeon objects now can be detected by all character classes; + [rev_26] New formula for Healing: Class_bonus*(Rnd[4] + Itt(baseVIT, Rnd[2]+1) + Itt(SLVL, Rnd[2]+1) + 1), see 'spells.xls' for details; + [rev_27] Mana cost for spells is the same for all (Mage used to have -50% reduction); + Healing spell mana cost formula updated: 8 + (2*clvl) - (3*slvl) - >>> 8 + (clvl+2) - (3*slvl). Note that Heal Other will require the same amount of mana as before: 8 + (2*clvl) - (3*slvl); + Added impact sound to Arcane Star; + [rev_29_1] Added impact sound to Elemental, changed Warp sound; + Gladiators now can score critical hits when using (cross)bows, the chance for such a hit is (3 + (CLVL/8))% and the damage increase is +100%; + PvP Missile_arrow: Scout has ToHit bonus of 20%, Pals nad Glads have 10% bonus; + PvP: FTH_arrow = 25 + curDEX_attacker + ToHit_items_attacker + CLVL_attacker + bonus_attacker - distance*distance/2 - curDEX_target/5 - AC_items_target - bonus_target; + PvP: FTH_spell = 25 + curMAG_attacker + bonus_attacker - 2*CLVL_target; + PvP Missile: both arrow and magic damage is divided by 16. Note that ARD doesn't work in PvP; + [rev_31] PvP Missile: minimum tohit is 1%, maximum is 93%; + PvP Missile blocking formula update: FB = baseDEX_target + 2*(CLVL_target - CLVL_attacker) + bonus_target, up to maximum of 80%; + PvP Missile: if the spell is Bone Spirit, damage is [current life_target]/3; + PvP Melee: minimum tohit is 2%, maximum tohit is 92%; + [rev_32] PvP Melee: Increased Lifestealing works just as in PvM, stealing random[0 - 3,125]% life per hit, average ~1,5%; + [rev_33] PvP Melee: Pals and Glads have CLVL% chance for a 2x damage critical, Monks have CLVL% chance for 4x damage critical, Assassins have CLVL% chance for 3x damage critical; + PvP Melee: on top of that, the final damage is divided by 16; + Added impact sound to arrows; + Magic damage is reduced further in PvP: 1/16 -> 1/64, now its damage is comparable to that of bows and is no longer so devastative; + PvP Melee: Increased lifestealing restored to random [0 - 12,5]% per hit because damage in PvP is lower, but still it's barely noticable; + Reapers no longer KB, instead they do extra damage when swinging their scythe backwards: extra attack on frame 13 with -10 points to min & max Damage and with -9% penalty to ToHit; + Cave snakes are stunned if damage > (AC - 16) * 4, Gold serpents are stunned if damage > (AC - 8) * 4, Azure drakes, Gore vipers and Dragon kins are stunned if damage > AC * 4; + All gargoyle types are stunned if damage is > AC * 8; + [rev_38] Reapers, Grotesques and Flesh golems are stunned if damage is > (AC - 20) * 8; + [rev_39] TD53's Rage code is obviously not without problems, so previous version is restored; + Credits updated; + [rev_40] Monsters heal themselves slower: - 50% regenerate rate (approximately); + Fiery Blast received new impact sound; + Chain Lightning spell is disabled; + Implemented new spell: Shocking Blast - a Fiery Blast analogue that does lightning damage; + [rev_40+SB_02] Impact effect added to Shocking blast, seems to work ok but needs more fieldtesting; + [rev_41] Shocking Blast is complete, damage is Rec(slvl, Rnd[20]+Rnd[8*CLVL]+clvl+30), without splash, works very much like Fire blast, damage shown in spellbook is accurate; + Gladiator base damage for bows is set to ((CLVL * STR) / 62) / 2 to make them less dangerous in PvP and make bow damage look normal on character screen; + Gladiators' criticals with bow in PvM enhanced: 5 + (CLVL / 4)% chance for 3x damage (+200%); + [rev_42] Mage's base damage reduced to (CLVL * STR) / 200, while Paladin's base damage remains the same: (CLVL * STR) / 50; + Mage casts spells a little slower: 7 -> 8; + [rev_43] Revised mana- & magic cost, price multiplier, book cost, and charges for ALL spells in the game to adjust the balance for new regeneration and absence of manacost reduction for some classes; + [rev_44] Arcane star damage changed to: (96 * SLVL) + (curMAG * 2). Of course, spellbook damage accounts for that; + ReadMe file revised; + [rev_45] Gladiators now tend to use weapons of the same type if they go dual-weidling: using sharp and blunt at the same time causes them to lose all base character damage; + [rev_46] Preparations made for dupe fix: the bug isn't fixed but the code chunks relocated to free space so that they can be easily modified later on; + [rev_47] PvP Missile: Bone Spirit does more damage: 1/6 ->> 1/2, still its effective damage will be low, because it's divided by 16 afterwards, needs testing; + Most monsters were stunned too easy: fixed by correcting code that checks it; + Bone spirit now always reduces monster's current life by 5%, spellbook shows '1/20 tgt hp' which is practically the same; + Arrow trap tohit chance formula updated: (100 - 2*dist - player_total_AC/2)% ->>> (250 - dist - player_total_AC/2)%; + Spell trap tohit chance set to 90%; + [rev_49] Assassin's spell tohit innate bonus increased: 10% ->>> 40%; + Introduced bonus that reduces mana cost for spells by 25%; + Suffixes of 'hunting' and 'avoidance' were kicked; + Suffix of witchcraft gives random +SLVL: [2-3]; + Again, some adjustments to uniques; + Introduced new suffix: -25% mana cost ('...of profit'). It reduces mana cost for casting spells by 25%; + [rev_52] Introduced new suffix: Detect traps ('...of thieves'). It allows the user to detect all trapped objects; + Stash will display 'Rings' instead of 'Bngls' now, and 'Amulets' instead of 'Collars'; + Resist #%MAX displayed for 85% resistance, not 75% as before; + Firewall, Litewall, Flamering & Litering spells would irritate by not ending at high SLVLs, they also ended too fast at very low SLVL: corrected by increasing mini duration and limiting maxi duration; v1.64 SV1 + A small fix that corrects display on items: '+%ToHit, +%Damage' series items used to show '-25% mana cost'; v1.64a + Bone Spirit now does full damage in PvP, reducing opponent's current life by 20%; + PvP spell damage divide update: 1/64 ->>> 1/16. This could be changed later on, needs testing, 1/64 does almost neglectible damage even to non-resistant characters; + Assassin's hit recovery speed: 7 ->>> 6; + Assassin's PvP spell tohit bonus: 10% ->>> 40% (just as in PvM); + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Sword + Sword: (DEX * CLVL) / 60; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Club + Club: (STR * CLVL) / 75; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Club + Sword / Sword + Club: ((STR + DEX) * CLVL) / 150; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Sword + Shield/empty: (DEX * CLVL) / 50; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Club + Shield/empty: (STR * CLVL) / 60; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: (Cross)Bow: (DEX * CLVL) / 80; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Other: ((STR + DEX) * CLVL) / 100; + Assassins now can score criticals with bows: ((CLVL / 8) + 10)% chance for +100% damage hit; v1.64b + Healing spell effectiveness decreased for all classes by decreasing bonus: Pal and Glad - 1, Scout, Monk, Assy - 0,5, Mage - 0,25; + Max block chance in PvP melee is 50% now; + PvP spell damage divide update: 1/16 ->>> 1/8. This is optimal, but don't oppose mages if your resists are too low. 40-70% is enough I think, Thanks to Orachin and Oli for lots of testing; + PvP melee: Paladin loses his innate tohit bonus (+20%) and Gladiator receives innate tohit bonus(+35%). Thanks to Oli for thoroughly testing it; + Max blocking in PvP melee is 45% now; + Uber's HP goes down: 15400 ->>> 12000; v1.64c + Assassin's sword attack speed increased: 9 ->>> 8; + PvP Missile: damage divide for bows is now 1/8, which proved more equal as compared to melee attackers; + Some adjustments to unique items again; + Prefixes of 'shielding' series cost less now; + Suffix of 'the angel' renamed to 'exorcism'; + Damage adjustment on some weapons; + Monsters continued to attack dead body of a player and didn't go for other players. Hopefully, now it's fixed. Tests revealed no problems, monsters always targetted alive players when their current target died; + Assy's life formula updated from (23 + baseVITpoint + (1,5 * curVITpoint) + (2 * CLVL)) to (23 + baseVITpoint + (2,5 * curVITpoint) + (2 * CLVL)); + Automap now displays "Level: #" for all levels, including abyss and crypt; + Restored original select game menu in multiplayer; + Durzu relocated to dlvl 10, now he can appear both as Biclops boss and Grunt Beast boss; + Various monster relocations (continuing unfinished 1.62 plan); v1.64c SV1 + (comes with next full release) Added 15 more palettes to Church levels; + (comes with next full release) Added 15 more palettes to Catacomb levels; + Koven's reported bug fixed. Doom archers could crash the game when being forced to appear from brokem urns on level 22. One-byte fix does it by giving them support for second animation; v1.64g + (comes with next full release) Added 15 more palettes to Cave levels; + Many a base item had its magic name corrected; + Stiletto renamed to Dirk (fits more and is shorter), magic name is also 'Dirk'; + Minor damage adjustments on some bows; + Assassin's mace swing speed increased: 9 ->>> 8. Now she has same attack speed with swords and maces; + Due to a simple bug Flayed Ones could appear on dlvl 13 with their boss copying Chaos Knight boss Caballot. Nothing awful, but it wasn't meant to be this way. Now it's fixed; + Dlvl 1 skeletons hurt less, especially archers. This makes beginning less hard and gives time to prepare for venturing deeper and acquiring more AC, ARD and DFE; + Gladiator casts spells one frame earlier: 18 ->>> 17; + Town Portal spell: mana cost decrease per SLVL: 2 ->>> 1; + PvM Melee: Monk & Assy deal 3x damage with criticals, other classes deal 2x damage. All have CLVL% chance to cause such a hit. The code is optimized and relocated. A small bug fixed; + [rev_1.64d] Base item table relocated and now it's possible to add tons of new base items; + (comes with next full release) Scout's heavy armor magic spell cast animation revised; + Monk has more base damage when weilding staff or if with bare hand(s): (((curSTR + curDEX) * CLVL) / 100) ->>> (((curSTR + curDEX) * CLVL) / 50); + Monk block speed increased: 3 ->>> 2; + PvP Melee: Monk does 8x critical damage now; v1.65 + Inventory pot sound: restored original Diablo sound because it fits atmosphere better; + Baldur's Bane no longer findable on Skull cap; + Fire\Lite hit with melee weapons: prefix values updated; + New base item added: ring; + Giant's Knuckle and Nether Coil are now based on new ring; + Full plate mail DEX requirement: 10 points less; + New base item added: Mask (between Full crown and Kabuto); + Added some new unique items; + Some more base items added; + New unique items, based on new and old items, changes are numerous, documented in workshop; + Base+unique item addon plan is far from finished but some massive testing needed already; + Pit demons and Flayed ones used to have quad immunity instead of triple imunity: fixed by making them vulnerable to SC. The only quad immune base monster now is Soul Burner (on Doom mode); + Unfortunately, unique item numbers is limited to 128, so currently I'll limit them to 128. The rest of the uniques are moved below the table to be activated later on (if we succeed with removing that restriction); + Pal/Glad death animations (with items) added to data file, hopefully will be activated in the nearest future. Animations taken from Diablo Alpha remake and converted by Gladoo; + Restored some old item images because they were in conflict with Modders' Codex rule #1; + New base item: Shadow Cloak. Made for assassins, adjusts its colors to dungeon colors to remain sneaky, requires MAG + DEX, AC is quite high, roughly comparable to Brigandine; + Assassin now has a full row of body armors; + Hell palettes revised, added 15 new palettes (75 now); + Abyss palette number increased to 75; + Crypt palette number increased to 75, + many old ones were fixed/replaced; + Town palette number increased to 75. All palettes finished now. All in all now there are 7 areas with 75 palettes per area, which is: 525 color palettes total (note: Hellfire had only 22); + Big time revision of game menu background images; + Arcanse Star object hit sound no longer stops other sounds playing, same about leather armor class flip + inv sounds; + Fire- and Lite arrows received shooting and hitting sounds; + Modified sounds for ShockBlast; + A new ReadMe file is written, on russian language. It's a copy of default readme file; + Created a row of crossbows oriented for strength characters (Gladoo's suggestion); + New crossbows lower total AC of the weilder, making him/her further vulnerable in melee. This is done to promote using them mostly against shooters; + Doomsayer revised: penalties are the same but accuracy and damage are increased, plus it has a better image now. Now this thing will prove more useful to gladiators, even in PvP; + New base item: Ethereal Bow. The most damageing bow, but requires some extra MAG to weild and lowers weilder's AC; Note: No unique items were removed from the game, but some can morph into other uniques after upgrade. Some base items will also morph. It would be wise to backup your characters prior to upgrading... v1.65 RC1 + Subversions will again be named RC; + Black knights no longer appear on dlvl 15. This caused Warlord of Blood appear there in SP mode (after being killed on dlvl 13 as a quest boss). In MP, Warlord will still appear on dlvl 15, as usual; v1.65 RC3 + Monster (boss) activation sound should be heard by all players now; + Some base items had their default images restored again; + Mace damage revised: more mini, less maxi; v1.65a + PvP Melee: Monks do critical damage of 3x at clvl%; + Many blunt weapons had their base damage revised; + Affix data revision; + One more base item added: Great maul, it's the ultimate blunt weapon for warriors; + PvP Melee: Monks always have +6 points to damage and their criticals do 5x damage, the chance for critical is still clvl%; + Minor updates in 'Hell.dll'; v1.65a RC1 + Some spells do knockback now; v1.65a RC2 + Monk criticals didn't work as intended in PvP. Thanks to Orachin's report it's fixed now; v1.65b + Relict of TP cost decrease: 300GP ->> 200GP; + Assassin lost her innate ToHit bonus in PvM Missile, Gladiator acquired it instead; + PvM Missile: Paladin & Gladiator now have innate ToHit bonus of +70%; + Suffix of Puncturing (significant decrease of distance ToHit penalty in missile combat) can appear on bows; + (comes with next full release) King Leoric's Tomb level redesigned and reseeded (Single-player location only); v1.65c + Gothic Axe received new image; + Zombies are always walking around the dungeon, even when not activated; + Zombies become more aggressive on higher difficulty modes; + Skeleton AI updated to give more aggressive behaviour on higher difficulty modes; + Hidden AI updated to allow for less delays when attacking on higher difficulties (attack aggressiveness is for Horror: 6-18, Purgy: 20-44, Doom: 50-98); + Hidden pause less when walking, this is not difficulty-dependant; v1.65d + All shooters' retreat chances are revised, and they depend on difficulty mode now: the higher the mode the more they will retreat; + Shooters delay less after attack: Rnd[20]/20 seconds ->>> Rnd[4]/20 seconds. This increases their DPS decently. It doesn't affect fast spitting hounds though (they use special attack for spitting, which causes no delay at all); + Gloom Clan will no longer follow their target, which will make them more dangerous in certain situations; v1.65e + Skeleton archers are more hostile on higher difficulties: attack more often but their retreat chances are still very low (undead have no fear); + Horned demon AI adjusted to give less delays when attacking, for higher difficulty modes. Horror monsters are weaker than before, Purg & Doom - stronger; v1.65f + All shooters (except for fast spitting hounds) now have variable delays after attacks and the delay timings depend on difficulty mode strongly; v1.65g + PvM Missile: Paladin & Gladiator now have more fitting innate ToHit bonus of +40% (used to be +70%); + Succubi's stars have varying colors from level to level (always the same color on the same level though); + Grizwold's item level cap increased: 30 ->> 40 (this allows for better items in his shop); + Gladiator's innate AC bonus increased: CLVL/4 ->> CLVL/2, this should compensate for the absence of shield well enough; v1.65h + PvP Melee: Monk now has less innate bonus damage: (+6) ->> (+1); + Shocking Blast renamed to Lightning Ball; + Lightning Ball received new missile gfx color (edited by me) and new explosion gfx (edited by Gladoo & me); + Relict of Identify: drop rate increased; + New relict introduced: relict of Apocalypse; + New relicts added: SC, Healing, Fire/Lite wall, Telekinesis; v1.65i + New relicts have their colors revised; v1.65i RC3 + More gold is dropped on Horror mode (only horror mode affected); + Assassin's starting stats changed: 15-10-15-20 ->> 15-5-20-20; + Some low level armors have their durability buffed up; v1.65i RC5 + Bat AI updated to yield more aggressive behavior on higher difficulty modes; + Hidden AI updated for less aggressive behavior on Horror mode and slightly less aggressive on Purgatory. Doom mode Hidden will rock, as usual; v1.65k + Magma & Lightning demons now make longer delays on Horror and usual delays on Purgy. Do I have to tell you Doom mode ones will not delay?; + Magma & Lightning demons now favor melee attacks over ranged ones in genearal and when at melee distance; + Magma & Lightning demons' attack rate now strongly depends on difficulty mode. This makes them mostly easier, but Doomsters are harder now; v1.65k RC2 + Horny AI: attack rate balanced much better now. (IntF*2)+4 on Horror, (IntF*4)+26 on Purgy, (IntF*2)+70 on Doom (almost no delays); v1.65k RC3 + Horny AI: now delays depend on difficulty: Horror: (Rnd[10] + 14)/20 seconds, Purgy: (Rnd[10] + 7)/20 seconds, Doom: Rnd[10]/20 seconds; v1.65m + Grim Demons subtype lowered: 9 ->> 8; + Grim Demon boss on floor 16h has his subtype set to 9; + Overlord AI rewritten, now attack rate depends on difficulty mode; + Overlord AI: secondary attack is now used rarely on Horror mode, more often on Purgy (and monsters with higher subtype use special attack more often on Purgy), and Doom mode monsters with this attack type will use special attack very often and without delays (the percentage still depends on IntF); + Overlord AI: chance for uninterrupted follow is IntF*2+58 on Horror (64-76%), IntF*2+70 on Purgy (76-88%) and IntF*2+82 on Doom (88-100%); v1.65n + Magma AI: attack rate increases more smoothly, with subtype and difficulty level. Subtype influence lowered (halved), difficulty influence raised; + Bloodstone: IntF +1, Stormwings: IntF -1, Firewings: IntF -1; + Mage AI updated: flash attack chance now depends on both IntF & difficulty mode: Horror [8-20]%, Purg [30-54]%, Doom [70-94]%; + Mage AI updated: spell attack chance now depends on both dif.mode & IntF: Horror [18-45]%, Purg [50-65]%, Doom [75-90]% (previously the formula was [50-65]% for all difficulty modes); v1.65o + Flame Wave renamed: Hellfire; + Hellfire does physical damage now; + Hellfire knocks back; + Hellfire speed lowered: 16 ->> 6; v1.65q + Corrected IntF for many monsters and their bosses (adjusting them for updated AI); + [rev1.65p_03] Overlord AI walk delay code used to cause crash because of incorrect implementation: now it's fixed; + Morgoth does a little more damage: [55-60] -> [57-61]. I believe, monster & boss difficulty balance is well polished now; v1.65u + Added ReadMe file on Hungarian; + Slayer's plate: new picture; + Introducing new sword class weapon for Assassin: War blade; + New picture for war blade; + Introducing new mace type weapon for Assassin: Battle mace; + New picture for battle mace; + Assassin's Plate: new picture; + Some flip animations added to game archive to increase compatibility with non-standard Hellfire versions; + Introducing new sword class weapon for Assassin: Rune Blade (it's the ultimate sword for them - quite specific thing); + New picture for rune blade; + Introducing new maul class weapon for Assassin: Slayer's maul; + New picture for slayer's maul; + Added new helm for monk/assassin/scout class: War Sallet; + New picture for war sallet; + [rev1.65q_09] Introducing new sword class weapon for Paladin: Frost Blade; + New picture for Frost blade; + Relict 'of engagement' renamed to 'of fury'; + Relict of fury now only gives fury effect, which no longer causes various problems reported; + Relict 'of concentration' renamed to 'of mana shield'; + Relict of mana shield now only gives mana shield effect, which no longer causes various problems reported; + Relicts of fury and mana shield have appropriate icons set for them; + Relict of fire wall transformed into relict of mana; + Relict of lightning wall transformed into relict of aegis; + Relict of mana: picture updated; + New mage/assassin class item added: wand; + New picture for wand; + [rev1.65s_07] Restored original Diablo-1 names for potions of life and mana; + [rev1.65s_07x4] Preparations made to implement Vitality requirement on items (not sure I'll succeed but I'll try); v1.65u RC1 + War sallet used to have blunt weapon magic code: now fixed; v1.65v + Weapons that used to lower character's AC do so no more because this didn't work as intended and gave huge AC bonus instead of lowering AC; v1.65v RC2 + Scepter of Engart: fixed damage replaced with non-random fire damage, and +%tohit is modified from [46-60] to [40-55]; v1.65v RC3 + PvP Melee: Monks deal less critical damage: +400% ->> +300%; v1.65v RC4 + Mage's MAG threshold raised; v1.65v RC7 + Resists revised on some unique mails & plates (fore smoother escalation); v1.65v RC8 + Veil of Steel now gives less STR, but more VIT, and less resists. Still, it's the best helm with '+%resist all'; v1.65v RC10 + Amulet of the Dead renamed -> Medallion of the Dead; + Reign of Kaamos: light radius decrease goes down from -30% to -20%; v1.65v RC11 + Mage's MAG threshold is again 250 because 300 caused immediate bug report; v1.65v RC13 + Crown of Spirits significantly improved; + Shield of Mirrors: resists decreased: +[20-30] -> +[10-20]; v1.65v RC14 + Nether Coil: +All Attributes boost lowered, no longer gives AC, and substracts [10-15] from mana; v1.65v RC19 + Gladiator maximum base DEX is now 130; + Doom Keeper: '-10% Light radius' relaced with 'faster life regeneration'; + Ajimanta's Edge: sparkling effect replaced with +[75-85]% lightning resist, tohit bonus replaced with +mana, has version with fast attack; + Great plate DEX req goes down: 140 -> 130; + Full plate DEX req: 150 -> 140; v1.65w RC2 + Skeleton Archers' AI update: their retreating delay chance depends on IntF and game difficulty mode now; + SkelArcher retreat delay chances revised: now [11-35]% for Horror, [40-64]% for Purgatory, [70-94]% for Doom; + Skeleton archer AI checks for retreat chance if standtime is greater than 0,05 sec now; + Skeleton Archer retreat chance is determined by IntF and game difficulty mode: [10-16]% Horror, [18-30]% Purgatory, [32-56]% Doom; v1.65w RC7 + Magical items 'of speed' no longer conflict with magical items 'of haste'; + Suffix of haste: price goes down, 16k -> 13k; + Staves now can have maximum DFE of 6 (used to have up to 14); + Belphegor's Ravager can no longer be found on Combat axe and Pole-axe; + Mage Slayer can now appear only on War staff; v1.65w RC8 + Unique items had speed bonuses fixed to not cause fast+fastest attack result in fast attack (the actual speeds remain the same); v1.66 + [165w_rev09] Arana the Queen of Whores renamed to Lustbrood the Carnal (sounds more Diablo-like and less primitive); + [165w_Rev10] Secluded shrine disabled ("The way is made clear when viewed from above"); + [165w_Rev13] 'Detect traps' effect changed into '+100% Fury duration'. This needs extensive fieldtesting to make sure there are no bugs in multiplayer (hopefully); + Detection of traps is a built-in feature for all characters now; + Suffix of bravery (2x fury duration) now replaces suffix of thieves (detect traps), costs more and is more common (warning! affix morphing can occur); + Suffix 'of the Fox' (+[10-25] life) no longer appears on staves and bows; + Suffix 'of the Spider' (+[10-25] mana) no longer appears on weapons (except staves), bows and shields; + Suffixes of +mana series no longer appear on weapons and armor; + Less DFE possible on weapons; + More possible ARD combinations on armors and shields (Koven's report); + Increased Fury duration effect now only findable on jewelry; + More changes in affix data; + [165w_Rev15] Executable reassembled; + Battle plate: picture update; + New pictures for Thick mail, Scale plate and Battle plate (people, if you like these pics, say thanks to Oli & Koven, they really pushed me to do this ;p ); + More affix optimization. Now chances of appropriate affix combinations are higher than ever; + Mageslayer changed into more useful unique staff: Dreamlyre; + Grim Reaper improved; + Grasp of Oblivion revised; + Bone Hunter, Soulflayer and Shirotachi are revised; v1.66 RC3 + Chaos Bringer's damage bonus lowered: +[200-250]% -> +[150-200]%; + Dreamlyre now based on double-bladed staff, findable usually on higher difficulty modes (very low chance for Horror). Warning: if you have this unique at the moment, it's likely to morph; + Monk's blocking takes longer: 2 frames -> 3 frames, done to increase 'fast block' effect popularity for them; v1.66 RC4 + Modified quest window disabled, restored original; + Additional user panel variations added to data file: panel 9 (red life + dark-blue mana) and panel 7 (Diablo default). This will allow changes without FR's in future; + Viper Soul: resistance loss effect replaced with -%damage; v1.66a + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Sword + Sword: (DEX * CLVL) / 100; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Club + Club: (STR * CLVL) / 110; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Club + Sword / Sword + Club: ((STR + DEX) * CLVL) / 300; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Sword + Shield/empty: (DEX * CLVL) / 90; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Club + Shield/empty: (STR * CLVL) / 75; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: (Cross)Bow: (DEX * CLVL) / 125; + Assassin receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Other: ((STR + DEX) * CLVL) / 200; + Gladiator receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Sword + Sword: (STR * CLVL) / 90; + Gladiator receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Mace + Mace: (STR * CLVL) / 90; + Gladiator receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Club + Sword / Sword + Club: base damage = 0; + Gladiator receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Sword/Mace + Shield/empty: (STR * CLVL) / 90; + Gladiator receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Axe: (STR * CLVL) / 90 + (VIT * CLVL) / 75; v1.66b + Gladiator receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Axe: (STR * CLVL) / 90 + (VIT * CLVL) / 60; + Panel reset to Diablo default, now red life and blue mana; + Life and mana pots are now red and blue respectively (a bit darker than originals though); + Shrine that gives life and mana pots receives corrected message (because of changed life and mana pots); + STR elixir is now bright-orange; + MAG elixir is now bright-blue; + DEX elixir is now bright-yellow; + VIT elixir is now bright-red; + Elixir of strength receives slightly improved picture; + Rapier receives new picture (Poseidon's suggestion); + Rapier's STR requirement goes down: 54 -> 33; + Rapier gives bonus to AC: +[3-4]; v1.66b RC5 + Revised colors and shapes of some relicts; + Relict of healing: picture revised (comes with next FR); v1.66c + Character panel restored to previous: dark-orange life and black mana, because red life and blue mana take away from the game's darkness; v1.66c RC1 + Gladiator is now stunned if FD>CLVL*1,25 (used to be FD>CLVL, as for all others). For instance, to stun level 20 Gladiator, it will take damage of 25+; + Extra information added to ReadMe files (ENG and RUS) about multiplayer savegame transferring between different PC's; v1.66e + Shrine sound update; + New spell implemented: Arcane Nova. It creates a multitude of arcane stars, has pretty high damage, costs a lot of mana (needs proper coding); + Arcane Nova casting sound revised; + Phasing receives new picture (ex-Teleport), Arcane Nova receives new picture (ex-Phasing), +some more free space made for future spell addons; + Monk's block speed increased: 3 -> 2 (1 frames with Fast Block items now); + Monk's spell casting speed increased: 16 -> 13; v1.66f + Infravision renamed to Seeing; + Characters no longer can detect trapped objects in passive mode; + Trapped objects can be seen only with Seeing; + Seeing gives different information: 'see with infravision' ->> 'enhanced perception'; + Arcane Nova costs less mana; + Implementing Arcane Nova made Aegis mana cost go double, this is fixed (Aegis uses AN spell slot mana cost data, so this needs further fixing); v1.66g + Fire Blast: damage revised, - spellbook damage incorrect, for now; + Lightning Ball: damage revised, - spellbook damage incorrect, for now; + Arcane Star: damage revised, - shows correct dmage in spellbook (divide by 4); Note: All three spells now require extensive fieldtests and reports. I think they need balancing. Might be too strong. v1.66g RC1 + Made preparations to enable 'Panelz' patch; v1.66g RC2 + Magic books are increased in availability (drop more often, approximately +100% drop chance); v1.67 + 'Run_Hell.exe' renamed to 'TheHell.exe' (delete 'Run_Hell.exe' from your TheHell directory); + Fire Blast damage formula now: (30 + CLVL + Rnd[50] + Rnd[50])*(17/16)^SLVL, splash; + Lightning Ball damage: (20 + Rnd[CLVL*32] + Rnd[80] + CLVL)*(17/16)^SLVL, no splash; + Arcane Star damage: (96*SLVL + 4*MAG), no splash; + Star damage shown in spellbook is corrected (Blast and Ball damages shown are small at the beginning but they catch up later on); + Spells.XLS now saved in new Excel format: Spells.XLSX; + Elemental damage revised: ((2*(Rnd[30] + Rnd[30] + CLVL) + 7)/2)*(17/16)^SLVL; + Archer added to credits for his relentless promotion and translation of TH website & ReadMe into hungarian; + Diablo drops 2 items on death now; + Grizwold's repair price goes up by ~50%; + Fire/Lite Nova damage: 2*(Rnd[50] + Rnd[50] + Rnd[50] + Rnd[50] + Rnd[50] + clvl + 35) ^ SLVL(17/16); + Rotting Carcass: soundset revised; + Mage class has faster melee attacks: sword/mace/staff attack speed increased from 12 to 11 frames; + Spells.XLSX again reconverted to XLS format; + Monk class has faster melee attacks: sword/mace/axe attack speed increased from 12 to 10 frames; + Scout class has faster melee attacks: sword/mace attack speed increased from 10 to 9 frames; + [166g_rev15] Monk receives dual-weild ability; + Viper AI attack rate depends on IntF and difficulty mode: [10-24] for Horror, [31-45] for Purgy and [76-90] for Doom; + Firewall spell will now cancel previously cast Firewall; + Litewall spell will cancel previous Litewall; + Fiery Ring will cancel previous Fiery Ring; + Lightning Ring will cancel previous Lightning Ring; + Player can't have both Firewall and Fiery Ring spells cast at the same time: they will cancel each other; + [1.66g_rev16_04] Player can't have both Litewall and Lightning Ring spells cast at the same time: they will cancel each other; + Scepter of Engart: damage increased from +[150-200]% to +[160-220]%; + PvM Melee: Sword+Sword combo gives 150% dmg to Beasts, 50% to Undead and 100% to others; + PvM Melee: Sword+Mace / Mace+Sword combo gives 100% dmg to all; + [1.66g_rev18] PvM Melee: Mace+Mace combo gives 50% dmg to Beasts, 150% to Undead and 100% to others; + Viper AI walk delay chances adjusted: Horror -> [37-65]%, Purg -> [66-80]%, Doom -> [81-95]%; + New spell added: Holy Nova, creates a multitude of Holy bolts, each bolt has damage equal to regular Holybolt; v1.67 RC3 + Hellfire spellmultiplier decreased: 130 -> 60; + Less charges on staves of Hellfire: [51-63] -> [20-30]; + Grizwold's repair price goes down by ~16,66%; v1.67 RC6 + Fright's (sword+shield) idle animation speed lowered: 0 -> 2; + Base damage adjustments on some bows (base items); + Griz repair price restored from versions prior to 1.67: -20% repair prices (40% of the original prices). This will no longer change; v1.67a + Cast-iron sword renamed -> Weighted sword; + Cast-iron shield renamed -> Weighted shield; + Added support for Bone Axe; + Bone Axe got new image; + New base item: Wood shield (weakest of shields); + Wood shield got new image (one of those provided by KalZar); + Nova trap damage update: ((Rnd[10]+Rnd[10]+Rnd[10]+1+DLVL)*Diff)+10, Diff = Horror 1x, Purgy 2x, Doom 4x; v1.67c + Thick plate AC fix: [170-175] -> [151-160]; + 'F' key no longer decreases gamma; + 'G' key no longer increases gamma; + 'Q' key no longer opens quest status panel; + 'W' is bound to Fire Wall spell; + 'E' is bound to Lightning Wall spell; + 'Q' is bound to Teleport; + 'R' bound to Fire Nova; + 'T' bound to Lightning Nova; + 'Y' bound to Arcane Nova; + 'U' bound to Holy Nova; + 'O' bound to Town Portal; + 'A' bound to Fiery Blast; + 'D' bound to Lightning Ball; + 'F' bound to Arcane Star; + 'G' bound to Golem; + 'H' bound to Holy Bolt; + 'J' bound to Stone Curse; + 'K' bound to Inferno; + 'L' bound to Lightning; + 'X' bound to Hellfire; + 'N' bound to Flame Ring; + 'M' bound to Lightning Ring; v1.67c RC3 + MvM Melee stun threshold revision: (FD > MLVL+3) -> (FD > MAC-2); + Grizwold now will sometimes offer Blacksmith oil for sale; + Sweep attack ToHit penalty increased: (30+2*(mlvl-clvl))*(-1) -> (40+2*(mlvl-clvl))*(-1); v1.67c RC4 + Maul damage: [16-76] -> [18-76]; + Heavy Mace damage: [9-51] -> [10-54]; + War Mace damage: [8-54] -> [12-60]; + War Hammer damage: [8-70] now; + Huge Mace: [16-68]; + Great Maul: [24-88] -> [30-100]; v1.67c RC5 + Skeleton King now will drop 2 items; v1.67c RC6 + Global hotkey revision: visit forums for more info; + Added 3 new hotkeys replacing 'C', 'S' and 'B' letters. Speedbook, spellbook and character panel should be opened by clicking buttons now; v1.67c RC8 + Plate corselet has more AC: [140-165] -> [160-175]; + New base item added: Light plate mail. Positioned between Thin plate and Plate corselet. Scout-specific item; v1.67d + Added new base item (Scout-specific): Visored Helmet; + Visored Helmet got new image; + 'C' key again opens character info tab; + Stone Curse hotkey assigned to 'F' (Elemental has no hotkey now); + War sallet AC increased: [15-16] -> [15-17]; + Shaman's Robe renamed to Shaman's cape; + Shaman's Cape received new image (this was planned more than half a year ago...); v1.67e + Added new base item: Light bow; + Added new picture for Light bow; + Fixed 'S' hotkey support (didn't activate Lightning Ball); v1.67f + 'Multiplayer' and 'Hotkey' sections in ENG and RUS ReadMe files updated; + Fool's Crest: increased Light radius effect replaced with '- all attributes' of random [5-10] points; + Fool's Crest gives more HP: [100-200] -> [150-250]; + Bone Spirit now deals physical damage, undead are still immune to Bone Spirit; + Bone Spirit damage: 10% of target's current HP; + Bone Spirit: PvP damage also adjusted (10% curHP); v1.67f RC1 + Bone Spirit does knockback now; v1.67g + Added new base item: Crude Bow; + Added new base item: Oak Bow; + New image for Oak Bow; + Fool's Crest: less +DFE (10-15), less - all stats (3-6) and less +HP (100-200 again); + Xorine's Ring: less -SLVL (from -5 to -1) and less -MAG (from -[30-40] to -[10-20]); + Potions of healing and mana are dropped more often (+100% chance); + Blacksmith Oil is dropped more often (+50% chance); v1.67h + ReadMe (HUN) updated; + Numerous adjustments in base item data; v1.67k Warning! Minor item morphing possible. + Added quite a few base items (see the table); + Tons of base item data adjustments; + Some new items got new pictures; v1.67l + Added new base item: Skull Mask (between Skull Crown and Full Crown); + New picture added for Skull Mask; + Some adjustments to DEX line of helmets; v1.67s + Pressing [Ctrl] now activates 'Telekinesis' spell; + Short Knife price halved: 130 -> 65; + Short Knife damage increased: [1-4] -> [1-5]; + Knife price lowered: 210 -> 180; + Knife damage revised: [3-6] -> [2-7]; + Blade price lowereded: 420 -> 400; + Blade damage revised: [3-26] -> [4-25]; + DEX armors durability revisions; + Visored Helmet durability lowered: 32 -> 26; + Prefix series of '+% damage' revised; + STR helmet line: durabilities revised; + STR line blunt weapons: damages adjusted; + Rapier damage revised: [1-36] -> [1-35]; + Subtle revision in Readme file (ENG), installation 'section'; + Potions of Healing drop more often (including later stages); + Potions of Mana drop more often (including later stages); + Relicts of Identify drop more often (including later stages); + Blacksmith Oils drop more often (including later stages); + Scavengers no longer hit adjacent player when feeding on a corpse; + Suffix series of '+ all attributes': price multipliers lowered; + 3 new palettes for Cathedral levels added to game archive; + 5 new palettes for Cathedral levels added to game archive; + New palettes created for Crypt levels: 76, 76x01, 77, 77x01, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 83x1; v1.67t + Remark from Koven added to ReadMe; + Remark from Archer added to ReadMe; + Assassin GFX update: ALMAT attack frame set to 8 (used to be 9); + Assassin GFX update: ALSAT attack frame set to 8 (used to be 9); + Fountain of Tears again gives Aegis when touched (HF original gave problems); + Bonewings receive dual attacks; + Ordoseris (from level 3) received new color, previous color looked out of place; v1.67t RC2 + PvM Melee: FTHmelee = 30 + curDEX + ToHit_items + CLVL + bonus_player - AC_monster - penalty_half_damage; + PvM Missile: FTHarrow = 30 + curDEX + ToHit_items + CLVL + bonus_player - distance·distance/2 - AC_monster; v1.68 + Added 8 new palettes for Catacombs: 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83; + Added 8 new palettes for Caves: 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83; + Added 9 new palettes for Hell: 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84; + Some architecture updates in Abyss; + Added 8 new palettes for Abyss: 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84; + Nosferatu's Bangle reduces light radius less aggressively: -30% -> -20%; + Flesh Golem renamed to Necromorph; + In-game menu revised: now shows animated "DiablO THE HELL" instead of static "THE HELL"; + Amazon's corset revised: more resists, more +VIT, less -DEX; + Ingame menu revised (data\th_logo2.cel); + ReadMe (HUN) update; + Zumkar renamed to Hazeshifter; + Galanta renamed to Foulwing; + Kazbir the Biletongue renamed to Deathspit; + Etherealize effect now always lasts for 20 seconds regardless of your CLVL; + Added new item: Relict of Etherealize. It gives caster invulnerability to melee attacks for 20 seconds; + New image for Relict of Etherealize; + Thick Plate requirements corrected: STR from 213 to 220 and DEX from 66 to 110; + Gothic Plate DEX requirement lowered (to make it more useful for Gladiators): 125 -> 120; + Added new base item to fill the gap between Brigandine and Embossed Mail: Thin Mail; + New image for Thin Mail added; v1.68a + Affix prices revised; + Suffix series of '+Damage' used to be too weak, especially in the beginning: now they'll be of more use; v1.68a RC2 + Suffixes of hit recovery series cost less; + Skeleton archer AI retreat chances revised: (IntF*2)+2 on Horror, (Intf*4)+10 on Purgatory, (IntF*8)+25 on Doom; v1.68c + Holy Bolt: maximum (starting) mana cost reduced by 2; + Fire Bolt: maximum mana cost reduced by 3; + Charged Bolt: maximum mana cost reduced by 1; + ReadMe files update: added info on how to backup Stash savefiles; + Massive affix revision; + Added new base item to fill the gap between Brigandine and Thin Mail: Archer's Leather Armor; + Brigandine gives less AC now: [26-35]; + Added new base item: Huge Shield; v1.68e + Book prices revised; + Holy Bolt max mana cost reduced by 1, minimum cost raised by 1; + Added a whole new line of MAG helms. See Base Item excel table (link in TH Guide); v1.68e RC2 + Warpeye lost fire immunity; + Relict of Fury MAG requirement lowered: 15 -> 6; v1.68e RC4 + Tiara and Sorceror's circlet: flip animation changed to 'crown'; + Melchior is given different attack type: skeleton instead of butcher, now his aggressiveness will vary with difficulty modes; v1.68g + Added more staves for Monks; + Added one new sword: Long Claymore; v1.68g RC1 + Aegis MAG cost (for reading book) goes down: 50 -> 45; + Healing MAG cost goes down: 45 -> 40; + Heal Other MAG cost goes up: 50 -> 55; v1.68i + Added one more image to invobj2.cel, added support in EXE; + Adjusted damage of some basic swords; + Monk's starting skill changed to Telekinesis; + Fixed The Harp image; + Fixed Short Bow image; + Fixed Plate Corset image; + Added one more image to invobj2.cel (long keris), added support in EXE; + Added new base item: Great Helm. It has high AC and can be worn by Gladiator class; + Added new base item: Full Length Cuirass; + Added new base item: Rogue's Helmet; v1.68k + Torn Flesh of Souls improved; + Affix data revision: balance even better (items won't morph); v1.68m + Vault Rat color fixed: removed occasional bright dots; + New base item: Scepter; + New base item: Long Dagger (item morphing possible); + Wrought prefix replaced with low-level copy of Dreadful: Menacing (affix morph possible); + Suffix of Assault cost decreased: 11000 -> 5000; + New base item: Great Flail; v1.68m RC2 + Prefixes Sturdy and Crafted are cheaper now; + Grunt Demons receive more satisfying soundset; v1.68m RC7 + Corrected TRN pointers for some monsters (some were messed up after incorrect Rat color adjustment); + Greater Demons no longer stopped by Fire Walls. However, Diablo will be stopped both by Fire Wall and Lightning Wall; + Trap vs Monster ToHit chance update: from [90 - monster_AC - distance]% to [90 - monster_subtype - distance]% ; + Greater Demon idle animation playback speed increased: 03 -> 02; v1.68m RC8 + Uber Diablo idle animation playback speed increased: 03 -> 02; + 'Hotkey' section updated in ReadMe files; v1.68n RC2 + ReadMe update (HUN); + Relict of Aegis MAG cost decreased: 27 -> 19; + Necromorph and Bone Creeper don't appear in Abyss now. They just didn't look right there; + All small skeleton series have less HP. Except Bone Creepers; + Werewolves: HP decrease; + Scavengers: HP decrease; v1.68n RC6 + Blood Hulk: TRN update; + Abyss Guardian idle animation playback speed increased: 02 -> 01; + Soul Hunter: TRN update; + Valelan: changed color; v1.68n RC8 + Divine gives more resists: +[31-35]% -> +[31-40]% ; + Minor revision in monster levels; v1.68o + Necromorph is given updated soundset: better, more satisfying sounds of hitting; + Recompiled HellDF archive to optimize filesize; v1.68p + Experience gain values revised. Now leveling is much more pleasant. See 'Formulae.xls' for details; v1.68p RC1 + Bone damage increase: [2-6] -> [2-8]; v1.68p RC2 + Bonus damage versus demons revised: +100% -> +50%; v1.68p RC3 + -50% ARD upgraded: now characters have 25% RD resist, and wearing ARD item gives +25% RD resist up to total 50% as before; + '-50% ARD' renamed to '-33% ARD'; v1.68p RC4 + One of the crossbows had its image corrected (comes with next Full Release); + Holy Bolt damage: +100% on Purgatory and +300% on Doom. Spellbook damage info is corrected also; v1.68p RC5 + Previously uploaded patch didn't correct spellbook damage (wrong revision LOL): now fixed anyway; + Since HB does knockback, it's pretty effective, so I reduced Doom damage modifier from +300% to +200%; v1.68s + Bile Spitter: walking speed decreased (-50%); + Bile Spitter: hit recovery speed increased: 8 -> 7; + Hell Hound: walking speed decreased: 6 -> 8; + Acid Hound: walking speed decreased: 7 -> 8; + Bile Spitter: spitting speed decreased by 50%; + Bile Spitter: spitting damage increased a little; + Restored original speeds for all drakes; + Blood Knight: restored original speeds; + Restored speeds for bats; + Moon Clan, Skeleton King and Blood Knights dead additional damage with each melee attack. It works just like Fireball splash damage; + Skeleton King animation play speeds restored to Diablo original values. It's looking way better this way; + Skeleton King damage lowered a little bit. Approx. ~10% less damage (on average); + Slightly lower damage for Blood Knights (because of new melee attack); + Slightly more damage for Familiars; + Less damage for Stingers; + Balor animation speed restored also; + Balors receive double hit in melee to compensate for slower attacking, damage also reduced (not to compensate too much :) ); v1.68s RC1 + Fixed Skeleton King walk speed; v1.68t RC3 + Revised a lot of animation speeds for different monsters; + Also adjusted these monsters' stats to compensate; + Warping Demons receive different soundset (monsters\tsneak\sneakl%c%i.wav); + Arcane Nova & Holy Nova show damage in spellbook; + Warp is unavailable as spell (only relicts and staves); + Holy Nova cast sound set to Magic #2 (same as Holy Bolt); v1.68t RC5 + Multiplayer CLVL XP cap per monster: 200*CLVL -> 1000*CLVL. Leveling in multiplayer games of puragatory and doom mode is easier now; + Sparkling Shrine now gives more XP. Horror: 3000 * DLVL, Purgatory: 3000 * (DLVL+15), Doom: 3000 * (DLVL+30); v1.68t RC10 + Maximum character damage cap in PvM Melee: 128*CLVL -> 256*CLVL; + Imp Rogues lost their phase immunity. Should be easier to pick off now; + Monster XP rewards in Purg: [(Horror*2)+1000] and Doom: [(Horror*4)+2000]; + Multiplayer CLVL XP cap per monster: 1000*CLVL -> 500*CLVL; + Experience gain values revised for levels 44-50. See 'Formulae.xls' for details; v1.68t RC11 + Experience value for level 44 was incorrect: fixed; v1.68t RC12 + Corrupt Order hit recovery takes longer: 4 frames -> 7 frames; v1.68u + Added new town palette: #31: night time (in next full release); + Added new town palette: #32: night time modified (in next full release); + Rosmac the Diseased renamed: Pukerat the Unclean; + Gluminhaar and Belial will now randomly stand guard near Uber Diablo's locked room. But they will never appear together; + Lothamaarg will randomly (not in each game, much like Xorene) appear in Cornerstone of the world room; + Hissabal will randomly appear in Cornerstone room; + Lothamaarg and Hissabal can appear together, but it's going to be rare; v1.68u RC1 + RedVex & DarkJade receive small mobs (4 witches) in MP mode, which stand outside the room (feature from TheDark v5.3); v1.68v + Devil Kins receive different color that no longer makes them undetectable in darkness (Makantal's suggestion); + Gloom Clan receive different color that no longer makes them undetectable in darkness (Makantal's suggestion); + Aseroth the Invisible (DLVL-22 Gloom Clan boss) receives different color translation (BS.trn); + Aseroth the Invisible renamed to 'Gorestone' (didn't know that Aseroth was some location in WoW when I created that name lol); + Mergost the Grease Bow (DLVL-23 Gloom Clan boss) renamed to 'Bloodskull'; + Bloodskull receives different color translation (RVK.trn); v1.69 + 'Kain's Valour' renamed to 'Arkaine's Valor'; + Restored 'Book of Blood' texts; + Reseeded Blood Chambers with new type of monsters: Blood Stones; + Quest reward is unique item in slot 7. Changed to slot 40: Arkaine's Valor; + Checks on base item 15h in 'Valor' quest code chunks corrected for item 121h; + Added new base item number 121h (not findable): Blood Stone. Sole purpose: to be used in 'Valor' quest; + And so, 'Valor' quest is ressurected. The only thing that's bugging me is that it just won't clear from Questlog (will try to fix that someday); + Modified 'blood1.dun' and 'blood2.dun'; + MvP Melee Blocking formula changed to: FB = (baseSTR-mAC+baseDEX)/2 + Bonus. Maximum chance for block = 80%; + MvP Missile Blocking formula: FB = baseDEX - mAC/2 + clvl + bonus. Max block is 75%. Block chance vs traps is unchanged; + Pukerat the Unclean had its name corrected (used to be 'Pukeratthe Unclean'); + Slain Hero quest code rewritten completely; + Slain Hero now gives different books to different classes and according to difficulty mode: Paladin: Horror - Fury, Purg - Healing, Doom - Aegis, Scout: Horror - Aegis, Purg - Telekinesis, Doom - Lightning Wall, Mage: Horror - MS, Purg - Golem, Doom - Teleport, Monk: Horror - TP, Purg - Healing, Doom - Aegis, Assassin: Horror - Holybolt, Purg - Aegis, Doom - Stone Curse, Gladiator: Horror - Fury, Purg - Healing, Doom - Fire Wall; + Slain Hero quest again causes speeches from different classes ("Rest in peace, my friend"); + Ur-Annon's activation sound relocated and set to SFX #0247h; + Restored Monk's speech regarding 'Valor' quest; + Restored Monk's speech "Rest in peace, my friend", (SFX\Sorceror\Mage67.wav); + Lurkers have less HP: [30-60] -> [20-44]; v1.69 RC1 + One of the tiles in Abyss blocked walking where it didn't have to. Fixed; + Abyss level loading screen palette update; + ToHit info on character screen now takes CLVL into account, thus giving absolutely accurate info about character's accuracy; + ReadMe updates (version number); v1.69a + [1.69_RC2] Great Sword pic updated (#194h now); + [1.69_RC3] Ravagers no longer can attack adjacent target when feeding on a corpse (thanks to Makantal's report); + Relocated call for automap update showing other characters on it with arrows; + First video is set to 'Gendata\logo.smk', this is original Hellfire logo; + Second video is set to 'Gendata\diablo1.smk', this is Diablo original Intro video; + Now killing Uber Diablo ends game in Single Player mode; + Video is triggered at game end (kiling Uber D. in SP mode); + Uber drops only one item in SP (can't be picked up anyway); v1.69b + [1.69_RC1] Pepin now gives 'Soulhaven' as a reward for completing Tainted Water Supply quest; + Pepin's speech about completing Tainted Water Supply corrected; + [1.69_RC2] Grizwold now gives 'Warrior's Band' as a reward for completing Magic Rock quest; + Grizwold's speech about completing Magic Rock quest; + Empyrean Axe improved; + Updated _HellModNotes. By the way, now they'll be updated with each new update of 'The Hell'; + ReadMe update (HUN); v1.69c + Remark from adriaan_s added to ReadMe(ENG); + The Hell will no longer use 'HellDF.mor' as main archive; + Now The Hell will use 'THdata.mor' as main data file; + THdata.mor revised and recompiled; + Due to increased amounts of compatibility issues feedback, I have done what I could to fix those compatibility problems; + 'Hell.dll' is no longer used. 'TH.dll' is used instead; v1.69c RC3 + Fright (melee) is vulnerable to Fire now; + [1.69c_RC1] Wand of Holy Bolts (one Mage starts with) has durability increased: 40 -> 80, and price doubled: 100 -> 200; + [1.69c_RC2] Fire Bolt damage revised. New formula: ((cMag*4)+1+Rnd[60]+slvl)/4. Spellbook shows effective damage; + THdata.mor recompiled to decrease size. Now filesize optimized (145 MB now); + Makantal and Pinhead added to Credits; + Grizwold's name restored to 'Griswold' (violation of Modder's Codex, rule #1); v1.69c RC4 + Arcane Star spellbook damage corrected; v1.69c RC9 + Changelog revised (corrected some mistakes); + ReadMe update (ENG & RUS); + New relict added: 'of Phasing' (currently uses 'R. of Seeing' image, but should be replaced with different image later); + New relict added: 'of Hydra'; + New relict added: 'of Teleport'; + Staves of Mana cost less: 3000 -> 2000; + Pit Fiend boss on floor 14 now does less damage ([56-60] -> [40-55]) and his minions retain their AI (boss won't pause tho); + Sabre damage revised: [3-50] -> [2-51]; v1.69c RC10 + Fire Blast damage increased. Formula is: Rec(slvl, 4·(Rnd[50]+Rnd[50]+clvl) + 50), (was: Rec(slvl, 4·(Rnd[50]+Rnd[50]+clvl) + 30)); v1.69d + Uber Diablo's HP raised: 12000 -> 14200; v1.69d RC1 + Baranar's Maul does more damage: 200 -> 250; v1.69d RC2 + Suffixes of '+damage' series were revised (lowered by 20% on average); + Roman Leather Armor renamed to: Thick Leather Armor; + ReadMe updated again (ENG); v1.69d RC3 + Holy Nova displayed bugged damage in spellbook: now fixed; v1.69d RC4 + All hounds had their death animation fixed (used to overlay acid puddles). Hellhounds still have this unfixed (not sure they need this fix); v1.69d RC5 + Hellhound death animation fixed by decresing frame quantity (24->17); + In-game Support menu now displays link to new forum; v1.69d RC7 + Monsters' Apocalypse damage varies with difficulty mode now: Horror = 30, Purg = 60, Doom = 120; v1.70 + Pressing 'PRINT SCREEN' while playing will now create PCX image file in TheHell directory under name 'THscrn##.pcx' (where ## is number 00-99); + Some monsters are allowed to appear on deeper levels than before (this should increase difficulty diversity); + Vortex Rogue: HP increased a bit; + Hidden: HP decreased a bit; + Greater Demon: HP decreased decently (by 15%); + Fire Blast improved a bit. New formula: Rec(slvl, 4·(Rnd[50]+Rnd[50]+CLVL) + 90), recursive 17/16; + Lightning Ball improved slightly. New formula: Rec(slvl, Rnd[100]+Rnd[32*CLVL]+CLVL+100), recursive 17/16; + Fire Blast and Lightning Ball spells display correct damage in spellbook now; + Some unique monsters used to take 4x damage from magical damage. Now fixed; + Deleting characters is now called 'Murder', that should make those characters a bit more realistic)) ; + Elemental improved. New formula: Rec(slvl, 2·(Rnd[40]+Rnd[40]+CLVL) + 70)/2, recursive 17/16; + Elemental spellbook damage formula rewritten, now its damage display is correct; + Setesh used to take 4x damage from fire. Now fixed; + Hidden can now appear on levels 10 through 20; + Hidden had their HP adjusted again; + Hidden give a little more XP; + On Doom mode Hidden are vulnerable to Fire now (used to be vulnerable to Magic); + New character stun formula: (CLVL/2) + (baseVIT/4) - 3. It takes different classes into consideration and makes Vitality more important as a stat; + Monster AI modified to produce aggressive behavior and increase chances for ambushing player (exception AI's: Counselor, Succubi, Goat Archers); + Starting characters have more stats now: +10 per character; + Starting characters' stats revised to compensate for more aggressive monsters; + Nova trap does less damage: ((Rnd[8]+Rnd[8]+Rnd[8]+1+DLVL)*Diff)+5, Diff = Horror 1x, Purgy 2x, Doom 4x; + Suffix of 'thorns' no longer exists (Aegis does pretty much the same and even better); + New effect introduced: +50% damage vs Undead (...of destruction), works in melee, on all weapon types, affects total damage (not just weapon's); + Amulet of Solstice, Shield of Mirrors and Civerb's Vest no longer have thorn effect; + Bone Hunter now deals bonus damage to Undead (instead of Demons); + Suffix of 'destruction' costs more and appears on weapons, staves and jewelry (minor affix morphing possible); + Thunderclap now gives bonus damage vs Undead instead of altered durability; + Now shooters are always activated; + Mages are always active now; + After some testing constant monster activity was undone because it makes difficulty insane (zombies will still walk in random directions though); + Scarab of Revenge renamed to Scarab of Slumber; + Faster mana regeneration is now called '+100% mana regeneration', same with life. This should give you a clear idea of what to expect; + Infernal Scourger's fireball damage raised: 3000 -> 4000 (effective is 1000-2000); + A flaw in coding prevented effect of 'destruction' from working properly. Now fixed; + Suffix of 'destruction', suffixes of '+ damage', 'fire/lite arrows' series had their prices revised; + Amount of boss minions now differs according to SP/MP mode and difficulty: SPHorr-6, MPHorr-11, SPPurg-10, MPPurg-15, SPDoom-14, MPDoom-19; + Revised prices for some prefixes; + Elemental mini- and maxi- mana cost revised; + Werewolf horror/purgatory resistances revised: vulnerable to Holybolt, fire & lightning, immune to Stone Curse & magic; + Werewolves are not stopped by fire/lite walls/rings. They will take damage but they will not stop; + On Purgatory and Doom modes Oblivion Knights resist 1/4 (25%) of melee damage, their bosses resist 5/8 (62,5%) of melee damage; + PvM Missile: Boss monsters now resist 50% elemental (M/F/L/HB/Apoc/Elem) and 50% non-elemental damage (arrows); + Uber has advanced resistances that absorb 75% of all types of damage. Beware; + Assassin lost her ability to score criticals with (cross)bows: she doesn't use them and cannot shoot triple arrows, so no use; + Other monsters became immune to fire/lite walls (along with Werewolves), now fixed; + Some monsters are allowed to appear on deeper levels (this includes cave levels only), this should add to atmosphere; + Crushing effect now works for missile damage too (both arrows and spells); + Crushing now has 10% chance for triple (+200% total) damage; + Suffix of 'crushing' can appear on bows too now; + Frost Signet is given additional effect (of Crushing); + Black Marsh Bow's mana decrease effect is replaced with Crushing; + Items with fire resistance could display MAX resist if they had 75%+ resistance, now fixed; + Prefix 'Warlock's' renamed to 'Wizard's'. It's shorter (and that's important for prefix/suffix names); + Paladin's maximum Strength set to 240; + Assassin's starting stats changed from 15-15-20-20 to 15-10-25-20; v1.70 RC1 + Because of Makantal's detailed report, Doomsayer was modified. Mostly, improved; + ReadMe updated (HUN); v1.70 RC2 + Implemented Pinhead's suggestion about no MAG requirements on potions of mana and holy waters; + Relict of mana costs less MAG to use: 12 -> 3; v1.70a + Relicts of Phasing, Hydra and Teleport are given unique pictures (as was promised before); v1.70a RC1 + Suffixes of life/mana stealing cost less; + Suffixes of armor piercing series cost less; v1.70b, 2009-01-12, 12:13 + Aegis now always costs 40 mana to cast, but its cost will drop to 30 if item 'of Profit' is worn; + Rotting Carcasses receive 50% arrow damage in Multiplayer Purgatory mode games (25% damage on DLVL 5); + Rotting Carcasses receive 25% arrow damage in Multiplayer Doom mode games (12,5% damage on DLVL 5); + Rotting Carcass bosses still get their halved damage (but there are no bosses for Rotting Carcass on DLVL 5, so no big deal); + Necromorphs resist 25% arrow damage on Horror mode, Multiplayer (boss resistance = 62,5%); + Necromorphs resist 50% arrow damage on Purgatory mode, Multiplayer (boss resistance = 75%); + Necromorphs resist 75% arrow damage on Doom mode, Multiplayer (boss resistance = 87,5%); + Soul Burners resist 50% elemental damage (Fire/Lite/Magic) on Horror mode, Multiplayer (boss resistance = 75%); + Soul Burners resist 75% elemental damage on Purgatory mode, Multiplayer (boss resistance = 87,5%); + Soul Burners resist 87,5% elemental damage on Doom mode, Multiplayer (boss resistance = 93,75%); + Soul Burners retain their vlnerability to Fire on Doom mode; + Lilith is now vulnerable to Magic (resistant in Multiplayer mode: 75% on Horror, 87,5% on Purgatory, 93,75% on Doom); + Changelog revised (corrected some mistakes); (!) v1.70c, 2009-01-15, 22:15 + Adjusted HP for goat archers, scavengers and small winged demons, increased HP for Overlords; - Elixir of Strength is now orange; - Elixir of Magic is not blue; - Elixir of Dexterity is now yellow; - Elixir of Vitality is now red; - Relict of Mana is blue; - Relict of Aegis is black; - Potions of Healing are now red (darker than original); - Potions of Mana are now blue (darker than original); - Character panel life and mana bulbs are original colors (red and blue), yet they are darker than original; - Changed text for one of the shrines: "Bright and dark becomes as the sky" -> "Crimson and azure become as the sky"; - Relict of Healing is red; - Relict of Hydra is orange; + Bovine Plate flip animation fixed and set to 'Plate', used to be 'Mail'; - Potions of Mana now have correct flip animation (blue), black bottle flip animation currently doesn't exist; v1.70b RC2 (reverted), 2009-01-16, 13:07 + All changes regarding panels and potions/elixirs reverted back; + Modified panels and bottle flip animation are stored in game archive, modified exe also archived; v1.70b RC3 + Uber dropped only 1 item in multiplayer, now it should be fixed; v1.70b RC4, 2009-01-17, 21:10 + Many small adjustments in affix data (prices, values), did that carefully to avoid morphing; v1.70b RC5 + Bile Demons can appear as early as DLVL 5; + Bile Demons are now immune to magic on horror/purgatory; + Bile Demon: stats updated; (!) v1.70b RC6 (this wasn't implemented because tests showed this didn't work, see ModNotes for details) - Bile Demons resist 50% of elemental damage on DLVL 9; v1.70d + Prefix 'Sturdy' now increases armor suit AC by [10-30]%, has higher qlvl, can't be bought (only found); + Lots of changes in affix data. Sorry but affix morphing is inevitable; + Affix levels revised to allow for more interesting prefix/suffix combinations (rebalanced according to JG formulas); + Bile Demons resist 25% arrow damage on DLVL 9 (they used to be kinda weak for this level otherwise); + Soulcage raises attributes stronger and has less penalty to light radius (from -40% to -30%); + Joker's Beak revised; + Underworld's Heart gives more resists; + Wall of Spears gives mana; + Small monsters (bats, scavengers, stinger, etc.) are stunned easier now: threshold is mAC*3 (basic is mAC*4); + Church skeletons are also stunned if damage is more than mAC*3, melee Horrors are not included; + Revised AC for some monsters for better stun mechanics - this should make battle more satisfying by increasing chances for stun; + Moon Clan and Hell Clan are stunned if damage is greater than mAC*5; + DFE now capped at {bVIT/2} (used to be: {(bVIT+1)/2} ), and on Horror mode (both SP and MP) capped at -25 to prevent it from becoming boring; v1.70d RC1 + Staves of Flash have more charges: Rnd[5-10] -> Rnd[12-24]; + Aegis again has fixed mana cost of 50. Items of profit again have no effect on it. Some weird bug with hardcoded manacost for this spell slot; v1.70d RC2 + CTRL is now used as a hotkey for Hydra (used to activate Telekinesis); v1.70d RC3 + It's easier to hit monsters with magic. Formula changed from 25+bonus+cMAG-2*MLVL to 25+bonus+cMAG-MLVL/2 (note: bonus is +20 for Mage only); v1.70d RC4 + Prefixes of resistance revised (no morphing); v1.70d RC5 + PvM: For better balance magical ToHit formula revised again and set to: (cMAG/2) - ((mAC/4)+1) + 25 + bonus; v1.70d RC6 + Magic ToHit formula expanded by addin bonuses for classes: Pal +0%, Sct +5%, Mag +20%, Mnk +0%, Asa +15%, Gld +10%; v1.70d RC7 + Gladiator bonus damage with axe slightly increased: (CLVL*VIT)/60 -> (CLVL*VIT)/55; v1.70e + Cuthur's mob no longer shoots lightning arrows. Cuthur will retain his lightning arrow attack though; + Added 59 new item images to game archive (for future needs); + Inventory object tables expanded to allow for more images; + Corrected flip animation for 3 new black potion objects; + Added new flip animation for potion of healing (lite orange bottle), replacing obsolete mushroom animation; + Potion of Healing inventory and flip sounds revised; + Potion of Healing flip animation lasts 12 frames (animation revised); + Axe damages revised to make them more attractive; + Gladiator now has innate ToHit bonus in PvM Melee: +15% (Full ToHit formula for him is 30+clvl+tohit_items+cDEX+15); + Ex-formula of lightning damage from monsters {(Rnd[mAC-3]*8)+mAC} replaced with new formula: Rnd[mAC-3]*8; + Introducing new boss on last level of Abyss: Voidstalker (Setesh was kicked because of him); + New TRN added to game archive for Voidstalker: Corrupt.trn; + Hidden receive evasion against melee attacks, which reduces a character's maximum chance to hit them: DLVL 10: by 0% (max tohit = 92%) DLVL 11: by 2% DLVL 12: by 4% DLVL 13: by 7% DLVL 14: by 12% DLVL 15: by 17% DLVL 16: by 22% DLVL 17: by 27% DLVL 18: by 32% DLVL 19: by 37% DLVL 20: by 42% (max tohit = 50%) Note: base maximum Tohit chance in Player_vs_Monster Melee mode of TheHell is 92% (minimum is 2%); Note: Hidden boss monsters still receive only 50% damage from all types of attacks; + Vortex Rogues now resist melee damage in Multiplayer Purgatory & Doom modes: DLVL 10 - 12,5%, DLVL 11 - 25%, DLVL 12 - 50%; + Unseen now resist arrow damage in Multiplayer. On DLVL 9 - 25% resistance, on DLVL 10 - 37,5% resistance; v1.71 + Lightning damage from monsters follows different formula now: Rnd[mAC]*16. This still makes it less aggressive than Flash & Inferno; + Fixed flip- & inventory sounds for Theodore (teddys1) and Brain (FBrain) flip animations; + Added 65 more inventory object images to game archive, for possible future needs; + Bovine Plate flip animation changed to Bag animation (for possible future needs); + Prefix 'Rotting' is now qlvl-6. This should make it droppable; + Ear flip animation replaced with new flip animation for Inn Sign (for possible future needs, heh); + Skullwing kicked (corresponding bosses also: Blood Angel & Satura); + Introduced new monster: Fallen One; + Added new color translation files for Fallen One: Fallen01.TRN and Fallen02.TRN; + Fallen One stats revised; + Added 2 new bosses for Fallen One: DLVL 3 and DLVL 4; + Shamriel renamed to Boneripper; + Fallen One retreat distance set to 6, Gremlin: 4, Imp: 3, Carver: 2; + Monster slot 80 no longer gives dual melee attack; + Devil Kin moved to monster slot 80; + Fallen One moved to monster slot 5; + Fallen Ones belong to 'Beast' class (not 'Demon' like others of their kin). This means you will need a sword if you're a melee fighter class; + Fallen Ones don't appear in barrels and sarcophagi; + Fallen Ones appear on DLVLs [1-4]; + Monsters with Fallen AI now have special warcry life bonus on Horror mode, according to DLVL: DLVL-2: +9, DLVL-3: +12, DLVL-4: +15 hit points; This makes Fallen Ones a little more tough after DLVL-1 and makes Werewolves less dangerous on DLVL-3; + Fallen Ones have special stun threshold on Horror: 4 on DLVL 1, 12 on DLVL 2, 21 on DLVL 3, 30 on DLVL 4; + Fallen One: Tohit chance raised by 3%; + Unlike others of their kind, Fallen Ones hit a little later (frame 8 instead of 7), which gives a player more time to flee/counterattack; + Elemental damage reduction in PvM Missile didn't work as intended, now fixed; + Nightmares will now resist elemental damage in multiplayer mode. Resistance level will depend on DLVL and difficulty mode: Horror & Purgatory: DLVL 8: 12,5% DLVL 9: 18,75% DLVL 10: 25% DLVL 11: 31,25% DLVL 12: 37,5% Doom: DLVL 8: 56,25% DLVL 9: 59,375% DLVL 10: 62,5% DLVL 11: 65,625% DLVL 12: 68,75% + Previous fix will also make Soul Burners' resists quite heavy for Mages. Especially on Doom. Beware; + Burned Corpse now has higher stun threshold on DLVL-2 of Horror mode: (mAC*4)+7; + Added new base item: Relict of Golem; + Added new base item: Relict of Holy Nova; + Added new base item: Relict of Arcane Nova; + Bloodfury: hitpoins raised: 1400 -> 1700; + Urlig and Bongo had their HP lowered by 25 both; + Goat Lords, Biclops, Reapers, Golems (except Mud), Grim Demons, Lash Worm, and Overlord resist 25% elemental damage in Multiplayer mode; + Monsters above recieve different resistance for difficulty modes: 25% for Horror, 37,5% for Purg., and 43,75% for Doom; + In Multiplayer, melee weapons deal double damage to Stingers; + Just as Necromorph, Grotesque now resists non-elemental missile damage in multiplayer. Absorption percentage is the same as Necromorph's; + Grotesque & Necromorph arrow resistance in MP Doom mode reduced from 75% to 56,25%; + Paladin does more critical damage in PvM Melee: +150% (used to be +100%); + New DFE limitation caused some problems in Multiplayer mode. Now this limitation works only in Singleplayer mode (see ModNotes for info); + Underworld's Heart renamed to: Underworld Heart; + Added 4 new inventory object images to game archive; + Blood Legion will now resist elemental damage according to game mode, dungeon level and difficulty: Singleplayer, Horror, DLVL 17: 3,125% Singleplayer, Horror, DLVL 18: 6,25% Singleplayer, Horror, DLVL 19: 9,375% Singleplayer, Horror, DLVL 20: 12,5% Singleplayer, Purgatory, DLVL 17: 15,625% Singleplayer, Purgatory, DLVL 18: 18,75% Singleplayer, Purgatory, DLVL 19: 21,875% Singleplayer, Purgatory, DLVL 20: 25% Singleplayer, Doom, DLVL 17: 28,125% Singleplayer, Doom, DLVL 18: 31,25% Singleplayer, Doom, DLVL 19: 34,375% Singleplayer, Doom, DLVL 20: 37,5% Multiplayer, Horror, DLVL 17: 40,625% Multiplayer, Horror, DLVL 18: 43,75% Multiplayer, Horror, DLVL 19: 46,875% Multiplayer, Horror, DLVL 20: 50% Multiplayer, Purgatory, DLVL 17: 53,125% Multiplayer, Purgatory, DLVL 18: 56,25% Multiplayer, Purgatory, DLVL 19: 59,375% Multiplayer, Purgatory, DLVL 20: 62,5% Multiplayer, Doom, DLVL 17: 65,625% Multiplayer, Doom, DLVL 18: 68,75% Multiplayer, Doom, DLVL 19: 71,875% Multiplayer, Doom, DLVL 20: 75% + Biclops are given the same soundset as Grunt Beasts, for better hit recovery & dying sounds; + Slightly raised damage for Fallen One, Rotting Carcass, Gravedigger and Burned Corpse; + Lurkers now resist melee damage on Horror mode (to partially compensate for low HP): DLVL 3: 12,5% DLVL 4: 25% DLVL 5: 37,5% + Shadows take half damage from player's melee attacks when trying to retreat (I'm not sure this works though); + Corrected check on Lurkers' melee damage resistance (used to work only on Purg&Doom instead of Horror); v1.71a + Added 9 new gem images; + Added several gems that can be sold for gold to Adria: Opal, Alexandrite, Topaz, Sapphire, Ruby and Diamond; v1.71c + Added 8 new gem images; + Added 3 new small potion images; + In Multiplayer mode Defiler drops valuable stone when being killed. Stone value varies for difficulty mode and has very high sell value; Note: these stones can be dropped only by Defiler, otherwise they are not findable + Defiler's drop increased for Multiplayer mode: 2 items -> 3 items + Stone (in Singleplayer: 2 items + Crypt Map, as before); + Uber now doesn't drop items in Singleplayer, but drops 4 items in MP mode; + Gore Viper pack on DLVL 19 has different behavior: Scavenger AI -> Goat Mace AI; v1.71d + Black Raven renamed to Black Defender; + Black Defender: stats revised. Now it's a (nearly) non-damaging protective weapon; + Palettes in town vary only in Multiplayer mode (because in SP they are different each time you (re)load game. that used to look cheap); + Amazon's Corset gives a little more DFE; + Amazon's Corset costs less: 320k -> 280k (this will lower its repair cost); + Repair prices at Griswold lowered by 12,5% (40x -> 35x); + Added 2 ring images to game archive; + Elixirs of STR/MAG/DEX/VIT are given less money for: 2000 -> 1500; + Hatebrood Soulslasher is changed into Bile Spitter boss on DLVL 23; + Doomfang moved to DLVL 23 and HP decreased by approx. 1000; + Sugratar kicked; + Added new boss on DLVL 23: Belfaron the Executioner; + Grim Demon boss on DLVL 22 had his IntF decreased by 1. Belfaron (and his mob) has the highest IntF among Grim Demons; + Xavuron kicked; + Added new Death Wing boss on DLVL 22; + Purgatory mode now can be accessed until character reaches level 45; + Killing Defiler crashed the game in Multiplayer mode because of incorrect calls to drop function. Now fixed; + ReadMe update (HUN): accidentally overwrote previous version when restoring backup; v1.80 + Again revised some affix QLVLs to allow for more interesting combinations; + Revised prefix values and prices in resistance series. Should be better balanced now; + Suffix 'of vileness' renamed to 'of draining'; + Hellfire spell effect 10h byte changed from 01 to 02 (offset A6500), probably would prevent problems with crashes. This needs testing online; + Suffix 'ignition' renamed to 'searing'; + Valelan renamed to Skullfire; + Thoroughly revised prefix series of '+%tohit, +%damage'; + Added new oil: Oil of Accuracy. It increases a weapon's tohit chance by 1-2% if weapon's tohit bonus is below 50%; + Added new oil: Oil of Mastery. It increases a weapon's tohit chance by 3-5% if weapon's tohit bonus is below 100%; + Added new oil: Oil of Sharpness. It increases a weapon's maximum damage by 1, if the weapon's (maxDmg-minDmg) < 100; + Added new oil: Oil of Death. It increases a weapon's minDmg by 1 and maxDmg by 2, if the weapon's (maxDmg-minDmg) < 100; Note: unlike Blacksmith's and Fortitude oils, the effects from the four types of oils above are NOT carried over to a new game + Xalicalar is given better name: Soulpus; + Added one more ring of qlvl 2, to increase ring drop chance early in the game; + Oils of Accuracy and Sharpness will drop more often: added copies of them - qlvl 1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 14 and 24; + Oil of Sharpness renamed to Oil of Effectiveness. Now there's no need to feel confused about applying oil of sharpness on a blunt weapon; + Oils of Accuracy and Effectiveness are dropped less often: removed one qlvl 1 copy from each of them; + Oil of Death increases weapon's maximum damage by 10 points; Note: it says it won't increase bows' damage, this would better be fixed later + Leoric will summon skeletons (including Bonecreepers) in SP now. He won't summon them in MP; + Oil of Fortitude will now raise current and maximum durability of an item by [2-5] points. Items with durability of 200 and above are not affected; + Oil of Mastery now raises weapon's accuracy by [3-10]% if the weapon's Tohit bonus is below 100%, otherwise this oil does nothing; Remember: if applied on a repaired item that has durability less than 100, Blacksmith Oil will raise its durability by 1 point + Added new item: Oil of Hardening. It adds [1-2] to item's AC (if item's AC < 60). Qlvl of this item is 1; + Added new item: Oil of Imperviousness. It adds [3-5] to item's AC (if item's AC < 120). Qlvl of this item is 33; + Copy of Oil of Hardening added, qlvl 7; + Added 3 new images for new oils; + Oil images revised for better distinction; + Makantal's suggestion about Warlord of Blood in MP implemented (regarding activation); + Warlord of Blood subtype lowered: set to 20h in SP, set to 26h in MP; + Warlord of Blood attack type in MP changed from 1Fh to 02h; + Added Death Angel boss on DLVL 22; + Added Bone Creeper boss on DLVL 22; + Added Black Horn boss on DLVL 17; + Added Hidden boss on DLVL 17; + Lothamaarg (lonely boss from Cornerstone room) will now summon skeletons in Singleplayer mode; + Lothamaarg has more HP now: 4990 -> 6600; + Lothamaarg's IntF raised to 0Ch to decrease delays; + Black Horn bosses on levels 16 through 19 had their IntF revised for smoother difficulty increase; + Added 3 new Azure Drake bosses on DLVLs 16, 17 and 18 respectively; + Added Rotting Carcass boss on Dlvl 5: (with crazy piercing damage resistance in Multiplayer mode); + Balrog: color update (added new trn); + Added Balrog boss on DLVL 16; + Added Rotting Carcass mob on DLVL 4, led by Oblivion Knight; + In MP, on DLVL 16 Balrogs resist 37,5% melee damage. Their boss will resist 68,75%; + Leather Cap inventory- and flip sounds discontinued other sounds playing (boss deathcries, book speeches, player comments, etc.), now fixed; + Boilrot on Dlvl 4: HP raised from 600 to 670; + Oil of Imperviousness: qlvl set to 26 (drops earlier); + Lich bosses on Dlvl-4 had maxDmg lowered a bit; + Borje renamed to Dirtblood; + Added Bile Demon boss on dlvl 9; + Gdosthacar the Agile renamed to Madrage the Thrasher; + Villis renamed to Crosseye Keenhate; + Added Choas Clan boss on dlvl 9; + Added Chaos Clan boss on dlvl 10; + Added Familiar boss on dlvl 9; + Usarcion renamed to Searbite; + Added Unseen boss on dlvl 9; + Added Unseen boss on dlvl 10; + Added Acid Hound boss on dlvl 10; + Sapphire image corrected. Used to be 'too bright, too blue'; + Added one more Tiara image to game archive (just a variation, for possible future needs); + Added 2 more Oil images (for possible future needs); + Corrected flip animation for some unused oils; + Added 2 more images of mail armors (Sabiru variations, for possible future needs); + Oil of Death will increase damage if difference between a weapon's minimum and maximum damage is below 120; + Isagarn the Dogface renamed to Droolmug; + Added Fallen boss on dlvl 2; + Mysterious shrine message modified: "You can..." -> "One can..."; + Oil of Death now has effect on bows; + Valafar the Ruthless renamed to Deathshade Fleshmaul; + Added Stone Clan boss on dlvl 10; + Added Stone Clan boss on dlvl 11; + ReadMe (ENG) updated with information about music download and hotkeys; + Oil of Mastery: image revised; + Anvil of Fury is guarded by Venom Clan and Horned Beasts; + Forced monster selection in Abyss prevented intended variety on levels 18 and 19: now fixed; + Blood Legion will no longer appear in pods; + Stingers are allowed to appear in pods; + Gloom Clan no longer forced to appear on dlvl-20; + Stingers are forced to appear on dlvl-20; + Grotesque is given support for 2nd animation; + Grotesque will be quad-immune on Doom mode (vulnerable to Holy Bolt as all Undead); + Grotesque boss on last level of Abyss will spawn Stingers now, though it will retain its mob (and they will use their standard attack); + Stinger second animation playback speed increased; + Stinger second animation frames set to 8, this will look better; + Hiddens are allowed to appear in barrels in Caves and Hell, but not in pods in Abyss; + Rotspawn Hellmeat received higher IntF: 8 -> 10; + Apocalypse from monsters is now much more dangerous. It's reduced by 25% by default, and by another 25% more by ARD, and the rest - by DFE only: 120 damage on Horror 240 damage on Purgatory 360 damage on Doom + Uber's Apocalypse cast rate significantly reduced; + Diablo's second attack hit frame set to 11 (slower than before); + Uber's second attack hit frame set to 10; + Balor boss on floor 24 no longer uses Diablo attack type (overkill...); + Diablo (dlvl-16) will have a mob of Magistrate, and there will be no lone Greater Demon in 4th room; + Defiler now has a pack of Stingers; + Abyss Guardians no longer appear as a random monster; + Abyss Guardian forced to appear on dlvl-20 (support for boss); + Defiler is given new color; + Centaliane TRN corrected, looks clean now; + Melchior the Fat: HP decreased decently; + All goats now belong to Demon class; + Golem: new color; - With slvl 0 spells spellbook hangs game when pages 3 & 5 are opened. Bugfixing still not successful; + It was modified Elemental spellbook code that hung the game at slvl 0 when page 5 of the book was opened: fixed; + Fire Blast & Lightning Ball spellbook data at slvl 0 caused hanging too: fixed; + Added new item: Tavern Sign (quest item); + Chest from banner now drops Tavern Sign (147h) instead of Horned Barbute (Ch); + First Imp Shaman renamed to Snotspill; + Snotspill's color updated; + Snotspill's corresponding boss renamed to Snotspill too; + Snotspill will now check for item 147h in a player's inventory; + Arkaine's Valor can also be based on Apprentice's Mail (one more unique Mail armor for mages); + Quasits can appear on dlvl-4; + Added text support to Snotspill speeches; + Adjusted Snotspill's speech scroll speeds; + Repointered Snotspill speeches to required sound files; + Restored activation sounds for Amducian, Durzu and Rotflesh; + Snotspill does more damage: [12-22] -> [14-32]; + Snotspill has more HP: 600 -> 650; + Added new item: Golden Elixir (quest item); + Golden Elixir unique code changed: 63 -> 94; + Ogden's Sign quest activated. It's not triggered by Ogden (who is still absent) and townspeople won't talk about it, but it works; + Lachdanan quest activated; + Lachdanan quest was named improperly: fixed; + Karag-Nur the Overseer renamed to Bonecrown the Overseer; + Abaddon the Steelclaw renamed to Redstorm the Angry; + One of Imp Shamans renamed to Redstorm the Angry, another - to Tanari; + Boss #7 is now Lachdanan, based on Chaos Knight; + Townspeople's speeches about Lachdanan restored; + Lachdanan's texts restored; + Lachdanan's speeches restored; + New Golden Elixir will be placed on level 15; + Restored activation sounds for Leo, Baal and Izual; + Lachdanan now drops Veil of Steel (used to drop Grasp of Oblivion); + Lachdanan drops Winged Helm on Horror, and drops Veil on Purg/Doom; + Characters will not experience sound stop when picking up Full Crown (and uniques which are based on it); + Lester now gives different (better) reward for blowing his orchard; + Townspeople's speeches about Black Mushroom restored; + Black Mushroom quest is activated; + Added new quest item: Fungal Tome; + Added new quest item: Brain; + Added new quest item: Black Mushroom; + Adria now checks for new Black Mushroom item in a player's inventory; + Fixed many small problems related to Black Mushroom quest; + Gharbad the Weak quest is now moved to deeper Caves; + Gharbad is based on Stone Clan; + Gharbad recolored; + Gharbad does a bit more damage; + Slayers can appear on dlvl-14; + Optic Amulet gives +SLVL instead of prolonged Fury; + Ogden returned to game; + Lots of Ogden's speeches restored; + Ogden's Sign quest made 100% functional; + Ogden drops Palantir as a reward for his Sign; + Valor quest reward changed: Arkaines valor -> Civerbs vest; + Valor quest reward changed again: Valor on Purg/Doom, and Vest on Horror; + Small holy water pot added, qlvl-16; + Depending on difficulty mode, Gloomy shrine will add 1 (horror), 2 (purgatory) or 3 (doom) points of armor class to items; + Added some new item gfx, for possible future needs; + Idle animation playback speed increased for Diablo and Uber; + Bloodskull: -200 HP; + Gharbad the Weak can appear on dlvl-24 (not always); + Gloom Clan can appear on dlvl-24; + Added new quest: in Singleplayer mode, after defeating The Defiler, talk to Gillian, and when she activates the quest, talk to other townsfolk; + Adjusted a lot of sound and text pointers for the new quest; + Wrote texts for the new quest; + Skeleton King's IntF reduced to 1Eh; + Old flaw in Hidden AI fixed: monsters with this attack type will never remain invisible if their subtype is higher than 3; + Hidden AI: fade in/fade out distances vary for difficulty modes: 6-IntF for Horror, 4-IntF for Purg and always closest fade in/out on Doom; + Music file expanded with 2 new town music variations. I haven't provided code support for it yet though; + Added some new sound effects to game archive for possible future needs; + Created a derivative soundset for Horned Death. Haven't activated it yet; + Preparations made to make 'Theodore' quest functional again; + Music expansion received code support now; + Town music now varies for difficulty modes in Single-player; + On Purgatory and Doom modes of Singleplayer games you will hear no music in town until you download and install Music Expansion v3.1 or later; + Gem prices revised. Reduced, mostly; + Arcane Star flying speed depends on difficulty: 12 on Horror, 18 on Purg, 24 on Doom. This affects both player and monsters; + Halls of the Blind quest gives different reward: Optic Amulet; + Staves of healing have more charges: [10-20] -> [20-40]; + Staves of Lightning give more charges: [30-50] -> [40-60]; + Staves of Flash give more charges: [12-24] -> [20-40]; + Fireblast/Liteball staves give more charges: [30-40] -> [35-45]; + Staves of Hydra give more charges: [24-32]; + Staves of Aegis give more charges: [12-18]; + Staves of Inferno give more charges: [48-64]; + Apocalypse staves are not available at Adria; + Character maximum attribute values revised: Scout (120-70-250-140), Mage (110-250-90-130), Monk (160-80-220-170), Gladiator (250-20-130-240); + Unique gems from Defiler had their prices revised; + Fixed a severe crash with Foulgut the Consumer, who lost TRN support because of accidentally deleting its pointer; + Activated quest 'Little Girl'; + Dragongaze renamed to Dragonbreach; + 'Jersey's Jersey' quest is activated. This deactivates Farmer's Orchard quest; + Quest 'Little girl' renamed to 'Save private Theodore' (too bad I don't have a small picture of Hedgy ^_^ ); + Celia recolored; + Celia's quest renamed to 'Celia's Toy'; + Celia hangs game when dropping a reward for finding Theo (a bug similar to old Slain Hero). The reward temporarily disabled until it's fixed; + Complete Nut quest again deactivated until preparations give stable result; + In SP Blood Hulks always appear on dlvl-19; + Celia reacts to item 14Eh (new Theo item slot); + Malantar always drops Theodore in SP mode; + Celia now drops Amulet of Solstice when she gets Theo back; + Quest 'Celia's Toy' is now functioning correctly; + Diablo drops rune bomb in SP mode (along with double item drop) to prevent players in SP from going to Abyss before finishing Hell; + Minor architecture changes in town; + 'Complete Nut' quest activated again: new quest will be based on it; + Witch/Lich/Beholder/Dark Ghost/Soul Burner missile speed varies for difficulty: 16 on Horror, 20 on Purg, 24 on Doom; + 'Black Mushroom' quest moved to level 12; + 'Anvil of Fury' quest moved to level 10; + 'Complete nut' quest deactivated again for testing purpose; + Ring of the Essence gives [10-20] Mana instead of Magic penalty; + One extra effect added on Ring of the Essence: Increased life stealing; + Characters of level 24 and below will not receive rune bomb from Lester (Diablo drops rune bomb always (in SP) ); + Rune bomb renamed to 'Rune Bomb (opens Abyss)'; + Added torn notes for specific drops in Crypt (#14Fh, #150h, #151h and #152h); + Now there will be torn notes scattered on first 3 levels of the Crypt; + zTHv1.71fRC69x1: in the torn note related routine, conditional jump reset at :0042167D; + Items 14f, 150 & 151 are converted into item 152; + 'Reconstructed note' quest in Crypt is now operating as intended; + Lester drops bomb for characters of level 23 and higher (25 was too high, I think, and could produce complaints from players); + Journal: The End renamed to Horazon's Journal; + Journal: Uber Diablo renamed to Journal: The End; + Horazon's Journal now has new texts; + Crypt levels now affect character life regeneration speed: -1/8 speed on level 22, -1/4 speed on level 23, -1/2 speed on level 24, Note: this is not affected by difficulty or SP/MP modes; + Revised many monster levels for better item drop balance in Crypt; + Items of highest level (63) will now be lootable only from Defiler and Uber. In singleplayer - only from Defiler; + XP adjusting changed from {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*(MLVL-CLVL))} to {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*(MLVL-(CLVL/2)))}, now gaining XP in Purg/Doom Church is easier; + XP from monsters revised greatly because of the previous modification; + Monster XP rewards in Purg: [(Horror+500)*1,5] and Doom: [(Horror+500)*3]; + Fire Bolt maximum speed is 50; + Monk's special bonus to AC when wearing light armor (or without armor) is set to 2*Clvl; + Monk's special bonus to AC is no longer higher from unique mails/plates, this can be summed up this way: Light armor: +2*Clvl, Mail armor: +Clvl, Plate armor: +Clvl/2; + Added 4 new inventory object images; + Farnham's gossip about Ogden restored; + Adria's gossip about Ogden restored; + Wirt's gossip about Ogden restored; + Griswold's gossip about Ogden restored; + Pepin's gossip about Ogden restored; + 'Lose all regeneration' effect will no longer stop players from gaining mana from potions; + In SP Purgatory mode -DFE is capped at -60 (on Horror, it's -25 maximum). Multiplayer mode has no DFE limitations, as before; + Non-unique monsters on Purgatory receive bonus of 15 points to their minimum and maximum damage, this will make difficulty balance better; + Bosses on Purgatory receive bonus 20 points to minimum damage and bonus 25 points to maximum damage; + The Defiler now belongs to Demon class (used to be beast); + A bit higher MLVL for Diablo, and slightly increased tohit chance; + Decently increased tohit chance for Defiler (now he has tohit chance average between Diablo and Uber); + Diablo's hit recovery frames increased: 3 -> 6; + Diablo is stunned if damage is greater than 9*AC; + Defiler is stunned if damage is greater than 10*AC; + Suffix 'Repulsion' is available on staves and weapons; + Diablo will not be stopped by Fire wall/ring in Multiplayer mode; + Defiler will not be stopped by Lightning wall/ring in Multiplayer mode; + Oil of Accuracy raises Tohit chance if the weapon's Tohit bonus is below 100% (Oil of Mastery is limited at 120%); + Oil of Hardening raises an item's AC if the latter is below 100 (Oil of Imperviousness will give up at 120); + The Butcher now drops something special in Singleplayer mode. Be aware that his toy works differently depending on difficulty mode; + Shadow cloak is given new image; + Illusionist's Mask no longer shifts colors with level transactions; + Added 3 more plate images to game archive (stored for future); + Greatly revised monster XP values again; + Fixed yet another crash caused by a boss' incorrect TRN pointer; + Monster XP rewards in Purg: [(Horror+400)*2] and Doom: [(Horror+400)*4]; + XP adjusting changed from {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*(MLVL-(CLVL/2)))} to {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*(MLVL-CLVL))}, but with a new rule: on Purgatory, on DLVLs 1-6 the formula is {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*((MLVL+15)-(CLVL/2)))} on Doom, on DLVLs 1-6 the formula is {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*((MLVL+30)-(CLVL/2)))} Note: this will make Purgatory/Doom Church more attractive by allowing XP there for high level characters, but that XP won't be too high + Added Illusionweaver boss on dlvl-24; + Fixed Dlvl value for the boss above; + Revisions made to Readme files: ENG & RUS; + XP adjusting changed again, formula is the same: {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*(MLVL-CLVL))}, but with a new rule: on Purgatory, on DLVLs 1-6 the formula is {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*((MLVL+15)-((CLVL/2)+1)))} on Purgatory, on DLVLs 7-9 the formula is {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*((MLVL+15)-((CLVL/2)+8)))} on Purgatory, on DLVLs 10-12 the formula is {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*((MLVL+15)-((CLVL/2)+15)))} on Doom, on DLVLs 1-5 the formula is {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*((MLVL+30)-((CLVL/2)+15)))} Note: looks complicated, but I believe it will provide quite balanced XP flow on all difficulties for all kind of characters; + Weakest of monsters will still give 1 XP point (yes, even if you kill a Fallen One on Horror with your level 50 character); + Blacksmith Oil didn't calculate repair percentage right: (maxDur+4)/2. Changed to (maxDur+1)/2; + Created new Oil: Oil of Repair; + Oil of Repair repairs 75% of an item's durability, up to 50 points; + Oil of Repair, if applied on an undamaged item, will increase its curent & maximum durability by 2 points; + Oil of Repair will not increase maximum durability if applied on an item with durability of 150 or higher; + Created and added new image for Oil of Repair; + Oil of Repair cannot be bought from Griswold; + Oil of Repair: created base item copy to increase drop chance. Now qlvl 16 (first) and 22 (second). Its drop chance is still quite low; - Added new mail armor (strength proficiency): Gothic Mail; + Adding Gothic Mail caused catastrophic jewelry morphing: most jewelry morphed into armors. Gothic Mail removed from base item table; + Amazon's Corset gives more Vitality: +[15-20] -> +[20-30]; + Berserker's Cleaver changed. Now it's a devastating weapon for true berserkers; + Empyrean Axe gives bonus damage vs Undead instead of absent STR requirement; + Nikhlatak's Decapitator renamed to: Bhaltavir's Decapitator; + Gotterdamerung now gives more resists and much more -DFE, but has very heavy SLVL penalty; + Shadow Cloak renamed to: Wanderer's Cloak; + Gladiators suffer CLVL/4 penalty to their natural AC when wearing 'Plate' class armor; + Added 14 more images to game archive; + Inventory image 1C2h revised; + Added new relict: trap disarm; + Rotburn the Worm-ridden has less HP (200 -> 130) and does less damage ([6-22] -> [5-15]); + Griswold repair prices increased: 35x -> 40x; + Added new dungeon version for Ogden's Sign quest. Presumably, for Purgatory mode; + Added another variation of Ogden's Sign quest special dungeon (bannerdm.dun): specific for Doom mode; + Sometimes in Singleplayer Doom mode there will be a quad-immune Pit Demon boss on dlvl-4, accompanied by Carvers. Beware. He's strong; + Anvil of Fury will be guarded by tougher monsters on Purg/Doom; + Berserker's Cleaver renamed to Berserker's Rage, and had its +%damage lowered a bit; + Sometimes in Singleplayer, only on Purgatory/Doom modes, a Black Horn boss will appear on dlvl-10, with mob; + On Purg/Doom modes Obsidian-, Mud- and Black Golems will be immune to knockback; + There will be no Bonecreepers on Leoric's level in Singleplayer; + Leoric won't raise Bonecreepers on his level; + Leoric's level will have different architecture and population on Purg/Doom; + Tougher monsters in Chamber of Bone; + Chamber of Bone will prove to be a different experience on Purgatory and (especially) Doom. Beware; + Fixed Scout's primary attack animation with staff in heavy armor (rhtat.cl2), was flawed originally; + Same with Assassin: fixed 'ahtat.cl2'. Assassin animation updated to v0.05; + Further architecture improvements in Doom mode Chamber of Bone; + Added fixed 'Fireman' animation set to game archive, for possible future needs; + Special level for 'Poisoned water supply' quest revised; + On Purgatory mode 'Poisoned water supply' quest level will differ from that on Horror mode; + Doom mode level of Poisoned Waters revised also (it's my favourite, actually); + Butcher's room made smaller (back to original); + Butcher's color revised; + Oil of Death increases minidamage by 1, and maxidamage by 3; + Berserker's Rage: damage modifier increased; + Added more inventory objects; + Added new relicts: Inferno (qlvl-3), Lightning (qlvl-3), Flash (qlvl-6), Elemental (qlvl-7); + Added cel file: Data\Spinred.cel <- variation of Data\PentSpin.cel. Temporarily unused; + Oblivion Knights no longer appear as random monster on dlvl-4; + Same about Overlords on dlvl-7; + Oblivion Knights appear in (Horror mode) Chamber of Bone, and have more HP there: [240-320]; + Oblivion Knights and Overlords have higher Tohit (+5%), this should make them stand out a bit; + Black and Obsidian Golems are not affected by Fire/Magic/Lightning. Being Undead, they are vulnerable to Holy magic mostly; + Fixed: Zhar the Mad no longer says "Ah, your curiosity will be the death of you" when he sees you in his room on level 8; + Zhar the Mad in Multiplayer mode retains his activation sound; + Bone Creeper: hit points dropped from [500-700] to [350-550]; + Shadowdrinker: HP dropped by one half; + Bone Creepers are immune to missile attacks when retreating, but they start retreating only after stunning blows; + Pit Spiders moved to Abyss; + Lazarus level in SP received a unique palette; + Lazarus level in SP will be different on each difficulty mode; + Warlord of Blood: room architecture modified; + Oblivion Knight: +5 to AC; + Oblivion Knight: damage increased; + Oblivion Knight: IntF increasesd by 1; + Cave Boars are allowed to appear on dlvl-8; + Horned Beasts can now appear as early as dlvl-11; + Quasits can be encountered on levels [3-6]; + Tormentors can be encountered on dlvl-9; + Chaos Clan renamed to Darkness Clan; + Black Marsh Bow renamed to Fleshstinger; + Quasits receive +25% damage from melee weapons when encountered on dlvl-3; + Blood Legion's complex elemental resistance check wasn't implemented (this could have caused too high resists for many monsters): now fixed; + Quasits receive +25% damage from non-magic attacks when encountered on dlvl-3; + Boss monsters now support 6 different TRN color sets on different modes and difficulties: SP_Horr, SP_Purg, SP_Doom, MP_Horr, MP_Purg, MP_Doom; + Soulpus has different colors on all difficuties of SP mode; + Blood Witches are not allowed to appear in Abyss; + The Butcher's color improves with the difficulty increase (both in SP & MP); + Diablo's color will improve on higher difficulty modes; + Same about The Defiler; + Diablo now has advanced resistance to all types of damage: 62,5%; + Defiler now has advanced resistance to all types of damage: 68,75%; Note: Uber is still the leader in resistance: 75% to everything + Added 6 new inventory object images to game archive; + You will collect much better loot on quest levels now, and its quality will increase with difficulty; + Decapitated bodies now drop better items as the difficulty increases; + Gold drop formula revised, now less gold will be dropped with the dungeon and difficulty increase; + Barrels/pods/urns/weapons racks/armor stands and other dungeon objects will drop better items with the difficulty increase; + You'll find better toys in libraries as you progress to Purgatory and Doom; + Slightly modified Doom map for Poisoned water supply; + Modified Doom map of Bone chamber; + Warping Demons are now stunned if damage is below (mAC-25)*5. This gives them, so to speak, 'warped' stun resistance; + Scout base damage modified: (CLVL*(STR+DEX))/175 with bow, (CLVL*(STR+DEX))/250 with bare hands/feet, (CLVL*(STR+DEX))/1000 with all other weapon types; + Fulminator damage goes down: 2000 -> 700. Effective = 175 with multihit & multishot; + Death Guardian: immune to M-F-L, and on Doom: M-F-L-SC (quadra immunity); + Fixed a glitched tile in Chamber of Bone; + Changed images for Barbaric sword and Gorewhipper; + Lower repair prices again (because of changed gold drops): 40 -> 30; + Rune bomb now looks less goofy and more diabolish; + Bosses have lower chance to drop a unique item: 16% -> 12%; + Fixed a horrible bug with Divine shrine being unable to drop full holy water on dlvl-4. Now it should drop it only on level 5 and below; + Added several Horhed demon TRN files to archive (reserved for future); + Added one more variation of intro music. Music expansion upgraded to version 3.2 now; + Warlord's activation sound in MP corrected; + Added activation sound to Gharbad in MP; + Town palettes differ in Singleplayer mode, depend on difficulty now; + Removed 2 large chests from Doom mode Chamber of Bone (to decrease chance of getting duplicated items); + Bone Creepers & Illusion Weavers aren't immune to missile damage when retreating if encountered outside of Crypt levels; + One of the tiles in Hell allowed walking and could be used as an exploit: fixed; + Aegis damage absorption formula updated from 20+Rnd((baseVIT/4)+9)% to 20+Rnd(baseVIT/8)+35)%; + Bosses' unique drop chances adjusted again: 6% on Horror, 9% on Purgatory, 12% on Doom, Note: non-unique monsters will retain their chance for unique drop on all difficulties (2%) - Celia will appear in MP, but the quest isn't working there. I couldn't activate it for SP only; + Pit spiders leave acid puddles after death; + Raised qlvl for some of the lowest affixes. This will create better affix combinations at the early stage of the game; + Partially upgraded ALH series of Assassin animation; + Full upgrade of AMS series of Assassin animation - Assassin animation version upgraded to 0.07; + Base item table expanded with 2 new relict types; + Full upgrade of AMM series of Assassin animation - animation version upgraded to 0.08; + Full upgrade of AMD series of Assassin animation - animation version upgraded to 0.09; + Full upgrade of ALD series of Assassin animation - animation version upgraded to 0.10; + Assassin animation aldat.cl2: corrected speed for South-East direction; + Added new TRN for Monk, which will be applied in future (if I succeed giving him support for that); + Lazarus has different colors on various game modes/difficulties; + Zhar the Mad (in SP): TRN update; + Veil of Steel & Guardian helm: images swapped; + Corrected image for Amazon's Corset; + Created several new inventory object images, reserved for future; + Cain's speech about cryptic tomes corrected; + Modified image for Platemail; + Relict of recharging: new image (old one used to look too similar to relict of id); + Dark star removed; + Added new unique item; + Gnarled Root is more powerful now; + Corrected some inventory objects (DEX line armors); + Hidden AI: less aggressive attack delays on Doom: (IntF*16)+40 ->> (IntF*16)+35; + Hidden AI: walk delays differ for difficulty modes. Chance for uninterrupted chasing: [49-65]% on Horror, [66-82]% on Purg, [83-99]% on Doom The chance depends on monster's IntF. Hence the randomness above; + Hidden AI: walk delays adjusted: Horr: if standtime is greater than 30 turns and R < (Intf*4) + 10, walk towards target, Purg: if standtime is greater than 15 turns and R < (Intf*4) + 25, walk towards target, Doom: if standtime is greater than 5 turns and R < (Intf*4) + 40, walk towards target, Note: 1 turn = 0,05sec; + Some bosses with Goat Mace AI had their IntF's corrected. Should smoothe out difficulty increase; + Goat Mace AI attack delays adjusted: Horr: (2*IntF)+15 -> (2*IntF)+20, Purg: (4*IntF)+22 -> (4*IntF)+35, Doom: (8*IntF)+35 -> (4*IntF)+55; + Battle Mail: picture revised; + Goats are more likely to approach directly instead of doing circle walk first. Chance increased by ~150%; + Goat Mace AI: walk pausing revised: Horr: if standtime > 1,2 seconds, and R < 2·Intf + 20, walk towards last seen position of target, Purg: if standtime > 0,5 seconds, and R < 2·Intf + 40, walk towards last seen position of target, Doom: if standtime > 0,05 second, and R < 2·Intf + 60, walk towards last seen position of target; + Goat Mace AI: walk interrupts adjusted for difficulty modes: Horr: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < Intf + 70, keep walking, Purg: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < Intf + 80, keep walking, Doom: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < Intf + 90, keep walking; + Shooter AI: retreat chances adjusted and now even game mode (SP-MP) is taken into account (shooters in SP will be less likely to retreat): MultiHorror: Rnd[100] < (IntF*4) + 65, for IntF's of [0-3] range it gives [65-77]% ->> 65, 69, 73, 77, MultiPurgy: Rnd[100] < (IntF*4) + 78, for IntF's of [0-3] range it gives [78-90]% ->> 78, 82, 86, 90, MultiDoom: Rnd[100] < (IntF*2) + 94, for IntF's of [0-3] range it gives [94-100]% ->> 94, 96, 98, 100, SingleHorror: Rnd[100] < (IntF*4) + 55, for IntF's of [0-3] range it gives [55-67]% ->> 55, 59, 63, 67, SinglePurgy: Rnd[100] < (IntF*4) + 68, for IntF's of [0-3] range it gives [68-80]% ->> 68, 72, 76, 80, SingleDoom: Rnd[100] < (IntF*2) + 84, for IntF's of [0-3] range it gives [84-90]% ->> 84, 86, 88, 90, Note: this affects all monsters that use 'shoot from distance and retreat' tactics; - Boss monsters again have 16% chance to drop a unique item, on all difficulty modes (previous change caused morphing on restart); + SP DFE limit on Purgatory set to -50 now; + Aegis damage absorption formula updated from 20+Rnd(((baseVIT/8)+35)% to 10+Rnd((baseVIT/8)+35)%; + Repair prices lowered again: 30% -> 20%; + Gold drop function revised, now much better balanced: Horr: ((DLVL*4)-3)+Rnd[18], Purg: ((DLVL*4)+89)+Rnd[36], Doom: ((DLVL*4)+181)+Rnd[54]; + Xerelesk: colors adjusted for various game modes; + Hargabak does more damage; + Hargabak uses Winged Fiend attack; + Lash Worms are given support for lightning melee attack (as Dark Seraph), and its damage should increase with difficulty; + Winged Fiend AI walk delays adjusted for difficulty and IntF: Horr: if standtime is greater than 1,2 seconds and R < Intf + 08, walk towards target, Purg: if standtime is greater than 0,8 seconds and R < Intf + 18, walk towards target, Doom: if standtime is greater than 0,4 seconds and R < Intf + 28, walk towards target; + Winged Fiend AI walk interrupts adjusted for difficulty modes: H: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < Intf + 55, walk towards target, exit, P: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < Intf + 70, walk towards target, exit, D: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < Intf + 85, walk towards target, exit; + Unseen boss on dlvl-10 has 6 different colors, depending on game mode and difficulty; + Amazon's Corset price goes down: 280k -> 160k; + Fulminator damage reduced: 700 -> 400; + Horny AI charge chances adjusted: Horr: (23-50)%, Purg: (50-77)%, Doom: (80-98)%; + Horny AI walk delays adjusted for difficulty modes now: H: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < 2·Intf + 32, walk towards last seen position of target, result = (32-50), P: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < 2·Intf + 56, walk towards last seen position of target, result = (56-74), D: if last action was walking and standtime is 0 and R < 2·Intf + 80, walk towards last seen position of target, result = (80-98); + Balrog AI delay durations adjusted: Horr: (Rnd[(-1*DLVL)+30]+2)/20 seconds, Purg: (Rnd[6])/20 seconds, Doom: no delays; + Balrog AI attack chances revised: H: if Rnd[100]>=(Intf*5)+30, do delay, P: if Rnd[100]>=(Intf*5)+55, do delay, D: if Rnd[100]>=(Intf*5)+75, do delay, <- !useless now because there are no delays on Doom; + Balrog AI out of light behavior corrected to avoid possible potential value overflow problems for subtype 5: (IntF+8)*10 -> (IntF+7)*10; + Balrog AI approach chances adjusted for difficulty modes: H: if R < (Intf+11)*5, walk towards last seen position of target, results in [55-80], P: if R < (Intf+40)*2, walk towards last seen position of target, results in [80-90], D: if R < (Intf+45)*2, walk towards last seen position of target, results in [90-100]; + Lightning damage from monsters now follows this new formula: ((Rnd[mAC]+1)*16)+(mAC/4); + Repair prices increased because of new improved gold drop formula: 20% -> 30%; + Gold drop function revised again, now even better balanced: Horr: ((DLVL*3)-2)+Rnd[16], Purg: ((DLVL*3)+63)+Rnd[31], Doom: ((DLVL*3)+128)+Rnd[51]; + Shooters will try to keep larger distance between themselves and players: 3 -> 4; + Skeleton King AI will almost never engage monsters in useless circle walk when in multiplayer mode; + Skeleton King AI will start circle walk a little less often in SP: Rnd[4] -> Rnd[5]; + Hellmeat IntF set to 1, Lothamaarg to 2 and Skeleton King's - to 3 (highest in TH now). Now minimum is '1' and maximum is '3'; + Skeleton King AI attack chances in melee vary with game difficulty: H: if R[100] < (IntF*5)+25, do melee attack, results in [30-40], P: if R[100] < (IntF*5)+40, do melee attack, results in [45-55], D: if R[100] < (IntF*9)+55, do melee attack, results in [64-82]; + Skeleton King AI: chances for uninterrupted chasing are greatly increased: IntF+75 -> IntF+95; + Skeleton King AI delay durations now depend on difficulty mode: H: Rnd[18]+6, P: Rnd[5]+6, D: no delays; + Item level modifiers for drops from dungeon objects on Doom set to (DLVL/4)+25 and it will arrive at maximum of 31/62 on the last level of Crypt; + 'Haddares the Black Ghost' renamed to 'Lionskull the Bent'; + Zizuph renamed to Doomhowler; + Bashmaggot renamed to Webslash; + Hargabak renamed to Shockscissor; + Babbon the Rotten renamed to Deadeye; + Some monsters and bosses were given more fitting names and colors, too many changes here, no chance for thorough documentation; + Music file renamed to 'THmusic.mor'; + Fire Clan goat on PWS quest level on Horror mode (the one that guards the chest) now resists 37,5% damage; + Potions of (full)mana now look a bit different (darker); + Experience will slab less fast on Horror mode, due to new formula for XP modifier according to difference between CLVL and MLVL: old formula for Horror: {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*(MLVL-CLVL))}, new formula for Horror: {baseXP*(1.0+0.1*(MLVL-((DLVL*2)+(CLVL/2))))}, Note: sometimes the difference is zero, no XP will be given, even with the new rule when minimum XP is 1. However, it's not happening too often; + [Rev_1.75Px5], Soulcage lightradius penalty: 30% -> 10%; + Adjusted light radius on various unique items; + Desert Dragon's 'base item data table expansion' implemented: 512 items -> 2048 items; + Increased Lifestealing now adds Rnd[damage/64]+1 to life (was: Rnd[damage/32]); v1.80c + New music (by Raphael Reed) added to Cathedral levels on SP Purgatory mode; + Unique item datatable is expanded, by Desert Dragon; + Added 10 previously inactive uniques back to table. Now there are 138 uniques in the game; + Stoneskin uses new image now; + Inventory image #641: flip animation set to 'Mail'; + Added 7 more uniques (145 now); + Added 4 more uniques; + PWS quest rewards will now differ according to diff.mode of the game. These rewards won't morph after restart; + Same changes made to 'Magic Rock' quest; + Added some more images for new unique items; v1.80d + Added 2 new uniques, based on leather armor, to prevent Leather of Aut from being dropped too often; + Added 3 new uniques, based on hatchet/balanced axe, to prevent Belphegor's Ravager from being dropped too often; + Ogden's Sign quest reward changed, will no longer morph on restart, and will vary for difficulty mode; + Added several inventory object images to game archive, for possible future needs; + The Redeemer: qlvl lowered from 45 to 35; + One more unique item added (based on xbow); v1.80e + Desert Dragon and Fuco added to in-game credits; + Added 3 more uniques; + Added 5 new inventory object pictures; v1.80h + Duping bug fixed, by Desert Dragon; + Multiplayer savegame files are now stored in game folder (used to be located in Windows folder), thanks to Fuco; ATTENTION: Move your Multiplayer savegame files from Windows folder to TheHell folder (otherwise you won't see MP characters) - The freeze upon touching a Hidden Shrine while equipped with only indestructible items fixed, by Desert Dragon; + Added 30+ new item images; + Added 5 new unique items; v1.80k + The freeze upon touching a Hidden Shrine while equipped with only indestructible items fixed, by Desert Dragon (fix revision #2); + Hidden shrine activated (all levels, SP & MP); + Halls of the Blind quest reward changed, will no longer morph on restart, and will vary for difficulty mode; + Celia's Toy quest reward changed, will no longer morph on restart, and will vary for difficulty mode; + Civerb's Vestments given new picture; + Arkaine's Valor renamed to Emperor's Mail; + Arkaine's Valor quest reward changed, will no longer morph on restart, and will vary for difficulty mode; + Anvil of Fury quest reward changed, will no longer morph on restart, and will vary for difficulty mode; + Lachdanan quest reward changed, will no longer morph on restart, and will vary for difficulty mode; v1.80k RC1 + Allowed right-clicking (casting/drinking) belt items in positions 5 through 8, while the Spellbook is open (done by Desert Dragon); + Changed information in ReadMe (ENG, RUS) about the new location of MP savegame files; v1.80k RC2 + Hidden Shrine: durability modification lowered from 10 to 2; v1.80k RC3 + Dark Chargers now do deal damage with their charge attack; + Main menu background picture changed (for testing purposes); v1.80k RC4 + Hidden Shrine will not increase item durability above 220 points (my idea, implemented by Desert Dragon); + Hidden Shrine durability displacement: 2 -> 1; v1.80l + Added 11 new item images for future needs; + Less maximum damage on Stigmatizer; + Less +%damage on Executioners Blade; + More +%damage on Dragonwing; + Created 7 new unique items (total 192 uniques now); + Uber is immune to knockback now; v1.80m + Added 5 new unique staves (all based on War Staff); v1.80p + Recently added unique staves received new pictures; + Spiritual fortress SLVL bonus is 2 (static); + Harlequin's Crest: -AC effect changed to -%AC (to avoid wrap around value); + Added 6 new unique wands (total 203 unique items now); v1.80q + MvP Melee Autohit: 20% -> 24%; + MvP Missile Autohit: 15% -> 18%; + Doom mode monster damage modifier: PrimaryMin+188 & PrimaryMax+188 -> PrimaryMin+158 & PrimaryMax+188. This doesn't affect boss monsters; v1.80r + Baranar damage reset to 220 again; + Added one extra shield picture to archive, gave support in exe; + Base item data table info file is expanded: added uniqueID numbers; v1.80s + Protector renamed to The Protector; + New Hidden unique monster added to DLVL-18 (uses unique TRN 'hosyourdaddy', different color in SP_Horror); + Added 4 new unique bows (total 207 unique items now); v1.80t + Xeratyl's remark added to ReadMe (ENG); + ReadMe documentation revision: ENG & RUS; + Hungarian ReadMe usage will be discontinued because of obsolete information; + Alpha Helm renamed to Alpha mask, abd is given new picture; + Overlord's Helm renamed to Spiritmask; + Magma AI melee attack rate adjusted for better delay balance: Horror: (IntF+8)*500 -> (IntF+24)*250, Purgatory: (IntF+13)*500 -> (IntF+30)*250, Doom: (IntF+18)*500 -> (IntF+36)*250, Note: this will affect all Magma/Lightning demons, Defiler, Diablo and Uber; + Skeleton AI: better balanced walk delays: Horror: if R < (2*IntF)+60, walk towards last seen position of target, Purg: if R < (2*IntF)+75, walk towards last seen position of target, Doom: if R < (2*IntF)+90, walk towards last seen position of target; v1.80u + Spiritual Fortress: +%AC lowered from [15-25] to [5-15]; + Added several new inventory object pictures; + Added new music on SP Doom Cathedral levels (by Raphael Reed). Music Expansion updated to version 3.4; + Added support for MEv3.4 in EXE; + Mindcry: stats revised; v1.80v + Gold Golems are immune to Stone Curse on Doom mode; + Gold Golems resist physical damage (both melee & arrows): 25% on dlvl-21, 37,5% on dlvl-22, 50% on dlvl 23, Note: it would be now wiser to let Mages take them out; + Added several new inventory object pictures; + Added 14 new unique items (total 221 unique now); v1.81 + Added 2 new uniques, based on Tiara (total 223 uniques now); + Added 6 more uniques (total 229); + Corrected pictures for several objects; + Relocated some text chunks in 2nd data segment; + Revised some unique item stats (minor adjustments); v1.81a + Veliur's pack is allowed to throw magma balls (Makantal reported); + Immortal King damage set to 150; + Baranar's Maul damage set to 200; + Added several new uniques (total 236); v1.81b + The Mangler: damage bonus lowered; + Uber's mlvl set to 60; + Boss MLVL modifier depends on difficulty now: Horror: +2, Purg: +3, Doom: +4, Note: this will make items with highest level affixes and uniques not droppable on Horror and (partially) Purgatory; v1.81c + Undead Guardians receive 25% resistance to melee damage (Bosses - 62,5% resistance); + Cornerstone bosses are quad-immune; + Gore Vipers now immune to magic and vulnerable to fire; + Undead Guardians: +5% chance to hit; + Added support for music expansion v3.5; v1.81d + Inventory duping bug fixed (report by CableCat, fix by Desert Dragon); v1.81e + Adjusted stats on some unique items; v1.81g + Light Plate Mail AC: [130-159]; + Plate Corselet AC: [160-180]; + Added 4 new unique staves (240 uniques total now); v1.81h + The game now can create more screenshots in its folder: 100 -> 10000 (patch by Desert Dragon); + Created several new inventory object pictures; v1.81i + Apocalypse damage from monsters revised: Horror: 120 -> 120; Purgat: 240 -> 220; Doom: 360 -> 300; v1.81j + Adria now restores mana when talked to, just like Pepin restores life (patch by Desert Dragon); v1.81l + Greater Hulks use different (dynamic) TRN color; + Golem negative coordinate gamecrash bug fixed (by Desert Dragon), probably catacomb morphing bug also fixed; v1.81n + Death Guardians, Horned Death & Eviscerators have a little more HPs; + Created 8 unique shields, based on Kite Shield (total uniques now 248); v1.81o + Corrected level information for Abyss and Crypt stairs; v1.81p + Created 2 unique Dexterity line mail armors (total uniques now 250); v1.81q + Added 2 unique plate armors for Assassin class: Krondor's Defense and Legacy of Blood. The latter should be findable only on Doom difficulty; + Documentation (ENG) is now presented in PDF format; v1.81r + Added 2 unique swords for Assassins (Gotterzorn is findable only on Doom difficulty and on early levels - Catacombs presumably); v1.81s + Celestial Bow does slightly less damage; v1.81t + Windforce nerfed a bit: +[50-60] damage replaced with -[20-40]% fire resistance; v1.81u + The Incinerator does less damage: +[45-55] damage modified to +[40-50] damage; + Scout's base damage with bows increased to (CLVL*(STR+DEX))/150; v1.82 + Retreat distances of Shooter AI vary for difficulty modes: Horror - 2, Purgatory - 3, Doom - 4; + Horny AI: minimum distance for charge varies for difficulty mode: Horror - 5, Purgatory - 4, Doom - 3; + Lightning Ball renamed to Ball Lightning; + Claymore damage revised: [8-60] -> [8-59]; + Suffix of 'crushing' renamed to 'ruin'; + Prefixes of '+%damage' series had their names revised; + Readme (RUS) updated; + Mana Shield related bug with crashing (when Fury ends) fixed (by Desert Dragon) - no longer Mana Shields will stack; + Created 6 new unique axes, including The Bucther's Cleaver (total uniques now 262); v1.82c + Added several new inventory object pictures to archive (for possible future needs); + Lightning spell receives new damage formula: Rnd[clvl] + Rnd[4] + 4 ->> Rnd[(clvl/2)] + Rnd[6] + 4; + Firebolt speed lowered: SLVL+10, max=30; + Holy Bolt missile speed formula revision: slvl*2 + 16, max=50 ->> slvl+10, max=30; + Fire Blast missile speed formula changed from slvl*2 + 16, max=50 to slvl+10, max=40; + Ball Lightning missile speed formula changed from slvl*2 + 16, max=50 to slvl+10, max=40; + Gold drop function revised again: Horr: ((DLVL*2)-1)+Rnd[34], Purg: ((DLVL*2)+45)+Rnd[34], Doom: ((DLVL*2)+90)+Rnd[34]; + Monster Fire/Lightning arrow speed revised: 44 -> 30; + Character normal arrow base speed revised: 28 -> 30; + 'Random speed arrows' effect revised speed: Rnd[base speed]+16 -> Rnd[base speed]+10; + Character class related speed bonuses for normal arrows revised: Scout: (clvl-1)/4 -> (clvl-1)/8, Pal & Glad: (clvl-1)/8 -> (clvl-1)/16, Note: quick attack increases speed further by 1, fast attack - by 2, faster attack - by 4, fastest - by 8; + Monster arrow speed: 28 -> 30; + Relict of Teleport Magic cost revised: 101 -> 73; + Arrows deal 50% less damage in PvP; + Magic damages deal 75% less damage in PvP; + Hunter's bow renamed to Reflex bow; v1.82d + Multiplayer savegame files no longer depend on computer network name (patch by Fuco): WARNING! This is imperative that people who have Multiplayer characters do the following to avoid losing their MP characters: step 0. backup your current MP characters (see Readme on how to find them, if you don't know what they are), step 1. load zTHv182cRC2-converter.exe (this file is included in this release), Note: for this conversion you HAVE to use a computer with the same network name as the one used for creating your MP characters, Note 2: the converter does NOT read Single-player characters, this is done on purpose, step 2. go to 'Multiplayer' and pick your first MP character, step 3. start the game with it, step 4. when your character appears in town, click 'Menu' and 'Quit The Hell'. This converted your character; step 5. goto step 1 until all of your Multiplayer characters are gone, step 6. load the game as normal (TheHell.exe), you should be able to see all your MP characters now, they no longer depend on computername, Note: again, don't use 'zTHv182cRC2-converter.exe' to play: its sole purpose is to change MP savegame files, If you experience problems, report on forum thread (; + 'dat2' segment is expanded by 256000 bytes for expanding spell system - preparations made for Dragon's new patch; + Multiplayer savegame files no longer have 'hidden' attribute (patch by Fuco); + New music in Caves of SP Purgatory, by Ben Wallace (2nd composer for TH team). Added support. TH Music v3.6 is on its way; v1.82e + THdata.mor archive is repacked for size decrease; + Suffixes of '+life' & '+mana' revised; + Multiplayer savegame files are now converted automatically (Desert Dragon's improvement to Fuco's patch), Note: this makes converting exe from 1.82d useless (delete it), Note2: new system recognizes both old and new characters, but it automatically converts old characters to new format after you've played them, Note3: after conversion, new characters are no longer compatible with old versions of TH (prior to 1.82d); + Multiplayer savefiles are now saved as non-hidden - attribute changes after you've played with a certain character (Desert Dragon's patch); v1.82f + When active on one member of a party, Mana Shield spell couldn't be activated for others: fixed (by Desert Dragon). Needs fieldtesting though; + Readme's updated and restructured; + Staff of Meditation: price doubled (to increase repair costs); + Rebalanced Eaglehorn and Celestial Bow; v1.82g RC7, (14:44 18.07.2009) + Mage line armors revised; + Widowmaker, Eaglehorn, Celestial bow & Riphook: damages revised; + Changing base monsters' XP rewards: Purg [(Horror+400)*2], Doom [(Horror+400)*3] (was: [(Horror+400)*4]); + Stingers now have less HP, do less damage (more random also) and have their Tohit chance reduced by 5%; + Oil of Effectiveness now increases max damage by 1 if: max damage is below 200 & difference between maxDmg and minDmg is below 100; + Oil of Death now increases minDmg by 1 & maxDmg by 3 if: max damage is below 250 & difference between maxDmg and minDmg is below 125; + Aegis no longer can be cast on one player twice (patch by Desert Dragon); + Recharge costs are increased by 200% for Mana and Magi staves; + Added 5 new unique plates based on Advocate's Plate (total uniques now 267); + Hellfire manacost revised; v1.82g RC9, (13:39 20.07.2009) + Added more inventory pics; + Tyrael's Bless renamed to Tyrael's Blessing (according to mekamoari's note); + Added 7 new unique plate mails (total uniques now 274); v1.82g RC10, (18:50 20.07.2009) + 3rd revision to 2+MS's & Fury crash bug (by Desert Dragon). Should be final this time, I hope so; v1.82g RC11, (20:26 23.07.2009) + Improved stun formula for characters: (CLVL/2)+(baseVIT/4)-3 into Rnd[CLVL]+(baseVIT/8)+(CLVL/2)-2, took me 3 revisions, thx to Dragon 4 help; v1.82g RC12, (7:43 29.07.2009) + Uber does more Apoc damage on Doom mode: 300 -> 350; + The Defiler has less HP now: 13k -> 12k; v1.82g RC15, (17:45 31.07.2009) + Gladiators receive Clvl/4 bonus to their natural AC when wearing Plate class armor (used to have Clvl/4 penalty); + AC values revised on body armors for Mages and Assassins (see BaseItemList table for details); + Arcane Star minimum damage lowered: 8 -> 6. This doesn't really affect AS, but makes ANova less voracious; v1.82g RC17, (17:49 04.08.2009) + Attempted to fix HF crash in PvP by making HF ineffective against other players (I couldn't test it, let me know if that works!); + Attempt made to fix occasional crashes when loading dlvl 15 in MP mode (report if crashes persist!); v1.82g RC18, (19:17 04.08.2009) + Lower repair prices: 0.30x -> 0.25x (to compensate for higher probabilities of stun with the new stun formula); + Defiler's drop in SP now depends on difficulty mode: Horror: 2 items, Purgatory: 3 items, Doom: 5 items; v1.82g RC19, (20:03 10.08.2009) - this patch was temporarily cancelled because of unexpected complications - Mlvl_item is modified for bosses from mlvl+4 to: horror: (mlvl/2)+5, purgatory: (mlvl/2)+20, doom: (mlvl/2)+34, Note: this should prevent many overpowered items from being dropped on Hr and makes early level drops on Dm MUCH better (less crappy drops); v1.82g RC20, (15:17 14.08.2009) + Gladiator's prefix renamed to Squire's; + Revised -DFE series suffix values; + Minimum THC on 'Bronze' prefix is 6% now; + Revised +damage ring-specific prefixes (raised values by 50% on average); + Revised +AC ring-specific prefixes; v1.82g RC21, (18:38 17.08.2009) + Added 4 new large pot pictures to game archive; v1.82g RC22, (10:09 18.08.2009) + Bonespan +%ED changed from 800 to 650; v1.82g RC23, (13:05 18.08.2009) + Dreadvisor +%AC changed from [100-150] to [50-75]; v1.82g RC24, (19:02 18.08.2009) + Added one new unique mail for Assassins (total uniques 275 now); v1.82h, (10:30 19.08.2009) + Skeleton archers do more damage: [1-4] -> [1-5]; + Oblivion Knights (from Chamber of Bone on Horror) have more HP: [240-360] -> [300-400] and more damage: [24-38] -> [30-50]; + Quasits: less minimum damage; + Rotting Carcass, Grave Digger, Tomb Slave: more damage in melee; v1.82i, (18:06 25.08.2009) + Fallen AI: current hitpoints are capped at maxHP*1,25; + Fallen AI: chance for warcry is reduced: 1/30 -> 1/35; + Burned Corpse seeding size fixed: 1 -> 1019; + Rotting Carcass mlvl raised: 5 -> 10; + Rotting Carcass tohit lowered to maintain the same chance: 16% -> 6%; v1.82i RC3, (16:10 26.08.2009) + Arcane Star minimum manacost reduced: 6 -> 4. Done to reduce Arcane Nova cost. Still should be replaced with a better fix later; + Monster stun formula expanded by adding random to it. Now stun threshold is Rnd[50-100]% of stun value, used to be static value (100%), Note: this reduces monster stun threshold by 25% on average and increases chances to stun them; v1.82i RC4, (16:14 30.08.2009) + Monster stun formula optimized: Rnd((stun value/2)+1)+((stun value/2)+1). It still works as before, just a code optimization; v1.82j, (22:32 30.08.2009) + Introducing new feature in PvM: 'Auto stun': 1% minimum chance to stun monsters, regardless of damage; + Introducing new feature in PvM: 'Auto stun avoid': 99% maximum chance to stun monsters, regardless of damage; v1.82k, (16:50 31.08.2009) + Added new music for SP Doom menu. Music archive updated to version 3.8 now; v1.82l, (12:13 02.09.2009) + Scout body armor line had its AC values revised. Now AC should increase smoothly; + Documentation updated; v1.83, (23:23 03.09.2009) + Soul Burners now deal physical damage, but their stars retain magical tohit formula. So, armor class will not affect them; + Soul Burners do less minimum damage: -20 (to compensate for increased total damage due to physical nature of their stars); + Dark Witches do a bit more damage now: [63-67] -> 67; + Clawhand gives less -DFE: [1-5] -> [1-2], and no longer does increased damage to undead; + Randomized stun threshold doesn't work on Hiddens (checked by monster slots) and Warping Demons (also monsterslot check); + Corrupt Order is no longer forced to appear on dlvl-13; + Corrupt Order now can appearr on dlvls [12-16]; + Corrupt Order stats revised; + Imp Rogues are no longer forced to appear on dlvl-11; + Imp Rogues now can appear on dlvls [11-13]; + Imp Rogue stats revised; + Insired by Makantal's report >> Overlord AI Stand delays adjusted for IntF and difficulty mode: Horror: if standtime is greater than 24 turns and R < 4·Intf + 15, walk towards target, Purgatory: if standtime is greater than 16 turns and R < 4·Intf + 39, walk towards target, Doom: if standtime is greater than 8 turns and R < 4·Intf + 63, walk towards target, Note: Overlord IntF varies from 3 to 9 in TH; + Introducing new feature in PvM: knockback resistance. Currently, there are 3 types: 25% (medium sized monsters), 50% (large, slow), 75% (largest), Note: this only applies to melee or combo-style monsters; + 25% KB resistance fixed: used to be 66% because of bugged coding; + Corrupt Order seeding sized reduced: 1200 ->> 666; v1.83a, (13:28 04.09.2009) + MvP Missile: minimum tohit = 16%, max: (95-(bDEX/4))%; + MvP Melee: minimum tohit = 23%, max: (100-(bDEX/8))%; + Monsters with 25% knockback resistance have 33% resistance now; + Obsidian-, Mud- and Black Golems now have 80% KB resistance on Horror and KB immunity on Purgatory and Doom; + Small melee skeletons, Corrupt Order, Greater Imps, Imp Brutes and Vault Rats have 20% KB resistance (1/5 chance to avoid stun); v1.83b, (14:09 05.09.2009) + Leviathan's Cage now doesn't have MAG penalty, instead it reduces DEX by [6-10] points. This should be less painful for Gladiators; + Bonespan DEX penalty changed to STR penalty: -[8-10] STR; + Bonespan enhanced rotting damage reduced: +650% -> +400%; v1.83c, (11:10 07.09.2009) + Bonespan +%ED increased: +400% -> +[400-450]%; + 'Random 0-300% damage' effect renamed to 'Random 1-260% damage' because of recent study (inspired by Makantal) and for proper damage indication; v1.83e, (18:10 07.09.2009) + Added 2 new inventory object images; + Added one unfindable special base item (for starting Gladiators, right hand) - base item #169h (Light Mace); + Stick does more damage: [2-4] -> [2-6]; + Gladiators now start with Light mace in right hand and Stick in left hand; + Added one unfindable special base item (for starting Paladins, right hand) - base item #16Ah (Light Hammer); + Paladins now start with Light hammer in their right hand; + Added one unfindable special base item (for starting Assassins, right hand) - base item #16Bh (Sharp Knife); + Assassins now start with Sharp knife in their right hand and Light cane in left hand; v1.83g, (17:07 08.09.2009) + Grasp of Oblivion image corrected; + Naj's puzzle uses new image now; + Solar shrine adds less to stats: +2 -> +1; + Relocated some monster data to make space for new megaboss data; + Greater Demon seeding size reduced: 240 -> 1. This will make more space for monsters in Pandemonium; + Greater Demon HPs raised; + Greater Demon Doom mode resistance set to quad immunity; + Death Guardians are forced to be available as special mosnters in Doom mode Pandemonium of Multiplayer mode; + PvM Melee: Death Guardians resist 87,5% melee damage if encountered in Pandemonium; + Uber now resists 75% melee damage in SP, and 87,5% damage in MP (you might need company for MP now); + Death Guardians now resist 87,5% arrow damage if encountered in Pandemonium; + Death Guardians now resist 87,5% magic (Holy) damage if encountered in Pandemonium; + Death Guardian seeding size set to '0'; + Death Guardians are forced to be available as special monsters on all Doom mode levels in multiplayer mode; + Added special megaboss to Pandemonium (appears only on Multiplayer Doom). Test version. Will be revised in future; + Added new Hidden boss on dlvl-14; v1.83gRC2, (23:58 08.09.2009) + Megaboss and his mob resistance is multiplied by 4, boss uses Diablo AI and they all aren't affected by knockback; v1.83h, (15:02 09.09.2009) + Megaboss damage resistance set to 31/32, his minions - 15/16; + Megaboss now drops 10 items; + Death Guardians have more accuracy in Pandemonium: +37%, and attack twice in melee: frames 8 and 9; v1.83i, (22:48 09.09.2009) + Arrow trap damage formula revised (code rewritten from scratch): old formula: (((Dlvl*(Diff*2))+2)*8)+2 - ((((Dlvl*(Diff*2))+2)*8)+2)*3, diff here = 0 for horror, 1 for purg and 2 for doom, new formula: Horror: (Dlvl*5)+5 to ((Dlvl*5)+5)*2, Purgat: (Dlvl*5)+130 to ((Dlvl*5)+130)*2, Doom: (Dlvl*10)+260 to ((Dlvl*10)+260)*2, + Uber Diablo melee damage resistance in MP is again set to 75%; + Megaboss changes: secondary attack used to be inactive due to bugged coding: now fixed, secondary attack maximum damage has doubled damage potential (up to 510 per hit actually - beware), boss damage resistances set to 93,75%, mob resists set to 87,5%, boss HP set to 40000; v1.83k, (17:56 10.09.2009) + Monk spellcasting speed increased: 13 -> 10; + Uber, Leo, Butcher, Hell Clan, Diablo and Overlord seeding sizes set to '0'; + Pandemonium architecture modified; v1.83m, (16:08 11.09.2009) + Some code optimizations; + Added new Skeleton boss on dlvl-1 (no mob); + Added new Legion boss on dlvl-19 (uses previously unseen boss+mob AI combo); + Slimebash doesn't retreat after getting stunned (added monster slot check in Hidden AI); v1.83n, (14:17 13.09.2009) + Stone Curse spell now makes monsters INVULNERABLE to damage for the duration of the spell; + Added new Blood Hulk boss on dlvl-18; + Added new Lash Worm bosses on dlvls 18 and 20; + Added new Blood Legion boss on dlvl-20; + Boss table expanded. Still, names after 255 will wrap around. Hopefully, some fix for this will arrive in future; v1.85, (12:27 23.09.2009) + Monster stun formula changed to Range between min and max, where: min = (stun_threshold+1)/2, max = (((stun_threshold+1)/2) + (stun_threshold+1)), in other words, Rnd[50-150]% of stun value, for inst., if a monster has stun threshold of 5 it will be stunned at [3-8] damage, Note: usually, stun threshold is mAC*4, and mAC grows smoothly: 1-85 on Horror, 86-170 on Purg. and 171-255 on Doom; + Trap Disarm relict now will always disarm traps (used to be bugged); + Firebolt trap damage formula revised. Old formula: Rnd[(((dlvl*(diff*2))+2)*64)+4] + dlvl, New formula: Horr: Rnd[((dlvl+2)*16)+1] + (dlvl*8), Purg: Rnd[(((dlvl*2)+2)*16)+1] + ((dlvl+40)*8), Doom: Rnd[(((dlvl*4)+2)*16)+1] + ((dlvl+200)*8); + Fire Arrow trap damage formula revised. Old formula: Min: Dlvl + Rnd[10] + 1, Max: (2*Dlvl) + Rnd[10] + 1, New formula: Horr: min: Rnd[Dlvl*2]+(Dlvl*2)+1, max: Rnd[Dlvl*4]+(Dlvl*2)+10, Purg: min: Rnd[Dlvl*4]+(Dlvl*4)+30, max: Rnd[Dlvl*8]+(Dlvl*4)+50, Doom: min: Rnd[Dlvl*8]+(Dlvl*8)+60, max: Rnd[Dlvl*16]+(Dlvl*8)+125; + Unseen didn't have their names displayed due to pointer bug: fixed; + Lightning trap damage formula revised. Old formula: Rnd[(Dlvl+2)*8]+(Dlvl/64), New formula: Horr: Rnd[Dlvl]+(Dlvl*2), 8 attacks, Purg: Rnd[(Dlvl+26)]+((Dlvl+26)*2), 8 attacks, Doom: Rnd[((Dlvl+51)*2)]+((Dlvl+51)*2), 8 attacks; + Zuzum: HP reduced to 550 (was: 700); + Galahad: HP reduced to 1300 (was: 1500); + Biledrakk (dlvl-7): HP increased to 1600 (was: 1410); + Gutslash Goatmaster renamed to Gutslash; + Gutslash: more HP; + Rune traps (Lightning Nova) are now split: one uses Fire Arrow trap, another - Lightning Nova (will be rebalanced in future); + Current Lightning Nova trap damage formula set to: Horr: Rnd[8] + Rnd[8] + Rnd[8] + Dlvl + 5, Horr: Rnd[8] + Rnd[8] + Rnd[8] + (Dlvl*2) + 5, Horr: Rnd[8] + Rnd[8] + Rnd[8] + (Dlvl*4) + 5; + Lightning Nova from traps now originates from the chest, and not from the character; + Golem will no longer attack SC'ed creatures (thanks to xerfilstyx' report); + Celestial Bow does less lightning damage: [1-300]; + Windforce does more lightning damage: [1-500]; + Arcane star minimum manacost set to 2 (this again will make Arcane Nova cost less mana); + Lightning Nova: manacost reduction at slvl increase is reeduced to 1, and minimum manacost is set to 100; + Holy Bolt minimum manacost set to 3 (this will also decrease manacost for Holy Nova); + Lightning Nova: manacost reduction at slvl increase is reeduced to 1, and minimum manacost is set to 100; + Lightning/Fire Nova: maximum (starting) manacosts set to 165; + Hellfire spell is now not blockable (this should fix PvP gamecrash bug when another player's Hellfire is being blocked); + New citical hit chances in PvM Melee: Paladin: (clvl/2)% for 250% damage, Scout: (clvl/2)% for 200% damage, Mage: (clvl/2)% for 200% damage, Monk: (clvl/2)% for 300% damage, Assassin: (clvl/2)% for 300% damage, Gladiator: (clvl/2)% for 200% damage; + Inferno manacost revised: maximum 15, minimum 8; + FBlast & BLightning manacost revised: maximum 14, minimum 6; + Arcane Star manacost: maximum 12, minimum 2; + New citical hit chances in PvM Missile (bows & xbows): Paladin: no criticals, Scout: ((clvl/4)+1)% for 400% damage, Mage: no criticals, Monk: no criticals, Assassin: no criticals, Gladiator: ((clvl/8)+2)% for 200% damage; + All monster resistances revised. Now certian monster types always either do have or don't have SC immunity; + All Witches, Imps, Vipers, Knights, Hounds, Bats, Goats (except slow Goat Lords), Scavengers and Skeleton archers are always receptive to SC; + All golems, Magma/Lightning demons, Abominations, Balrogs, Zombies, Liches, Shredded, Biclops, Gargoyles and Overlords are always immune to SC; + Reapers, Horned Beasts, Boars and Hidden: receptive to SC on Horror & Purgatory, immune to SC on Doom; + Butcher, Diablo, Leoric, Defiler and Uber are of corse always immune to SC; + Added 2 new unique rings (Executioner's Oath will drop less often now); + 43 new inventory object images added to game archive; + Added 5 new unique rings (total uniques 282 now); + Boneflesh now uses 2nd revision picture; + The Butcher's Cleaver is given new picture (hope it looks brutal enough, drew it listening to Lady Gaga's Paparazzi LOL); + 5 more inventory object images added to game archive; + Added 6 new unique circlets (total uniques 288 now); + Bludgeon no longer has uniqueID#18h; + War Hammer no longer has uniqueID#18h; + Large Mace no longer has uniqueID#1Ah; + Huge Mace no longer has uniqueID#17h; + Barbaric Armor no longer has uniqueID#2Ah; + 2 more inventory object images added to game archive; + Mana spell gives less mana now. Formula changed: bonus*(Itt(clvl, Rnd[4]+1) + Itt(slvl, Rnd[6] + 1) + Rnd[10] + 1) to bonus*(Itt(clvl, Rnd[2]+1) + Itt(slvl, Rnd[2] + 1) + Rnd[4] + 1) Note: bonus is 2x for Mage, 1,5x for Monk & Assassin, 1x for Paladin, Scout & Gladiator; + Hellfire is still a knockbacker spell of physical nature, works against all types of monsters. But players are immune to its damage; + 45 more inventory object images added to game archive; + Crossbows use different magical names now: 'xbow'; + Oak bow is given better picture; + Fire Arrow trap damage formula revised: Horr: min: Rnd[Dlvl*2]+(Dlvl*4)+1, max: Rnd[Dlvl*4]+(Dlvl*4)+10, Purg: min: Rnd[Dlvl*4]+(Dlvl*8)+30, max: Rnd[Dlvl*8]+(Dlvl*8)+50, Doom: min: Rnd[Dlvl*8]+(Dlvl*8)+60, max: Rnd[Dlvl*16]+(Dlvl*16)+125; + Doomspike does more damage: [2-6] -> [1-11]; + Doomspike uses new picture now; + Doomspike armor piercing set to 3 (18,75% of mAC); + War Hammer is given uniqueID#88h; + Added 7 new unique items, all based on War Hammer (total uniques 295 now); + [Desert Dragon's patch] Boss ID pointer changed from byte to dword, the name of the pointer also changed. This fixes boss name overflow issue; + Baron Sludge activated (dlvl-13 Flayed One boss); + Corrected names for many unique monsters; + Added GG Boss on dlvl-21; + Added 20+ unique monsters on dlvls 13 and 14; + Added several bosses to Crypt levels; + Death Angel: resists set to quad immunity (their bosses, too); + Stick renamed to Club; + Boss name duplication issues now completely fixed (Lokromakt was the last one). Some are kept, but on purpose; + Boss slot optimizations made. Place made for 4 more bosses; + Spiritual Fortress gives less +%AC: [5-15] -> [2-6]; + Mind Eclipse and Blind Guardian are given new images; + Item flip animation data tables relocated to make space for new (possibly 1958 more) unique items; + Horned Deaths are given new TRN color; + Grimspike Fleshcarver renamed to Grimspike; + Grimspike is given new dynamic TRN color (varies with difficulty modes); + Horned Death now can be encountered on dlvl-22; + Horned Death are doing unusual attack on level 22: hit on frames 6 and 8; + Horned Death: when hitting on frame 8, attack has minimum damage reduced by 30 and Tohit chance reduced by 25%, Note: on all other dlvls they hit on frames 6 and 9, and attack on frame 9 has minimum and max damage reduced by 2 points, and Tohit raised by 10%; + Bloodgutter uses different TRN now; + Added new Horned Death bosses on dlvls 22 and 24; + Added new Immortal boss on dlvl-22; + Fixed several bugs that made the game crash (all wrong pointers); + Golem (summoned) is not immune to Fire damage; + Added more bosses to Crypt; + Staves of the Magi have less charges on them: [15-30] -> [10-15]; + Staves of Mana have less charges on them: [30-60] -> [30-50]; + Added Soul Burner boss on dlvl-23 (Andariel); + On dlvl-24 Gold Golems attack additionally on frame 12, this attack has the following modifiers: max_damage lowered by 25, min_damage lowered by 20, Tohit raised by 10%; + Gold Golem accuracy increased: 35% -> 38%; + Gold Golems can appear on dlvl-24 now (physical resistances are the same as on dlvl-23); + Added GG boss on dlvl-24 (total bosses 322 now); + Monk's natural AC bonus now set to CLVL for all types of armor (this way, it's better balanced); + PvM Melee: Monk now has innate accuracy bonus of +20%; + Added 'rhino' death animation to THdata (solves occasional crashes for those who install TH over Fargus' russian localization of Hellfire); + Civerb's Club +%ED lowered: [350-425] -> [320-360]%; + Ring of Aut is given new image; + Fixed a broken pointer to SkelSd TRN color, which caused gamecrash; + The Defiler now drops 4 items in Multiplayer mode; + Scepter is given new image; + Blood Knights are now vulnerable to fire; + Added Hidden boss on dlvl-16; + Added Corrupt boss on dlvl-16; + Some data relocations to make free space for more bosses. Space left to add 36 more bosses; + Added a strong Skeleton boss on Multiplayer Doom Church level 4; + Complex melee & arrow damage resistances given to: Burned Corpse, Grave Digger: 25% for dlvl-2 on Horror, 37,5% for Purgatory, 50% for Doom; Tomb Slave: 12,5% for dlvl-3 on Horror, 25% for dlvl-4 on Horror, 37,5% for Purgatory, 50% on Doom; + Burned Corpse bosses on dlvl-2 have less HP (approximately, -25%). This affects mostly Horror mode though; + Monster archers now attack with varying accuracy: 50% chance to attack with +[0-10]% bonus to accuracy, and 50% chance to attack with -[0-10]% penalty to accuracy; + Monsters now have varying accuracy in melee: -10% to accuracy, but randomly +[0-20]% to accuracy with every hit; + Melee Evasion code rewritten to get rid of possible bugs. Also removed some trash from MvP Melee function; + Lightning arrow hit sound changed; + PanelZ usage discontinued; + Added support for patch data files; + Added 8 more inventory images (total 931 now); + Lots of undocumented data changes and code fixes; v1.85a, (14:23 23.09.2009) + Megaboss' drop fixed (was corrupted because of boss slot relocations); v1.85c, (15:34 24.09.2009) + Tunic has new image; + Crude leather now uses former tunic picture; + Peasant Caps cost less gold. This lowers their repair cost, which used to be a bit too high; + Planned 19 new unique helmets. All based on Guardian Helm; + Gave name support for them in exe. Will finish tomorrow (must remember to relocate Winged and B.Bane to maintain qlvl increase in uniq.table); + Baldur's Bane now adds to STR: +[10-12]; + Added and tested 19 new unique helmets (total uniques 315 now); + Belial's Word now gives +%ED; + Manastealing effect now works even with items of 'lose all regeneration' equipped (thanks to Makantal for reporting); + Mind Eclipse: DEX penalty lowered; + Life- and Manastealing effects used to be bugged (2% worked same as 1%): now fixed; + Revised 2% life- and manasteal abilities on all uniques. 2%'s will be rare now as they're too powerful to be used without penalties; v1.85d, (11:30 28.09.2009) + [Desert Dragon's patch] Effects of -%ToHit (1h), -AC (4Fh), and specific AC (4Bh) will no longer overflow when given negative values; + Revised some stats on uniques; + Megaboss deactivated because he's violating game balance; + Effect 'multiple arrows per shot' renamed to 'triple shot'; + Dragonbreach is given new image; + ReadMe files updated; + Added support for patching system. Now one more file will accompany FR's and patches: THpatch.mor; v1.85e, (13:28 29.09.2009) + War Sallet gives more AC: [15-17] -> [17-20], but costs more: 800 -> 1900, and has higher requirements; + Balanced Plate gives more AC: [150-170] -> [170-180]; + Assassin receives additional (CLVL/2) bonus to AC when wearing Plate class armors; v1.85f, (14:57 30.09.2009) + Relict of Trap disarm: requirements increased; + PDF and TXT documentation updated; + PDF documentation now has less size: 279KB -> 98KB; v1.85g, (1:30 01.10.2009) + ARD absorption now modified according to character class: _without ARD: (was: 25% for all classes) Paladin: 25%, Scout: 43,75%, Mage: 25%, Monk: 43,75%, Assassin: 34,375%, Gladiator: 25%, _with ARD: (was: 50% for all classes) Paladin: 50%, Scout: 62,5%, Mage: 50%, Monk: 62,5%, Assassin: 56,25%, Gladiator: 50%; Note: the algorithm of damage modification is: ARD >> DFE >> resists; + Revised some affix values (see for details); v1.85k, (20:27 01.10.2009) + Anvil of Fury quest: rewards now vary both for difficulty mode and character class (total uniques now 330); + [Desert Dragon's patch] Hitting Space no longer turns off Automap; v1.85l, (11:37 02.10.2009) + ARD absorption by character class revised: _without ARD: Paladin: 25%, Scout: 34,375%, Mage: 25%, Monk: 34,375%, Assassin: 29,6875%, Gladiator: 25%, _with ARD: Paladin: 50%, Scout: 56,25%, Mage: 50%, Monk: 56,25%, Assassin: 53,125%, Gladiator: 50%; + All characters now have passive bonus of +1% to all resistances for each 16 points of base Vitality (e.g., 5% with baseVIT of 80); + Fury's lethargy phase drops caster's current life to 40 (used to drop to 1); v1.85m, (14:20 02.10.2009) + Leoric's accuracy decreased by 5%; + Leoric is now immune to Fire (and thus unstoppable by Firewall - beware!). Use Holy magic against him; + MvP autohit chances reset to their former values: Melee - 20%, Missile - 15%; + The Butcher now will not stop before Lightning Wall. He will take damage from lightning though; v1.85n, (16:48 02.10.2009) + Characters with Vitality below 16 will still regenerate life, but at lower rate: ~1 HP/12 sec. Faster life regeneration feat will not affect it; v1.85o, (12:52 07.10.2009) + Documentation updated (because TH's official website returned on ); v1.85p, (13:13 12.10.2009) + Added 8 more inventory images (total 940 now); + Fixed Griswold's Crushers' corresponding base items, used to be two-handed (Earalorthin's report); + Added gloves and boots images to game archive, for possible future needs; + Bovine Armor: stats revised; + Doomsayer: stats revised; + Added 5 new unique swords, all based on Huge sword (total uniques now 335); + Added more inventory images (total 971 now); v1.85q, (20:26 12.10.2009) + Bone Creepers attack on frame 9 (instead of 8); + Bone Creepers: minimum damage reduced by 5; + Skeleton King's Tomb revised for Purgatory; + Added one more variation for Skeleton King's Tomb: Doom mode Tomb; + UniqueID #43 removed from Ring Mail and Scale Mail; v1.85s, (15:17 13.10.2009) + [Desert Dragon's fix] When melee weapons of fire & lightning are equipped at the same time, they shouldn't produce weird effects (lightning or arrows); + [Desert Dragon's fix] Melee fire and lightning damages used to deal 0 damage and were of physical nature, now they should work as intended (feedback's welcome); + Added 6 more inventory images for new uniques; + Added 13 new unique staves, based on Staff (uID#13h). This will prevent Heart Seeker from being dropped too often (total uniques now 352); + Heart Seeker: slightly revised stats; v1.85u, (0:22 14.10.2009) + Removed uIDs from Chaos shield and Gothic shield. This will prevent Dragonbreach and Munmar's Grin from being dropped too much; + Removed uID from Steel cap; + Wizard's mask is given uID#98h; + Palantir now given uID#98h; + Added some more unique masks with uID#98h (total unique items now 353); + Removed uID from Short bow, Reflex bow, Short battle bow, Short war bow, Tight war bow, Elite bow, Balanced axe, Heavy axe and Gothic axe; + Widowmaker significantly improved (because it's not droppable on Horror mode anymore); Now, finally, it's over with uniques that drop too often. Unfortunately, some uniques will morph, but in future I will compensate well for that. By the way, thanks to Quasit for his table with unique item finds history - that did help. v1.85v, (12:29 14.10.2009) + Added more unique staves, based on Double-bladed staff. Some of them will be findable only on Purg/Doom mode Abyss or Crypt (total uniques now 358); v1.85w, (19:55 14.10.2009) + Removed uID from Assassin's plate (IS based on it, will morph); + Removed uID from Wizard's robe, Thin plate mail & Field mail; v1.85x, (12:07 15.10.2009) + Removed uID#20h from Naginata; + Added 6 new top unique plates for Assassin class; v1.85y, (13:51 16.10.2009) + Monster hitpoints are halved in Singleplayer Horror mode. Which means that starting now won't be as hard. Other modes are unaffected; v1.85z, (22:16 17.10.2009) + Gloom Clan retain their inability to cross burning fire even on Doom mode (they won't take damage from Fire on Doom, but they won't dare cross the fire); + Palette amounts are now set individually for each location; + Activated previously inactive 12 new Crypt palettes: 84-95; v1.86, (15:06 19.10.2009) + Doom Archer: SC immunity removed; + Monsters (not bosses) have 50% more HPs now, on average, Note: this makes HP system as it was meant to be in Singleplayer and makes Multiplayer more balanced for coop play; + Bosses no longer have +30/+60 mlvl_battle boosts for Purgatory/Doom modes. This will make fighting bosses less hard; + [Desert Dragon's fix] Oblivion Knights, Butcher, Leoric, Diablo, Defiler and Uber still retain their +30/+60 mlvl boosts; + Mana Shield: initial manacost increased: 30 -> 40; + Flash: initial manacost decreased: 100 -> 75, minimum manacost decreased: 40 -> 30, manacost per slvl decrease reduced: 2 -> 1; + Hellfire: initial manacost reduced: 90 -> 50, minimum manacost reduced: 45 -> 30; + Monster difficulty HP modification formula update: Horror monsters MP: according to monster's data values: Rnd[minimum-maximum], Horror monsters SP: HorrorMP/2, Purgatory monsters MP: (((500+HorrorMP)*2)+250), Purgatory monsters SP: PurgatoryMP/2, Doom monsters MP: (((1000+Horror)*3)+500), Doom monsters SP: DoomMP/2, Horror boss MP & SP: according to boss' data, Purgatory boss MP: (((Horror+500)*2)+4000), Purgatory boss SP: (((Horror+500)*2)+2000), Doom boss MP: ((Horror+1000)*4)+4000), Doom boss SP: ((Horror+1000)*4)+2000); + Butcher & Uber: HPs adjusted; + Huge sword based uniques are given unique pictures; + Naj's Crown: new picture; + Staff based uniques are given new pictures (most of them); v1.90, (0:39 13.11.2009) + HP formula for MP Doom monsters changed from (((1000+Horror)*3)+500) to (((1000+Horror)*4)+500); + Purgatory/Doom modifiers for ranged attackers (Archers, Witches, etc.) and smallest monsters (Stingers) are now reducing their HP by 50%; + Purgatory/Doom modifiers for small monsters and monsters with cunning attacktypes (Fallen, Hidden, Scavengers, etc.) reduce their HP by 25%; + Completely re-recorded all music to get rid of specific sound problems; + Horror mode/MP Cathedral track shortened; + Horror mode/MP Tristram music shortened; + Crypt music shortened; + Added new music for SP Purgatory Hell levels (composed by Kirill Polyanskiy and me); + Preparations made to introduce randomized music in dungeons and menu; + Added a dozen of new music tracks; + Music archive recompiled, added support for new files in the executable, TH Music v4.0 is launched; + Overlords (dlvl-7 bosses) receive +25/+50 mlvl bonus for difficulty modes; + Added 23 new inventory pictures (total 1000 now); + Arkaine's Valor: light and mail versions got more DFE; + Arkaine's Valor: mail version is given new picture (originally converted by Oli, further improved by me); + Rulers' levels and tohits adjusted: Butcher: mlvl-55, tohit-30, Skeleton King: mlvl-57, tohit-35, Diablo: mlvl-58, tohit-40, The Defiler: mlvl-59, tohit-55, Uber Diablo: mlvl-60, tohit-70; + Revised hitpoints on many unique monsters; + Naj's Crown: corrected several pixels on the picture ("Keep improving even if it's the smallest detail!"); + SP Purgatory Hell music improved; + Gleamscythe has much higher durability now; + Gleamscythe is given new (more fitting) picture; + Added unique pictures for all the staff uniques based on Double-bladed staff (+some of these uniques were slightly revised); + Added 4 more unique mails for uID#61 (total uniques now 368); + Arkaine's Valor armor series are given new pictures (converted by Oli); + Reported gamecrashes for low-level Mages (when Fury ends) are fixed; + Preparations made to introduce character class dependant rewards in 'Valor' quest; + Added modified Arkaine's Valor pictures to make different armors look different depending on character class (total 1025 pics now); + Mage class rewards for 'Anvil of Fury' quest: revised stats; + Added character class support to 'Valor' quest; + 'Valor' quest reward now differs according to both difficulty mode AND character class; + Designed, created and debugged new Arkaine's Valor variations. Now there are 12 variations of Arkaine's Valor (total uniques now 377); + Added Moon Clan boss on dlvl-8; + Seeing cannot be cast multiple times if it's active on the character [expanded Desert Dragon's patch]; + Crypt palettes [84-95] corrected (used to be too dark); + Added 9 new Crypt palettes: [96-104]; + Murphy's Shrine is activated - watch out; + Murphy's Shrine will decrease (10% chance) an item's current durability by 50%, otherwise - it will take 10% of the gold instead; + Gloomy, Ethereal and Weird shrines are activated in MP mode; + Added 22 more inventory pictures, done by me & Oli (total 1047 now); + Created 96 more Crypt palettes (total 200 for Crypt now); + All Crypt palettes now support lighting effects better (and also react stronger to light radius); + Created 10 more Crypt palettes with slightly mixed colors (total 210 now); + Created 3 more Church palettes (total 86 now); + Quasit and Dark Seraph: restored original D1 soundsets, plus gave support for secondary attack SFX (don't remember, some bosses might need those); + Added 30 more inventory pictures (total 1077 now); + Light plate mail: requirements raised; + Created 2 more uniques on uID#45 (total uniques now 379); + The Conquistador is given new picture; + Bul-kathos' Raiment and Greyform: new pictures given; + Created 8 more unique items on uID#81 (total uniques now 387); + New picture for Thick Cloak; + Added 3 more uniques on uID#41 (total uniques now 390); + Gladiator's helmet renamed to Battle helmet; + Gothic helmet renamed to Gladiator's helmet + Gladiator's helmet is given uID#160 (used to have uID#17, but this was a bug); + Created 4 unique items on uID#160 (total uniques now 394); + New music added for Hell levels of SP Doom mode, by Kirill Polyanskiy; + Added Hellhound bosspack on dlvl-13 (total bosses now 327); + Fixed +mana overflow bug on Ring of the Essence, also lowered life boosts; + Fixed name pointer for Battle helmet; + Less +STR on Berserker's Buckler, +fixed DFE (used to be negative); + Revised stats on Tyrael's Blessing and Stormplate; + Joker's Beak revised; + Added 20 more Crypt palettes (total 230 now); + Resistance against monster magic missile attacks (firebolts/fireblasts/stars/chargedbolts/acid) and puddles is randomized: Rnd[RES+1]%; + 2 last Imp Shamans are given new and different names; + Added 8 more inventory pictures (total 1085 now); + Full length cuirass is given uID#161; + Created 3 uniques on uID#161 (total uniques now 397); + Wizard's robe is given uID#162; + Created 4 uniques on uID#162 (total uniques now 401); + Created 1 more unique on uID#95 (total uniques now 402); + Starting characters have less stats now: total of 70 -> total of 60; + Relict of Aegis: relict type corrected; + Assassin is given new starting weapons; + Added 5 more uniques on uID#83 (total uniques now 407); + Brigandine no longer has uID#44; + Crossbow no longer has uID#4; + Crossbow is given uID#164; + Added 1 more unique on uID#83 and created 4 uniques on uID#164 (total uniques now 412); + Caballot: less HP; + Graywar the Slayer: more HP; + When item curDur reaches 1, its maxDur starts depleting (instead of breaking the item), if maxDur reaches 0, the item is destroyed, Note: be aware that allowing item maxDur fall too low will make their repair costs too high; + Item durability warning icons will now show yellow if current durability reaches 6, and red - if it reaches 1; + Soulcage now increases light radius by 10%, instead of decreasing it; + Added 2 more uniques on uID#7 (total uniques now 414); + Added 8 more inventory pictures (total 1093 now); + Falchion is given new picture; + Falchion: max damage reduced by 1; + Added 1 more unique on uID#64 (total uniques now 415); + Helm of Glory gives less max HP; + Slantar: more HP; + Venom Clan bosses redistributed among dungeon levels, and HPs adjusted; + Added Nightmare boss on dlvl-12 (total bosses now 333); + Jembali is given better name; + Boss data table relocated to make it possible to add more than 360 bosses. Now the amount of bosses is basically infinite; + [Fix by Desert Dragon] Fixed a bug with boss name initialization (name pointer displacement); + Added more bosses to fill the boss-gaps for certain monster types (total bosses now 402); + Added 3 more inventory pictures (total 1096 now); + Added 4 more uniques on uID#13 (total uniques now 419); + Changed TRNs for some (brightest) monsters and their corresponding bosses; + Vault Rat renamed to Plague Eater; + Plague Eater: new TRN; + Plague Eaters now appear on levels [5-8]; + Added 2 more inventory pictures (total 1098 now); + Added 1 more unique on uID#69 (total uniques now 420); + Adjusted base damage for all sword type weapons, so that their maxDmg is always odd (blunt weapon damage values are always even); + Numerous other undocumented small changes; v1.90a, (17:17 14.11.2009) + Fixed a bug with gamecrash on loading dlvl-11 (incorrect color pointer for one of the bosses on this level). Thanks to almos for reporting; + Switched Horror and Purgatory menu music; + MvP Melee: minimum ToHit used to be 23% (due to a bug, probably), reset to 20% again; + MvP Missile: minimum ToHit agains Monk class is 15% - (baseDEX/32)%, E.g., for Monks with base Dexterity of 160, minimum ToHit for monsters is 15 - (160/32) = 15 - 5 = 10%; + MvP Melee: minimum ToHit agains Monk class is 20% - (baseDEX/32)% (calculated the same way as in MvP Missile); + Fixed name pointers for dlvl-8 and dlvl-9 Blood Clan archer bosses (thanks to Quasit for report); v1.90b, (20:58 21.11.2009) + Revised damage for monsters that use missile type magic, now they'll be better balanced and scale smoothly throughout DLVLs and difficulty modes; + Added Hidden boss on dlvl-15 (total bosses now 403); v1.90c, (0:20 23.11.2009) + Changed SP Doom music in town; + Changed pictures for some unique items; + Wyrmscale Armour: stats modified; v1.90d, (1:26 30.11.2009) + Created 5 new unique swords on uID#165 (total uniques now 425); v1.90e, (13:10 06.12.2009) + Berserker's Rage: less maximum +%ToHit, and less +%ED; + The Butcher's Cleaver: modified damage; + Added 4 more inventory pictures (total 1102 now); + Added 3 more uniques on uID#92 (total uniques now 428); v1.90f, (13:35 10.12.2009) + Grasp: less +slvl; + Spiritmask: more +slvl; + Morbid Sight: less randomize in MAG penalty; + Naj's Heavy Plate: smaller slvl penalty; + Fixed wrong magic name pointer for Gladiator's Helmet (thanks to Geese for report); v1.90g, (17:35 11.12.2009) + Berserker's Faith: +%AC values fixed (reported by Geese); v1.90h, (19:19 11.12.2009) + Modified uniques: Hoplomacus, Doombringer, ExecMask, UnderSpine (did the best I could with them, but opinions are welcome); v1.90i, (19:06 12.12.2009) + ExecMask slightly modified; + Mask of Anger: less +%ED; v1.90j, (18:12 13.12.2009) + Minions didn't support their boss in versions 1.90+, and bosspacks didn't get activated at once: now fixed (thanks to Geese for this bugreport); v1.90m, (15:05 14.12.2009) + Z key doesn't zoom in/out now [solution found by Desert Dragon]; + Z key is now used as a hotkey for Elemental spell; + Documentation updated (comes in next FR); + In SP, game ends only on Horror mode, on Purg/Doom - it doesn't, and Uber will drop items there; + Item drop rules from Uber modified: no drop in SP Horror (game ends, movie...), MP Horror, MP Purgatory, SP Purgatory: 2 items, MP Doom, SP Doom: 4 items; v1.90p, (23:50 14.12.2009) + Attempt made to make Friendly Fire optional in Multiplayer mode (toggling 'Player Attacks/Friendly' button works now); + Golem stats carefully revised, these formulae will also prevent values from overflow: HP: ((MaxCurMana/2)+((SLVL*5)*2))*2 ->>> MaxCurMana*3, AC: 80 ->>> 70, ToHit: (clvl*2)+((slvl+8)*4) ->>> (clvl*4)+slvl, MinDmg: slvl+4 ->>> (slvl+1)*2, MaxDmg: (slvl+8)*8 ->>> (slvl+10)*4, Note: now Golem will be more durable, but more likely to be hit, and will deal less damage to monsters; v1.90q, (11:01 16.12.2009) + Fixed name pointer for Rogue's Helm (Geese reported); v1.90r, (17:41 17.12.2009) + Randomize formula for missile type magical spells in MvP is modified to: (Rnd[resist + 10] + 1)%, Note: for resistance of 10%, effective resist will be (1-20)%, for resistance of 85% - (1-95)%; v1.90s, (20:00 17.12.2009) + Berserker's Faith: more +%AC, and slightly increased +DFE; v1.90t, (19:20 18.12.2009) + Golem damage formula used to have a bug, which resulted in wrong damage, now fixed; + Golem life formula fixed: now HP = MaxCurMana*8; v1.90u, (14:02 19.12.2009) + New music composed for SP Purgatory Abyss levels (by Kirill Polyanskiy); + Added support for Music Expansion v4.1; v1.91, (16:32 21.12.2009), Full Release + Scissores Armor renamed to Scissores' Armor; + Removed all oils that affect item AC/ToHit/Damage; + Removed other oils effects; + New oil effects created, which will no longer violate game balance and contribute to exploits, Note: I'm not describing them in this log, you'll be able to find out on your own; + Butcher won't drop special oil now; + Revised oil effects/images/prices (tried to do everything carefully, to avoid item morphing); + Added clear descriptions for all oils; v1.91a, (13:10 25.12.2009), Full Release + Added deathcry sounds for Diablo; + Oils of 'repair' series were given numbers, for better identification; + Golem damage display in spellbook is now accurate; v1.91d, (18:27 27.12.2009), Full Release + Monster lifestealing fixed: 100% of final damage dealt is added to current hit points; + Lifestealing for Uber used to be bugged: fixed; + More monsters with lifestealing now: Burned Corpse, Rotting Carcass, Gravedigger, Tomb Slave, Werewolf, Plague Eater, Oblivion Knight, Blood Legion, Skeleton King, Diablo, Defiler, Uber, Note: this lifestealing only works in Multiplayer mode; + Lifestealing had a flaw: currentHP could go over maxHP: now fixed (wrote new code that caps curHP at maxHP value, preventing overflow); + Added Ben Wallace and Kirill Polyanskiy to ingame credits; + Old Black Death life drain code revised and fixed, so that it now drains 25% of current mana instead. Maximum life/mana unaffected now; + The following monsters now can damage 25% of current mana per hit: Burned Corpse (on Purgatory & Doom), Rotting Carcass (on Purgatory & Doom), Gravdigger (on Purgatory & Doom), Tomb Slave (on Purgatory & Doom), Defiler (on Purgatory & Doom), Black-, Mud-, Obsidian- and Gold Golems, Grotesque, Necromorph, Lash Worm, Note: this mana damage works only in melee (charging included) and is not the case for these monsters' ranged attacks; v1.91e, (16:16 28.12.2009), Patch + Knockback avoid for characters used to be bugged as hell. Whole code rewritten from scratch, fixed and optimized; + Knockback avoid for characters now depends on character base Strength: chance to avoid knockback is: ((baseSTR/8)+60)%, Note: Scout and Mage classes do NOT have any chances to avoid knockback now; v1.91f, (16:39 28.12.2009), Patch + All monsters caused knockback due to the new code bug: fixed; v1.91g, (16:05 13.01.2010), Patch + Friendly mode now also acivates Shared Experience for party (not sure it works - report test results to me); v1.91h, (16:56 15.01.2010), Full Release + Added 2 new inventory pics, and corrected pic#2B2h: total 1104 now; + Created 3 new uniques on uID#72, this should reduce Emperor's Mail drop rate significantly (all 3 are of higher QLVLs): total uniques 431 now; Idea of highest level armor came to me while listening to Slipknot - "Psychosocial" v1.91i, (21:06 31.01.2010), Patch + Removed 'indestructible' feature from unique items, replacing it with very high durability instead (it didn't work anyway); Note: indestructible uniques from previous versions will still produce bugged behavior, having durability of 255. Nothing to worry about though; v1.91k, (23:01 01.02.2010), Patch + Monsters with Hidden AI are set to retreat mode if they make a successful check: Horror mode: 1/30 chance to be set into retreat mode, Purgatory: 1/55 chance, Doom: 1/80 chance, Note: checks are made each turn until monster attacks or moves again, that's why they're so tight, Note: this should solve the problem with Illusion Weavers getting stuck in doorways (and I also want some feedback on this anytime soon); This patch took me ~10 hours of coding+testing, thanks to Limp Bizkit for musical support :) v1.91k RC1, (18:05 02.02.2010), Patch + Grotesques don't squeak when walking now (and so, the last bastion of Hellfire's piggy sounds fell...); v1.91k RC2, (20:29 03.02.2010), Patch + Summoned Golems now cannot be hit by players' ranged attacks (in MP mode) if those players' FF setting is 'friendly', Note: in SP mode summoned Golem can be hurt by its master (as before); v1.91k RC3, (17:00 07.02.2010), Patch + Spell hotkeyes are now inactive when the talk panel is opened (thanks to Desert Dragon for help with this fix); v1.100, (21:19 15.04.2010), Full Release + Gothic shield is given uID#166; + 18:42 10.02.2010, [fix by Desert Dragon] Shooting monsters used to be unable to hit adjacent players, now fixed (beware!); + 11:35 13.02.2010, Kroganon: less HP; + 17:16 14.02.2010, Town jogging is finally restricted via hardcoding it. Now players will walk always; + 14:31 15.02.2010, [fix revision by Desert Dragon] Town running default mode value is set to WALK, Note: in MP jogging is impossible (as before), in SP jogging can be activated in menu, but after game restart it's usually reset to walk; + 21:55 15.02.2010, Armor racks now drop light armors on Horror, mails on Purgatory and plates on Doom; + 19:56 19.02.2010, Created 10 new unique items, based on uID#166 (total uniques now 440); + 12:45 20.02.2010, Adjusted prices for DEX & MAG series of base armor; - 13:01 20.02.2010, Created 2 new STR line base crossbows. UPD: Cancelled because of item morphing (2 item's data saved at offset 2D8EE8); + 13:07 20.02.2010, Documentation updated for version 1.100; + 13:50 03.03.2010, Fixed a bug with armor racks on dlvl-10, causing gamecrash when touched; + 11:54 08.03.2010, Added alternative Hell music to music archive. Music archive updated to version 4.2; + 20:19 08.03.2010, Quest reward from Lachdanan now differs both for difficulty mode and character class (total uniques now 446); + 22:35 08.03.2010, Effect 'unusual item damage' renamed to 'unusual base damage'; + 22:35 08.03.2010, Clawhand base damage lowered: [25-35] -> [15-30]; + 22:50 08.03.2010, Small DFE corrections on Hoplomacus and Myrmillo; + 23:05 08.03.2010, Gorewhipper does slightly less damage; + 11:22 09.03.2010, Work started on implementing UDP connection, so that Vista/7 users can play over Hamachi again; + 13:31 09.03.2010, Revised stats on Baranar's Maul, Mindpiercer, Underworld Spine and Immortal King; + 14:13 09.03.2010, Slightly reduced AC on Gladiator's Helmet: [26-30] -> [24-28]; + 14:24 09.03.2010, Spiritual Treasures: revised stats; + 19:15 09.03.2010, Added support for Uber on MP Doom level 24, for possible future randomizing his placement; + 22:03 09.03.2010, Lash worms are given new hit sounds; + 23:13 09.03.2010, Official UDP support added, now Vista/7 users can play online (thanks to Unexpect3D and LeGioN for helping and testing); + 12:51 10.03.2010, Monster target select function analysis. Preparations being made for improved targetting in MP; + 15:09 10.03.2010, Scout base damage altered: {CLVL*(STR+DEX))/500} with bare hands/feet, {CLVL*(STR+DEX))/600} with all other weapon types; + 16:35 10.03.2010, Monsters no longer prefer to attack game creator characters; + 21:27 10.03.2010, Added Chaos Knight boss on dlvl-14; + 21:42 10.03.2010, Added Fear Hunter boss on dlvl-15; + 21:54 10.03.2010, Fear Hunters are made immune to retreat if using Hidden AI; + 11:54 11.03.2010, Autohit chances against Mage class in MvP Melee is set to 30% (now Mages should be more careful with melee attackers); + 13:27 11.03.2010, Monks' dualwield ability cancelled; + 20:45 11.03.2010, Added 7 new unique items on uID#71 (total uniques now 453); + 23:22 11.03.2010, Battle Staff: STR requirement corrected; + 23:32 11.03.2010, Bludgeon is given uID#172; + 23:38 11.03.2010, Large mace is given uID#173; + 23:42 11.03.2010, Pole-Axe is given uID#174; + 23:46 11.03.2010, Bastard sword is given uID#175; + 12:07 12.03.2010, Music expansion is given support for difficulty mode variations in Multiplayer; + 12:48 12.03.2010, Rearranged music for various modes and difficulties; + 20:42 12.03.2010, Bone Spirit damage increased: 1/10 -> 1/8; + 22:18 12.03.2010, Added 1 more Blood Knight boss on dlvl-24; + 11:45 13.03.2010, Minor revision of Doomsayer stats; + 14:27 13.03.2010, Various color corrections made to Gladiator 'ghsat.cl2' animation - Gladiator GFX updated to version 1.02; + 15:46 13.03.2010, Fixed a bug with gamecrash due to offhand weapon's durability expiery (crashed at item destruction step); + 18:21 13.03.2010, Lots of color corrections made to Assassin 'AHM' and 'AHS' animation series - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.20; + 00:36 14.03.2010, Revised stats on Internal Sanctuary, Underworld Heart, Bovine Plate and Rattlecage; + 12:08 14.03.2010, Added new Abyss music variation, ME updated to version 4.3; + 16:52 14.03.2010, Added 1 more inventory image (total 1105 now); + 00:18 15.03.2010, Assassin GFX: drew 2nd blade in ALSAT southern direction - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.21; + 09:54 15.03.2010, Assassin GFX: drew 2nd blade in ALSAS southern & south-west directions - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.22; + 10:35 15.03.2010, Assassin GFX: drew 2nd blade in ALSAS west direction - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.23; + 11:17 15.03.2010, Assassin GFX: drew 2nd blade in ALSAS east direction - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.24; + 12:20 15.03.2010, Assassin GFX: corrected colors and fixed wrong (origina) frames in ALSLM - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.25; + 15:18 15.03.2010, Assassin GFX: drew 2nd blade in ALSAS south-east direction - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.26; + 16:44 15.03.2010, Assassin GFX: drew 2nd blade in ALSAT south-west direction - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.27; + 16:58 15.03.2010, New ALSAS animation added to THassa.mor; + 22:44 15.03.2010, Slayer's maul and Rune blade: requirements changed; + 22:44 15.03.2010, Assassin's maximum base Strength reduced; + 00:31 16.03.2010, Assassin GFX: fixed curved sword in AHSAW south-west and west directions - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.28; + 13:31 16.03.2010, Added one more monster taunt sound to game archive (possibly will be used in future for boss activation); + 14:13 16.03.2010, Some more unique item stat revisions; + 15:30 16.03.2010, Corrected AHSAW and AMSAW animations - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.29; + 23:34 17.03.2010, Drew 2nd blade in ALSAW south direction - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.30; - 01:09 18.03.2010, [fix by Illusion] Dropping magic staves now have 66% chance to have a magic suffix instead of spell; + 19:58 18.03.2010, [fix by Illusion] Previous fix was revised, cancelled, and new fix (revision 2) was introduced, Note: this one may morph existing magical staves, but will not morph other magical items (previous one did); + 21:16 18.03.2010, Summoned Golems now cannot be hit by players' melee attacks (in MP mode) if those players' FF setting is 'friendly', Note: in SP mode summoned Golem can be hurt by its master (as before); + 10:43 19.03.2010, Oil of hardening will not raise durability to 151 if applied on an item with durability of 149; + 12:37 19.03.2010, Added 4 new unique items on uID#48 (total uniques now 457); + 16:30 19.03.2010, Charged Bolt spell effect is originated from character now (as in original); + 16:30 19.03.2010, Charged Bolt damage formula modified to compensate: minDmg 1, maxDmg 2+[curMAG/2] >>> minDmg 1, maxDmg 2+[curMAG*2]; + 16:31 19.03.2010, The amount of Charged bolts changed: {3 + (SLVL/2)} >>> {2 + (SLVL/4)}; + 18:20 19.03.2010, Prolonged Fury duration effect makes now Fury last ~20% longer than before; + 14:34 20.03.2010, Topaz is given more suiting image; + 14:34 20.03.2010, Added 2 more uniques on uID#73 (total uniques now 459); + 14:47 20.03.2010, Rings of Purity weakened; + 19:20 20.03.2010, Stat adjustments on various uniques; + 19:21 20.03.2010, Added 1 more unique on uID#76 (total uniques now 460); + 01:35 21.03.2010, Charged Bolt real damage fixed: used to be only 25% of the book's value; + 11:26 21.03.2010, Replaced call procedure with jumps in Aegis code to prevent potential problems (occasional character freezes?); + 17:20 21.03.2010, Added activation speech for Saurot; + 17:29 21.03.2010, [fix by Desert Dragon] Changed 6th AC ptr to make it signed byte (the anticipated AC value overflow fix expected later); + 17:30 21.03.2010, [fix by Desert Dragon] -ToHit values on items should no longer wrap around resulting in huge bonus (testing required though); + 23:57 21.03.2010, Added 1 more unique on uID#48 (total uniques now 461); + 14:27 22.03.2010, Great flail is given uID#176; + 16:31 22.03.2010, Added 5 more uniques on uID#74 (total uniques now 466); + 18:14 22.03.2010, Light staff is given uID#177; + 22:19 22.03.2010, Added 18 uniques on uID#177 (total uniques now 485); + 11:06 23.03.2010, Added 3 new variations of character panel to game archive, for possible future use; + 15:42 23.03.2010, Drew 2nd blade in ALSAT west direction - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.31 (this alone took me ~5 hours); + 20:05 23.03.2010, Drew 2nd blade in ALSAT north-west direction - Assassin GFX updated to version 0.32; + 17:02 24.03.2010, Created 10 new Crypt palettes (total Crypt palettes now 240); + 20:26 24.03.2010, Created 6 new Abyss palettes (total Abyss palettes now 89); + 02:18 25.03.2010, Created 11 more Crypt palettes (total Crypt palettes 251 now); + 14:58 25.03.2010, Created 16 more Crypt palettes (total Crypt palettes 267 now); + 15:17 26.03.2010, Created 6 new uniques on uID#176 (total uniques now 491); + 19:35 26.03.2010, Eviscerators now use Lightning Demon AI, and subtype = 5; + 01:40 27.03.2010, Wirt relocated; + 22:24 27.03.2010, Created 25 more Crypt palettes (total Crypt palettes 292 now); + 19:10 29.03.2010, Added 2 uniques on uID#175 (total uniques now 493); + 19:11 29.03.2010, Added 2 new images to game archive (total 1107 now); + 10:30 02.04.2010, Assassins will no longer have sweep attack with 2 blades equipped; + 11:10 02.04.2010, Modified Goreblink and Gridfence; + 13:12 02.04.2010, Gold Golems don't damage mana on dlvl-24; + 15:20 02.04.2010, Assassin melee critical damage formula changed from (CLVL/2)% chance for 3x damage to (CLVL/4)% chance for 9x damage; + 14:02 04.04.2010, Renamed and changed some unique item stats, some amulets were given unique images (instead of recolors); + 21:13 07.04.2010, Some new uniques were given unique looks (total 1113 item pictures in archive now); + 12:42 08.04.2010, Uber's HPs are not reduced in MP mode by reading weakening books (a small investment into multiplayer difficulty); + 22:45 08.04.2010, Added 2 more uniques on uID#175 (total uniques 495 now); + 00:39 09.04.2010, Updated documentation for online playing (there will be new folder in The Hell directory now: "Multiplayer"), Note: Hamachi download and its setup documentation will be removed from the site now (as it will be included in each full release); + 14:22 09.04.2010, Previous versions of music in SP Hell (Purg. and Doom) were outsorted. New music is used instead; + 17:48 09.04.2010, In Multiplayer mode, music is picked randomly now. Selecting between SP/MP versions of music for areas; + 15:56 10.04.2010, Eyeless Lid renamed to Klahr. Kidding, it's renamed to Bloodsipper (All hail mighty Klahr!); + 15:16 12.04.2010, Updated documentation once again; + 17:37 12.04.2010, Added 6 variative images to game archive (1120 now); v1.100b, (16:45 21.04.2010), Patch + Mud golem renamed to Ash golem; - [fix by Desert Dragon] AC values now set to signed word. This should fix the problem with AC values above 127 going negative in Multiplayer, Note: this fix caused severe problems and was reverted in v1.100b; v1.100d, (14:55 07.05.2010), Full Release + 15:00 29.04.2010, Added 8 more palettes for Catacombs (total 91 now); + 12:18 30.04.2010, Suffix 'of Grandeur' renamed to 'of Hatred'; + 00:07 03.05.2010, Relict of Aegis requires less MAG: 19 -> 16; + 22:47 06.05.2010, Added 1 more Black Horn boss on dlvl-17; + 14:43 07.05.2010, Stigmatizer increases DFE ( +[2-4] ) instead of decreasing it ( -[5-10] ); + 14:52 07.05.2010, Updated guide for Windows 7/Vista users (in Multiplayer folder); + 14:55 07.05.2010, Added PDF version for the above guide; v1.100f, (12:05 16.05.2010), Patch + Myrmillo renamed to Murmillo; + Starting stats for characters revised (+5 total), this will make starting easier (and less frustrating in some cases); v1.100g, (20:47 16.05.2010), Patch + Legacy of Blood (helm) is nerfed; + Uber Diablo now drops: SP horror: no item (game ends), SP Purg/Doom: 2 items, MP Horror/Pur: 2 items, MP Doom: 10 items; + Uber Diablo damage resistance is now higher on MP Doom mode: 75% -> 87,5% (note: summoned Golems' damage is unaffected), Note: further improvements of Uber Diablo placement/AI/pack will be implemented AFTER I have received detailed feedback on these changes; v1.100h, (21:50 17.05.2010), Patch + [fix by Desert Dragon] Negative armor class value overflowing in multiplayer is now fixed; v1.100i, (15:10 20.05.2010), Patch + Formula of randomized missile magic damage in MvP changed from (Rnd[resist + 10] + 1)% to (Rnd[resist + 5] + 10)%; v1.100k, (20:45 20.05.2010), Patch + MvP Melee Evasion modified (this technically reduces monsters' minimum ToHit against players): Monk: 20 - [baseDEX/32]%, Assassin: 20 - [CLVL/4]%, Mage: 20 + 10%, Note: this will make Assassin's life easier when fighting many melee monsters, Note: Armor Class has to be high enough for this to take effect; + MvP Missile: minimum ToHit chance reduced: 15% -> 14%; + Assassin is given eavasion against monster missile attacks: minimum ToHit reduced by [CLVL/8]% (e.g., for level 24 Assassin, it will be 11%), Note: Armor Class has to be high enough for this to take effect; v1.100m, (16:24 22.05.2010), Patch + [fix by Desert Dragon] AC value morphing is fixed now; v1.100n, (16:56 26.05.2010), Patch + Players now have (forced) 2,5% chance to be auto-stunned from monster attacks, regardless of damage; v1.100o, (14:33 27.05.2010), Patch + Autostun chance in MvP set to 1%; v1.100s, (13:45 30.05.2010), Full Release + 11:20 28.05.2010, [patch by Desert Dragon] Level loading animation boosted and CPU usage reduced when game is resized; + 13:44 28.05.2010, Doom Keeper is given new image (by LeGioN); + 13:46 28.05.2010, Doom Keeper statts revised: removed fast block and increased fire resistance; + 13:42 30.05.2010, Splendour gives more DFE: -[30-33] -> -[31-34]; + 13:43 30.05.2010, Splendour is given new image (by LeGioN); v1.100t, (0:19 08.06.2010), Full Release + 14:39 02.06.2010, Blazing Wrath is given new picture (by LeGioN); + 15:03 02.06.2010, Rattlecage is given new picture (by LeGioN); + 15:26 02.06.2010, Lightsabre renamed to Bonesaw, its stats changed, and new picture given (former Doombringer); + 22:02 02.06.2010, Doombringer is given new picture (by LeGioN); v1.100u, (17:20 17.06.2010), Patch + Prefix 'Gross' renamed to 'Holy' (David's suggestion); + Doombringer revised: now it serves a different purpose; v1.101, (15:18 22.06.2010), Full Release + Doombringer stats revised again (after LeGioN's rant :) ); + Added 2 more inventory images to picture gallery (made by Gladoo); + 0:09 19.06.2010, Nightscape is given new picture (made by LeGioN); + 0:23 19.06.2010, Staff of Meditation: image fixed; + PvM Melee ToHit class-dependant bonuses revised: Paladin: +5% >> +10%, Scout: +0% >> +0%, Mage: +0% >> +0%, Monk: +20% >> +20%, Assassin: +0% >> +25%, Gladiator: +15 >> +15%, Note: this will (hopefully) make low level Assassins' life easier; + Peasant Cap uniques revised (more -DFE); + 20:23 19.06.2010, Steelskin is given new picture (by LeGioN); + 20:38 19.06.2010, Immortal King now lowers AC instead of increasing it; + 20:55 19.06.2010, Celestial Justice nerfed; + 23:53 19.06.2010, Bonewing, Stormwing & Firewing are allowed to appear on dlvl-5; + 01:25 20.06.2010, Added 6 more bosses; + 15:49 20.06.2010, Bonewing, Stormwing & Firewing resist 25% melee & arrow damage from players on dlvl-5 (bosses resist 62,5% respectively); + 16:25 20.06.2010, Black Talon is given new image (by LeGioN); + 16:31 20.06.2010, Black Talon gives a little more damage boost; + 14:15 22.06.2010, Gladiator class shows new picture when creating a character (picture by Zigoneegzzz), DLL code support by Unexpect3D; + 15:18 22.06.2010, Documentation updated for version 1.101; v1.101a, (19:28 25.07.2010), Full Release + Autostun chance in MvP changed: 1/100 >> 1/120 (will occur less often); + Autostun chance in PvM changed: 1/100 >> 5/100 (will occur more often); + 10:37 05.07.2010, [Mordor]: 352 bytes data space in code segment given to Desert Dragon for his needs (3D2320 - 3D247F); + 13:38 16.07.2010, [Oli]: added 6 new inventory object images to game archive (reserved for future); + 12:16 18.07.2010, [Oli]: added 6 new inventory object images to game archive (reserved solely for v1.102 new unique jewelry); + 16:08 18.07.2010, [Mordor]: Survivor's Bracelet nerfed; + 19:16 25.07.2010, [Mordor]: Documentation updated for version 1.101a; + 19:27 25.07.2010, [Mordor]: Gladiator class shows old picture when creating a character; v1.101b, (1:30 02.08.2010), Patch + Added 4 new unique items, based on uID#6 (total uniques 499 now); v1.101g, (22:40 07.08.2010), Patch + 22:40 07.08.2010, [Mordor]: Revised stats of many base weapons and armor, Note: see for more details; v1.101k, (13:21 08.08.2010), Patch + 13:21 08.08.2010, [Mordor]: Revised requirements on many base weapons; v1.102, (22:04 02.09.2010), Full Release This version was created in a close collaboration with Desert Dragon + Inarius' Seal buffed (reduced penalties); + Giant's Knuckle buffed; + Two base ring types are given new unique uID's (some unique rings will morph now); + Collar is given new uID (some uniques, based on its old uID, will morph now); + uID 77-based uniques were too few, adding more; + Added 5 new uniques on uID 77 (total uniques 504 now); + 11:39 11.08.2010, Added 8 new restored original Hellfire music tracks (by Pa3PyX) to THmusic.mor, music expansion updated to v5.0 now; + 16:42 11.08.2010, Added THMEv5.0 support in executable. These tracks are available on all modes (except Horror MP), picked randomly; + 16:02 12.08.2010, Angelwrath nerfed; + 16:59 13.08.2010, Created 9 new unique items on uID#179 (+ thanks to Oli for his pics), total uniques 512 now; + 19:14 13.08.2010, Desert Dragon is given new data segment chunk (from 003D3000 to 003D4000), 1000h bytes total; + 22:26 15.08.2010, Doomspike: base damage increased; + 00:46 16.08.2010, Added several new item images to database; + 15:35 16.08.2010, [Mordor]: Expanded Viper AI function by writing additional code chunk; + 15:37 16.08.2010, [Mordor]: Vipers will have a chance to charge now (almos' idea), instead of being forced to charge at the distance of 2: Charge chances: SP Horror: [(DLVL/2)+8]%, range ~(12-20)%, SP Purgatory: [(DLVL/2)+18]%, range ~(22-30)%, SP Doom: [(DLVL/2)+28]%, range ~(32-40)%, MP Horror: [(DLVL/2)+33]%, range ~(37-45)%, MP Purgatory: [(DLVL/2)+43]%, range ~(47-55)%, MP Doom: [(DLVL/2)+53]%, range ~(57-65)%; + 18:44 16.08.2010, [Desert Dragon]: Unique item table support expanded: now 1024 unique items supported (400h bytes used at 003D3000); + 19:44 16.08.2010, Hellslayer does less damage; + 19:47 16.08.2010, Spiritual Fortress nerfed; + 19:49 16.08.2010, Spiritmask nerfed, given new picture and renamed to Spiritcoif; + 20:10 16.08.2010, Mindpiercer nerfed, and picture changed (to fit more its base); + 19:33 17.08.2010, [Mordor]: Base monster data tables relocated to .dat2 segment, support added, tested (works well so far), Note: data space from AA8F0 to AF280 is free now (4990h bytes); + 23:07 17.08.2010, [Mordor]: Added 2 new monsters (scavenger type, DLVLs 1~4): 8Ah & 8Bh; + 23:08 17.08.2010, [Mordor]: Monsters 8Ah & 8Bh are given special stun threshold: (AC-3)*3; + 23:28 17.08.2010, [Mordor]: Monsters 8Ah & 8Bh gain only 75% of HP buffs for Purgatory & Doom difficulty; + 00:23 18.08.2010, Added 3 bosses for monsters 8Ah & 8Bh; + 12:53 18.08.2010, Character autostun chances greatly decreased: 1/120 >> 1/800; + 13:26 18.08.2010, Added new monster (Zombie type, DLVLs 5~7): 8Ch; + 13:27 18.08.2010, Monster 8Ch is given 67% KB resistance; + 14:25 18.08.2010, Monster 8Ch is given special damage resistance to arrows: SP Horror DLVL 5: 0%, SP Horror DLVL 6: 25%, SP Horror DLVL 7: 37,5%, SP Purgatory & Doom: 50%, MP Horror DLVL 5: 25%, MP Horror DLVL 6: 37,5%, MP Horror DLVL 7: 50%, MP Purgatory DLVL 5: 62,5%; MP Purgatory DLVL 6: 68,75%, MP Purgatory DLVL 7: 75%, MP Doom: 75%; + 15:29 18.08.2010, Monster 8Ch now will inflict mana damage, in addition to regular damage it does: 25% damage to current mana per hit; + 16:25 18.08.2010, Created bosses for monster 8Ch; + 16:42 18.08.2010, Monster 8Ch obtained resistance to melee damage: (unused) Horror DLVL 3: 12,5%, (unused) Horror DLVL 4: 25%, Purgatory: 37,5%, Doom: 50%; + 17:10 18.08.2010, Monster 8Ch obtained elemental damage resistance: SP Horror: 31,25%, SP Purgatory: 37,5%, SP Doom, MP Horror: 50%, MP Purgatory: 75%, MP Doom: 87,5%; + 11:43 19.08.2010, Thoroughly revised monster seeding sizes; + 11:43 19.08.2010, Viper AI charge chances modified again, because previous values still yielded too aggressive behaviour: Charge chances: SP Horror: [(DLVL/2)+3]%, range ~(7-15), SP Purgatory: [(DLVL/2)+11]%, range ~(15-23), SP Doom: [(DLVL/2)+19]%, range ~(23-31), MP Horror: [(DLVL/2)+27]%, range ~(31-39), MP Purgatory: [(DLVL/2)+35]%, range ~(39-47), MP Doom: [(DLVL/2)+43]%, range ~(47-55), Note: as you see, drakes are deliberately made more aggressive in multiplayer (MP mode is always harder); + 16:46 19.08.2010, Created 2 more subtypes of Grotesque monsters (dwell on DLVLs 8-16): 8Dh & 8Eh; + 16:47 19.08.2010, Monsters 8Dh & 8Eh are supplied with bosses (1 per level, for each); + 17:43 19.08.2010, Berserker's Buckler: added 2 negative effects to maintain balance of this item; + 17:44 19.08.2010, Bramble revised; + 18:04 19.08.2010, Apocalypse damage formula changed: Itt(clvl, Rnd[60]+1) >> Itt(clvl, Rnd[25]+1); + 20:04 19.08.2010, Created an incative monster, used for spawning on DLVLs [22~24], slot 8Fh; + 20:04 19.08.2010, [Mordor]: Wrote code for support of monster 8Fh spawning from dungeon objects on floors 22-24; + 11:28 20.08.2010, Created 2 more monster types (gdiggr, DLVLs [4~8]): 90h & 91h; + 11:30 20.08.2010, Added 6 new bosses for monsters 90h & 91h; + 11:44 20.08.2010, Created monster 92h (inactive, used to save seeding size on dlvl-13); + 11:44 20.08.2010, Corrupt Order's seeding size raised to 1012. Now left: Hell Clan, Death Guardians, Imp Rogues; + 12:00 20.08.2010, Added support code for monster 92h on dlvl-13 (Corrupts no longer forced to appear on dlvl-13); + 12:03 20.08.2010, Changed corresponding bosses on dlvl-13 (from 01006A to 010092); + 13:01 20.08.2010, Hell Clan is no longer forced to appear on dlvl-6. Now left: Imp Rogues, Death Guardians; + 15:46 20.08.2010, Created monster 93h (bat type, dlvls [1~2]). Gave it a boss; + 16:16 20.08.2010, Hell Clan is given support for boss spawning on dlvl-6; + 17:26 20.08.2010, Created monster 94h, inactive, will be used for special random boss encounter on dlvl-8; + 17:27 20.08.2010, Gave support to monster 94h in forced monster selection routine; + 17:45 20.08.2010, Created new special boss on level 8, will be accompanied by Imps (appears randomly, not always); + 17:54 20.08.2010, Balors can appear on level 23; + 17:54 20.08.2010, Blacktounge moved to dlvl-23; + 19:50 20.08.2010, Created monster 95h, added bosses for it; + 22:47 20.08.2010, Created 2 monsters (felltwins, dlvls [9~16]): 96h & 97h; + 00:57 21.08.2010, Added 8 new bosses for monsters 96h & 97h; + 10:43 21.08.2010, Felltwins and Hybrids now also warp on stun, but make a check of Rnd[2] before doing so (IOW, warp chance = 50%); + 11:16 21.08.2010, Shambler & Hell Meat: stun threshold set to mAC*8. Doomtail: stun threshold set to mAC*3; + 12:55 21.08.2010, Shambler & Hell Meat are given KB immunity; + 12:55 21.08.2010, Black Mourner, Dark Servant & The Deuce: gained 50% KB resistance; + 13:58 21.08.2010, Adjusted difficulty mode related HP gains for recently added monsters; + 15:17 21.08.2010, Monsters 90h & 91h receive increased melee damage resistance on higher difficulty modes (Purg. - 3/8, Doom - 4/8); + 16:21 21.08.2010, Monsters 8Dh & 8Eh now resist arrow damage in MP mode: Horror: 25%, Purgatory: 50%, Doom: 56,25%; + 16:22 21.08.2010, Monsters 90h & 91h gained resistance to arrow damage: Purgatory: 37,5%, Doom: 50%; + 16:46 21.08.2010, Monster 95h obtained elemental damage resistance: SP Horror: 31,25%, SP Purgatory: 37,5%, SP Doom, MP Horror: 50%, MP Purgatory: 75%, MP Doom: 87,5%; + 17:01 21.08.2010, Monsters 8Dh, 8Eh, 90h & 91h will now damage current mana for 25% (8Dh & 8Eh - always, 90h & 91h - on Purgatory & Doom); + 21:06 21.08.2010, [Desert Dragon]: Original game bug fixed. Now players/monsters, moving in horizontal direction, can be hit by missiles: PvP: not tested (testing required), PvM: works good, but seems to stun monsters regardless of damage, MvM: not tested (anyone willing to watch summoned Golem dodging some missiles from monsters?), MvP: works good (no bugs noticed), Note (for debugging): applied in subversion 1.101x, Note 2: forget your 'Happy feet' now...; + 00:55 22.08.2010, Created 2 more monsters: 98h & 99h; + 09:33 22.08.2010, Bosses on monsters 39h & 94h will gain additional +10 to battle MLVL for difficulty mode (+25 Purgatory, +50 Doom); + 10:16 22.08.2010, Fire Bats have higher seeding size: 933 >> 1400 (this will make them appear less often, yet in greater numbers); + 11:01 22.08.2010, Monsters 98h, 99h & 9Ah have different stun threshold now: (AC-20)*8; + 11:17 22.08.2010, Monsters 98h received 66,6% KB resistance, monster 99h - 75%, 9Ah recieved 83,3% KB resistance (Scouts, beware!); + 11:48 22.08.2010, Monsters 98h & 99h receive resistance to magical damage: SP: 0%, MP Horror: 25%, MP Purgatory: 37,5%, MP Doom: 43,75%; + 11:49 22.08.2010, Monster 9Ah receives 50% resistance to magical damage (but since he's used for bosses only, effective resistance is 75%); + 12:27 22.08.2010, Monster 9Ah is given ability to appear as a unique monster (accompanied by other monsters) on DLVLs 6, 8, 21, 22, 23 and 24; + 12:29 22.08.2010, Monster 40h is no longer forced to appear on DLVL-21; + 13:14 22.08.2010, Monster 99h is supplied with 4 new bosses (based on monster 9Ah); + 14:22 22.08.2010, Added 2 combo bosspacks to level 23, appear randomly; + 14:23 22.08.2010, Death Guardian bosspack (Sarogyl) always appears on dlvl-21 (even tho Death Guardians no longer appear on their own); + 14:33 22.08.2010, All Witch seeding sizes set to 1408; + 14:46 22.08.2010, Doombringer and Murmillo: revised stats; + 15:32 22.08.2010, [Desert Dragon]: Monsters are not stunned at every hit when being hit with missiles while moving in horizontal direction; + 16:01 22.08.2010, Monsters 98h, 99h & 9Ah now wil have an additional attack on frame 13, with -10 penalty to damage and accuracy; + 17:21 22.08.2010, Added 2 more bosses for Blood Slayer; + 17:27 22.08.2010, Horned Death: seeding size lowered to 1266; + 18:16 22.08.2010, Werewolves are given better soundset; + 18:22 22.08.2010, Fallen One belongs to Demon type now; + 18:29 22.08.2010, Created new Fallen One type (for variety of Demons in Cathedral): monster 9Bh; + 21:18 22.08.2010, Monster 9Bh is supplied with 3 new bosses; + 21:47 22.08.2010, Monster 9Bh received resistance to melee damage on Horror mode: DLVL 1: 0%, DLVL 2: 25%, DLVL 3: 50%, DLVL 4: 62,5%; + 22:43 22.08.2010, Monster 9Bh is given 50% resistance to arrow damage on Horror DLVL-3, and 62,5% resistance on Horror DLVL-4; + 22:58 22.08.2010, Monster 9Bh is given 50% resistance to magical damage; + 11:31 23.08.2010, Added Imp Rogue's clone monster (9Ch) to save seeding size on dlvl-11. Monster 69h is inactive (used for bosses only); + 11:32 23.08.2010, Difficulty-based HP boosts for 75% only for monster 9B. For 50% - for monster 9Ch; + 12:26 23.08.2010, Autostun chance in PvM changed: 5/100 >> 1/100; + 15:01 23.08.2010, [Desert Dragon]: Revision 5 of HorizontalHitFix applied (applied in subversion 1.101y); + 15:35 23.08.2010, Modified Support and Credits in metamenu; + 19:01 23.08.2010, Mindcry nerfed again; + 20:34 23.08.2010, Staves of Apoc no longer exist (Apoc is basically available on relicts now); + 20:34 23.08.2010, Staves of Identify have less charges: [9-18] >> [5-7]; + 23:14 23.08.2010, Added 13 new pics to game archive, for new unique rings (total pics 1198 now); + 12:40 24.08.2010, [Mordor]: Fixed a bug with inability to start SP Doom mode new game. Crashed because of incorrect MEv5.0 supporting code; + 18:23 24.08.2010, Dodgecat gives more AC now; + 00:15 25.08.2010, Created 25 new uniques on uID#178; + 13:00 25.08.2010, [Desert Dragon]: Bosses of Doom mode are allowed to drop magic items with cursed affixes ("who let the ZODs out?" hehe); + 13:02 25.08.2010, Scarab of Slumber: added small penalties; + 18:50 25.08.2010, Added monster 9Dh; + 18:50 25.08.2010, Monster 9Dh is given special retreat support; + 19:09 25.08.2010, Monster 9Dh is given 25% less HP boost for diff.increase; + 19:38 25.08.2010, Added 3 new bosses for monster 9Dh; + 00:11 26.08.2010, Fixed Wirt's gossip for 'Chamber of Bone' quest; + 10:00 26.08.2010, DFE minimum damage is changed from simple original rule of 'minimum is 1' to: Horror: (DLVL/2), Purgatory: (DLVL/2)+12, Doom: (DLVL/2)+24, Note: values here are rounded up; + 10:58 26.08.2010, Created special monster (9Eh), which will be used only for spawning on dlvl-21. By default, made inactive; + 10:59 26.08.2010, Added dungeon object spawning support for monster 9Eh; + 10:59 26.08.2010, Hell Clan: more HP; + 11:05 26.08.2010, Forced monster 9Eh selection on dlvl-21, Note: this still doesn't fix dlvl-21's random loadlevel crash; + 13:09 26.08.2010, Bone Creepers atack earlier: attack frame 9 >> attack frame 8; + 14:47 26.08.2010, New DFE cap is applied only to arrow (physical) damage now. Magical damage is capped at 1, as before; + 17:33 26.08.2010, [Desert Dragon]: In subversion zTHv1101yx05 dungeon objects were allowed to drop cursed items (needs testing); + 18:13 26.08.2010, Minimal magical damage in MvP Missile after DFE modifier is now also limited: Horror: (DLVL/4), Purgatory: (DLVL/4)+6, Doom: (DLVL/4)+12, Note: it can be further lowered by resists; + 12:24 27.08.2010, Balors attack faster now: 14 frames >> 13; + 13:12 27.08.2010, Created monster 9Fh, supplied with bosses; + 14:11 27.08.2010, Monster 98h supplied with bosses (no boss on dlvl-17 tho); + 17:34 27.08.2010, Added monster A0h, supplied with bosses; + 17:54 27.08.2010, Eviscerators recolored (one of their boss recolored to a dynamic color, too); + 18:54 27.08.2010, Monster 9Fh has 50% chance for second attack on frame 9 (following attack on frame 8). The first monster to have this feature; + 19:04 27.08.2010, Monster A0h is given dual attack support; + 20:25 27.08.2010, Fixed code: support for boss appearance of monster 40h; + 20:26 27.08.2010, Fixed several more small data bugs in EXE; + 21:16 27.08.2010, Fixed crash in MP Doom on entering dlvl-21 by leaving support for monster 40h only on dlvl-21; + 21:39 27.08.2010, [Mordor]: Mana damage code used to increase current mana if it was negative, now fixed; + 21:49 27.08.2010, Thunderclap revised; + 22:49 27.08.2010, The Overseer has less HP: 1240 >> 1000; + 23:15 27.08.2010, Monsters 9Fh & A0h are given 50% resistance to KB; + 00:37 28.08.2010, Storm Demons recolored; + 01:10 28.08.2010, Carver renamed to Dark One, and recolored; + 11:58 28.08.2010, Bile Spitter is given new (better IMO) color; + 12:42 28.08.2010, Death Guardians recolored; + 13:32 28.08.2010, Fixed name pointer to Shadethunder (watch out for more); + 14:34 28.08.2010, Biclops recolored; + 16:43 28.08.2010, Bile Spitters allowed to appear on dlvl-21; + 16:43 28.08.2010, Supplied Bile Spitters with boss on dlvl-21; + 18:02 28.08.2010, Created monster A1h, supplied with bosses, gave it 33% KB resistance; + 00:49 29.08.2010, Created monster A2h, gave spawning as boss support on dlvl-16, replaced Queen of the Order with new boss; + 01:09 29.08.2010, Added 1 more inventory image (came from LeGioN); + 12:57 30.08.2010, Created special monster A3h, created combopack with it, gave it special spawn support on dlvl-19; + 15:01 30.08.2010, Created monster A4h, supplied with 3 new bosses; + 19:10 30.08.2010, Created monster A5h; + 20:03 30.08.2010, Monster A5h receives only 50% of HP boost for higher difficulty modes; + 22:29 30.08.2010, Monster A6h is given higher stun threshold: mAC*5; + 22:37 30.08.2010, Monster A6h is given KB immunity; + 23:15 30.08.2010, Monster A6h is given dual attack: hits on frames 8 & 9; + 23:30 30.08.2010, Monster A6h is given mana damage: can steal ~43% of current mana in one attack (in addition to normal damage he does); + 23:42 30.08.2010, Monster A6h is given support to appear as boss on dlvls 18, 19 & 24; + 00:10 31.08.2010, Monster A6h is given resists to magical damage: SP Horror: 25%, SP Purgatory: 37,5%, SP Doom: 43,75%, MP: 50%, Note: actual boss resistance wil further reduce the rest of the damage by 50%; + 01:02 31.08.2010, Supplied monster A5h with 4 new bosses; + 14:04 31.08.2010, Monster A6h has 800% lifestealing now, this works in SP mode as well, beware; + 21:17 31.08.2010, Added several more pics to archive; + 11:59 01.09.2010, Added monster A7h, supplied with bosses and special abilities (dual attack, and blue magic missile for secondary attack); + 14:48 01.09.2010, Fire Bat recolored; + 15:15 01.09.2010, All hell bat types had their seeding size set to 935; + 15:24 01.09.2010, Added illustration to ReadMe, by Livstraet "Cancer"; + 15:49 01.09.2010, All hell bat types move slower now: 7 frames >> 16 frames (as in original Hellfire); + 16:15 01.09.2010, Casting bits of necromancy across the void landed 3rd species of flying horror :) ; + 16:45 01.09.2010, Monster A8h supplied with 3 new bosses; + 18:06 01.09.2010, Monster A8h receives 50% HP boost for higher diff.modess; + 19:44 01.09.2010, [Desert Dragon]: Monster A2h is given 75% chance to block all attacks from monsters and players; + 20:13 01.09.2010, Monster A2h is given KB resistance in MP mode: 75% chance to avoid KB; + 22:47 01.09.2010, Pal & Glad now have maximum 40% chance to hit monster A2h in melee (not sure it's working tho); + 11:39 02.09.2010, Created monsters A9h & AAh; + 11:39 02.09.2010, Monster AAh is given support to appear on dlvl-4 as boss; + 11:40 02.09.2010, Monster A9h is given arrow damage resistance for MP mode: Horror: 25%, Purgatory: 50%, Doom: 56,25%; + 11:49 02.09.2010, Monster A9h is given KB immunity; + 16:55 02.09.2010, Created a line of 13 uniques on uID#180 (total uniques 551 now); + 17:54 02.09.2010, [Desert Dragon]: Monster A2h now checks for chance tohit for blocking, used to block always; + 20:04 02.09.2010, [Desert Dragon]: Monster A2h now doesn't block magical damage, only arrows and melee attacks; + 20:21 02.09.2010, [Mordor]: Monster A2h receives 75% magical damage resistance (to compensate for the absence of blocking of these attacks); + 21:04 02.09.2010, Monster A2h melee evasion increased to 65%; + 21:25 02.09.2010, Monster A2h arrow evasion set to 65% (maximum chance to hit = 35%); + 21:26 02.09.2010, PvM Missile: maximum tohit chance raised: 93% >> 95%; v1.102a, (12:15 04.09.2010), Patch + Acid Puddle damage resistance is no longer randomized; + Belial's Word: not so high DFE penalty now; v1.102b, (17:15 05.09.2010), Patch + Prefix 'Sturdy' gives more AC now: +[10-30]% >> +[15-35]%; + Galleon: mana penalty lowered to [200-220]; v1.102c, (16:00 06.09.2010), Patch + Mage class armors and masks had their base AC values revised; + Revised some Mage line uniques; v1.102e, (19:44 07.09.2010), Patch + 22:09 06.09.2010, Added 2 more invobj pics (by Cancer); + 12:05 07.09.2010, All Horned Beast type monsters had their seeding size set to 1266; + 14:55 07.09.2010, Monsters 10h, 41h, 42h, 43h & ABh are given support for second animation when charging; + 15:00 07.09.2010, Created monster ABh, supplied with bosses; + 16:46 07.09.2010, Monster 31h is given AI 13h; + 16:46 07.09.2010, Monster 31h is given more HP, and larger HP boost for difficulty modes: 75% instead of 50%; + 17:46 07.09.2010, Seeding size for all hounds set to 723; + 19:42 07.09.2010, Xorene stayed only with monster 5Fh, other packs given other bosses with different names; v1.103, (0:25 11.09.2010), Full Release + Bile Spitters made vulnerable to fire and immune to magic/lightning; + Added monster ACh, gave 75% HP boost for diff.increase; + Added boss for monster ACh (total bosses 494 now); + Monster ACh leaves acid puddle after death; + Gharbaad is given new monster as base: ADh; + Monster ADh is given 33% resistance to KB; + Created monster AEh to prevent Zhar from eating seeding size on floor 8; + Zhar the Mad does less damage with Flash and Fire Blast, hass less HP and lower mlvl; + Monster AEh is given immunity to damage for state of phasing; + Morana's Demise revised; + Thresher: revised resists; + Changed Apocalypse Clan's color, and their bosses'; + Created monster AFh, made inactive; + Monsters AFh can appear on level 4 sometimes, in their special rooms near shrines; + Monster 69h was not supported on dlvl 12 for being used as a special boss, now fixed (thanks to Quasit for report); v1.103c, (19:06 13.09.2010), Full Release + Monster AFh is given 33% KB resistance; + [Desert Dragon]: In multiplayer mode players now will not get stuck in walls if returning through portals, placed near walls (to the south); + Game used to crash on loading dlvls 22/23/24 in MP Doom mode because of missing TRN file for one of the bosses of that mode: fixed; + Created monster B0h; + Monster B0h received 50% chance for additional attack on frame 9; + Added 2 bosses for monster B0h (total 496 now); + Monster B0h is given 50% chance to avoid KB; + Created 2 more uniques on uID#1A (total uniques 553 now); + Created monster B1h, supplied with a boss (total bosses 497 now); + Monster B1h is given warp feature and an unusual stun threshold (mAC*2); v1.104, (22:22 23.09.2010), Full Release + Added 2 more images from Cancer; + Bonesaw: lower MAG penalty; + Xorine's Amulet/Ring: less mana boost; + Xorine's Amulet is given new picture (by Cancer); + Added monsters B2h & B3h (total monsters 180 now); + Added 8 new bosses (total bosses 505 now); + Monsters B2h & B3h received 50% KB resistance; + Lord of the Order is given additional attack on frame 10, which will do random (100-200)% damage, this attack also has +37% to accuracy; + Tyrael's Blessing: reduces mana instead of increasing it; + Added monster B4 (total 181); + Added 3 bosses (total 508); + Monster B4h is given 75% KB resistance and additional attack on frame 9; + Blood Knight seeding size reduced: 1810 >> 1300; + Monster B4h now supports magma ball effect; + Monster Fire Blast speed is reduced: 50 >> 32; + Added monster B5h (total 182); + Added boss for monster B5h (total 509); + Monster B5h is given damage immunity when phasing and 50% lower HP boost for higher difficulty modes; + Almost all monsters had their seeding size set to 750. This value proves most valuable, giving even chances for every monster to appear on a level: Note: this will almost everytime result in dungeons having 4 types of monsters (sometimes - 3, seldom - 5); + Revised several more uniques; + Added monster B6h (total 183), supplied with 3 bosses (total 510), gave blink feature; + Monsters B1h & B6h are given 25% less HP boost for Purg/Doom modes; + Added several more Crypt palettes (total Crypt palettes 369 now); + Unique #168h is given new picture (by LeGioN); + Corrected some old Crypt palettes; + Large bone renamed to Bone mace; + Changed pics for Bone mace, Bonespan and Heavy Bone; + Unique #229h nerfed; + Created 1 more unique on uID#1Ah; + Hell palettes 1-28 reworked; + Hell palettes 29-83 are outsorted from random selection (because reworking palettes is damn tedious), Note: will be included later, when I finish the rest of them; + Unique #1BFh is given new image (by LeGioN); v1.104a, (19:51 24.09.2010), Patch + Revised a lot of unique items; + Suffix of Witchcraft gives more powers now (hello to Mage players); v1.104b, (15:37 25.09.2010), Patch + [Desert Dragon] Restored player footstep sounds (deactivated in town when running); v1.104c, (13:24 26.09.2010), Patch + Boss mob sizes changed: SP Horror: 6 >> 6; SP Purgatory: 10 >> 8; SP Doom: 14 >> 10; MP Horror: 11 >> 9; MP Purgatory: 15 >> 12; MP Doom: 19 >> 15, Note: this should decrease amount of cases where MP Purgatory/Doom bosses appear with huge mobs and others - alone (or with tiny mobs); + Diablo seeding size set to 800 to prevent gamecrash in Pandemonium (by making the game load less monsters on that level), Note: this should hopefully fix random crash in Mp Doom there (feedback would be welcome); v1.105, (11:31 07.10.2010), Full Release + Added several more invpics from Cancer; + Dataspace 004CBA00 - 004D1C00 is given to Desert Dragon for spell data usage; + Church palette #10 corrected; + Shield of Tyrants is given a small STR penalty instead of Fast Block; + Ikzelion's Rig picture fixed; + Mage GFX: removed bright blue colors in QM animations of series SLD, SLH, SLT, SMD, SMH, SMT, SHD, SHH & SHT; + Slayer's Maul renamed to Huge Flail; + Huge Flail is given new image (by LeGioN); + Again, revised stats on some unique items: polishing balance further; + Completely re-checked the whole unique item list. Many uniques that were too weak/strong, were rebalanced; + Monk's base damage with staff changed from (CLVL*(curSTR+curDEX))/50 to (CLVL*(curSTR+curDEX))/80; + Monk's unarmed base damage changed from (CLVL*(curSTR+curDEX))/50 to (CLVL*(curSTR+curDEX))/40; + Corrupt Lord attack speed increased greatly: 16 frames >> 11 frames (will look choppy but it's better for gameplay anyway); + Revised some affix values; v1.106, (19:29 19.11.2010), Full Release Thanks to sponsors of this release: Makantal, and someone else who wished to stay unknown :) + Mendicant's shrine (convert 1/2 gold to XP) is replaced with Sparkling shrine (do Flash, add XP); + Charged Bolt: damage lowered; + Revised some unique item stats; + Added monsters B7h & B8h; + Monsters B7h & B8h are stunned at every hit; + Monsters B7h & B8h get 25% lower HP boost for 2nd and 3rd difficulty modes; + Added 5 new bosses; + Assassin evasion formula in MvP Melee modified from (20-[CLVL/4])% to (20+[bDEX/16]-[CLVL/2])%; + Added monster B9h, supplied with bosses; + 3 uniques on Plate Corset are given new pics; + Music is randomized in MP Horror; + [Desert Dragon]: Attempt#1 made to prevent white item drops from bosses; + Changed TRN on Leviathan (from GENERAL to WLORD2); + [Michka's report]: Huge flail's magic name fixed: "LAIL" >> "FLAIL"; + Created 4 more uniques on uID#24h (total uniques 558 now); + Created monster BAh, supplied with bosses, added special room spawning feature, gave 33% KB resistance; + Lord of the Order: HP reduced (from 4500 to 3500); + DFE now will not reduce monster initial melee damage below 50%, further decrease will be carried out only by Aegis; + Manastealing is capped at 1/8 of current maximum mana for 1% manasteal and at 1/4 of current maximum mana for 2% manasteal; + Lifestealing is capped at 1/8 of current maximum life for 1% lifesteal and at 1/4 of current maximum life for 2% lifesteal, Note: Increased lifestealing is still uncapped and it works separately from classic lifestealing; + Added monsters BBh & BCh; + Monster BBh is given support for spawning in special rooms; + Monster BCh is given unusual stun threshold: mAC*5; + Monster BBh is given 33% KB resistance; + Monster BCh is given KB immunity; + Monster BCh is given support to appear in Pandemonium as a boss; + Monster BCh receives additional attack on frame 9: +100% damage (up to 500 per hit) and +37% to accuracy of this bonus attack (beware!); + Tightened attack and hit recovery timings for all goatlords; v1.107, (13:40 24.12.2010), Full Release + Diablo seeding size set to 0 (this will allow for 4th random monster type generation in Pandemonium); + Monster forced selection function: code revised. This should fix random crashes in Pandemonium and increase overall game stability; + Slain Hero quest rewards changed to magic item drops (vary for difficulty and class), Mage class still gets his books though; + Added 1 more monster type of Fallen (dlvls 4-6); + Bonus damage vs Undead/Demons now works with unarmed/staff/axe (note: it increases total damage by 50%); + {1.107 RC 05} SP Horror mode boss mob sizes are differentiated, according to DLVL: dlvl-1: 2, dlvl-2: 3, dlvl-3: 4, dlvl-4: 5, deeper levels: 6; + Added bosses for dlvl-1 monsters: 5h, 6h, 7h and 18h; + Character starting items revised: using unfindable items now only (including potions of healing), Note: this could contribute to solving the mysterious morphing of Catacomb levels; + SLVL modifier revised for Runes of Blaze/Shock: CLVL/4 >> CLVL/2. Runes should be more destructive now; + Deactivated unique items in slots [0-9], relocated uniques from these slots to maintain their findability, Note: Hopefully, this fixes level morphing bug. But we need fieldtesting, and I ought to know results - whether or not Catacombs still morph; + Desert Dragon's patch of allowing magic drops with cursed affixes from bosses on Doom and from dungeon objects - cancelled, Note: This patch was flawed and caused affix morphing on restart (items obtained from dungeon objects or multidrops from special bosses); + Etherealize now can not be cast if it is active on the caster (just like Aegis/Fury/Infravision/ManaShield); + Apoc damage changed: Itt(clvl, Rnd[25]+1) >> Itt(clvl, Rnd[100]+1). Average damage is (roughly): clvl*50; + Relicts of Etherealize now protect from elemental damage (used to protect from physical damage). Hello to cheaters ^_^ ; + Ice Stalker is given mob; + Changed base picture for Flail; + Added 2 new uniques on uID#35h (total uniques 570 now); + No matter how low DEX is, Assassin's minimum chance to be hit in melee is capped at 8% (thanks to Doomforge for the idea); + Adjusted stats on some unique items; + Updated documentation for version 1.107; v1.108, (14:30 27.01.2011), Full Release + Knight monsters now belong to Undead type (use blunt weapons against them). They will also start taking damage from Holybolt now; + Adjusted stats on many uniques; + MvP Melee: autohit caps against classes revised: Paladin 20%, Scout 20%, Mage 30%, Monk 17% (was 14%), Assassin 13% (was 8%), Gladiator 19% (was 20%); + Hell palette #29 updated and included in the random selection; + Aegis now gives more protection to Gladiator class: (30 + Rnd[(baseVIT/8)+36])%, Note: other classes get standard protection of (10 + Rnd[(baseVIT/8)+36])%, Examples: a Monk with base Vitality 160 will absorb random (10-55)% melee damage, a Gladiator with baseVIT 200 will absorb (30-80)%; + Celia now will drop unique amulet that will differ for difficulty & class (18 variations in total); + Added 15 new class-dependant variations of 'Spiritual Treasure' amulet (total uniques 585 now); v1.109, (20:10 25.02.2011), Full Release WARNING!!! THIS VERSION INTRODUCES COMPLEX ANTI-CHEATING MEASURES AND REFORMATS CHARACTER FILES WHILE THIS IS 100% SAFE, IT WILL MAKE CHEATERS SUFFER FROM INABILITY TO HACK PLAYER STATS THIS VERSION WILL ALSO AUTO-DETECT HACKED CHARACTERS AND REFORMAT THEIR FILES ALL LEGIT PLAYERS SHOULD UPGRADE TO THIS RELEASE IN ORDER TO LEAVE CHEATERS BEHIND AND ENJOY PLAYING CLEAN AND SAFE + Added 1 more monster type (to level 1); + Added boss for the above monster; + Added 3 more unique items on uID#26h (total uniques 588 now); + Modified life regeneration for Mage class: now (if cVIT not below 16) 75% chance for forced 1/64 HP regen/round instead of value by formula; + Modified mana regeneration for Gladiator class: now (if cMAG not below 16) 75% chance for forced 1/64 MP regen/round instead of value by formula; + Characters now will still regenerate mana even if their cMAG is below 16, regeneration rate is 1/64 MP per 5 rounds; + Manastealing is capped at 1/16 of current maximum mana for 1% manasteal and at 1/8 of current maximum mana for 2% manasteal; + Lifestealing is capped at 1/16 of current maximum life for 1% lifesteal and at 1/8 of current maximum life for 2% lifesteal; + Introducing new feature: life/mana stealing minicaps: 1% lifestealing: minimum 1 HP added, 1% manastealing: minimum 1 mana added, 2% lifestealing: minimum 2 HP added, 2% manastealing: minimum 2 mana added; + Fire Nova is given better impact sound; + Charged Bolts now produce sounds when hitting objects; + Thresher and Devil Kin are given altered soundsets (different hit & die sfx). New sounds are a bit quiet (haven't found .WAV editing tool yet); + SLVL modifier revised for Runes of Blaze/Shock: CLVL/2 >> CLVL/4. Runes should be less destructive again; + 3 unique flails are given new pics; + Greatly revised architecture and population on Lazarus' quest level (Doom mode variation is now a true uberlevel); + Greatly revised Doom difficulty's 'Chamber of Bone' quest level; + Added chests (for additional rewards) on Lazarus' quest level; + 'Halls of the Blind' quest: added 2 Illusion Weavers to the room with the reward; + Adding monster C1h: would-be uberboss for MP Doom level 12; + Monster C1h is given higher stun threshold: (mAC*8); + Added bosspack with monster C1h as boss and monster C2h as minions; + Added support for monsters C2h and C1h on MP Doom dlvl-12; + Monster C1h is given additional attack on frame 9 with following mods: +37 ToHit, 2x max.damage (minimum - the same); + Monster C1h is given KB immunity; + Monsters 6Eh (Diablo), 89h (Uber), C1h & C2h are given support for mana damage; + Monster C2h will warp if stunned; + Monsters C1h & C2h will add 800% of the damage they deal to their current HP; + Adding monster C2h: C1h's minion; + Monster C2h: stun threshold set to (mAC+90). This will result in effective threshold [150-450]; + Mana trap: sound changed; + New uberbosses (dlvls 4, 8 & 12) are given triple drop; + Monsters C1h, C3h & C5h receive +50 to MLVL on Doom (instead of standard +30). This is uberboss-specific mlvl increase; + Adding monster C3h; + Monster C3h made stun-immune; + Added support for monsters C3h and C4h on MP Doom dlvl-4; + Monster C3h made able to cross fire walls; + Monster C4h made able to cross lightning walls; + Monster C3h made immune to KB; + Monster C3h is given activation sound (similar to monster 33h); + Some revisions in affix data; + Boss hitpoints are reduced by 50% in SP mode now, just like with regular monsters; + Added monsters C5h & C6h; + Monster C5h is given ability to cross lightning walls; + Monster C5h damages mana; + Monster C6h is given 50% damage resistance to arrows; + Monster C5h is given 75% resistance to Bone Spirit and Elemental damage; + Monster C5h is given 50% resistance to magic/fire/lightning damage; + Monster C5h is given 75% resistance to knockback from melee/arrow attacks (not sure this works though) and KB immunity from magic attacks; + Monster C5h is given additional melee attack on frame 7: +37% accuracy, random (100-200)% damage; + Monster C6h gains only 50% of extra hitpoints for Doom mode. Uberboss creation for MP Doom dlvl-8 is now complete; + Small healing/mana/holy potions now add life/mana according to game mode: Horror: +[25,0 - 62,5]%, Purgatory: +[12,5 - 62,5]%, Doom: +[12,5 - 50,0]%; + Added 2 pet bosses to Uber's room on MP Doom. This is done to increase challenge of the final battle; + Added monster C7h. Activated for levels 13-16. Supplied with bosses. Given unusual boss in Pandemonium; + Monster C7h is given 50% lower HP increase for difficulty modes; + Elixirs are given different inscriptions; + Shrines that increase stats had their messages adjusted; + Added monster C8h. Made inactive because there's 200 monster slot limitation. More monster slots should be enabled first; + Mage AI expanded by forcing different mage spells on dlvls 13 & 14 (this is experimental, gotta try to tie it to a certain monster slot); + Monk class is given its own inventory screen. He's no longer using Mage screen; + Revised monster placement on Lazarus (SP) level (some witches used to appear on brazier tiles); + Removed Illusion Weavers from Halls of the Blind rooms - this caused them to appear in barrels, was too hard for SP Horror, Note: I should differentiate HoB quest rooms and monsters for difficulty modes in the nearest future, probably rewards for classes, too; + DLVL-5 Shadow boss given a shorter name; + Crown of Spirits gives less AC and increases DFE (+DFE...); + Introducing new feature: "Mordor's stat limitations" (MSL). Character total base stat sum now will be limited accordiing to the following rules: for CLVL (1-15): (CLVL*7)+60, for CLVL (16-20): (CLVL*7)+70, for CLVL (21-25): (CLVL*8)+80, for CLVL (26-30): (CLVL*8)+90, for CLVL (31-35): (CLVL*9)+100, for CLVL (36-40): (CLVL*9)+110, for CLVL (41-45): (CLVL*10)+120, for CLVL 46+: unlimited, Note: if total base stat sum reaches the limit, stats will become golden and won't be a subject to increase until the formula allows it again, Note: neither free distributable points, nor shrines, nor elixirs will allow to increase total stat amount beyond what's allowed by MSL, Note: all character classes will become able to maximize all stats only after reaching character level 46; + According to MSL rules, levelup stat gains won't exceed sums that can be added until the limit is reached, Note: this was done to prevent game engine from giving players stat points that would be wasted; + Characters with stat sum exceeding MSL, will be given no respec (and respect ,-) ) from shrines; + Introducing new feature: "Mordor's forced anti-cheating" (MFA). If a character has base stat sum that exceeds MSL limit, stats are lowered, Note: Base stats are lowered randomly until they've reached MSL limit, Note: no base stat can be set below 15 this way; + Respec doesn't work if MSL is reached. Actually, it's a bug. But I doubt that it's worth fixing; + Character mana formulae revised: Paladin: baseMAG + curMAG + CLVL + Mana_items - 1 , Scout: baseMAG + 1.5*curMAG + 2*CLVL + Mana_items + 5, Mage: 2*baseMAG + 2*curMAG + 2*CLVL + Mana_items - 2, Monk: baseMAG + 1.5*curMAG + 2*CLVL + Mana_items + 5, Assassin: 1.5*baseMAG + 2.5*curMAG + 2*CLVL + Mana_items + 3, Gladiator: baseMAG + curMAG + 0.5*CLVL + Mana_items + 0; + MFA feature expanded: added support for character life/mana recalculation. Lost/gained life/mana modified retroactively; + Introducing new feature: Executioner mode. Characters of inappropriate level who play on forbidden Multiplayer modes, will be punished, Note: this mode activates ONLY in multiplayer, and if using characters of too high level (32+ for Horror, and 46+ on Purgatory), Note: Executioner mode increases damage from monsters tremendously and makes them ignore player's DFE as well, Note: I hereby announce that my work with anti-cheating for version 1.109 is finished; + Golem HP formula set to: (MaxMana+(slvl*25)+(dlvl*25))*diff, where diff is 1 for Horror, 4 for Purgatory and 8 for Doom, Note: this should make Golem less sturdy on Horror, and more useful on Doom, Note: this also has a side bonus of taking dungeon level and slvl into account when determining Golem HP; + Golem AC used to be set to 70 at all times. Now his AC value obeys this formula: ((slvl+10)*4)-20, Note: this should result in more hits taken early (Horror), and in less hits taken later (Purg./Doom); + Added several item pics from Oli and LeGioN; + Some unique item pics changed; + Steel knights are given new names that explain their essence better; + Uber has less pet bosses on MP Doom: 4 >> 2; + Golem attacks slower (restoring original timing): 10 >> 12; + Changing MvM stun formula from (mAC-2) to ((mAC/2)+MLVL), Note: this should balance out Golem's stun effectiveness on other monsters; + Undead are now immune to Elemental's damage; + Fire/Lite Nova damage calculation display formula in spellbook was fixed (at last!) to show correct info for single F.Blast/L.Ball, Note: don't panic :) I'm not reducing Nova damage so much. It's just a display value. They have nothing common with the real damages; + Fire/Lite Nova damage formula changed from: (Rnd[50] + Rnd[50] + Rnd[50] + Rnd[50] + Rnd[50] + clvl + 35) ^ SLVL(17/16) to: (Rnd[20] + Rnd[20] + Rnd[20] + Rnd[20] + Rnd[20] + clvl + 20) ^ SLVL(17/16); + Revised stats on some unique items; v1.109a, (15:08 28.02.2011), Full Release + Troompix HP raised: 75 >> 110; + Executioner mode used to activate in melee fight after reaching clvl-2: fixed (by correcting wrong pointers to character level); + Character maximum attributes revised: Paladin: 240-60-160-180, Scout: 120-70-250-150, Mage: 110-250-90-130, Monk: 160-80-220-170, Assassin: 130-140-210-160, Gladiator: 250-20-130-240; v1.109b, (15:13 02.03.2011), Full Release + Improved sound effects of death and/or hit recovery for a lot of monsters; + Improved death and hit recovery sounds for Monk, Note: these SFX modifications should increase battle satisfaction factor; + Updated ReadMe (ENG); v1.110, (18:58 14.03.2011), Full Release + Blood pedestals and skull piles in Hell no longer block missiles; + Monk attacks faster with axe/bow now: 14 >> 13; + Ring of Sober: revised stats; + Bosses received limitations on what base items their drop can be based on. Maximum stat requirement an item can have: Horror: (dlvl*5)+20, Purgatory: (dlvl*5)+135, Doom: unlimited, Note: for example, highest requirement an item from boss can have on Horror's dlvl-13 is 85, maximum req on Purgatory's dlvl-5 is 160, Note: each stat requirement of the processed item is checked, if any of these is higher than the formula's limit, it's marked as undroppable; + Doom mode bosses also received limitations, but from below. Too much to describe. Suffice it to say, there's going to be no more crap drops, Note: this applies only to Doom mode boss monsters, and affects the following item types: sharps/blunts/bows/axes/staves/armors/helms/shields; + Monsters received limitations on what base items their drop can be based on. Max stat requirement an item can have: Horror: (dlvl*5)+20, Purgatory: (dlvl*5)+135, Doom: unlimited; + [Desert Dragon]: Monsterslot table expanded from 200 to 456. Not without bugs, but still, it works. More revisions awaited; + Added 2 new monster types on dlvls 13 and 14. Mages; + Monsters C8h and C9h are given unusual Mage attacks when found on dlvls 13 & 14; + Added several comboattacks for Mage AI; + Added 4 new bosses for monsters C8h and C9h; + Pepin no longer provides unlimited stock of full healing potions (but they're now available among other randomly offered items); + Adria no longer provides unlimited stock of full mana potions (but they're now available among other randomly offered items); + Tried to improve image for Amulet of Resource; + Created 4 more uniques on uID#34; + Changed pictures for some base bows; + Added monster CAh, provided with bosses, gave lower HP boost for difficulties; + Monsters C8h & C9h are given phase immunity, and 50% lower HP boost for difficulties; + Restored soundsets for Thresher and Devil Kin; + Modified a lot of base item requirements; + Added 5 more uniques on uID#42; + Cape is given uID#B6h; + Created 7 uniques on uID#B6h; + Some uniques used to be unfindable: fixed by correcting qlvls; + Corrected damage values and prices on a lot of base items; + Corrected limitations of Doom mode bosses regarding what items they can't drop (this was required after changing some base item damage values); + Large Sword: changed picture (old one didn't really look like a base item, more like unique); + Large sword renamed to Flamberge (thanks to Oli for the image BTW); + Pepin now always sells Relict of Healing (only 50gold but slow HP gain) and Potion of Healing (100gold but fast HP gain); + Adria now always sells Relict of Mana (only 50gold but slow mana gain) and Potion of Mana (100gold but fast mana gain); + Changed some base item pictures; + Monk starting stats changed from 20-0-25-20 to 15-5-25-20; + Uber Butcher received dual attack: attacks on frames 6 and 7. But his minimum damage is lowered to compensate; + Uber Butcher's mob received a different AI; + Monsters C8h, C9h and CAh - deactivated (to prevent severe bugs because of Desert Dragon's unfinished monsterslot expansion fix); + Updated ReadMe files; v1.112, (21:40 22.03.2011), Full Release + Gladiator class: +1 to life regeneration rate (not affected by '+100% life regeneration rate' effect); + Mage class: +1 to mana regeneration rate (not affected by '+100% mana regeneration rate' effect); + Mage class: life regeneration rules changed. Now: (if cVIT not below 16) 66% chance for forced 0 HP regen/round instead of value by formula, Note: if cVIT is below 16, all classes regenerate mana at the speed of 25% chance for forced 1/64 HP regen/round, and 75% for 0 HP regen/round, Note: this should add a slight *classy* touch to character distinction when it comes to regeneration of life/mana; + Mage class gets only 50% of health restore from small healing potions; + Gladiator class gets only 50% of mana restore from small mana potions; + Improved dying sounds for Mage and Gladiator; + Mana spell gives mana according to the new formula: bonus*(Itt(clvl, Rnd[2]+1) + Itt(slvl, Rnd[2] + 1) + Rnd[4] + 1) to multiplier*(Itt(baseMAG, Rnd[2]+1) + Itt(slvl, Rnd[2] + 1) + Rnd[4] + 1) Note: bonus is 1x for Mage, 0,125x for Gladiator, and 0,5x for all others. This should make mana gains a lot more adequate, Note: relicts of mana are affected by this, too; + New picture given to Light flail; + New picture given to Composite bow; + Composite bow base durability set to 51, and price - to 1100 (was 1000); + Changed initial durability on many other base items; + Added 3 more uniques on uID#85; + Added 1 new music track: Crypt variation (by Julian Culme-Seymour, visit his site at; + DlvlN track (Crypt) improved. Music Expansion updated to v5.1; + Music track selection lists revised, there should be more variety now; v1.113, (10:52 14.04.2011), Full Release + Roman Leather Armor renamed to Thick Leather Armor; + Modified stats on Griswold's Caster bows; + Shield of Reflections: modified stats; + Created 6 uniques on uID#173; + Applied new pic from LeGioN to Windfury; + Nerfed Bloodrim & Bloomfade; + Changed pic for Short Knife (original looked too lame); + Added 8 more uniques on uID#30 (total uniques now 625); + Helm of Glory: nerfed; + Gotterdamerung: penalty increased; + Revised stats on uniques, based on uID#60; + Armet: DEX requirement lowered; + Again, revised some base item requirements; + Revised potion prices: small healing: 100 > 100, small mana: 100 > 100, full healing: 300 > 400, full mana: 300 > 400, holy water: 400 > 250, full holy water: 700 > 800; + Again, tons of adjustments to unique item stats; + Added 6 more uniques on uID#46; + Further adjustments to unique item stats, according to Makantal's feedback; + Durability loss on firing bows slightly increased: 1/50 >> 1/46; - Durability loss on hitting with melee weapons increased: 1/30 >> 1/25; + Bonus AC vs Undead/Demons increased: vs Undead: +10 >> +15, vs Demons: +15 >> +20; + Renamed some uniques; + Added 4 more uniques on uID#21; + Healing manacost revised: 8 + (2*clvl) - (3*slvl), Conditions: if lower than 1/8 of maxCurMana, set to maxCurMana/8; if higher than 1/4 maxCurMana, seto maxCurMana/4. Final manacost can't be below 4, Note: if 8+(clvl*2) is lower than (3*slvl), manacost gets set to 1. This is a bug, but I don't know how to fix it, Note: this improvement took me ~3 hours of coding. Thanks to this for making the time pass by smoother: :) ; - Fury no longer adds current strength and current dexterity. Instead, it adds 2*clvl to base damage and clvl/2 to AC; + Armor class defense made more realistic by randomizing monster accuracy in MvP Melee: Horror: -10, +Rnd[21], Purgat: -85, +Rnd[96], Doom: -185, +Rnd[196], Note: previously, it didn't matter on Doom whether you have 200 or 0 AC. Now, on average, even leather armor will decrease monster chances to hit, Note: to arrive at autohit value, you will still need as much AC as before. But, for each AC point missing, monsters used to get +1% chance to hit, Note: now they have 1% to hit for each 3 AC points. This will allow you sometimes to sacrifice more AC for something else, Note: in other words, 15 AC points will no longer make a clear difference between life and death in certain conditions; + Randomizing monster arrow accuracy: Horror: 50% chance for Rnd[11] decrease in accuracy, 50% chance for Rnd[11] increase in accuracy, Purgat: -85, +Rnd[116], Doom: -185, +Rnd[221], Note: Upper limit is higher by 20 points on Purgatory and by 25 points on Doom. This will result in archer accuracy raising when you approach them, Note: Previously, distance penalty for archers' ToHit was not compensated. Now it is, but randomly. Should give them ~10 to accuracy when close, Note: In other words, on average, archer chances to hit you will raise when you come closer to them. But it too depends on your AC in the end; + Relict prices revised; + Increased Fury duration effect now prolongs it by 150% (used to be 100%); + Fixed increased fury duration bug when host player's IFD effect affected all other players in game; + Holy Bolt damage formula revised: curMAG + 5 + Rnd[11], 200% damage for Purgatory, 300% - for Doom, Example: on Horror mode, if your character has current Magic of 60, Holy Bolt will deal [65-75] damage (60+5, +random (0 to 10) ), Example: on Purgatory, with curMAG of 100, it will do [210-230], on Doom, with cMAG of 300, it will do [915-945] Holy damage; + Fury effects now vary for character class: Paladin: +clvl/2 accuracy, +clvl/2 AC, +clvl*2 base damage, -2 slvl, +clvl/4 DFE, Scout: +clvl accuracy, -clvl AC, +clvl*2 base damage, -clvl/4 DFE, Mage: +2 slvl, +clvl*2 maxCurMana, -clvl/2 AC, +clvl/4 DFE, Monk: -clvl/2 accuracy, -1 slvl, +clvl*2 base damage, -clvl/4 DFE, +clvl/4 all resists, Assassin: +clvl/2 AC, +clvl*2 base damage, +clvl/4 DFE, +clvl/4 all resists, Gladiator: +clvl/2 accuracy, -clvl slvl, +4*clvl base damage, -clvl/2 AC, -clvl/2 DFE, Note: When under Fury, Gladiator becomes unable to cast any spells except his skill Aegis, Note: DFE cannot go lower than Vitality/difficulty-based limit allows, Note: Fury cannot be casted if current HPs are below CLVL value (for ex., with current HPs of 33 and clvl of 34); + Since Fury no longer boosts character Vitality, compensating life losses by correcting life gains from baseVIT. New life calculation formula: Paladin: 3*Vitcharacter + 2.5*Vititems + 2*clvl + Lifeitems + 18, Scout: 1.5*Vitcharacter + 1.5*Vititems + 2*clvl + Lifeitems + 18, Mage: 1*Vitcharacter + 1*Vititems + 1*clvl + Lifeitems + 9, Monk: 2.5*Vitcharacter + 2.5*Vititems + 2*clvl + Lifeitems + 18, Assassin: 2*Vitcharacter + 2.5*Vititems + 2*clvl + Lifeitems + 18, Gladiator: 3.5*Vitcharacter + 3*Vititems + 2*clvl + Lifeitems + 11, Note: No, this formula will not make characters arrive at the exactly same values as characters would have under Fury, Note: This formula creates something that, in my opinion, is better for class balance; + Character base life formula updated to comply with HP changes above, Note: Now baseVIT gives correct amount of HPs, which need not be altered by MFA formula anymore; + Maximum chance to block in MvP Melee reduced: 80% >> 75%; + [Desert Dragon]: monsterslot limit raised to 400; + Re-activated monsters 201-203, and their bosses; + Starting character life adjusted to match with the new formula in MFA: Pal 80, Scout 50, Mage 25, Monk 70, Assassin 60, Gladiator 100; + Starting character mana adjusted to match with the new formula in MFA: Pal 5, Scout 12, Mage 60, Monk 12, Assassin 20, Gladiator 0; + Removed life substractions in Fury's leathargy phase to prevent player regeneration start after its end when they're dead; + Again, revised some unique item stats; + Again, revised some affix stats; + Fixed a bug with halfassed life substraction when changing dlvl under Fury, Note: A lot of current life was substracted, but restored when you click something in inventory. Now the substraction is just cancelled, Note: No life is modified now when you change dlvl, just Fury effects are dumped, Note: An so, Fury spell has been finally re-written, de-bugged and re-balanced. We're getting closer to perfection here... ; + Doom Archer renamed to Frozen Horror; + Corrected level transaction information in Abyss and Crypt (used to say "up/down to crypt/abyss level #" changed to "up/down to level #"); + Added one more unique on uID#28, Note: By the way, when I mention uniques added on a uID, you'd better refresh your uniques on these items, might morph into something useful, Note: Refresh uniques by taking them from Stash to your player inventory and then start new game with the item in inventory, Note: Those that are subject to changes, will have updated data/stats and possibly morph into a different unique item; + Changed image for Light bow; + PvM Melee, new changes: Minimum chance tohit is now 5%, maximum - 95% (against bosses - 80%), Chances to hit a boss are lowered by [0-20]%, Armor Piercing is stackable (as before, just know that it can have a value of, for example, AP-5 is you have AP-2 on one item and AP 3 on another), Armor Piercing reduces initial monster AC by a certain percentage: Armor Piercing 1: -6,25% AC (-12,5% AC for Gladiator), Armor Piercing 2: -12,5% AC (-18,75% AC for Gladiator), Armor Piercing 3: -18,75% AC (-25% AC for Gladiator), Armor Piercing 4: -25% AC (-31,25% AC for Gladiator), Armor Piercing 5: -31,25% AC (-37,5% AC for Gladiator), Armor Piercing 6: -37,5% AC (-43,75% AC for Gladiator), Armor Piercing 7: -43,75% AC (-50% AC for Gladiator), etc., also note that the higher monster AC is, the more useful Armor Piercing becomes due to reducing percentages and not static values, Monster AC is modified this way: (mAC+8) - Rnd[(mAC+8)/4]. In other words, roughly [75-100]%. Just a randomize; + Armor Piercing on magic items made stronger and randomized. Magic item AP potential is now higher than any among unique items: Piercing: 1-2, Puncturing: 2-3, Bashing: 3-4; + PvM Missile changes: Minimum chance to hit is raised: 1% >> 5%, Maximum chance to hit is 95% (against bosses - 80%), Final ToHit formula changed to: Horror: 30 + CLVL + ClassBonus + ToHit_items + curDEX - ((distance*distance)/2) - monsterAC, Purgatory: 30 + CLVL + ClassBonus + ToHit_items + curDEX - ((distance*distance)/2) - monsterAC + Rnd[51], Doom: 30 + CLVL + ClassBonus + ToHit_items + curDEX - ((distance*distance)/2) - monsterAC + Rnd[101], Note: On all difficulty modes, additional Rnd[21] ToHit chance decrease is applied if attacking a unique monster, + Minor updates in ReadMe files (except .htm's); + Added 4 more uniques on uID#22; + Corrected some info in base item data excel table ( ); + Added quite a lot of unique items on different uID's. Tons of small adjustments to existing uniques, Note: There was so much done that I don't feel like documenting this all. Suffice to say, all classes are supplied with top level uniques now; + Revised TO DO list below; + Sneezed and yawned. Heh, OK, just kidding. I just yawned. Who would yawn after sneezing anyway? LOL, Note: I'm not sorry for wasting your time for reading the line above. LOL; + KB resistances in Singleplayer modified drastically to releive Scouts from burden of inability of knocking back dangerous monsters, Monsters that resist 33% of KB in SP are: all slow golem types, grave diggers, zombies and winged goats; + New color fixing pack (for Win7) from CableCat added to mod pack. Old files for colorfixes are removed; + [Desert Dragon]: monsterslot limit patch fixed (caused gamecrash on killing Uber on SP Horror, where movie has to start); + Added and applied lots of new pics for items from LeGioN; + Again, updated documentation; + Small code optimizations here and there; + Again, some fine tunings in base- and unique item data; v1.114, (15:14 21.04.2011), Full Release + Revised some unique item stats; + Added new monster (CBh) to dlvl-24, supplied with boss, it can drop interesting magic items; + Gave 50% KB resistance to monster CBh (in MP mode); + Armor class defense ratings changed in MvP Melee: Horror: - 10, +Rnd[21], Purgat: - 75, +Rnd[106], Doom: - 160, +Rnd[201]; + Melee attacks vs monster CBh will have maximum 40% chance to hit in multiplayer mode; + Monster CBh given resistance to melee damage from players: SP: 37%, MP: 50%; + Monster CBh is given dual attack: first atack comes on frame 8, second - on frame 9. Secondary attack also has +10% to its accuracy; + Added more uniques on uID#49; + Added more uniques on uID#86; + Lowered Monk barehand base damage to: ((STR+DEX)*CLVL)/60; + Created 3 more color palettes for Crypts; + Gharbad the Weak: increased speed for attacking and hit recovery; + Shared experience is disabled. You want XP - help your partners by FIGHTING monsters; + Updated documentation; v1.115, (13:19 24.04.2011), Full Release + Assassin critical hit formula in PvM Melee changed: (clvl/4)/100 chance to roll +800% damage >> (clvl/4)/100 chance to roll +700%; + Scout critical hit formula in PvM Missile changed: ((clvl/4)+1)/100 chance to roll +300% damage >> ((clvl/4)+1)/100 chance to roll +800%; + Introducing Multiplayer overlapping mode accessibility. Now Purgatory and Doom will not be accessible for low level characters: Horror access: characters of level 1 through 29, Purgatory access: characters of level 25 through 44, Doom access: characters of level 40 and above; + Introducing Multiplayer Dynamic Difficulty (MDD). Now, monsters will resist damage from players, depending on how many players there are in a game: 1 player: 0%, 2 players: 25%, 3 players: 37,5%, 4 players: 50%; + Shared XP is activated again; + Shared XP now received randomly: (CLVL)% chance to receive shared XP if the source of potential XP is in friendly mode, Note: this (combined with MDD) should effectively prevent low level characters from leeching XP from others and skipping natural skill development, Note: high level players who love shared XP feature will still have a lot of Shared XP between them, up to maximum of 50% chance at CLVL 50, Note: in other words, the higher your level - the more XP you get in friendly co-op; v1.115e, (13:30 29.04.2011), Full Release + Monster CCh is given 33% chance of KB resistance (in MP mode); + Reading books in front of Uber's chamber now doesn't halve his HP in SP (him having only 3750 HP in SP Horror wasn't quite sane IMO); + Spiritcoif: changed pic; + Added 2 new uniques on uID#120; + Scout critical hit formula in PvM Missile changed to ((clvl/4)+1)/100 chance to roll +400% damage, Note: +800% proved lame after all, +400% gives more pleasant experience. Assassin is still #1 in dealing high damage crits; + MvP Melee: Gladiator maximum chance to block is 25% now. Other classes: 75%; + MvP Missile: Gladiator maximum chance to block is 25% now. Other classes: 75%; + Gladiator's Helmet given new pic (by Spirit); + Death Knights used to take 200% melee damage in MP instead of 50%: fixed; v1.115g, (22:24 06.05.2011), Full Release + Changed some base items names and pics; + Changed some unique item stats; + Found critical bug with gladiator: under attack crashed game. Incorrect jump. Now fixed; + By the way, Assassin animation updated to v0.33 (shows 2 swords in heavy armor when standing); v1.115h, (23:50 06.05.2011), Full Release + Another fix to Gladiator's new blocking limitation, which also took part in game crashing bug; v1.115i, (21:02 05.06.2011), Full Release + Fixed Assassin's Horror mode drop from Slain Hero (used to freeze game); + Some other undocumented changes; v1.115k, (16:28 05.07.2011), Full Release + Fixed conditional jump checks in Healing manacost code; + 23:47 28.06.2011, Modified some unique item stats; + 18:21 04.07.2011, Flail is given uID: #B8h; + 18:22 04.07.2011, Added several uniques on uID#B8h; + 15:13 05.07.2011, Modified some base item requirements; + 16:19 05.07.2011, Gladiator's Aegis reduces less melee damage: (30 + Rnd[(baseVIT/8)+36])% changed to (20 + Rnd[(baseVIT/8)+36])%; v1.116, (14:32 19.08.2011), Full Release + 13:21 09.08.2011, Respec Shrine no longer kills Monks and Gladiators. Fix by Desert Dragon. Report and savefile provided by REWesker; + 14:45 09.08.2011, Boss drop amounts now depend on number of in-game players: 1 player: unchanged, 2 players: +1 drop, 3 players: +2 drops, 4 players: +3 drops, Note: obviously, this works only in multiplayer mode, as in singleplayer there is always one player; + 22:35 11.08.2011, Added several new unique items on uID#0Ah; + 23:42 11.08.2011, Autohit values in MvP Melee revised: SP: Paladin/Scout: 20%, Mage: 30%, Monk: (20-(bDEX/64))%, Assassin: 12%, Gladiator: 25%, MP: Paladin/Scout: 25%, Mage: 35%, Monk: (25-(bDEX/64))%, Assassin: 14%, Gladiator: 30%; + 12:27 12.08.2011, Assassin's chances to block melee attacks with a shield are capped at 35%; + 14:46 12.08.2011, Some adjustments to existing unique items; + 20:02 14.08.2011, Added more pictures for items; + 20:03 14.08.2011, Greatly expanded unique row of Hatchets; + 20:03 14.08.2011, More unique item stat revisions; + 20:03 14.08.2011, Some undocumented changes; + 19:29 16.08.2011, Wizard's Mask is given new picture; + 21:05 16.08.2011, Some other revisions to existing item images; - 12:46 17.08.2011, Armour Piercing used to be bugged. Increased piercing by one point. Now fixed, works as stated, Note: Armor piercing is cumulative. For more info, see v1.113 log; + 14:04 19.08.2011, Re-arranged some unique item placements in table; + 14:31 19.08.2011, Added a lot of LeGioN's new item images to archive. Will be used in future; v1.116a, (21:13 21.08.2011), Patch + Fixed name pointer for Infernal Tower; + Cancelled Dynamic Drop (till me and Dragon get it fixed); v1.116c, (9:58 30.08.2011), Full Release + Higher minimum damage and lower maximum damage for Uber Butcher (a little more damage on average); + Created new uberboss (appears in MP Doom mode only): Pinky; + Pinky is given KB immunity; + Pinky's minions have lowered stun threshold: mAC*3; + Pinky's minions have their HP multipler for Doom mode reduced by 50%; + Some undocumented changes; v1.116e, (9:51 01.09.2011), Patch + Autohit against gladiator class in MvP Melee reduced to 24% in MP and 19% in SP (further feedback will show whether it's enough or not...); + Restarting in town in MP will now make characters lose some gold. A message will popup after restart, giving detailed information; + MP menu options 'NEW GAME' and 'QUIT THE HELL' are not available if player is dead or not in town; + Gladiator casting speed improved: 17 >> 16; + Pinky now deals massive tusk damage with secondary attack on frame 8 (first attack comes on frame 7): Minimum damage modifier: -2, then x2, Maximum damage modifier: x2, Accuracy modifier: +10; v1.116m, (22:27 04.09.2011), Full Release + New uberboss created: Dregbez; + Dregbez deals special damage on secondary attack: Minimum damage modifier: -2, then x2, Maximum damage modifier: x4, Accuracy modifier: +10; + Warped Ones are given very low stun threshold: mAC*1; + 2 different bosses used to share one name: corrected; + Warped Ones are given 'warp-on-stun' feature; + Dregbez is KB immune now; + Dregbez now resists 93,75% of magic damage; + Warped Ones now resist 75% of magic damage; + Dregbez now resists 87,5% of arrow damage; + Warped Ones now resist 50% of arrow damage; + Warped Ones recieced special animation set; + Warped Ones received special sound set; + Warped Ones now dodge melee attacks: maximum chance to be hit is 45%; + Warped Ones now can block (originated from players) melee attacks and arrows. Block chances are 75%; + Warped Ones gain 75% less HP with difficulty increase, Note: beware of this bosspack, they can be very unforgiving; + Shaman's mask has been assigned a better image; + Healing manacost revised: 8 + (2*clvl) - (3*slvl), Conditions: if lower than 1/16 of maxCurMana, set to maxCurMana/16; if higher than 1/8 maxCurMana, seto maxCurMana/8. Final manacost can't be below 4; v1.117a, (22:51 06.09.2011), Patch + MvP Melee autohit values adjusted again. Experiment showed that these values used to be well balanced before. New values: Paladin/Scout: 20%, Mage: 30%, Monk: (20-(bDEX/64))%, Assassin: 12%, Gladiator: 21%; + Durability loss chance on hitting with a melee weapon changed: 1/30 >> 1/35; + Ressurection penalty rules revised: Horror: clvl*dlvl gold lost, if not enough gold - lose (clvl*dlvl)*8 XP, Purgatory: (clvl*dlvl)+500 gold lost, if not enough gold - lose ((clvl*dlvl)+500)*16 XP, Doom: (clvl*dlvl)+1000 gold lost, if not enough gold - lose ((clvl*dlvl)+1000)*32 XP, Note: for instance, if a character of level 47 dies on Doom mode's dungeon level 19, ressurection will cost (47*19)+1000 gold (1893), Note: if previous character doesn't have enough gold (gold in inventory is 1892 or less...), then the character loses 1893*32 XP (60576); + Dregbez now drops 3 items (used to drop 1 because I forgot to make him extra rewarding); + Dregbez attack speed lowered: 6 >> 7; + Some affix names revised; Thanks to 2pac for the mood. Spent this whole day modding and listening to this: v1.117b, (18:52 13.09.2011), Patch + Added two more uniques on uID#1Ch; + Added two more uniques on uID#43h; v1.117f, (19:01 26.09.2011), Full Release + Introducing new feature: "Wise Drops" (WD): In addition to other rules, monsters now can't drop items with requirements above player's current stats (this works ONLY in Singleplayer mode), Note: bosses have +10 to such stat limitation; + Items from monsters on Doom mode no longer check for MLVL when being dropped, Note: this will also fix drop chances for some low level uniques that used to be unfindable; + Character life/mana regeneration now depends on character state. Final regeneration speeds are modified for character states in the following way: LIFE: idle: +100%, walk: unchanged, attack: -75%, block: -100%, hit: -100%, cast: -50%, MAGIC: idle: +100%, walk: unchanged, attack: -50%, block: -100%, hit: -100%, cast: -75%; + Shino-Kege: new pic given; + Frost Blade renamed to Dual Sword, and given new pic; + Modified picture for Crude leather armor; v1.118, (18:29 02.10.2011), Full Release + Added 1 more monster type to Abyss levels; + Bonelord secondary attacks now deal physical damage. Beware! ; + Added new monster type to Hell levels; + 2 more are reserved (gave bonus attack on frame 14); + Monsters D2h, D3h, D4h have 50% chance to avoid KB in MP mode; + Aegis now only reflects damage to attackers. Damage reduction is now bestowed on players automatically (as a passive skill); + Aegis modified further: damage reduction is unchanged (see formula in previous version logs), when active, damage reduction is only 50% efficient, yet monsters receive 800% of damage absorbed (bosses receive 400%), when inactive, damage reduction is 100% efficient, but monsters don't take back any damage, Note: basically now it's this way: more damage from monsters and more damage done to them OR less damage from monsters and less damage done to them; + Aegis renamed to Reflect, which suits its purpose more now; v1.118b, (23:37 15.10.2011), Full Release + Mana Shield damage reduction formula updated from: damage + (damage/(slvl*2)), if slvl > 15, set slvl to 15, to: damage + (damage/slvl), no slvl limit, Example: if slvl = 1, damage = 200% (damage + (damage/1)), if slvl = 2, damage = 150% (damage + (damage/2)), if slvl = 4, damage = 125% (damage + (damage/4)), if slvl = 32, damage = 103% (damage + (damage/32)); + Added Paladin set pictures from LeGioN (preparing to create the set); + Grief got new picture; + Added Assassin set pictures; + Added Mage set pictures; + Fixed attack speed bugs on various uniques (because random doesn't work with giving an item a set of speeds to chhose from, always going for worse); + Added 3 new bosses to dlvl 1; + Light Helmet is given new pic (41Fh); + Added Gladiator set pictures; v1.118c, (16:47 25.11.2011), Patch + Tombshambler the Terrifying: HP raised (300 >> 500); + Rotflesh Gorefeast: HP raised (360 >> 600); + Some adjustments to unique item data; v1.119 beta 1, (16:35 19.12.2011), Full Release + Added Scout and Monk set pictures; + Added Paladin set items: helm, armor, shield; + Added one more unique item on uID#33; + Added one more unique item on uID#28; + Added Paladin set items: sword, maul; v1.119 beta 2, (21:18 19.12.2011), Patch + Fixed a (very old) bug with stat value morph on restart for some specific quest uniques; v1.119 beta 3, (23:06 19.12.2011), Patch + Monk's Fury effects set to: -clvl/2 AC, -1 slvl, +clvl*2 base damage, -clvl/4 DFE, +clvl/4 all resists, Note: that's not final, feel free to test it; v1.119 beta 4, (18:10 21.12.2011), Patch + Added Assassin set items: armor, helm; + Added Monk set item: helm; v1.119 beta 5, (20:50 22.12.2011), Patch + Added Gladiator set item: axe, armor; + Made preparations to add another Paladin set; + Gave names to Paladin sets (dark and light), Monk set, Assassin set, Mage set. Made preps for Gladiator and Scout set names; + Added Paladin's "Celestial" set pictures, made by LeGioN ( ) ; + Added Assassin set items: blades, flails; v1.119 beta 6, (22:25 25.12.2011), Full Release + Began Hell level palette conversion; + Upgraded several new Hell palettes; + Created new Hell palette sample (color 33 bone sample is #46); + Upgraded all Hell palettes: there are new 71 palettes now; + Fixed Mortelecht's picture (old one caused gamecrash... O_O ); v1.119 beta 7, (17:52 28.12.2011), Full Release + Upgraded Monk set looks; + Added Gladiator set item: helm, crossbow; + Gladiator's bonus to damage from vitality set to: (clvl*cVit)/65; + Added Scout set items: helm, armor, bow; + Added Monk set items: armor, staff; v1.119 beta 8, (18:00 1.1.2012), Patch + Corrected some stats in unique item data; + Thick leather is given more fitting image; v1.119, (19:03 06.01.2012), Full Release + Added monster D3h: Torchant; + Created new AI 'Torchant': shoots firebolts at distance, circles in and engages in melee (can still cast firebolts at melee range); + Monster D3h is given new AI: Torchant; + Created 4 bosses for monster D3h; + Added monster D4h; + Created new AI: 'Cacodemon': shoots lightning at distance and retreats when approached; + Created 2 bosses for monster D4h; + More fixes and balance adjustments in unique item stats; v1.119a, (13:50 10.01.2012), Full Release + Further adjustments in unique item data (will this never end?); + Added some more unique items on illusionist's mask (Emptyface is likely to morph); + Fixed Soul Burner colors (finally!); + Dark Ghosts will cast charged bolts on Horror mode (necrobolts used to be too bright for early horror); + Added Mage set items: armor, shield and mask; + Updated Windows 7 color fix archive; v1.119b, (0:38 14.01.2012), Full Release + Fixed all palettes in Crypt (albeit total palette sum is reduced to 241, they all look better now, and in one style); + Adjusted Faceguard stats (used to be overpowered); + Again, fixed the remaining Crypt palettes that were still out of class; + Added Paladin set items: armor, helmet, shield, sword, maul; + Torchant AI modified to use Fireblasts instead of Firebolts. Now they deal splash damage (can do +100% damage as splash); + Added set amulets for all classes; + Fireblast effect used to work wrong with all AI's except for Mage AI. Fixed this by manually hardcoding damage values into Torchant AI: Horror: 50, Purgatory: 140, Doom: 230; v1.120, (17:02 15.01.2012), Full Release + Fixed Celestial redeemer [thx to maxjoin for report]; + All set items are added; + Fixed name pointers to 2 unique amulets; + Cacodemons now gain only 50% of HP boosts for higher difficulty modes; + Bonelord secondary attack missiles now produce sound when cast; v1.121, (0:07 23.01.2012), Full Release + Potions of healing/mana are allowed to spawn on the floor of DLVLs 16-24 (were allowed on DLVLs 1-15 previously); + Fixed a bug with Respec Shrine, which caused bugged levelups if touched while any of the player's stats are below 1; + Poisoned Water Supply now contains new monsters #D5h (Poisoned One) instead of Gremlins, the latter were too tough for the area; + Relict of Healing cost set to 25; + Relict of Mana cost set to 25; + Potion of Holy Water cost set to 150; + Potion of Full Holy Water cost set to 600; v1.122, (18:31 24.01.2012), Full Release + Charged Bolt damage formula from monsters modified from 15 to: Horror: (dlvl*4), Purgatory: (dlvl*4)+96, Doom: (dlvl*4)+192; + Added monster #D6h; + Monster #D6h is given 33% KB resistnce for SP, 75% KB resistance for MP, additional melee attack on frame 9, stun threshold at mAC*5; + Added 3 new bosses for monster #D6h; + Spell effect #62h damage resistance (vs player) is randomized; + Acid puddle damage cap changed from default to: Horror: 1, Purgatory: 2, Doom: 3, Note: this ought to make walking over puddles significantly less hazardous; v1.123, (16:38 27.01.2012), Full Release + Fixed uID#4h unique item QLVL values + Hellrack QLVL modified: 15 >> 2; + Numerous small balance adjustments (mostly concerning Horror mode); + Torchant AI: Fireblast damage values adjusted: Horror: 50 >> 70, Purgatory: 140 >> 170, Doom: 230 >> 270; + Dregbez now does less damage; + Changed base damage on some sharp weapons; + Upgarded some base item looks; v1.124, (22:04 01.02.2012), Full Release + Black Razor: new picture given; + Main menu "Replay Intro' now activates a random movie (anyone know about more movies? I could add them...); + Numerous undocumented changes; v1.125, (18:35 03.02.2012), Full Release + Some important fixes; + Some unique stats adjustments; + Some content addons and adjustments; + Some more undocumented changes; v1.126, (17:56 18.02.2012), Full Release + Changes undocumented; v1.126b, (22:53 24.02.2012), Patch + [fix by Kozel]: Arcane/Holy Nova manacost fixed; + Renamed some base staves; + Changed damage on some base bows; + [fix by Kozel]: Reflect manacost fixed; + Anduril's heritage: more AC given; + Corrected damage info in spellbook regarding Arcane Nova and Holy Nova (damage shown for single charge now, as with Fire/Lite Nova); v1.126c, (19:05 02.03.2012), Full Release + Leoric's Tomb modified (Horror mode version); + Some undocumented changes; v1.126d, (23:03 04.03.2012), Patch + Specific monster KB resist chances modified in SP: 33% >> 75%. Note, this affects all big & slow monsters and super bosses; + Gharbad the Weak (quest monster) resists KB now (75% chance); v1.126g, (18:19 10.03.2012), Patch + Arcane Star manacost fixed (was set to 12max, 2min for Arc.Nova when it was bugged, now is 14max, 6min); + SP Diablo and Defiler resist KB (75% chance); + Short Knife is given uID#186; + Adjusted damage on some base items; + Added 11 uniques on uID#186 (they don't have unique pictures for them right now); v1.126h, (17:20 26.03.2012), Full Release + Some uniques are given new pics; + Gladiator receives new base damage for different weapon combinations: Blunt + Sharp / Sharp + Blunt: (STR * CLVL) / 70, Note: this makes Gladiators more effective when wielding different weapon types; + Pit Fiend base damage slightly lowered: [33-53] >> [27-49]; v1.126i, (16:34 30.03.2012), Patch + Affixes of 'resist all' series revised; + Uber DIablo now does less damage with Apoc on Doom mode: 350 >> 330; + Doom mode Uber DIablo's attacks are randomized now: 16,66% chance to cast 540 damage Fireblast, 16,66% chance to cast 480 damage Lightning, 3,33% chance to cast (low damage) Ring of fire, 63,33% chance to cast 330 damage Apocalypse; v1.126k, (21:12 11.05.2012), Full Release + Some undocumented changes; + Gladiator class now does sweep attack when using axe, single- or dual sharps/blunts; v1.126m, (10:17 19.05.2012), Full Release + Created new unique uberboss on multidoom dlvl-3; + Monster #D8h is given 93,75% resistance to magical damage (boss: 96,87% resistance); v1.126m revision #2, (19:18 29.05.2012), Full Release + Removed archive from mod archive, replaced with Desert Dragon's .REG file fix ( Win7_Color_Fix.reg ), run this file if you're on Window 7 and see messed colors ingame; Note: once you have applied this .reg file, you should no longer see messed colors, even if you upgrade your version of The Hell mod; Note 2: the executable is the same, so it will not state that it's 1.126m revision #2; v1.126p, (23:16 11.06.2012), Full Release + Mask of Palantir revised; + Modified "Wise Drops": still works only in Singleplayer mode, monsters now can't drop items with requirements above player's current stats+10, bosses have +15 to such stat limitation, Note: if a character, for example, has 30 current Strength, monsters will be able to drop items that require up to 40 strength (bosses - up to 45); v1.126q, (17:30 25.06.2012), Patch + Uber Diablo special lightning damage (MP Doom mode) changed from 480 to 340; v1.126r, (15:02 01.07.2012), Patch + Uber Diablo drops revised: Single player, number of items dropped: Horror: none (end game, cinematic...), Purgatory: 3, Doom: 10, Multiplayer: Horror: 2, Purgatory: 3, Doom: 10; v1.126s, (18:09 12.07.2012), Patch + Changing base monsters' XP rewards: Purg [ ( Horror + 400 ) * 2 ], Doom [ { ( Horror + 800 ) * 2 } +10000 ], Note: to Doomforge, let me know how that new Purg >>> Doom XP transition feels, buddy; v1.126t, (18:37 19.07.2012), Patch + Oils of Repair: changed effectiveness for better balance; + Oil of Fortitude now will raise durability by [2-4] points; + "Wise Drops" modified again: monsters +20, bosses +30; v1.127, (1:30 24.07.2012), Patch + Pinky does less damage; + Modified uniques: Underworld Curse, Ice Shank; + Sleep timer increased to produce more frames per second, now the game runs at ~50fps (if you're still running on Pentium 200 MHz, this might slow you down heh); + Life regeneration formula changed: now for each 8 curVIT points, 1/64 HP is restored each frame. Gladiator class starts with +1 bonus; + Game pace lowered by ~16%, IMO it feels better that way; + Critical hit formula for Paladin class in PvM Melee modified from [CLVL/2]% for 250% damage to [(CLVL/4)+12]% for 300%, this shifts the tides for Paladins in favor of young characters, yet experienced ones will arrive at relatively same damage values in the end; + Paladins deal +25% bonus damage to Undead with sharp/blunt weapons (that's a class-specific feature of Paladins now); v1.127a, (15:55 24.07.2012), Patch + Game pace returned to default value ( have a look how it runs at 250% speed here: ); by the way, watch the movie about Blizzard that I made: + Paladin damage resistance increased to [ 33 + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]% and Gladiator's - reduced to [ 15 + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]% accordingly; + Class-specific Healing bonuses revised: Pal: 1,5x, Scout: 1x, Mage: 0,25x, Monk: 1,25x, Assa: 1x, Glad: 1x; v1.127c, (22:07 24.07.2012), Full Release + Life orb color set to red-orange; + Relicts and potions related to life colors adjusted to match new colors; v1.128, (11:37 31.07.2012), Full Release + Reworked orb colors, re-created life potion colors; + Relicts of Healing/ Apocalypse: switched colors; + Game FPS set to ~33; + "Wise Drops" revised: regular monsters and bosses can't go higher than ( character_base_stat_value + 10 + [CLVL/2] ) , Note: this also means that switching your gear will no longer modify drops; + Full Holy Water is given a different image; v1.128a, (1:42 06.08.2012), Patch + Added 13 new uniques on uID#117; v1.128c, (1:44 12.08.2012), Full Release + Changed Demonhunter's ring; + [Yarik]: fixed 'Halls of the Blind' quest close (upon picking up specific unique items); + [Yarik]: fixed 'Arkaine's Valor' quest close (upon picking up specific unique items); + Added some more images; + Redrawn healing pots (old ones got lost due to workshop displacement), no big deal - new ones should be equally good; + Various small enhancements here and there; v1.128d, (0:01 13.08.2012), Full Release + Paladin class: passive melee damage resistance set to [ 25 + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%; + All new unique rings are given fresh pictures; + [Yarik]: Trap disarm failed to function on certain dungeon objects (like cave chests with traps), now this is fixed; + Added some more images, hosted for now; v1.130 beta 1, (14:55 31.08.2012), Full Release WARNING!!! MINOR AFFIX MORPHING POSSIBLE WITH THIS UPDATE (MOSTLY ON WEAPONS, BOWS, STAVES) This release was created with Yarik's help. We worked hard, and a lot. We hope you like it. And now go give those monsters some HELL! }:-)> + Character death animation no longer forced to play light armor + no weapon set, instead armor type is kept now; + Game forced CPU delays reduced from 30 to 15 (this somehow removes FPS drops in crypts); + [Yarik]: Satyr Lords used to cast only one Charged bolt, now fixed. They cast 6 bolts per attack now; + Player melee atack speed modifiers fixed: quick attack skips 1 frame, fast attack skips 2 frames, faster skips 2,5 frames, fastest skips 3 frames, anyway, this is how attack speeds should have been but got never fixed by Blizzard; + Attack speed modifiers also don't stack and don't interfere with each other - always the best is used; + Suffix of Piercing set to value 2; + Suffix of Bashing is given attack speed increase effect and set to value 3 (faster attack) and Renamed to Haste; + Suffix of Puncturing renamed to Bashing and set to value 3; + Suffix of Speed renamed to Alacrity; + Suffix of Haste renamed to Speed; + All unique item speedups reduced by 1 (faster >> fast, fast >> quick) for compensation of attack speed fixes; + Bow attack speed modifying code rewritten, optimized and balanced: quick attack: +1 speed, fast: +1,5 speed, faster: +2 speed, fastest: +3 speed; + Some unique items revised; + [Yarik]: Selling items at Griswold now displays correct colors in all menus (e.g., golds no longer turn blue in confirmation menus); + Resurrection with items that reduce life no longer results in dead respawn in town; + Spellbooks are no longer readable when maximum Spell level is reached (max base SLVL = 15); + Added CLVL requirement for books. It works that way: a book's SLVL should be (CLVL/4)+3 or lower to be readable; + Added VIT requirement on items; << fix item's unchecking unless touched + Revised " +Vitality " affix series; + Crypts are allowed to generate room types: shrine room, library, explosive urn room, treasury, magic item room, burning cross room, room with decapitated bodies; + Crypt libraries are given more fitting book stands and case/shelf analogues; + Crypt shrines are given new image (could use some polishment though); + Shrine availability through dungeon levels was revised (including Crypt now in many cases); + Assigned VIT requirements to all base items (of course, not all base items have it, but all base items are revised); + All unique items reivsed; + Quest levels now forbid casting TP, leaving or saving game until area is cleared from monsters (special sound will be heard when a quest level is cleared); + Town portal colors changed to my liking; + Monsters can no longer knock back a player out of his/her light radius ( ); + Drops from dungeon objects are taken under control by capping their base with the formula that limits (in addition to QLVL checks) maximum attributes required: Horror: (DLVL*4)+44, Purgatory: (DLVL*4)+144, Doom: no cap, plus no QLVL check, Note: this should stop too powerful items from dropping too early, and prevent some powerful items from being withheld on Doom. And AFAIK, it does not affect racks and armor stands; + Monk: attack frame for bow & axe set to 14; + Golem AC formula set to: ((slvl+10)*4)-30; + Golem made selectible; + Golem shows stats now; + Monk unarmed (kick) damage formula set to: ((CLVL*(curSTR+curDEX))/60)+5; + Monk is now much more skilled with bows: attacks faster (frames 9, 10, 11 & 12 are cut off). This should now make him able to utilize bows in fight with ranged attackers. This update is of course compatible with the attack modifiers; - Lazarus SP cinematic made skippable; + Monk is faster with axe now, the speed is similar to that of his staff (frames [8-12] cut off). This should leave him with trinity of weapons of choice: staff, axe & bow; + Monk now can score criticals when using bows. The formula is {(CLVL/4)+3}% chance for doubling the total damage, if the check is successful, the chance % is reduced by 1, and if it's not below 2, the check is made again by re-rolling, for instance, if Monk level is 40 (and he's using a bow, and processed damage to do is, let's say, 100), his first check for critical is (40/4)+3 of 100 (which is 13%), if the check is successful, the damage is doubled (200 now), the chance is reduced by 1 (12% now) and re-rolled, if it's successful again, the damage is doubled again (400 now), the chance is further reduced by 1 (11% now), and so on.. if the chance reaches 1 after a successful hit, no further checks will be made. So, the chance for critical will be made again and again until it fails or the chance gets too low; + Leoric's Tomb on Horror mode populated with strong skeletons at start to indicate at once that it's an Uber level; + Formula of randomized missile magic damage in MvP changed from ( Rnd [ resist + 5 ] + 10 ) % to [ { ( Resist / 2 ) + 1 } + { (Rnd [ Resist / 2 ] ) + 1 } ] %. This should finally solve the issue of some characters getting stunned or damaged hard too often from magic shooters; + Golem was immune (!) to all types of ranged damage from monsters (it is unthinkable that none of you reported that); + All monster non-melee AI's will target Golem(s) now instead of players IF Golem(s) is/are closer to them. This, on one hand, will make Golem(s) better tanks, attracting all the fire, and, on the other hand, will make them melt faster; + Spells 'Flame Ring' and 'Lightning Ring' now display damage stats in spellbook; + In multiplayer coop games, bosses will drop number of items that is equal to number of players that attacked them minus 1, plus old specific bonus to drops (we weren't able to test that ourselves, so please report the results to me), for instance, if a boss used to drop 3 items before, and it's attacked by 2 players now, he'll drop +1 item (4 total) + TH.exe is given new icon; + Heal Other manacost revised: 8 + (2*clvl) - (3*slvl), Conditions: if lower than 1/8 of maxCurMana, set to maxCurMana/8; if higher than 1/4 maxCurMana, seto maxCurMana/4. Final manacost can't be below 40 (can be reduced to 30 by wearing an item 'of Profit'); + Golem gets destroyed if its master is killed; My video on the subject: v1.130 beta 2, (17:42 03.09.2012), Full Release + Fixed a small book requirement display issue; + Some uniques revised; + Set items now displayed with no set identifier at the end of their name; + Set items now displayed in orange color; + One of the two 'ShadowCrow' unique monsters renamed; + Introducing new feature: "Chain Activation". It effectively makes alerted monsters activate the monsters nearby. Works for monsters that see a player (entered by a player's light radius, and if within line of sight), or are damaged by a missile; + Assassin starting hammer: image update; + Cave Boar renamed to Umber Hulk; v1.130 beta 3, (13:52 06.09.2012), Full Release + Chain Activation radius increased to 5 tiles around activated monster by default, but for some classes playing alone in MP, or in SP mode, rules are different: Assassin: 2 tiles, Scout: 3 tiles, Monk: 4 tiles; + Fixed a weird bug in Multidrop function that resulted in seemingly random dropping of 2 items by some bosses (likely to be a fix of Sierra's wrong initial code); + Fixed activation of Uber Diablo; + Entrances to Abyss and Crypt are opened now by default in MP; + Lester and Complete Nut no longer drop rune bomb when talked to; + Dropping runebomb on Abyss gate in MP will have no effect now. Same goes with crypt map dropped on Cryptic grave; + MP town entrances to all locations (except Church) now check for character level for availability; + MP town portals will check entering characters for level, characters with level below required will be pushed back; + Abyss can no longer generate room types. This feature is being removed to prevent potential complications; + Hitting 'Restart in Town' when dead and under burning cross fire no longer results in getting damage and being resurrected dead in town; v1.130, (1:43 10.09.2012), Full Release + SFX table moved to new place and expanded, pointers reset; + A sound is played when a character levels up; + Fixed a small bug that made it forbidden for mana to get full on levelup if an item of regeneration stopping was worn; + Fury ending sound is heard only by its caster; v1.131, (0:37 25.09.2012), Patch BIRTHDAY EDITION! :D TODAY I'M 31 YEARS OLD AND TODAY THE HELL MEETS VERSION THAT ENDS WITH 31 + Set items in stash are displayed in orange; + Heal Other conditions revised: if lower than 1/16 of maxCurMana, set to maxCurMana/16; if higher than 1/8 maxCurMana, seto maxCurMana/8. Final manacost can't be below 40 (can be reduced to 30 by wearing an item 'of Profit'); + Left-clicking Golem now doesn't make player characters attack it; + After Horror mode, Fallen no longer retreat when a nearby monster is killed; + Spell queuing used to allow casting a spell while another one was being cast, which allowed to end up with negative mana: now it's fixed (not for relicts and staves, as these have no mana); + Graverot the Resurrected: name fixed; v1.131a, (17:31 25.09.2012), Patch + Spell queuing fixed; + Spell queuing now also controls casting from relicts and staves; v1.131b, (0:25 26.09.2012), Patch + MvM Ranged: monsters gain damage resistance (DR) against arrows and spells from other monsters: arrows: -75% damage, resisted spells: -93,75% damage, non-resisted (physical) spells: -75%, Note: it's made for summoned Golem more adequate damage resistance, but should circumstances call for MvM battles, Golem monsterslot check will be required (along with DR rebalancing); v1.131c, (20:07 26.09.2012), Patch + Lightning Nova balls now produce sound when hitting; + Same about Hellfire spell; + Changed music selection to produce more atmospheric sound (Music expansion becomes more important now); + Music Expansion archive updated to version 5.2; v1.131e, (18:47 01.10.2012), Patch + Hell Clan (on DLVL-6, in Goat shrine rooms) now casts Chargedbolt as a secondary attack; + [Yarik] Hydra, Fire/Lite Walls/Rings and Golem are deactivated upon their caster's death or leaving game; + [Yarik] Amounts of summonable Hydras are limited at (CLVL/8)+1; v1.131g, (22:33 02.10.2012), Patch + Hydra now doesn't target fire immune monsters; + Summoned Golem now tries to stick around its master: walks towards its master if distance between them is more than 9 tiles; + Summoned Golem is warped to its master if distance between them is more than 15 tiles, Note: this results in Golem behavior that is somewhat similar to Diablo 2 golems; v1.131h, (14:02 03.10.2012), Patch + Fixed a bug with book clvl requirements; v1.131k, (23:43 03.10.2012), Patch + Monk now receives additional damage resistance to melee attacks from monsters, as he goes up in level: DR formula: [ 13 + (CLVL / 4) + ( Rnd[baseVIT / 8] + 36) ]%; + Monk base damage with weapons revised: Staff: (CLVL * (curSTR + curDEX) / 70), Unarmed: ((CLVL * (curSTR + curDEX) / 50) + 5), Other: (CLVL * (curSTR + curDEX) / 80); v1.131m, (0:39 08.10.2012), Full Release + Replaced town palettes with 13 new variations; v1.131q, (19:40 09.10.2012), Patch + Renegade's Guise revised; + Several uniques revised; + Changed TRN colors for some bosses; + Monk attack speed with sharps / blunts (with- or without shield: doesn't matter) is now 9 (same as of Paladin): this now gives Monks more build variations; v1.132, (23:23 15.10.2012), Full Release ONCE AGAIN, CLOSE COLLABORATION WITH YAR PROVES FRUITFUL: THERE ARE TONS OF NEW FEATURES + Cornerstone rooms placed also on dlvls 22 and 23; + Blocked doors are no longer selectable; + PvM Missile: base weapon damage + damage affixes (crits, ruin and character base damage: unaffected) capped at: Horror & Purgatory: CLVL 1-23: CLVL*9, CLVL 24: CLVL*10, CLVL 25: CLVL*11, CLVL 26: CLVL*12, CLVL 27: CLVL*13, CLVL 28: CLVL*14, CLVL 29-50: CLVL*15, Doom: CLVL 1-23: CLVL*9, CLVL 24: CLVL*10 CLVL 25: CLVL*11, CLVL 26: CLVL*12, CLVL 27: CLVL*13, CLVL 28: CLVL*14, CLVL 29-30: CLVL*15, CLVL 31-32: CLVL*16, CLVL 33-34: CLVL*17, CLVL 35-36: CLVL*18, CLVL 37-38: CLVL*19, CLVL 39-40: CLVL*20, CLVL 41: CLVL*21, CLVL 42: CLVL*22, CLVL 43: CLVL*23, CLVL 44: CLVL*24, CLVL 45: CLVL*25, CLVL 46: CLVL*26, CLVL 47: CLVL*27, CLVL 48: CLVL*28, CLVL 49: CLVL*29, CLVL 50: CLVL*30; + Paladin DR formula set to: [ 22 + ( Rnd[baseVIT / 8] + 36) ]%, this finally makes them with Monk equal (on average); + Gladiator DR formula set to: [ 16 + ( Rnd[baseVIT / 8] + 36) ]%; + Introducing new feature: "Unstoppable music" :now music doesn't stop if reloading game or leaving for level of the same area; + Lazarus cinematic made skippable; + Fixing another bug of Blizzard: music no longer stops after playing (or skipping) Lazarus cinematic; + NPC dialog menus are scrollable now; + Healing and Heal Other show amount of HP healed in spellbook; + Completely rewrote code for manacost of Healing and Heal Other; + Heal Other minimum manacost reduced: 40 >> 20; + Healing minimum manacost revised: 4 >> 8; + Scout Fury effects set to: +clvl/2 accuracy, -clvl AC, +clvl base damage, -clvl/4 DFE, triple shot (for bows); + Some uniques revised; + Various small undocumented changes; v1.132a, (21:09 16.10.2012), Patch + Revised many unique item stats; v1.133, (12:47 25.10.2012), Full Release + Introducing new level generation: "Anti bottleneck". Used on Horror dlvl 24, Purgatory level 4 and 21-24, and Doom 1-4 and 21-24, Note: special areas are not affected (Butcher's room, Snotpill's rooms, Cornerstone rooms); + Stairs down placed in Pandemonium room 4 (always at the same spot); + Modified 4th room on level 16; + Stairs up to level 16 generated on floor 17; + Stairs down to level 21 generated on floor 20; + Stairs up to level 20 generated on floor 21; + Drop rules for Diablo and Defiler in SP mode are identical to those of multiplayer now, including special drops; + Lester removed from Tristram completely (new NPC might be introduced in his place in future, possibly as something quest related); v1.133a, (21:06 25.10.2012), Patch + Switched off scripts for dropping rune and map to open abyss and crypt; + 0 gold pieces no longer placed in cornerstone room on floor 21; + Allowed characters in MP to enter their own TP, even if it leads to forbidden area (by clvl); v1.134, (0:40 01.11.2012), Full Release + Corrected Trollbite stats; + Resurrected Blizzard North's idea about quest "The infestation of the worms". This took me and Yar nearly a week, Note: now we're looking forward to resurrect the rest of the quests and even make them better than they were meant to be!; + Worm level now plays its unique music; + Worm level is different each time you play it (small architectural changes); + Invisible (bugged) cauldrons no longer allowed to be generated in crypt; + Music expansion updated to v5.4 (download it to hear tuned music for Worm level); v1.135, (2:53 02.11.2012), Full Release + Among quests infestation of the worms, Skeleton king and Poisoned water supply, only one is activated per game; + Small correction in Gillian's speech regarding Worm quest; + Fixed a few critical bugs in Lazarus level; + Fixed potential bug with floating tile landing on level 16 when going up from level 17; v1.136, (1:08 11.11.2012), Full Release + Speedbook mouse hover improvement; + Increased Infestation level rewards: 2 big chests on Horror, 5 on Purgatory, 8 on Doom; + Some quest uniques are nerfed; + Fixed the bug with Worm quest code that resulted in game crash when giving Adria/Pepin the mushroom or demon brain; + Worm level stairs show 'up to town' message when pointered (was broken after Lazarus level fix); + Items placed on the belt automatically (when picking up or buying) are only these now: (full) potions of healing/mana/holywater (others can still be placed, but manually); + Monsters now cannot drop elixirs on 1st difficulty mode; + Spectral elixir qlvl set to 63 to be findable only on 3rd difficulty; + Rune of shock now does ~33% less damage; v1.137, (19:47 13.11.2012), Full Release + Changed lots of unique data, fixed some stats; + Added/replaced some pictures, Note: you can see item & monster illustrated guide here: ; v1.140, (1:17 30.11.2012), Full Release + Fixed strength version of Veil of Steel (horror mode model): used to have +15 vitality instead of +5; + Elixir drop restriction wasn't working due to coding error, now fixed; + Fountain of Blood health restore per click formula changed from +1 to +[(maxCurHP-curHP)/32]; + Same with Purifying Spring; + Hell objects (blood pedestals, skull piles, crucified skeletons, etc.) replaced with original objects (massacred bodies); + Removed burning cross from Butcher's room; + Created new quest: Maiden of Anguish. It offers completely new and unique experience. Talk to Gillian after you visit dungeon level 12, she might have something to say; v1.140a, (14:56 30.11.2012), Patch + Fixed some serious coding issues which could sometimes result in gamecrash in the middle of Andariel quest; v1.140b, (22:23 02.12.2012), Patch + Warping in Andariels' Throne doesn't teleport player to an unknown place anymore; v1.143, (1:37 21.12.2012), Full Release APOCALYPSE EDITION (according to date, at least) + Nerfed Gladiator's Chains; + SP dungeon entrances now request requirements for clvl just like in MP, this will close or open areas, depending on their availability; + Updated some unique item stats; + GS is given modifications to secondary attack (frame 8): +200% to maximum damage and +30 to accuracy, also -1 to min.damage; + GS is given 90% chance to avoid knockback; + Monsters cannot appear in sarcophagi and barrels/pods/urns on unique quest levels; + Quest area-specific spell restrictions are now processed as they should, with inability to be cast, instead of being terminated during the actual casting; + 'Diablo' quest is now cleared from the questbook after Diablo is killed; + [Yar] Fixed the bug with undying monsters that are killed by Mage class with MS and Reflect while having few HPs, a rare but nasty bug; + Scythe Goats now cast less charged bolts per attack: 6 >> 4; + Fixed quest selection and randomization routine; + Created the biggest quest so far: Horazon's Demons (I could write hundreds of lines describing it, but I'll limit it to just one); v1.144, (1:16 24.12.2012), Patch // cancelled because drop system ended up in bugs v1.144d, (15:31 27.12.2012), Patch + Item information is now updated each 5 seconds automatically. This means that you don't have to restart game to update item data. And it means that as soon as you take items out of stash, they will immediately morph into what they are meant to be, Note: this makes some shrines that modify item damage and AC obsolete (will modify these shrines, too); + Corrupt Paladin attack speed decreased: 11 >> 14; + MvP Melee autohit values revised: Paladin: 20%, Scout: 20%, Mage: 30%, Monk: 18%, Assassin: 12%, Gladiator: 21%; + [Yar] Monster and boss drops finally been made take difficulty mode into action; + Revised all affixes of DFE, +damage and +stat series; + Rewritten magic item drop code, so that it doesn't morph existing items (unless they were obtained through inhonest methods), Note: whereas unique item drop rules are unchanged, blue item generation (from monsters) has been considerably altered, Note: the formulas is ( (MLVL / 3) + (Diff * 20) + 3 ), where Diff is 0 for Horror, 1 for Purgatory and 2 for Doom. Boss monsters receive +4 bonus on top of the formula, Note: minimum is capped at 25 as maximum (which is by default, since original's times), and the upper - at 63, Note: the following table displays what affix quality ranges are available now, according to MLVL and difficulty mode (bosses in brackets): + Death animation of characters fixed: now shown (was broken in 1.144); + Started adding support for set synergy; v1.145, (22:59 29.12.2012), Patch + Revised values and prices for prefixes of '+X% damage' series; + Support for set synergy is ready; + Added bonus features for existing sets; v1.146, (18:29 08.01.2013), Full Release + Wirt prices now are 150% of Griswold's prices (instead of 75%); + Relicts of Healing/Mana now auto-placed on belt when buying from Adria or Pepin or picking up from the floor; + Warp is selectable in speedbook; + Blocking while under Reflect spell now functions exactly as without shield (or blocking), reducing melee damage absorption by 50% and giving monsters 400% of that unresisted damage back (200% to bosses); + ARD damage reduction was flawed for some spells (inferno, lightning, flash, firewall, lightning wall, acid puddles): now it's fixed. Also, DFE gives more noticeable protection against these now; + Pinky moved to dlvl-6, and is placed in a closed big room. So, now this uberboss is made optional. You can avoid fighting him if you wish. But if you do want this challenge, you can enter that room and have this fight, Note: here is the demonstration - + Walk / Jog option is saved in SP savegame file now, and thus depends on individual savegame setting rather than for a game as a whole. It also doesn't get reset to walking after restarting the game; + Saving game while under buff spells (Fury, Reflect, Etherealize) and then loading game doesn't clear active effects from the player (this surely solves the Fury's actively unerased timer and deactivated effect that used to be carried over to a load game); + Adria shop items are now sorted properly: forced items > relicts > staves > books > runes ; + Uber Xorene moved to dlvl-22's closed room (Cornerstone type); + Ceromorth moved to closed room, too; + MDD values revised (both MvP Melee & Missile): 1 player: 0%, 2 players: 25%, 3 players: 37,5%, 4 players: 50%; + Potions of Healing/Mana/Holy water and Relicts of Healing/Mana now can be Shift+LClicked to belt. Shift+LClicking belt items also will move them to the furthest free left belt slot; + Celia is muted to prevent her from speaking in demonic voices; v1.147, (20:45 13.01.2013), Patch + Fixed Uber Xorene's AI flaw; + Increased armor piercing on blue items; + Armor piercing is now displayed correctly, showing correct values; + Autoclicker integrated into the game. You now need to stop using 3rd party autocliker software, Note: ingame clicker works when you keep Left or Right mouse button pressed while holding Shift, Note: certainly, autoclicking allows to stop clicking, but it effectively reduces attack/cast speed by 0,1 sec, so you have to choose (again): a little slower autoclicking or fullspeed manual clicking *grin* ; + Dark Ghosts no longer cast Necromorb stars on 2nd and 3rd difficulty modes; v1.148, (17:33 18.01.2013), Patch + Fire arrow trap: arrow physical damage modified and ranges are created instead of stupid Rnd[10]+1+DLVL damage, the follwing now is implemented: Horror: min = (DLVL*4)+15, max = (DLVL*6)+15, Purgat: min = (DLVL*4)+155, max = (DLVL*8)+155, Doom: min = (DLVL*5)+345, max = (DLVL*8)+345; + Autocliker delay set to zero; + Fire(and Lightning) Arrow trap damage formula revised (elemental damage part): Horr: min: Rnd[Dlvl*2]+(Dlvl*4)+1, max: Rnd[Dlvl*4]+(Dlvl*4)+25, Purg: min: Rnd[Dlvl*4]+(Dlvl*8)+50, max: Rnd[Dlvl*8]+(Dlvl*8)+110, Doom: min: Rnd[Dlvl*8]+(Dlvl*8)+120, max: Rnd[Dlvl*16]+(Dlvl*16)+250; + The following trap types are allowed to appear in Crypt: mana_sucking, potion_breaking, fire_arrow; + Lachdanan no longer drops magic items when dying; v1.149, (22:28 21.01.2013), Full Release + Fixed minimum damage cap of per-frame spells in MvP missile, set to 1 now (instead of 0); + Butcher is rebalanced for Horror mode; + Leoric is rebalanced for SP Horror; + Skeleton King dungeon is redesigned for Horror; + Added 1 more palette type to Cathedral (total 87 now); + Fixed Blizzard's bug that resulted in no XP from some bosses; + An attempt made to fix quest specific item morphing (usually morphed into a potion or a relict); + Fixed autoclicker's bug that made attack speed random in a coop game due to a broken current player check; + Autocliker now recognizes bow attack with tripleshot and adjusts the speed of attack to always shoot 3 arrows; v1.149g, (23:05 27.01.2013), Patch + Monster information panel's resists display line replaced with monster type description line; + Slightly buffed Butcher for Horror mode; + Bonespan nerfed; + Obsolete hotkey information (Q - questbook, B - spellbook, S - speedbook) no longer displayed; + Added another unique based on gladiator's helmet; + When automap is active, chests will be highlighted; v1.149h, (20:42 28.01.2013), Patch + Fixed a bug that caused Hell music play in MP Catacombs; + Fixed Necromorb AI missile type (was broken); v1.149m, (23:50 01.02.2013), Patch + Monsters no longer leave shadows in coop if killed by more than one player; + Monster multidrop (duped) in coop fixed (hopefully); + Death tolls are now shown in values; + Character passive melee damage resistance modified to: Gladiator: [ 20 + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%, Paladin: [ 15 + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%, Monk: [ 13 + (CLVL/16) + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%; + Cain's dialogue menu is given color support for unique and set items; + An attempt made [by Yarik] to fix hit sounds in PvP Ranged (magic). Not sure how it worked out; + A weird rune functionality programmatic fix [by Yarik] that should prevent potential memory corruption (yeah, there's little that I understand about it, too); v1.149n, (13:25 04.02.2013), Patch + Removed 'Increased Fury duration' check from PvM Ranged to prevent it from interfering with Gargoyle stoning state (this _probably_ resulted in their squatting sometimes); v1.149p, (16:32 11.02.2013), Patch + Fixed a bug that allowed lifestealing in PvP through utilizing ILS items; + [Desert Dragon]: added support for Windows 8, Note: under Windows 8, set TH.exe file settings to "run in Win98 compatibility mode" and "use 640x480 resolution", Note: if you're running Win8, try with these file settings and without them, to test it, and report to me. I'd like to know how it works (I can't test myslef because of running Win7); v1.149q, (21:04 12.02.2013), Patch + Minor town sector 1 architecture adjustments and fixes; + [Desert Dragon]: win8 support fixed, Note: under Windows 8, set TH.exe file settings to "run in Win95 compatibility mode" and "use 640x480 resolution", v1.149u, (13:19 15.02.2013), Full Release + Dregbez room has 2x more doors now, Pinky/Ceromorth - 1,5x more; + Combination of sharp + blunt produced no effect of increased damage vs undead/demons with these effects active on player, now fixed, Note: mixed style dual wielders will benefit from this; + PvM Melee crit chances revised for character classes: Paldn: 10+(CLVL/4)% for 250% dmg, Scout: (CLVL/2)% for 200% dmg, Mage: (CLVL/2)% for 200% dmg, Monk: (CLVL/2)% for 300% dmg, Assa: 6+(CLVL/4)% for 500% dmg, Gladr: 10+(CLVL/2)% for 200% dmg; + Additional check added to monster stun formula. Excluding stun-immune monsters, damaging a monster for { ( ( monster_baseHP * 1,5 ) + monster_currentHP ) / 8 } of its maximum life (or stronger) stuns it now, Note: this requires damaging monster for 31% of its maximum HP when its current HP is at its full, and damaging it for about 21% when its current HP is at 22%, Note: in other words, to stun a monster that has 1000 of 1000 HP, you need to deal 310 damage, and to stun it when it has 220 of 1000 HP will take "only" 210 damage, Note: minimum is 18%, but you won't see that as it will kill the monster anyway ^_^, Note: yes, it does make killing monsters more pleasant, and yes, it does make the game a little easier; + Readme files updated; + Hoop of Magma redesigned; v1.150, (22:02 20.02.2013), Full Release + Revised some base item values; + Prefix 'Rotting' now gives ILS and is renamed to 'Draining'; + Prefix 'Crafted' now sets item durability to [200-250] instead of adding [101-200]% to its base durability (still, I'd like to replace it with something better); + There will no longer be scroll chunks scattered through Crypt levels 21-23 as this now is a part of 'Horazon's Demons' quest; + Fixed a bug that made Magic Rock morph into a mundane item (usually, mana potion) some 5 secondds after being picked up (or dropped from its table?); + Revised values for resist all prefix series, to make them more attractive early on; + Abyss levels will now have shrines (currently: cauldrons, when I'm in a mood for drawing some guts that might look like shrine, I'll do that): 0-1 on Horror, 0-2 on Purgatory and 0-3 on Doom; v1.150a, (2:15 23.02.2013), Patch + Fixed Blood Legion's resists for MP, didn't work because of flawed coding; + Dread effect now works in PvM Ranged (affects arrows & magic against monsters); + Monsters with resistance to anything couldn't be stunned in PvM Ranged. Cancelled that (but gotta watch if any consequences arrive unexpectedly); + Same done in MvM Ranged; + Affixes of bonus damage to undead and demons now work in PvM Ranged (affects... you guessed it!); + Fixed chain activation for situations where Golem hits a monster; + Restored Uber Diablo's minions bosses on multiDoom, they weren't present there due to my coding error; v1.150b, (1:21 01.03.2013), Full Release + Increased hidden's stun threshold; + Revised some unique item stats; + Fixed a glitched tile of a house north of Adria's; v1.150c, (19:24 01.03.2013), Patch + Monster type display corrected; + Fireblast and Arcane star/nova no longer push back enemies; v1.150e, (17:28 06.03.2013), Patch + PvM Ranged criticals changed for Scout class from ((CLVL/4)+1)% for 500% to ((CLVL/8)+7)% for 300%; + Uber Diablo KB resistance for SP mode set to 95%; + Various finetunings; v1.150f, (12:49 07.03.2013), Patch + [Yarik] Fixed blackscreen bug when joining a game (but testing required to make sure that it is really fixed); v1.150g, (19:02 10.03.2013), Patch + Adjusted some unique item stats; + Assassin MvP Melee passive damage resistance made similar to that of Monk's ( [ 13 + (CLVL/16) + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]% ); + Relict of Apocalypse removed; v1.150h, (22:51 18.03.2013), Patch + Fixed a glitched tile in the house behind Farnham (will be available with the next full release); + Fixed DEX and VIT modifiers on Gladiator's Horns (to make the set be equippable as a whole with the crossbow); v1.153, (17:17 14.04.2013), Full Release + Fixed VIT modifier on Gladiator's Burn (now should be enough, at last!); + Bonus damage vs demons\undead no longer works in PvM Ranged; + MvP Melee autohit values adjusted again: Paladin: 20%, Scout: 20%, Mage: 30%, Monk: 18%, Assassin: 12%, Gladiator: 20%; + Izual is given 14/15 chance of KB resistance; + Izual does +300% with Inferno; + Gillian will give XP for completing Izual quest: 50k on Horror, 500k on Purgatory and 2000k on Doom; + Izual given damage resistance: melee: 62,5%, arrows: 75%, magic: 87,5%; + Balors are given damage resistance to arrows in multiplayer mode: 50% on dlvl-23 and 75% on dlvl-24; + Skullwings now use secondary fire, like Hellwings. And AI subtype reduced to 4; + Character elemental resistances are reduced in the Valley of Despair by: horror: 30%, purgatory: 40%, doom: 50%; + Izual's Inferno range is increased; + Changed Valley palette to blackish; + Removed greeting speech from Emperor Morgoth; + Revised AC values on Mage armor line; + Izual will deal heavy lightning damage on hit now: horror: 80-120, purgatory: 140-200, doom: 220-300; + Izual drops 3 items; + Used special music for the Valley: music pack updated to version 6.0; + Created new quest: "The Fallen Angel"; + System of cooldowns implemented for nova type spells, it also affects Apocalypse. Relicts will trigger cooldowns also. Runes - do NOT; + The following spells aren't allowed to be cast on Izual's level: Arcane/Fire/Lightning/Holy Nova, Fire/Ligthning Ring/Wall, Apocalypse, Hellfire; + Monk's attack speed with bows decreased by 1 frame; + [Yarik] Fixed a bug related to item morphing; + Uber Diablo: resist to KB in SP raised to 29/30. Izual's reist to KB raised to 20/21; + Monster DAh is given 6/7 KB resistance (in SP), ability to damage mana on hit (-25% to player's current mana on hit) and won't retreat; + Fixed a faulty jump in monster mana damage routine; + Updated Music Pack to version 6.1; + Added v6.1 music support to quest levels 14 and 15; + Removed 2 monsters (closest to entry) from Infested Cellar doom variation 2 map; + List of forbidden spells for quest levels 14 and 15: all fire type and teleportation type spells, hellfire, apoc, infravision; + Oblivion Knight base stats slightly boosted; + Added degeneration of life and mana o quest levels 14 and 15. Unlike in Andariel's domain, it doesn't depend on character stats here and is static (level 15 drains stronger though): life on q_level 14: horror: -4, purgatory: -12, doom: -28, life on q_level 15: horror: -8, purgatory: -20, doom: -40, mana on q_level 14: horror: -2, purgatory: -8, doom: -16, mana on q_level 15: horror: -4, purgatory: -12, doom: -20, + Fixed 'Lose all regeneraton' flag effect: now it will just not allow positive regeneration, and degeneration will not be cancelled; + Attacks and castings are slowed by 0.10 seconds on quest level 14, and by 0.20 seconds on quest level 15; + Fixed a bug in special boss placing code (was flawed after having added Izual); + Quest levels 14 and 15 also will penalize DFE, AC and accuracy; + Chain Activation radius modified to 3 (used to be 5), and, when alone in the game, Scout has CA radius of 2 and Assassin's CA radius is 1; v1.153a, (20:54 14.04.2013), Full Release + Fixed a critical error in spell casting limitations function, which led to gamecrash; v1.153c, (23:44 14.04.2013), Full Release + Fixed portal activation in quest area #11; + Minor map changes in Passage of Fire; v1.153d, (19:49 21.04.2013), Full Release + [Yarik] Fixed a bug that sometimes made dropped uniques morph into others (based on the same uID); v1.154, (20:49 22.04.2013), Full Release + Fixed a bug that allowed double casting before cooldown timer started; + Cooldowns are set to 5 sec in SP mode; + Gold drops are no longer increased in Hell (and Crypt?) location by 12,5%; + Gold drops in MP are now increased depending on amount of players in game: 1 player: +000%, 2 players: +050%, 3 players: +100%, 4 players: +150%; + Uber D's room that was made by Sierra is replaced by ours. Big room, opened by the lever, opened 4 sides. With several warpers inside, and 10 bloodied hidden on MP Doom, Note: 2 bloodied hidden bosses from MP Doom are still there; + [Yarik] Fixed a bug that muted game sound when killing Uber D on SP Horror and loading game while he's still in his death throes and cinematics aren't yet triggered, Note: same bug that was fixed in Diablo v1.07. But since HF v1.01 was based on Diablo v1.04.... here you go; + Modified Night Rogue unique; v1.154a, (22:57 26.04.2013), Patch + One of two Balthazar bosses renamed to Jaldabaoth; + [Yarik] Fixed a latent bug that didn't reveal itself until now. Uber D no longer casts Ring of Fire (replaced with Firebolt) and lightning effect replaced with the one that lightning demons use; v1.155, (15:36 29.04.2013), Patch + Character passive melee damage resistance modified to: Paladin: [ 19 + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%, Gladiator: [ 20 + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%, Mage/Scout: [ 10 + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%, Monk: [ 11 + (CLVL/16) + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%, Assassin: [ 17 + (CLVL/16) + ( Rnd[baseVIT/8] + 36) ]%; + Fixed a bug that set off cooldowns for all players when a nova was cast by any player in the game; + Version 1.155 made incompatible with all previous versions. This will make people that use older versions unable to connect to games played on v1.155; + Fixed original HF bug: rings of fire/lightning will henceforth correctly cancel each other when cast in MP (with other players in game); v1.156, (13:42 03.05.2013), Patch + Character passive melee damage resistance wasn't functioning as intended. Fixed that, and modified to: Paladin: {Rnd[24+(baseVIT/8)]+25}%, Scout: {Rnd[24+(baseVIT/8)]+5}%, Mage: {Rnd[24+(baseVIT/8)]+5}%, Monk: {Rnd[24+(baseVIT/8)]+12+(CLVL/8)}%, Assassin: {Rnd[24+(baseVIT/8)]+11+(CLVL/4)}%, Gladiator: {Rnd[24+(baseVIT/8)]+18}%; v1.156a, (14:23 05.05.2013), Patch + Chaosbringer and Dreamlyre are given more serious penalties; + Fixed a bug that occasionally led to crash when loading one of the "Lost Treasure" levels; + Replaced wrong grate tile in Glacial Caverns (nothing serious); v1.156b, (19:56 06.05.2013), Patch + Slightly nerfed Civerb's Icon; + Added 2 new items on uID#55; v1.156c, (13:07 07.05.2013), Patch + Relict of Apocalypse restored (it's ok to use it with cooldowns); + Tons and tons of unique item adjustments to those based on items of clvl 49 and greater; v1.157, (00:14 08.05.2013), Patch + [Yarik] Fixed old HF bug that didn't allow players see other players in game casting non-pointer spells like Elemental; + [Yarik] Fixed old HF bug that didn't allow players see other players in game casting nova spells from relicts; + [Yarik] Fixed no cooldown for Apocalypse; + Hellfire renamed to Force Wave; + Force Wave is given new animation, and damage formula is set to (CLVL/4)+1+Rnd[5]; v1.157a, (18:22 09.05.2013), Patch + Assigned images to unique items #777 and #778; + Fixed version number display; v1.157c, (15:39 16.05.2013), Full Release + Restored original sounds for cap in inventory and flipping cap; + Gladiator sweep attack chance is 20% now when using sharp(s) or blunt(s); + Underworld Spine penalties lowered; v1.157e, (14:54 17.05.2013), Patch + Added 3 new uniques on uID#38; + Modified image for Linked Plate; + Nerfed the Mangler; + Crossbow is given new unique image; + Modified Arkaine's Valor versions for Purgatory and Doom; v1.157f, (18:05, 19.05.2013), Patch + Gladiator maximum sweep attack chance with sword(s) and/or blunt(s) is set to 40%; v1.157g, (17:39 20.05.2013), Patch + Added 3 new uniques on uID#5; + Revised more uniques; v1.157h, (12:19 23.05.2013), Patch + Stygian Guard cost increased a bit; + Fixed (nerfed) Butcher's and Leoric's drops for SP Horror mode (where they are gimped). Previously, Warlord's and Gharbad's drops were limited due to a bug; v1.158, (22:38 28.05.2013), Full Release + Cooldowns for nova spells set to 20 seconds for MP (-10) and 10 seconds for SP (+5); + Great revision to 'Horazon's Demons' quest: architecture changes, monster relocation/adding; + Added 6 new uniques on uID#47; v1.158a, (11:00 29.05.2013), Patch + Fixed nova cooldowns, now their timings are intact; v1.158b, (17:36 01.06.2013), Patch + Major spell manacost adjustments; + [Yarik] Fixed a bug with Izual's no distance check for secondary lightning hits (could hit player that is far away with remaining hits after killing their Golem); v1.158c, (1:59 04.06.2013), Full Release + Player footstep sounds now vary according to area type; v1.158d, (10:55 05.06.2013), Patch + Changed footstep sound for Catacombs; + Other insignificant changes; v1.160, (1:06 13.06.2013), Full Release + Passage of Fire: modified level layout; + Chain Activation's prevention of greeting sound play from special bosses & monsters now rectified; + Fury effects are modified for Scout class: triple shot, +clvl/4 DFE, -clvl THC, -clvl AC; + DFE caps of -25 in SP Horror and -50 in SP Purgatory are removed (because DFE code now accounts for everything automatically); + Zealots do more damage now (raised minimum damage by 60); + New quest added: Island of the Sunless Sea; + Fixed some scripts for Pepin concerning 'Worms' quest. Shouldn't interfere with 'Mushroom' quest now; v1.161, (13:43 17.06.2013), Patch + Added support for 2nd music file; + Fixed game freeze upon touching Slain Hero with Scout class on Doom mode; + Various tunings and data adjustments; v1.162, (18.06.2013), Full Release + Fixed Leoric activation sound; + Activated speech for Izual; + Andariel is given an activation speech; v1.163, (2013-06-20), Full Release + Fixed angel statue placement (used to be placed on all cave and abyss levels); + Lots of changes in uniques; v1.164, (2013-06-23), Full Release + Corrections to Arkaine's Valor stat displays; + Fixed some architectural issues on Worm quest level variations; v1.165, (2013-06-28), Full Release + Slightly modified Celestial set stats; + Modified Morbid Sight; + Added special animation for monsters when hit: blood/guts, metal chunks or bones (depending on monster animation type): Note: this works for critical and fatal blows, and doesn't work for magical attacks (these have enough effects already); + Modified Passage of Fire, again; v1.165a, (2013-06-29), Patch + Modified requirements for all helmets; + Corrected Morbid Sight; v1.166, (2013-07-02), Patch + Similar to SP quest zones, saving game/using portal/entering stairs in SP mode is not allowed anymore if there are monsters nearby (activated); v1.167, (2013-07-04), Full Release + Randomly triggered activation sounds given to the following types of monsters: Clasp, Goatmace/Goatbow/Goatlord, Flesh, Zombie, Reaper, ImpBrute, Scavenger, Snake, Antworm, Mega; + Certain quest bosses no longer turn off savegame feature when in dialogue mode (Lachdanan, Gharbad, Snotspill, Zhar the Mad); + Added a dozen of uniques on uID#88; v1.168, (2013-07-07), Full Release + Better version differentiation; + Improved some boss names; + Better pictures for some unique items; v1.169, (2013-07-24), Full Release + Characters now give speech when picking up golden elixir; + Sturdy prefix buffed: [15-35] >> [21-35]; + Bloodsplash and fatal bloodsplash animation chances modified from 30% and 10% to 24% and 8% respectively; + Monster greeting sound chances set to ~16%; + Revised some uniques; + "Vise" function activated for MP; + In MP now menu of "New game" and "Exit" are available always; v1.170, (2013-07-28), Full Release + Revised dlvl [1-6] boss names; + Created 6 more alternative dungeons for Halls of Anguish level; v1.171, (2013-07-31), Full Release + Added 1 more dungeon variation for Halls of Anguish (total of 8 now); + Vise deactivated for MP; + New game and Exit manus are deactivated again in MP (accessible only when in town); + Several minor base item stat adjustments; v1.172, (2013-08-04), Full Release + Nerfed uniques based on uID#B6h; + Lash of Doomsday: repair cost increased, and greater resistance penalty; + Added 7 more uniques on uID#17h; + Doomsayer: lesser STR penalty; + Siege Ally renamed to Silent Mooon and completely changed (Karifa's idea); + Death Song redesigned completely; + Revised uniques based on uID#177; + Revised Coat of Levitation, Dragonwing, Doomslinger; + Cooldown timing set to 8 sec for SP and 15 sec for MP; + Adjusted stats on uID#1Ah items; + Ballista: damage nerf; + Modified and adjusted lots of unique item data; + Newest DB of Kozel uploaded here: v1.173, (2013-08-06), Full Release + Poisoned Water Supply: changed music theme for this level; + Modified Horror mode Leoric tomb to have less chests; + Microadjustments in unique item stats; + Added 10 more uniques on uID#7Ch; v1.175, (2013-08-13), Full Release + Totally revised uniques based on base items 0 through 398; + Made lots of corrections to item drop restrictions on doom mode (from monsters): now monsters will not drop low level items, this will result in better drops overall; + Newest Kozel DB here: v1.175a, (2013-08-14), Full Release + Prefix #52 Guiding (+[31-35] to accuracy) changed to Hungry (2% lifestealing); + Prefix Guiding (+[31-35] to accuracy) is given accuracy variation compensation (+[26-35]), Note: care taken to not cuase affix morphing, but some jewelry with ex-Guiding effect will morph into Hungry effect (2% life steal); + Newest Kozel DB here: v1.175b, (2013-08-23), Full Release + Wirt item affix generation rules changed: CLVL*2 >> CLVL+5; + Updated Wirm level architecture on Doom mode; + Changed Flamberge base damage; v1.176, (2013-08-25), Full Release + Added info in the upper right corner that notifies about 'Vise' lockdown (similar to cooldown info) and Fury activation flag; + Restored forced DFE limits on Horror and Purgatory of SP mode (-25/-50); + Fixed a bug that morphed Magic Rock into a mana potion at times; v1.176a, (2013-08-29), Full Release + Added XP bar at the bottom of info panel; v1.176b, (2013-09-01), Full Release + Fixed a bug that allowed to see and shoot through the entrance in the church levels; v1.176c, (2013-09-24), Full Release + Fixed a bug that caused gamecrash on rare occasions with experience loss (thx to Grunelf for reporting); v1.176d, (2013-10-07), Full Release + Made attempt to rectify clvl check bug on books (report if not fixed!); + Updated code for two shrines that increased armor and damage. Now they give boost to ac and base damage according to difficulty mode: Horror: AC 3, damage 5, Purgatory: AC 9, damage 15, Doom: AC 15, damage 25, Note: they also show info in the upper right corner when active, Note: boost is cancelled upon quitting dlvl; v1.176e, (2013-10-10), Patch + Fixed clvl check on books for readability; v1.176f, (2013-10-22), Patch + Celia placed closer to portals (so that lazy players won't miss her quest unknowingly); v1.177, (2013-11-12), Full Release WARNING!!! THIS VERSION INTRODUCES NEW QUEST 'FLESHDOOM' BUT THIS QUEST ISN'T FINISHED I DON'T RECOMMEND PLAYING IT OR EVEN SPEAKING TO TREMAIN IDEAS CONCERNING THIS QUEST ARE WELCOME THOUGH + Some base items are renamed; + Na-Krul drops 5 items now; + Passage of Fire, Lazarus Lair, Horazon and Fleshdoom quest levels play new music now, Note: download it here >>> - Wrote speech *texts* for Tremain, Adria, Cain, Gillian, Farnham, Griswold, + Fixed sound for Gillian's speech about Ogden's Sign and Chamber of Bone quests; + Various minor undocumented changes; v1.177a, (2013-11-22), Patch + Deactivated Fleshdoom quest to prevent bugs associated with it; v1.178, (2013-12-08), Full Release + Light hammer (the one Paladin starts with) damage set to [2-12]; + Fixed Ogden speech about Lost treasure; + Adjusted some unique item stats; + Several hidden changes; v1.178a, (2013-12-22), Patch + [Kozel] Fixed XP bar so that it would display right for CLVL 38+ ; v1.179, (2013-12-26), Full Release + Nothing documented; v1.180, (2013-12-27), Full Release + Modified and renamed some base items; + Monster and boss damage modifiers for purgatory and doom modes are modified to: Purgatory monsters: +[75-120], Doom monsters: primary attacks receive +[158-188], secondary attacks receive +[188-188], Purgatory bosses: +[95-125], Doom bosses: +[193-193], Note: +[x-y] means increase in minimum and maximum damage. For example, if a boss on horror has damage [53-61], then its damage will be modified for purgatory to [(53+95)-(61+125)] which is [148-186]; v1.181, (2014-01-02), Full Release + A sgnificant flaw rectified in the difficulty-bound monster parameter adjustment code; + Monster and boss damage modifiers for purgatory and doom modes are modified to: Purgatory monsters: +[67-100], Doom monsters: primary attacks receive +[167-183], Purgatory bosses: +[90-131], Doom bosses: +[193-193]; v1.182, (2014-02-10), Full Release + 'Dodging' prefix for jewelry (qlvl 48) replaced with 'Vampiric' (steal 2% mana); v1.183, (2014-02-12), Full Release + Butcher now drops 2 items; + Fleshdoom quest written a little further and excluded from quest seleection (to avoid from appearing in game); v1.183a, (2014-02-26), Patch + Bosses with Zombie AI had their behavior changed (to avoid situations when minions alert their long lost boss that is on the outskirts of the map); v1.183c, (2014-04-14), Patch + More code written for Tremain; + Gladiator now auto-equips 2nd weapon when picking up from floor (with inventory closed); v1.183d, (2014-04-22), Patch + Fixed Griswold's refusal to repair items with insufficient durability loss; v1.183g, (2014-04-30), Patch + Added 6 new unique items; v1.183h, (2014-05-03), Patch + [fix] Oils of Repair are allowed to drop in multiplayer mode now; v1.184, (2014-05-06), Patch + Assigned new images to uniques on uID#BBh; + Plague Eaters' 2nd attack is faster now; + Added a new monster (DDh) and corresponding bosses; v1.184a, (2014-05-13), Patch + Warlord of Blood is made stronger on Horror (SP); v1.184b, (2014-06-01), Patch + Added blood animation support for monster#221; v1.184c, (2014-07-17), Patch + [Yarik] Fixed Sunless Sea Island's portal code bug that caused crashes occasionally; v1.185, (2014-07-21), Patch + Fury effects are modified for Scout class: triple shot, +(clvl/4) DFE, -clvl THC, -(clvl/2) AC; + Assassin critical hit formula in PvM Melee changed: {[(clvl/4)+6]/100} chance to roll +400% damage >> {[(clvl/4)+5]/100} chance to roll +300%; v1.186, (2014-07-25), Patch + Adjusted stats on STR-line base armors; v1.186 update, (2014-08-07), Full Release + [LeGioN] updated assasin gfx (ahs); v1.186 update 2, (2014-08-10), Full Release + [LeGioN] updated assasin gfx (ahs); v1.187, (2014-08-17), Full Release + Added 1 new unique item on uID11h; + Some TRN adjustments; v1.190, (2014-09-15), Full Release + Modified Mountain of Doom; + Altered oil stat display; + Modified assortment at Griswold and Wirt so that no item requirement will exceed a player's corresponding basic attribute by more than (clvl/2)+15; + Fixed bought item morphing that could be caused by base item qlvl change (now qlvl of all non-staff/relict/book/rune base items can be changed with no hazard of potential morphing); + Celia no longer makes appearance in MP mode; + Fixed fire/lightning wall/ring double manacost; + Fixed the code errors of fire/lite walls/rings (came from vanilla); + Fire/lightning walls/rings now have single effect. This works as previously, but leaves more room for extra sprites; + Fixed some bugs regarding elemental arrow positioning when hitting objects/target (this will make elemental arrows deal more damage); + Fixed some bugs in acid puddle positioning (now appears exactly under character when hit). Plus some optimization regarding acid code; + Boss minions now show 'minion' next to their name to alert player of their presence earlier; + Bosses now drop additional loot: healing pot and mana pot on Horror, full healing and full mana on Purgatory, 2 full holy water pots on Doom; + Bosses drop gold now, according to the following formula: (DLVL*50) + Rnd[101]. For Purgatory mode the amount is increased by 1200, for Doom - by 2400; + Special/quest bosses drop even more gold; + Cauldrons can be generated in caves now; v1.190a, (2014-09-16), Patch + Fixed white item morphing. This occured to whites bought from Griz; + Fixed appearance of Mordessa; v1.191, (2014-09-16), Patch + Fixed boss crash in MP; + Oil availability is taken under control; + Other small fixes; v1.192, (2014-09-18), Patch + Introducing first version of champions: berserker (+damage), fanatic (+accuracy) and defender (+HP). To be updated in future versions; v1.193, (2014-09-22), Patch + Simultaneous usage of lightning and fire damage in melee used to not work: fixed; + Belial's Word revised; + Acid puddles no more accumulate on one tile, this frees up a lot of sprites during battle with spitters and gets players rid of erroneously high damage from acid; + Acid puddle damage rebalanced by the new formula: (dlvl/4) + (diff*5), where diff is 0 for horror, 1 for prg, and 2 for doom; + Since extra fire and lightning damage are now much more powreful, all uniques and affixes are revised; v1.193a, (2014-09-23), Patch + Acid puddle damage is lowered and is now (dlvl/8)+(diff*2); + Lightning from monsters made "lighter" and deals ((Rnd[mAC]+1)*16)+(mAC/4) damage now; v1.193b, (2014-09-26), Patch + Boss gold drop formula altered: (DLVL*20) + Rnd[101]. For Purgatory mode the amount is increased by 280, for Doom - by 520; v1.194, (2014-10-16), Patch + Weapon switch feature added (finally, huh?). Activated by pressing 'V' (version is not displayed by pressing V now - see version # in main menu), Note: it doesn't work while your character is attacking, you need to stop attacking and switch, then continue swinging, Note: we did some tests and it *seems* to work fine (with more spruce-ups to follow in future versions) but play at your own risk with this feature. I'd suggest backing up your characters, just to be sure, Note: thanks to the 3 guys who made donations, your investments made this arrive quicker; v1.195, (2014-10-18), Patch + Weapon switch fixed now (hopefully) (let me know if anything goes wrong there!); + Weapon swith doesn't work but when you're standing still; + When dialogue windows are open, weapon switch doesn't work (including MP talk window); v1.196, (2014-10-25), Full Release + Added inventory buttons for weapon swap; + Allowed swapping weapons when walking; + Swapping weapons when standing/walking no longer interrupts animation; + Made this version not see other games in MP where older versions are used; v1.196a, (2014-10-26), Patch + Griswold will now correctly show and repair items placed in secondary hand slots; v1.196b, (2014-10-28), Patch + Additional hand slot support added to Cain (can detect and ID items there now); v1.197, (2014-12-01), Full Release + Monsters with no immunities used to show 'no magic resistance' on info panel, now they will show 'no immunity'; + Berserker and fanatic type of champions now have a +100% HP boost; + Lots of fire\lite damage scenarios redesigned in unique item data (nerfing mostly, because of the elemental damage fix in one of the previous versions); + Added unique items on Pole-axe, Naginata, Chain mail and Brigandine; + Mage now starts with wand of mana (8 charges) instead of wand of holy bolts; + Mage now starts with 3 active spells: holybolt, firebolt and chargedbolt (all of SLVL 1); + Adding 'window mode' subfolder to the mod pack. There you'll find a tool (DLL file) to run the mod in window mode. Use, if you want, at your own risk (docs included); + Completely revised sets for all classes. I believe, now they'll be more useful, yet less handy when not complete; + Fleshdoom quest excluded from quest selection and deactivated again (need more time for development); v1.197a, (2014-12-02), Patch + Fixed the bug from original game where one item couldn't have fire and lightning damage effect. This fixes Shockfire problem; v1.198, (2015-03-06), Patch + Some small adjustments and typo corrections; v1.198a, (2015-05-18), Patch + Deactivated Fleshdoom quest. It remains unfinished; v1.199, (2015-07-03), Full Release + Adjusted many unique item properties; v1.199a, (2015-08-03), Full Release + Fixed a crash on MP horror dlvl-5 loading; v1.200, (2015-08-19), Patch + MAG penalty set to -70 on Joker's Beak (now it's possible to actually wear the full set); + Cooldown timing set to 5 sec for SP and 10 sec for MP; + MvP Melee: Assassin autohit set to 14% (was: 12%); + Melee damage resistance for gladiator class set to {Rnd[(bVIT/8)+36]+5+25}%, which (at clvl 50 and bVIT 240) gives [30-95]% resistance (was: {Rnd[(bVIT/8)+36]+5+13}%); v1.201, (2015-09-01), Full Release + Altered some unique item images; + Heavy axe: new picture; + Secutor Straps: improved picture; + Rune blade: improved picture; + Grief: stats rebalanced; + Light bow: changed picture; + Nail Feeder: new picture; + Fire Screamer: new picture; + Siege Bow: new picture; + Blight Mirror: new picture; + More picture updates; v1.202, (2015-09-21), Full Release + Revised base axe damage values; + Corrected Angel names; + Improved some item images; + Revised some uniques; v1.203, (2015-09-27), Full Release + Fixed Gillian gossip; + Upgraded some item pictures; v1.204, (2015-09-30), Full Release + Improved some item pics and added a dozen of new ones; v1.205, (2015-10-05), Full Release + Fixed item duping from inventory body items (a very rare bug). Thanks to Aaron Caissie for reporting; + More item image updates; v1.205a, (2015-11-25), Full Release + Changed Guardian helm image; v1.205c, (2016-04-14), Patch + Increased stat boosts for amulets of cat/bull; + Improved Joker's Beak; v1.205d, (2016-06-24), Patch + [DD] fixed meta menu issues with [enter] key; + Altered stats on Secutor Straps and Peasant Straps; v1.205e, (2016-10-03), Patch + Fixed MakeChampions routine potential memory leak; + Decreased monster gold drop chances: Horr: -36%, Purg: -53%, Doom: -68%; + Fixed mouse click glitches in meta menu; + Added potion submenu in stash; v1.205g, (19:50 17.11.2016), Patch + [DD] Chain activation fix; + Knife of Heresy: name corrected; + Removed Harlequin's Crest for good; + Added some new uniques on Skull cap; - [DD] Attmept #1 made to fix issue with items disappearing in MP coop games (I need feedback on how it works), Note: be careful though, it might make the game unstable or buggy, let me know if there are any oddities regarding items in coop games; v1.205h, (23:18 20.11.2016), Patch + Jaws of Dragonsouls: fixed armor value; + Skullhold: armor penalty lowered, a lot; + MP item disappear fix undone; v1.205k, (13:11 22.11.2016), Patch + Reworked a lot of uniques; + Added more uniques; v1.205m, (21:22 26.11.2016), Patch + Added more uniques; v1.205n, (18:40 02.12.2016), Patch + [DD] Fixed newly updated stash file, could potentially lead to memory corruption; v1.205p, (3:56 03.12.2016), Patch + Adapted Belix' patch to TH: monster net kill fix, Note: should prevent monster multiple death/drop when killed by 2+ players in coop; + Updated some item pix; + Several unique item stat adjustments; v1.205q, (1:28 06.12.2016), Patch + Fulfilling my promise to alex33rom: altered Infernal set; + Added more uniques on Greatplate; v1.206, (2:45 13.12.2016), Full Release + Altered some crypt palettes, added new one (#245); + Greatly improved stat reward from Gillian for killing Andariel: +2 stat points on Horror, +8 stat points on Purgatory, +20 stat points on Doom; + Changed default palette for Horror Tristram in SP; + Corrupt Order is now of beast type; + Improved colors for Gargoyles and Death Wings; + Improved colors for dlvl 4-5 winged skellies; + More unique item adjustments; + Added a batch file to make Windows 10 users able to play, Note: if you're on Windows 10, use Win10.bat to start the game; v1.207, (2:07 23.12.2016), Full Release + Changed character stun formula to Rnd[CLVL+7]+(baseVIT/8)+(CLVL/2)-2; + Uber Xorene and Zealots now belong to beast type; + Holybolt damage formula changed, Note: now it's ((CLVL*(Rnd[cMAG]+(SLVL*10)))/30)+10+Rnd[CLVL*10], Note: for Paladin formula is ((CLVL*(Rnd[cMAG]+(SLVL*10)))/15)+10+Rnd[CLVL*10]; + Many unique monsters are given new names; + Poisoned water supply: horror map modified; v1.208, (5:07 13.01.2017), Full Release + Fixed the bug with Lazarus in MP that made him go back to inactive mode after you leave the dungeon and return, Note: this is Diablo 1.07 bugfix port to TH by DD; + Ddraw patch is integrated with the mod now (by default). As before, readme for it is in 'Window Mode' folder, Note: some people lack the mana to RTFM, they run into trouble and complain about it, Note: so I made ddraw patch present by default, runs in fullscreen at 640x480, winres is 800x600, Note: display options are configured in ddraw_settings.ini; + Updated some unique item stats; v1.209, (13:35 28.01.2017), Full Release WARNING! IF GAME DOESN'T START, TRY DELETING 'DDRAW.DLL' FROM MOD FOLDER + [DD] Belix' monster net kill fix undone (broke MP stability, froze monster occasionally, whole level); + [DD] Fix written to correct original game light apply source, which could lead to memory leak, Note: this is believed to be the source of infamous catacomb level morphing bug, Note: report all oddities concerning this level morphing issue; + Unique item tweaks; + Scout fury functionality revision. Now effects are as follows: triple shot, +2*CLVL to damage, -CLVL to AC, -CLVL to accuracy, +CLVL/4 to DFE; v1.210, (20:32 12.02.2017), Full Release + Baranar's Maul: price upped to 228k and AP(3) replaced with -(72 to 74)% resist magic effect, Note: I'm aware this was a popular weapon but it gave item stat power of 4,5(!) whereas it can't be over 2; + Stormbringer: AC penalty made worse for the same reason; + Stormbite, Blazing Wrath: ditto; + AC values revised on base shields; + Bastard Sword based uniques adjusted as well; + Same for Great Flail, Huge Axe, Katana; + Healing spell: bonus for Gladiator class raised from 1.000 to 1.625; v1.211, (15:24 20.02.2017), Full Release + [DD] Net item fix #1, Note: this could fix items disappearing in coop games (from the floor); v1.212, (12:59 04.03.2017), Full Release + Adjusted uniques on Precision Bow, Sorceror Plate; v1.213, (18:12 07.03.2017), Full Release + Net item fix #1 cancelled due to unforseen bugs (during repairs at Griswold), Note: also it seems that it caused town flloor gold wipeouts; v1.214, (1:30 11.03.2017), Full Release + Net item fix #2 applied: DD swore this will not cause bugs with item disappears from town floor, but be careful; + Introduced weapon slow mechanics on some axes and (especially) crossbows, Note: this is experimental, Note: weapon damage is adjusted accordingly (more or less); v1.215, (19:04 13.03.2017), Full Release + Slow weapon damage rating increased a lot (DPS-wise set to roughly 150% damage); + [DD] PvM Ranged: adjusted damage cap to allow crossbows deal full damage; v1.215a, (21:08 14.03.2017), Full Release + Golem HP status is displayed in the upper right corner now (if auto-map is active); v1.216, (21:27 17.03.2017) + Modified some uniques; + Improved slow weapons yet again (average DPS is now 250% of what it used to be), Note: onscreen damage might be lower but the actual DPS is ~66% higher; + Gladiator line crossbows are made significantly faster; v1.217, (18:00 10.08.2017) + All slow axe parameters returned to previous settings (slow axes don't feel right after all); + Heavy crossbow damage and speed modified. Speed increased to 50%, Note: Yes, I totally think that slow crossbows still deserve to live; + Infernal Scourger fireball damage tripled; + MvP Melee: Character damage resistance modified to: Paladin: {Rnd[36+(bVIT/8)]+5+25}%, Scout: {Rnd[36+(bVIT/8)]+5}%, Mage: {Rnd[36+(bVIT/8)]+5}%, Monk: {Rnd[36+(bVIT/8)]+5+11+(CLVL/8)}%, Assassin: {Rnd[36+(bVIT/8)]+5+7+(CLVL/4)}%, Gladiator: {Rnd[36+(bVIT/8)]+5+20}%; v1.218, (1:26 21.08.2017) + Added another unique ring (I'm really trying to fill in all the niche uniques here), Note: high level (62+) Nether Coil rings will morph into the new one; + Updated a lot of uniques (better fitting pictures, stats, new names); + Added a very powerful Mage-specific unique shield, findable only on early Purgatory/Doom levels; v1.219, (0:01 27.08.2017) + Changed Horror SP town palette to greenish. Now Horror is green, Purgatory is yellow, and Doom is dark; + Mage mana regeneration speed bonus increased to +2; + Monk is given mana regeneration bonus: +2; + Monk is given life regeneration bonus: +2; + Arkaine's Valor armors are improved. Sort of; + Characters with cVIT below 16 regenerate 0,33 HP per second with {(cVIT*4)+15}% chance, Note: this also fixes previous issues with this regeneration code skipping DLVL and class checks, Note: Mage class will regenerate like this at ~33% speed now, Note: 'no regeneration' and '+100% life regeneration' effects now work properly for characters with cVIT below 16; + Added one extra life regeneration rule for cVIT 16-31 players: if (cVIT-16)*4 is higher than Rnd[80]+1 check, then regeneration is +2 instead of +1, Note: this will give 0% chance for +2 regen at cVIT 16 and 75% chance for +2 at cVIT 31; + Added one extra life regeneration rule for cVIT 32-47 players: if (cVIT-32)*4 is higher than Rnd[80]+1 check, then regeneration is +3 instead of +2; + Added one extra life regeneration rule for cVIT 48-63 players: if (cVIT-48)*4 is higher than Rnd[80]+1 check, then regeneration is +4 instead of +3; + Added one extra life regeneration rule for cVIT 64-79 players: if (cVIT-64)*4 is higher than Rnd[80]+1 check, then regeneration is +5 instead of +4, Note: life regeneration with cVIT above 79 will be functioning as before; + Characters with cMAG below 16 regenerate 1 sub-manapoint per game frame, if cMAG is higher or equal to Rnd[22], Note: 1 sub-manapoint is 1/64 of a manapoint, and there are 20 game frames in a second; + Added one extra mana regeneration rule for cMAG 16-31 players: if (cMAG-16) is higher than Rnd[22] check, then regeneration is +2 instead of +1, Note: this will give 0% chance for +2 regen at cMAG 16 and ~75% chance for +2 at cMAG 31; + Added one extra mana regeneration rule for cMAG 32-47 players: if (cMAG-32) is higher than Rnd[22] check, then regeneration is +3 instead of +2; + Added one extra mana regeneration rule for cMAG 48-63 players: if (cMAG-48) is higher than Rnd[22] check, then regeneration is +4 instead of +3; + Added one extra mana regeneration rule for cMAG 64-79 players: if (cMAG-64) is higher than Rnd[22] check, then regeneration is +5 instead of +4; + Improved Anvil of Fury quest rewards, all 18 of them; v1.220, (16:52 11.09.2017) + Fixed Monk speech upon touching Slain Hero; + Added 5 more uniques on uID#12h; + Created modified TRN files for Monk and Gladiator; + [DD] Applied new TRN colors on Monk and Gladiator; + [DD] Assassin: applied proper TRN colors to light animations, Note: Assassin now should look darker than Scout at all times; v1.221, (18:54 13.09.2017) + MvP Melee: Monk damage resistance modified to {Rnd[36+(bVIT/8)]+5+11+(CLVL/4)}%, Note: this will effectively make Monks sturdier in melee fights as they go up in levels; + Recolored SP Gharbad to BSDB color scheme to make him look like he used to in original game; + Made SP Gharbad a little tougher and faster; + Added another Blood Stone bosspack on dlvl-8; v1.222, (19:21 22.09.2017) + Modified two Halls of Anguish level variations; + Some of those unique monsters are given more fitting names; + Character XP values revised. Now it will take longer in 30's, and even longer in 40's, Note: received dozens of complaints over these years that XP grows faster than the stats. Well, not anymore; + [DD] Fixed XP values to unsigned dword to prevent overflow; + Veil of Steel line helmets revised (improved a little); v1.223, (12:23 05.10.2017) + Added 4 more Poisoned Water Supply level variations for Horror mode; + Added 4 more Chamber of Bone level variations for Horror mode; + Weapon swap buttons can no longer be pressed with items; + Improved balancing of some unique items; + Raised VIT requirement on Battle Plate: 85 >> 115; + Added dozens of new item pictures to the pool; + Some items are given new pictures; v1.224, (17:30 02.11.2017) + Added some tombstones on graveyard near the church, + Added 1 more unique item; + Improved level color palette for Fleshdoom levels; + Created Guide for the mod, it will be included in the mod package, Note: online version available here: + Fleshdoom quest level limitations: 1. + 100/150/200 % to XP, 2. - 10/15/20 to AC on Horror, - 25/30/35 on Purgatory, - 40/45/50 on Doom, 3. - 40/50/60 % to Fire resistance on Horror, - 70/80/90 on Purg., - 100/110/120 on Doom, 4. + 3/6/9 to DFE on Horror, +10/13/16 on Purg., +17/21/25 on Doom, 5. - 15/20/25 % to accuracy on Horror, - 30/35/40 on Purg., - 45/50/55 on Doom, 6. - 0/10/20% light radius, 7. (for Pal & Glad) - 10 to Strength on Horr, - 20 on Purg, -30 on Doom, Mage is handicapped with MAG stat, Scout/Asa/Monk - DEX, 8. -2 SLVL for Mage class, 9. Teleport, Phasing - forbidden to cast (to all classes); + Fixed XP getting stuck after 2,000,000,000; + When XP reaches its absolute maximum, it will be displayed in gold; + Armor- and weapon racks are allowed on quest levels 17-19 outside of special rooms [z223_08]; + FD flag fix (dlvl 14 morph fix) [z223_11]; + [DD] Rebuilt StashTH.dll and fixed an old bug made by Ulmo; + Nerfed Griswold's Crusher and Griswold's Tool; + Added and applied more unique item pictures; + Adjusted stat balance on some unique items; + Fixed Monk speeches upon picking up the cursed blade, swapped Mage speeches [z223_17]; + Fixed some more bugs in Fleshdoom quest; + Final boss of FD quest was given 4x drop; v1.225, (0:08 02.12.2017) + Fleshblight pack is now also using Deathspit AI; + [DD] Fixed XP bar which showed too long progress bar, Note: happened if the difference between current XP and next levelup value was more than long int; + Online guide upgraded to v1.001; + Set special magic level for some bosses (to further improve loot quality in quest levels): Lich King: 60, Mordessa: 59, Wielder of Shadowfang: 60; + Adjusted some battle parameters for certain bosses: Snotspill: accuracy +20, Warlord of Blood: +40 accuracy and +20 armor on purgatory, +45 accuracy +20 armor on doom (Horror was taken care of long ago) Goreskin the Striker: accuracy +20, Malantor: accuracy +40, Veliur the Bashing Fist: accuracy +25, Baal: accuracy +20, Belial the Disembowler: accuracy +15, Tahu the Dangerous: armor +20, accuracy +25 (at last this poor fellow will live up to his name, haha) Warlord of Blood (MP level 15): armor +15, accuracy +15, Shadowclaw: accuracy +15, armor +5, Thundercharge: accuracy +40, Magnat: accuracy +15, Lionsteel: armor +25, Black Marquis: armor +20, accuracy +30, Arcturus: accuracy +25, armor +15; + Brought some GUI elements closer to the classic atmosphere look; + Ghost Warriors, Curse Bearers and Blood Spectres (basically, all knight types) receive armor protection in melee, Note: it works just like DFE, giving a damage threshold that a character must overcome, Note: if characters don't deal them enough damage, they will take zero damage, Note: this will turn them into a unique type of enemy, with armor that is hard to pierce, but vulnerable to magic damage type, Note: some bosses will still be triple immune and have typical 50% damage resist that all bosses have. Beware; + Ghost Warrior: DFE in melee set to 60 on Horror, 220 on Purgatory, 450 on Doom; + Curse Bearer: DFE in melee set to 70 on Horror, 250 on Purgatory, 500 on Doom; + Blood Spectre: DFE in melee set to 100 on Horror, 325 on Purgatory, 600 on Doom; + +1 boss drops (Jaldabaoth, Centaliane, Spiritmurk); + Ghost Warriors, Curse Bearers and Blood Spectres (basically, all knight types) receive armor protection against arrows, Note: it works just like DFE in melee; + Ghost Warrior: DFE against arrows set to 50 on Horror, 200 on Purgatory, 400 on Doom; + Curse Bearer: DFE against arrows set to 60 on Horror, 225 on Purgatory, 425 on Doom; + Blood Spectre: DFE against arrows set to 80 on Horror, 275 on Purgatory, 500 on Doom; + Adjusted damage for affixes that give fire/lightning damage on melee weapons; + Picture updates for some base and unique items (won't get into detail - too many); + Adjusted damage for affixes that give fire/lightning damage on (x)bows; + Adjusted fire and damage on unique items (all 800+ of them, I need a vacation), Note: at last though, elemental damage on weapons has been balanced more or less properly; + Wise Drops prevented Mages from finding Joker's Folly in SP. Fixed by adding a copy of it on Griffin shield; + [DD] Character main stat reductions in Fleshdoom quest are cancelled; + Viribus was changed to fix the balance issues with this item; + Inscribed epitaphs on some tombstones near the church; + Andariel Throne is given new level loading screen; + City of the Damned is given an improved version of loading screen; + Mordessa now drops 10 items; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this point TH1 split and TH2 development started separately... Some changes were lost in the process. And there were many. Previous changes: + Support for higher resolutions, widescreens, window mode and framerates; + Support for modern operating systems; + Auto-pickup of gold; + Adjustable options in config.ini (in game directory). More info in ReadMe; + More base items and modified old items (right now it's based on TH1 but that will evolve); + Various technical improvements and bugfixes (many bugs still do exist though including those unrevealed); + ..more features will be listed later... v0.1967 (19:07 23.01.2018) + Updated credits info, support info, some other small things; + Renamed Galahad to Blackjack (dig the message?); v0.1973 (1:35 27.01.2018) + All base weapons received randomized damage and durability; v0.1975 (21:51 27.01.2018) + Randomized durability generation on all armor type items; + Added randomize of damage on bucklers; v0.1991 (18:56 02.02.2018) + Randomizing glove durability and requirements complete; + Randomizing bow durability and requirements complete; + Randomizing boots durability and requirements complete; + Refixed duping bug hopefully; + Shrine names obscured; + Fixed wrong player animation display in coop; + Expanded elemental list to cold and poison; + Game crash must create a log in game folder now: Th2CrashDump.dmp, (if game crashes, zip it to rar archive and send it to my email); v0.2029 (3:28 14.02.2018) + Base character damage adjusted to compliment twohanded weapons, now these weapons increase damage a lot, new conditionas are as follows: if a character has 2h weapon equipped and the type of the weapon is sharp or blunt,then base damage formula is: Gladiator: (clvl * (cSTR+cVIT) / 55) + 2, Monk: (CLVL * (cSTR + cVIT) / 60) + 4 (same damage with axes), Paladin: (clvl * (cSTR+cVIT) / 45 ) + 5; + Monk attacks adjacent targets when using poleaxe weapons; + Experimental feature: when jog is on, running is allowed when in dungeon and not in battle, Note: this works even in quest areas, Note: this can be turned off/on in config.ini (set runindungeon on/off); v0.2054 (1:46 26.02.2018) + Shield was losing durability according to old Diablo 1 rules: fixed; + Potion shift-clicking fixed: character no longer begins attacking during this; + Pressing ALT highlights items on the ground; + Some known bugs fixed; + Added a lot of new base items (subclass-specific items don't work properly, they are being merely prepared); v0.2089 (7:31 11.03.2018) + Finished adding sharp type items. All the old sharp weapon data is updated as well; + Finished adding randomization on base items (dur, danage, requirements). Only some shields remain; + Some bugfixes; + Some new affixes are added (they are certain to be bugged for now, feedback is welcome); v0.2124 (7:57 25.03.2018) + Adding more base items, expanding on the exisiting ones; + Improving affixes: adding new, removing obsolete, etc.; + Minimap added. Tab one more time and the map will be made smaller. Hit + or - to toggle between big/small modes; + Various items are highlighted with different colors on map; + Pressing ALT now shows item names that are on the floor, Note: clicking on the name of an item will make the hero approach it and pick it up; + Quest uniques now can have randomized values (stats to be modified later); + Pressing SHIFT+TAB while minimap is on, will auto-adjust its position to northwest corner of the screen; + Default monster blue item drop chance set to 5% (unique: 1%), boss unique item chance set to 10%; + Added magic find affixes, Note: MF percentage increases monster magic item find chance in direct percentage, Note: if total MF is +100% then chance to find blue item from monster is 10% multipled by 2 (resulting in 20%), Note: unique item find chance for monsters and bosses is quartered (25% in strength), Note: for ex., if total MF on a character is +200% then chance to find unique from a boss is 10% multipled by 1,5 (resulting in 15%); + Map blend in/out implemented. Adjust with Shift+/Shift-, Note: it's on by default. In case of display bugs, set 'set mapblend on' line in config to off; v0.2153 (21:53 10.04.2018) + Rare items are introduced as a possible drop from bosses, Note: this item type is fucntional but not really ready - yes, there will be morphing next time; + Items show info in floating pop-up windows now. To turn off set in config 'set infotip' to off; + TONS of base items are updated. But finally, they are brought to what I might name finalized state; + Adjusted some affixes; + Various other things done about development, just a usual chore, nothing in particular; v0.2185 (21:30 24.04.2018) + Some fixes to rare item display and functioning; + Base monster rare item drop chance reduced: 1% -> 0.1% ; + Stat limits raised: stat 750 -> 1000, and HP & mana 2000 -> 5000 ; + Rare items now generate only non-flag affixes; + Rare items generate now 1 negative affix (to remain within item power 2 range, for balance' sake); + Critical damage affixes updated; + Other fixes or reported bugs and general work with base items; v0.2234 (15:03 10.05.2018) + Relocated character rebound damage to a table, warriors and fighters have Reflect that does criticals now; + Rare items no longer generated with negative affixes; + Rare items now use a different affix table which allows to have 4 positive affixes without breaking balance; + ARD removed from magic item affix table and no longer needed, ARD defense works by default; + Sorted out affixes for magic and rare items, adjusted balancing, prices, levels and values for them all; + Affix of '+XP gain' works now after affix of '+% XP gain'; + Rare items now use pink color; + Griswold gives item restock of premiums at 0 + CLVL*6 price; + Characters show floating XP and damage (received) numbers. Can be turned off in config (showfloatingtext); + Floating number trajectories changed and randomized; + Added HP regenerated/healed as floating numbers (displayed in blue); + Double manacost for spells fixed (hopefully); + Fixed critical damage affix randomize bug (randomization of values wasn't working); + Added options to control regeneration floating number thresholds, Note: adjust numbers for these lines in config: set floatingHPRegenThreshold #, set floatingManaRegenThreshold #, Note: this will adjust how strong regeneration must be for you to see it happening, Note: works by hiding the regeneration of given strength an below. For ex., 2 for mana will only show regen of +3 and higher; v0.2381 (22:37 24.05.2018), "Strangers in the Night" + Builds now will have code names, just like rock band albums. For better distinction and for fun. This one is after Sinatra's song; + Affixes of flat +XP values are randomized now (will show +X-Y to XP instead of +X to XP); + Crossbows show 'slow damage' in Griswold's and Wirt's shop menu; + When items reach 1 current durability, they will give floating warnings each time max durability goes down, it's optional and adjusted in config; + Message log added in MP mode. Hit '0' to bring it up. Close by left clicking outside the window or pressing 'back'; + Character base resistances changed. Used to be all bVIT/16, now fire is bSTR/10, lightning bDEX/10, magic bMAG/10 (acid and cold unsupported yet); + XP floats are originated at the source of the XP (i.e. monster coordinates); + Life and mana orbs have text values on them if left clicked, adjustable in config; + Damage done to monsters now shown in new bloodgold color (set showFloatingDamage on/off); + Some visual UI improvements; + Inventory size is now 7x10 (was 4x10); + Updated and rearranged config file, added descriptions to options; + Inroducing Nightmare mode. Non-stop action until you die. Features: basically, it's caved in Ironman in one go. Can't use stash, go up in levels, only have one go, game can't be saved and characterfile is instantly deleted when you leave game. This is purely automatic, when you die, you can only choose ABANDON GAME option, which deletes your character, activate by naming your character NM_#your name# (for ex., NM_myrogue), TP relicts/books/shrines - don't work (TP shrine gives two random elixirs instead! No, it won't drop spectral ;D ), but to sweeten the deal, magic find is set to +100% at the start, bosses always frop 2 ID relix, bosses drop repair oil, which gets better as you go deeper (tier 1 til dlvl-5, tier 2 til dlvl-9, 3 til 17, and 4 after), also, firearrow trap damage is reduced by 75%; + Meta menu post image freezes fixed where possible; + Added feature to highlight Golem always, made optional, see config visual features; + Introducing Ironman mode. Mode is played according to these rules: , Note: activate by naming your character IM_#your name#; + In Ironman mode players see how many monsters and objects are left on current dlvl; + Ironman level clear gives horn sign to notify that proceeding down is allowed; + In Ironman mode dying leaves only MURDER HERO option available, which deletes your character. If you die, you die for good; + Changed colors of spinning pentagrams (orng -> red), menu skulls (red -> beige) and level-up buttons (orng -> red); + Revised Magic Rock quest rewards; + Added config option to control floating indicators of damage recieved by monsters (MonsterReceivedDamageThreshold); + Ironman mode save/load limitations updated, Note: player can SAVE & QUIT if last dungeon area level is cleared (dlvls 4/8/12/16/20/24), Note: in SP save game and load game are disabled, in MP new game and quit options are disabled until save point is reached; + Buying at vendors will save selected slot number after buying, instead of going back to position one; + Fighters start with axe now (instead of two clubs); + Multiplayer chatlog spruced up; + MP: buying full healing potions from Pepin will no longer result in them morphing into healing potions or relicts; + Introducing Hardcore mode: death is permanent and the only option if you died is to murder hero, Note: fire arrow trap damage has been reduced by 75% for this game mode to avoid suddent deaths, Note: to create a hardcore character, name them HC_#your name# ; + Joining MP games will now show info on the game mode, difficulty, character name, clvl and class; + Inability to join a game in MP will bring up a window with explanation (like, can't join a Nightmare game with Normal character); + Wrote code support for fast casting and activated affix series of faster cast speeds, this will cause magic item morphing; + Monster HP bars show monsters in color according to their rank (white/blue/gold); + Added new prefixes that increase character resistance to melee attack damage from monsters; + Character melee damage resistance formula revised (shown in percentage): minimum resistance: CLVL / 8 + bVIT / 16 + 1, maximum resistance: CLVL / 3 + bVIT / 8 + 5, Note: Monks have +2 to min and +3 to max, Rogues have +3 to min and +5 to max on top of that; + Added support (and affixes) for summoned minions: +HPs, +% HPs, +ToHit, +AC, +%AC (deactived tho), +%damage, +damage, Note: right now these improve Golem simply because there are no other summoned minions; + Under HP bars, monsters will show squares colored in the style of their immunities: fire - orange, lightning - beige, magic - crimson, curse - white, acid - yellow, cold is.. not supported yet; + Another fix to gold generating as rare item; + FFS so much is being done that I can't really remember what was added to report it here, anyway, monster HP bar is updated; + Added a lot of new affix types, added many of these to magic and rare item tables. There will be morphing, yay! ; + Upgraded character sheet window to show more of that useful stuff; + Character sheet window made bigger (just like inventory) and now has additional info slots: critical hit chance, critical hit damage, life regeneration speed, mana regeneration speed, magic item find chances, etc.; + Added affixes of holy arrows (gave it its own sound effect and holy-looking arrow look, and explode effect animation); + Added affixes of bonus accuracy, +damage, +%damage against various monster types (undead, demon, beast); + Removed some old affixes that are obsolete now (well, actually it's possible they will be used on unique items, not often), Note: and a little reminder here. Affix is a general name. Stuff before item is prefix, after - suffix; + Updated monster HP bar with imunities to the left under the bar, and vulnerabilities to the right (could be improved later); + Added new type of arrows: arcane; + Added new type of arrows: acid (they do over time damage to monsters and their HP bar goes white when it happens); + Sweep damage formula is changed to ( 25 + CLVL/2 )%; + Fighters now deal sweep damage when dual wielding and using melee 2handed weapons, Monks sweep with axes and staves; + Updated Main menu and Support looks; + Fighters can block in melee with all melee 2H weapons now, Note: max block chance is still 35% though, might need a raise in future to about 45-65% since it's only 2 frames; + Recolored Bile Demons and their bosses. Changes are not drastic but I had to recolor them from scratch to make them look better; + Revised resistances and immunities on all base and unique monsters; + Adjusted immunity and vulnerability markers under monster HP bar; + Monsters hit with acid will have their HP bar turn beige, also their outline will change color; + Updated Credits text; + Finished filling up all of new character sheet slots; + Character KB resistance formula changed to: ( bSTR/5 + 45 )%, and is displayed in character info window now; + Special game mode added: Overtime. Gives a player something like 60 seconds to score a kill, otherwise player is killed, Note: to create an overtime character, name them OT_#your name# ; v0.2383 (16:23 25.05.2018), hotfix + Emergency fix: throwing potions made unequippable because they caused game crashes and all sorts of trouble; v0.3000 (8:25 11.06.2018), "Ring of Fire" (Johny Cash) + In IM and NM modes oils now drop from bosses according to these new rules: dlvl 1: tier 1, dlvls 2-3: tier 2, dlvls 4-5: tier 3, dlvls 6-8: tier 4, dlvls 9-12: tier 5, dlvls 13+: tier 6; + Fixed Fighter blocking: now they actually do block with twohanders and don't with bare hands; + ALT highlight works correctly with Griswold shop open; + Nightmare fixes: elixir giver shrine no longer drops gold, spiritual shrine replace with elixir giver effect; + XP floats show correct info, now they process MP XP limitations as well; + Monster HP bar displays champion monster info now; + Spell cooldown info is shown on the right; + Upgraded some affixes of critical series, added some more; + MP XP gain cap removed; + Upgraded a lot of affix data; + Added Walock grimoire list; + Changed looks of some jewelry; + Added system of Perks. They will be assigned to characters retroactively; Note: formula is CLVL-1 perks for character (e.g., if you are level 17, you get 16 perk points), Note: yes, they do make the mod easier. No, I will not increase difficulty to compensate for that. Yes, I think that's ok; + Perk window is opened by [P] hotkey now. Added a button near mana orb, which is used to open perk window, Note: it replaces Friendly Fire switch in MP mode, but since it wasn't used really, I decided it's alright for now, Note: if need be, FF switch will be restored; + Rebalanced all perks again. Now they make more sense and provide excellent balance; + Automap is no longer drawn over perk window; + Item damage indicators no longer drawn over perk cross; + Revisions made to all quest uniques (fixing, adjusting); + Renamed some unique monsters; + Added 2 lines of unique items: rings and amulets; + Fighter class is now renamed to Savage (finally); + Fixed all perk related code; + Fixed character save/load code; + Fixed Warlord of Blood speech interruptibility; + Fixed Tremain's absence in town; + Fixed City of the Damned level loading palette; + Items show info in tooltips always, old way is turned off completely. Config option removed as well; + Fixed Slain Hero gamecrash (at least, it's supposed to be fixed); + Armor type items now can add DFE and damage resistance as base parameters; + All items of armor type were assigned individual DFE/AC/DR attributes; + Adjusted magic affixes and rare affixes to compensate; v0.3001 (5:33 12.06.2018), hotfix + Fixed unidentified items not updating DFE/DR on character; + Fixed white items showing red text; v0.4000 (19:26 24.06.2018), "It's so easy" (Willy DeVille) + Affix segregation introduced: affixes are now of battle/magic/combo type. Same with base items. This will create a better affix distribution. This applies to rare items as well; + Regeneration of life and mana rules were modified. Now it's +1 per each 20 current points of MAG/VIT, and randomizers are turned off, Note: this means there will be no more jumping values in character sheet; + Some minor GUI improvements; + Fixed PvP ranged battle. Wasn't functional; + Fixed stash item corruption bug which was discovered after v0.3000 public release, Note: sorry about that, if your stash file was corrupted, you will have to delete it, it won't be a subject to repair, Note: on the bright side, it's fortunate it didn't happen after v1.00 release. That's why we have testing builds; + Added subclass and specialization selection in meta menu (when creating new character), Note: there used to be 6 classes, now there are 29, Note: of course, they don't really feel different right now, it will take time; + Changed intro main menu music theme (you'll have to upgrade to music packs v8 if it's mute); + Items now have full support for class/subclass/specialization requirements; + Character level requirement support added for base items; + In SP items that cannot be worn by class restrictions do not drop, and do not sell, Note: this will dramatically reduce the type of items you get thus increasing percentage of useful ones as well, Note: in MP you will still get a lot of items, as before, and this could get changed in next builds, we'll see; + Game mode is no longer selected by giving character a certain name, it is now chosen during character creation; + Champions now give +50% experience points; + Magic find is now +100% for Ironman mode; + Overtime mode removed and not supported anymore; + Setup is available in multiplayer modes of Ironman and Nightmare; + Generation of Town Portal relicts/books/staves is now forbidden in Ironman and Nightmare modes; + In IM/NM modes, if it's SP mode and current player is of Mage type, bosses drop magic books with 33% chance, instead of a magic item; + Item class requirement displayed in red if class doesn't match; + In SP Ironman or Nightmare mode portal to Lazarus level is now opened by right-clicking Lazarus staff; + In multiplayer extra game modes are not checked for connectivity, this will be taken care of somewhat later; v0.4005 (15:10 25.06.2018) + Expanded affix segregation: now there will be no weapons of sharp type that add damage against undead, and no blunts with damage against beasts; + Added a more powerful affix of '+all stats' type: of 'the elders' (generated only on amulets); + Adjusted all other affixes completely, all over again. Excluded undesirable generations and combinations, revised numbers, rearranged among item types; v0.4100 (10:23 11.07.2018) + Segregation of affixes expanded to "understand" difference between 1H/2H sharps/blunts; + Armor racks no longer allow for incompatible class drops; + PvM Ranged combat code is improved. Preparations made for improvements. Frozen for now; + Created a line of 6 new unique items (based on Sash); + Improved quality of some base item pictures; + Lots of affix optimization works; + Fleshdoom quest level 3 was modified to get rid of entry point cheese (as in TH1); v0.5000 (21:37 24.07.2018), "Switch Twitch" (Fluke) + Loot segregation taken one step further: players will now find less item types they cannot use (or can't use effectively); + Greatly revised item availability by subclass in SP mode: DEX axes only for Shugoki, two-handed battle staves only for Monk, crossbows only for Warriors and Savages, etc.; + Minor tweaks in Perk balance (some fine-tunings in 'Here and Now!' requirements); + Iron Maiden items (helms/armors/bucklers) now give basic thorns damage; + Added Thorns series affixes. They are generated exclusively on Iron Maiden-specific items; + Bloodbane is now not triple immune; + Knight class renamed to Templar; + Revised affixes again. Finally some good news! We are approaching affix stability stage. Should be there in 1-2 build release time. I really hope so; + Added a line of unique boots; + Added a line of fast crossbows for Iron Maiden (now she's ready to be played, more or less); + Flasks can be thrown now (for now, as arrows), allowed to be equipped; + Flasks no longer are allowed to be dual equipped. Now Bombardier fights in flask + shield style (single flask is still shown as animation with shield); v0.5001 (23:37 25.07.2018), hotfix + Game freezes in window mode fixed (used to do that on ALT pressing); + Fixed lightning arrows damage text; v0.5002 (17:58 27.07.2018), hotfix + Added Murky Pool and Fountain of Tears to Ironman mode exception objects; v0.5003 (12:46 28.07.2018), hotfix + Added Mythical Book to object exceptions for Ironman mode (dlvl-6 quest book); v0.5004 (13:07 28.07.2018), hotfix + Added all the rest of potential problem causer objects to Ironman mode exceptions. This time it's final, I certainly hope so; v0.5005 (23:18 29.07.2018), hotfix + Added more base items; + Fixed uIDs #3 and #4; v0.5011 (12:49 03.08.2018) + Working with base items; v0.5014 (23:58 15.08.2018) + Executioner masks lose all armor but get advanced damage absorption; + Added and modified some base items; v0.5015 (14:58 17.08.2018) + Added some more items to the pool; v0.5016 (19:38 03.09.2018) + Added a line of Gladiator swords (Gladii); + Added some more base items; + Removed grave epitaphs for deleted backers; v0.5017 (12:54 06.09.2018), hotfix + Added some dungeon objects (special books) to exception to fix getting stuck in Ironman mode (hopefully that will fix getting stuck in dlvl-12); v0.5020 (17:31 21.09.2018) + Added more base items; + Redesigned some old base items; v0.5025 (1:36 07.10.2018) + MSL rules altered (these are character total stat sum limits, see TH1 changelog if you want to know more): clvl < 16: 7 * clvl + 65, clvl < 21: 7 * clvl + 75, clvl < 26: 8 * clvl + 85, clvl < 31: 8 * clvl + 90, clvl < 36: 9 * clvl + 100, clvl < 41: 9 * clvl + 110, clvl < 46: 10 * clvl + 120, clvl > 45: unlimited; + Began subclass max stat segregation, unfinished though; + Affixes (magic and rare) of flat +life/mana regeneration are doubled in power; + Added 10 new unique items based on Cloth Gloves; v0.5026 (2:50 08.10.2018) + Supplied new unique gloves with unique pictures; + Fixed item flip animations (used to show some imagery as chainmail if image wasn't assigned to a base item and was over 1472 in number); v0.5027 (17:38 09.10.2018) + Added 7 unique items based on Cape (uID#182), 45 uniques total now (not including quest rewards); + Added 11 uniques based on Short Knife (uID#186), 56 uniques total now; + Added 4 uniques based on Wooden Club (uID#92), 60 uniques total now; v0.5028 (22:17 12.10.2018) + Added 6 uniques on uID#83 (Small Bow); + Added 10 uniques on uID#57 (Hatchet); + Added 14 uniques on uID#19 (Light Staff); + Added 7 uniques on uID#191 (Scare Mask, tier 1); v0.5030 (18:51 13.10.2018) + Added 4 new uniques on uID#192 (Scalped Wraps). Total of 101 uniques now; + Upgrades to some quest uniques; + Added 3 uniques on uID#193 (Arena Tunic); + Added 3 uniques on uID#194 (iron hat, wood mask, galeas tier 1, sage hood, steel cap, circlet); + Changed uID#83 items to: Horn bow, Light crossbow, hortened crossbow and Long bow; + Removed unique pics from uniques based on uID#83; + Added 6 uniques on uID#49 (Targe). Total of 113 uniques now; v0.5100 (21:27 14.10.2018) + Added 6 uniques on uID#25 (great club); + Added 3 uniques on uID#59 (long sword); + Added 3 uniques on uID#64 (short sword); + Added 4 uniques on uID#65 (gladius tier 3); + Added 4 uniques on uID#63 (slim blade); + Added 3 uniques on uID#35 (flanged mace); + Added 4 uniques on uID#66 (steel hammer); + Added 4 uniques on uID#175 (bardiche). Total of 144 uniques now; + Improved rare item name generator; v0.5101 (18:19 15.10.2018) + Added a line of Kensei two-handed blades; + Prepared to add a line of one-handed blades for Shinobi (Tanto is usable both by Kensei and Shinobi); + Rogue line Katana blade replace with Khopesh; v0.5109 (22:21 16.10.2018) + Shinobi sword line created (10 one-handed swords, one of them being Tanto, shared with Kensei); + Bonewing, Firewing, Stormwing: more XP (approx. +50%); + Replacings and improvements of item imagery; + Redesigned some base items; + Fixed attributes and affix syntax in some uniques; + Added 10 new items: a line of blunts for Kensei (Kanobo clubs); + Other small corrections in data of monsters and items; v0.5116 (0:27 18.10.2018) + Added 4 uniques on uID#86 (Kanabo tier 2). Total uniques 148 now; + Monk subclasses are differentiated in colour now: Monk: orange, Kensei: blue (improved native), Shugoki: red, Shinobi: black; + All Mage subclasses received color distinctions: Mage: red (default, but I improved colors of original animation), Warlock: crimson, Elementalist: blue, Beastmaster: beige/golden/brass, Demonologist: dark orange, Necromancer: grey/white/silver; + Added color schemes ro Archer subclasses: Archer: default, Trapper: blue, Sharpshooter: black, Scout: red; v0.5117 (10:23 18.10.2018) + Fixed TRN coloring code for Monk subclasses; + Fixed wrong pointer for Mage in chain armor - caused freeze; + Cancelled Archer subclass coloring; v0.5120 (15:28 23.10.2018) + Warrior subclasses received distinctive coloring: Warrior: blue, Inquisitor: beige, Guardian: orange, Templar: crimson (as before); + Savage class colors: Savage: red+black, Executioner: black+red (sounds similar, but it does look different), Berserker: dark, Thraex: red (as Gladiator in TH1), Murmillo: deeper blue, Dimachaerus: yellow/beige, Secutor: default; + Fixed unique Light Staff attribute display (report if unique items display stats not right); + Rogue subclasses remain with the same color due to some technical issues; v0.5129 (19:08 24.10.2018) + Added 3 new unique items based on uID#80 (Light rod, Hatred doll, Smoked sphere, Bone wand); + [Dragon] Fixed Rogue subclasses crashing game after having received a custom TRN recolor; + Bombardier and Iron Maiden TRN recolors reactivated again; + Assassin is given new color; + Bombardier flask handling changed (she'll be bugged until it's finished, have patience, it's a work in progress); + Fixed Curved Dagger damage (was overpowered) and Balanced Sword (same); + Fixed more unique items display; + Added 5 uniques based on uID#189 (Booklet of Black Magic); + Added 3 uniques based on uID#50 (Adventurer Coat). Total uniques 159 now; v0.5131 (19:26 25.10.2018) + Added 4 uniques based on uID#52 (Tight bow); + Added 5 uniques based on uID#29 (Precision bow). Total uniques 168 now; v0.5140 (13:17 28.10.2018) + Item auto-equip disabled, it also fixes secondary flask equip bug; + Starting character weapon damages randomized; + Limit of base items raised to 20000; + Limit of unique items raised to 20000; + uID number raised from 255 to 4 billion (int value); + More works with Bombardier mechanics; + Maiden crossbows got new pics now; + Added 5 uniques based on uID#2000 (Recurve crossbow). Total uniques 173 now; + Affixes of '+critical damage%, +critical chance' improved in damage; v0.5200 (2:58 01.11.2018), "Life's a Bitch" (Motorhead) + All Monk subclass are recolored; + Added blunt weapons for Shinobi (some still need uniqe pics, it will get done in future); + Dex line sharps and blunts are no longer usable by Monk subclasses (Kensei/Shinobi have their own lines, Shugoki/Monk use different tools); + Applied a lot of class restriction to base items, to get rid of useless (or inappropriate) loot; + Added some base items; + Some unique item data fixes; + Various fixes here and there (too many to report); + All subclasses have different initial and max stats now. These can change slightly in future, but it's working already; + Various classes start with different sorts of weapons, depending on what they are supposed to use; v0.6000 (23:37 11.11.2018), "Blackjack" (Airbourne) + Fixed Skull Breaker image; + Fixed lifesteal and manasteal functioning; + Fixed a bug when Mana Shield would allow for some damage to hit points if hit by elemental arrows from monsters; + Fixed perks being applied to every character in coop games; + Continued work on Bombardier mechanics; + Deleted Glowing shrine (+5 MAG, -5% XP one); + Some affixes now have shorter descriptions; + Fixed some numbers on Kensei weapons; + Added 5 uniques based on uID#2001 (War crossbow); + Post-effects added to flask explosions; + More base items added; + Adjusted max stats on all Mage subclasses; + Added 5 uniques based on uID#2002 (Jagged Sword). Total uniques 183 now; + Flask durability can now be restored with oils/shrines; + Fixed a bug that allowed 2H sword affixes be generated on 1H swords (can cause affix morphing on swords, sorry); + Fixed Shinobi blades (were 2-handed O_O ); + Affixes are now allowed to generate on flasks. Means, they will now be magical and rare as well (and soon uniques to arrive - in next updates); + Bombardier mechanics are finished, more or less, Note: now there are 2 types of flasks: exploding and with delayed damage (explosive and burning), Note: there are 3 types of flasks: fire, lightning and acid, Note: explosives give insant damage and knockback targets (acid explosive still gives damage over time); + Warning! There is a bug I caught a couple of times. When flask durability reaches zero, it can hang the game, We couldn't fix it (it's hard to reproduce), if you come across this bug, send me the savefile, it could help, To avoid this from happening, simply dont let your active flask go red on you. Apart from that, it's all good. Have fun and report bugs; v0.6001 (3:26 15.11.2018) + All flasks now have reorganized names (and magic names), pics and flip animations, Note: now you can tell what kind of flasks you will buy at Griswold just by reading the names, Note: also, just by looking at flasks, you will know what tier it belongs to, as they now differ visually, Note: same applies to flasks flying or being dropped - you can tell its type by the looks of it; + No base- or unique monster can now be immune both to fire, lightning and acid (to prevent impossible situations for Bombardier), Note: sorry about Grossrot, Jim. We talked and he's really sorry, and promised to never do that again; + Added 7 new base items: Hearts. Worn only by Beastmaster as offhand (instead of shield); + Fixed magic item display info (some jewelry lines displayed wrong color); + Flasks no longer show 'equip to throw' line (should be obvious what to do with it); + Mana Shield works like before, previous fix cancelled until it can be re-written properly; + Flasks no longer crash game when durability depletes; + Flasks durability loss obeys common item break rules now: if currentDUR reaches 1, and maxDUR is depleted then until it reaches zero (then the item is destroyed); + Flasks no longer can fly over walls and obstacles (a bug is a bug); + Stat rerolling shrine doesnt give free 5 stats now if stat limit was reached; + Added random name generator for rare flasks; v0.6200 (10:53 23.11.2018) + Changed some flip animations; + Character base damage formulae were expanded to support all 29 classes. Now base damage will be sufficient only if you use class specific weapons: Mage classes: all damage is the same, low, Warrior/Inquisitor/Templar: 1h-sword or 1h mace + shield = high damage, xbow = high, else = low, Guardian: Axe / 2h-sharp/ 2h-blunt = high, xbow = high, else = low, Archer/Scout/Sharpshooter: bow = high, else = low, Trapper: low, Monk: staves = high, bows - moderate, else = low, Kensei: 2h-sharp / 2h-blunt / bow = high, else = low, Shugoki: axe / bow = high, else = low, Shinobi: 1h-sharp / 1h-blunt / bow = high, else = low, Rogue: unchanged, Assassin: moderate with evrything ([clvl * cSTR] / 100 ), Iron Maiden: low (supposed to damage through thorned items), Bombardier: low, Savage: high (but bad with dual wielding), Berserker: high, Executioner: very high (bad with dual wielding), Thraex/Murmillo/Secutor: bad with dual wielding and axe, all else = high, Dimachaerus: decent with bow, excellent when dual wielding (especially if weapons are of the same type), all else = low; + Added 1 more unique ring; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2003 (Great pickaxe). Total uniques 190 now; + Fixed a bug where looting Slain Hero corpse would freeze the game for Shugoki class (tried to drop staff and there is none for Shugoki); v0.6201 (7:58 25.11.2018) + Iron Maiden base damage formula updated: Crossbow: (clvl * cSTR ) / 80, Sword + Buckler: (clvl * cSTR ) / 100, Flail + Buckler: (clvl * cSTR ) / 100, all else: (clvl * cSTR ) / 500; + Rewritten Gladiator base damage rules, should be as intended now; + Build 0.6200 got released with Remotery tool not deactivated, it's a debugger and it started causing crashes with line 1580 error report. Now it's fixed, Note: deactivated in release builds, please report all oddities in discord if this behavior persists after updating; v0.6300 (22:49 27.11.2018) + Insta damage flasks damage boosted ( by approx. 14% ); + Gothic shield and stronger: restricted to warriors; + Non-gladius (and sica) 1h-swords are no longer usable by executioner and gladiators (savages and berserkers are allowed to use them), Note: Executioner is not supposed to wield little weapons and Gladiators have their own line(s) of sharps; + IM base damage set to clvl*str / 70 with xbows; + Fixed IM base damage with all weapon+shield combos; + Fixed elemental arrow (monster to player) overdose damage and their Manashield penetration (hopefully, some feed would be nice!); + Fixed weapon rack drops so it no longer produces nonsense drop. In multiplayer it will drop randomly sword/axe/mace/shield/staff/flask/bow, Note: for SP (thanks to segregation) there are per-class rules now that give actually droppable item types and are useful; + Updated ReadMe file (screen mode info); + In window modes, smoothing is auto-applied to reduce pixelization and improve the picture (update config.ini for that); + Removed unused lines from config.ini; + Some perks were rebalanced; v0.7000 (4:54 11.12.2018) + Added 6 uniques on uID#2004 (Hauberk). Total uniques 196 now; + Bombardier is given less aggressive TRN in light armor; + Fixed some crashes if moving near map edges. A try to fix "unable to write save" error; + Sica swords are allowed for Dimachaerus now; + Fixed the freeze bug on weapon switch during attacking. This also fixed the flasks durability loss freeze (because it resulted in attack animation switch); + Fixed a bug with flashing mouse cursor in windowed and borderless mode; + Remotery is forcefully excluded from default build (just to make sure); + Fixed a crash with monsters out of sync in coop games; + (X)bow accuracy by class is adjusted: Sharpshooter: +60 (now she's a champion of accuracy with bows), Scout/Archer: +20 (as before), Guardian: +30, Warrior / Templar / Inquisitor: +10, the rest: +0, Note: Warriors are less accurate now, and Savages too, but perks and affixes are there to compensate it if there's a need; + Maximum blocking chance is default 75% for all classes vs arrows (from monsters), Savage / Berserker / Executioner / Dimachaerus: max 20% chance now; + Black Marquis: +1 to drop. Lich King now drops 10 items (as in TH1); + Executioner mode is back. Players in MP Horror with clvl over 36 will get 4x damage, Players on Purgatory MP with clvl over 49 will get 4x damage; + Changed weapon swing speeds for certain classes: Guardian attacks on frame 9 with axe (+1 to speed); Sharpshooter and Trapper loose arrows at frame 8 (-1 speed); Iron Maiden and Bombardier swing swords/maces and attack at frame 9 (-1 speed); Gladiators attack with axe on frame 10 (-2 speed), Executioner and Savage - on frame 9 (-1 speed), Note: Berserker is the fastest with axe now: attacks with axe on frame 8, as before; + Templar now does +20% damage to undead in melee (not all Warrior classes, like before); + Monk does +20% damage to demons in melee; + Assassin does +20% damage to beasts in melee; + Stingers get less melee damage in MP : 200% -> 150% ; + Executioner is given +[5-10]% bonus to melee damage resistance as an innate bonus; + Maximum melee blocking chances adjusted per class: Guardian/Bombardier/Shugoki: 40%, Rogue/Assassin/Dimachaerus: 25%, Savage/Berserker: 45%, Executioner: 10%, Others: 75%; + Changed life regeneration calculation order (DLVL-related modifiers now come after other modifiers); + Modified life regeneration speed bonuses for classes: Gladiators: 0 (now basic, without +1 bonus), Savage/Berserker: as before (+1), Executioner: multiplied by 3, +5 (basically, that's triple life regen speed plus 5 points on top of that), Guardian: +1, Monk/Kensei/Shinobi: +2 (as before), Shugoki: +3, Others: unchanged; + Grand revision of stun threshold formula, by class: WARRIOR/INQUISITOR: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/3 + bVIT/8 - 2, GUARDIAN: Rnd[(clvl/2)+9] + clvl/3 + bVIT/8 - 1, TEMPLAR/ARCHER/SCOUT/SHARPSHOOTER/TRAPPER: Rnd[(clvl/2)+6] + clvl/3 + bVIT/8 - 1, MAGE/ELEMENTALIST/WARLOCK/DEMONOLOGIST/NECROMANCER/BEASTMASTER: Rnd[(clvl/2)+5] + clvl/3 + bVIT/8 - 1, MONK/KENSEI: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/3 + bVIT/8 - 1, SHUGOKI: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/3 + bVIT/7 - 2, SHINOBI/ROGUE/ASSASSIN/IRON_MAIDEN/BOMBARDIER: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/3 + bVIT/8 - 2, SAVAGE: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/3 + bVIT/8 - 2, BERSERKER: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/3 + bVIT/7 - 1, EXECUTIONER: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/5 + bVIT/5 - 1, THRAEX/MURMILLO/DIMACHAERUS/SECUTOR: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/3 + bVIT/8 - 2; + Bonus +1 to armor piercing to all Savage subclasses is removed. Thraex has +2 AP now though; + Base life/mana formula has been modified for all classes: WARRIOR/INQUISITOR/TEMPLAR/THRAEX/DIMACHAERUS/SECUTOR: life: 3*bVit +2*clvl + 18, mana: bMAG + clv - 1, GUARDIAN: life: 3,5*bVit + 3*clvl + 5, mana: bMAG + clvl + 4, SHUGOKI: life: 3,5*bVit + 3*clvl + 12, mana: bMAG + clvl + 4, ARCHER/SCOUT/SHARPSHOOTER: life: 2*bVIT + 2*clvl + 8, mana: bMAG + 2 * clvl + 3, BOMBARDIER: life: 1,5 * bVIT + clvl + 22, mana: bMAG * 1,5 + clvl - 3, TRAPPER: life: 1,5 * bVIT + clvl + 24, mana: bMAG * 1,5 + clvl + 4, MAGE/ELEMENTALIST/WARLOCK: life: bVIT + clv + 9, mana: 2 * bMAG + 2*clvl + 3, DEMONOLOGIST/NECROMANCER: life: bVIT + 2*clv + 8, mana: 1,5 * bMAG + 2*clvl + 13, BEASTMASTER: life: 2*bVIT + clvl/2 - 5, mana: 1,5 * bMAG + 2*clvl + 13, MONK/KENSEI/SHINOBI: life: 2,5*bVIT + 2*clv + 13, mana: 1,5 * bMAG + clvl + 2, ROGUE/ASSASSIN: life: 2*bVIT + 2*clv + 18, mana: 1,5 * bMAG + 2*clvl + 3, IRON_MAIDEN: life: 3* bVIT + clvl/5 + 25, mana: 1,5 * bMAG + 2*clvl + 3, SAVAGE/BERSERKER/MURMILLO: life: 4*bVIT + 2*clv + 13, mana: 1,5 * bMAG + 2*clvl + 11, EXECUTIONER: life: 5*bVIT + 3*clv - 8, mana: bMAG + clvl/2 ; + Stairs to town are not generated anymore in Nightmare mode on dungeon levels 5/9/13/17/21; + Killing Uber Diablo in Ironman or Nightmare mode enables SAVE & QUIT option in game menu, which now allows you to continue past Horror; + Kiling Uber Diablo in SP Horror NM/IM modes doesn't end the game, cinematics are not triggered (again, to allow you to continue past Horror); + Iron Maiden can crit with thorns or Reflect: 10% chance for +300% damage; + Dimachaerus now has bonus +1 to armor piercing; + Changed starting stats for some classes; + Critical hit formula tables for melee/arrows/magic/reflect expanded to support full classes; + Rebalanced critical hit base chance, damage multiplier and chance multiplier for all classes, for all combat types (116 formulas!); + Mage class now can actually score criticals with spells. Formula for crit: +100% damage at 5 + (clvl / 10)% chance; + Elementalist does +200% critical damage with spells. Chance is 5 + (clvl / 5)%; + Slow crossbows had their average damage reduced by 50%. They are still +50% in average DPS; + Fixed errors in some unique item data; + Added more names to flask name generator; + Fury effects are now different for all classes: WARRIOR: toHitPercent += charLevel / 3 + 5; ACFromItems += charLevel / 4 + 2; addsDamage += 2 * charLevel; spellsIncreasedLevels -= 2; damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 5 + 1; INQUISITOR: toHitPercent += charLevel / 2 - 3; ACFromItems += charLevel / 3 - 1; addsDamage += 2 * charLevel - 1; spellsIncreasedLevels -= 2; damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 4 ; GUARDIAN: toHitPercent += charLevel >> 1; ACFromItems += charLevel / 2 - 5; addsDamage += 2 * charLevel + 2; spellsIncreasedLevels -= 2; damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 4 - 1; TEMPLAR: toHitPercent += charLevel / 5 + 10; ACFromItems += charLevel / 9 + 15; addsDamage += 2 * charLevel + 1; spellsIncreasedLevels -= charLevel / 10 - 1; damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 5 + 5; ARCHER: addsDamage += charLevel + 5; toHitPercent -= charLevel / 2 - 5; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 3 - 3; damageFromEnemies += 2 * charLevel / 7 + 1; SCOUT: addsDamage += 3 * charLevel / 2 + 3; toHitPercent -= 1 * charLevel >> 1; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 3 - 2; damageFromEnemies += 2 * charLevel / 9 + 3; SHARPSHOOTER: addsDamage += 2 * charLevel - 2; toHitPercent += charLevel / 3 + 7; ACFromItems -= 2 * charLevel / 3; damageFromEnemies += 3 * charLevel / 13 + 3; TRAPPER: addsDamage += 2 * charLevel / 11; toHitPercent -= 2 * charLevel / 7; ACFromItems += 2 * charLevel / 3; damageFromEnemies -= 2 * charLevel / 9; MAGE: spellsIncreasedLevels += 2; addsManaBy64 += charLevel << 7; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 2; damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 4; ELEMENTALIST: spellsIncreasedLevels += charLevel / 12 + 1; addsManaBy64 += 128 * charLevel; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 2; damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 3; DEMONOLOGIST/NECROMANCER/BEASTMASTER: spellsIncreasedLevels += 2; addsManaBy64 += charLevel << 7; ACFromItems -= charLevel << 7 >> 8; damageFromEnemies += charLevel >> 2; WARLOCK: spellsIncreasedLevels += 2; addsManaBy64 += 256 * charLevel; ACFromItems -= 3 * charLevel / 4; damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 5 + 3; MONK: addsDamage += 2 * charLevel; damageFromEnemies -= charLevel >> 2; magicResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; fireResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; lightningResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; ACFromItems -= charLevel >> 1; --spellsIncreasedLevels; KENSEI: addsDamage += 3 * charLevel / 2; damageFromEnemies -= charLevel / 5; magicResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; fireResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; lightningResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 3; --spellsIncreasedLevels; SHUGOKI: addsDamage += 5 * charLevel / 2; damageFromEnemies -= charLevel / 5; magicResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; fireResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; lightningResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 3; --spellsIncreasedLevels; SHINOBI: addsDamage += 5 * charLevel / 4; damageFromEnemies -= charLevel >> 2; magicResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; fireResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; lightningResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; ACFromItems -= charLevel >> 1; --spellsIncreasedLevels; ROGUE: ACFromItems += 3 * charLevel / 8; addsDamage += 3 * (charLevel / 2); damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 4; magicResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; fireResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; lightningResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; ASSASSIN: ACFromItems += 5 * charLevel / 8; addsDamage += 7 * (charLevel / 2); damageFromEnemies += 3 * charLevel / 2; magicResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; fireResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; lightningResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; IRON_MAIDEN: ACFromItems += charLevel / 2 + 1; addsDamage += 3 * (charLevel / 5); damageFromEnemies -= charLevel / 4 ; magicResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; fireResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; lightningResistPercent += charLevel >> 2; BOMBARDIER: ACFromItems += charLevel / 2; //addsDamage += charLevel >> 1); damageFromEnemies += charLevel / 11 + 1; magicResistPercent += charLevel / 3; fireResistPercent += charLevel / 3; lightningResistPercent += charLevel / 3; SAVAGE: spellsIncreasedLevels -= charLevel; addsDamage += 4 * charLevel; damageFromEnemies -= charLevel / 3; toHitPercent += charLevel / 3; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 3; BERSERKER: spellsIncreasedLevels -= charLevel / 2; addsDamage += 3 * charLevel; damageFromEnemies -= 2 * charLevel / 5; toHitPercent += 2 * charLevel / 3; ACFromItems -= 2 * charLevel / 3; EXECUTIONER: spellsIncreasedLevels -= charLevel; addsDamage += 9 * charLevel / 2; damageFromEnemies -= 3 * charLevel / 7 - 4; toHitPercent += charLevel / 2; ACFromItems -= charLevel; THRAEX: spellsIncreasedLevels -= 2; addsDamage += 2 * charLevel; damageFromEnemies -= 2 * charLevel / 9; toHitPercent += 5 * charLevel / 4; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 3; MURMILLO: spellsIncreasedLevels -= 4; addsDamage += 7 * charLevel / 4; damageFromEnemies -= 2 * charLevel / 5; toHitPercent -= charLevel / 4 - 2; ACFromItems += 3 * charLevel / 4; DIMACHAERUS: spellsIncreasedLevels -= 3; addsDamage += 5 * charLevel / 3; damageFromEnemies -= 2 * charLevel / 7; toHitPercent += charLevel; ACFromItems -= charLevel / 2; SECUTOR: spellsIncreasedLevels += charLevel / 10; addsDamage += 2 * charLevel; damageFromEnemies -= 3 * charLevel / 10 + 2; toHitPercent -= charLevel / 2; ACFromItems += charLevel / 10; + Tripleshot is activated by Fury now only for Archer and Scout classes; + Spiritual shrine gives less gold now (approx. - 50% gold); + Added 1 more dungeon variation to Cursed Blade quest level 3; + Added 1 more dungeon variation to Skeleton King quest on horror difficulty; + Added 1 more dungeon variation to Water Supply quest on horror difficulty; + Added 11 uniques on uID#2005 (Sica Dagger); + Added 6 uniques on uID#2006 (Chokuto, Kodachi). Total uniques 213 now; + Increased Holy Bolt damage is now applied only to Templar class; + Gladiators can now use only their class specific shields. Executioner cannot wield shields at all; + Thraex class now gets no penalty for using swords against Undead (because their Sica swords are like this, and they know how to use them properly), Note: swords won't give you the +50% dmg against Undead in this case as a blunt weapon would do, just you don't have the -50% total damage for a malus; + Old Ironman bug is checked: there is no bug. No objects remain unchecked. Ironman dungeon object clear counter works without bugs; + Executioner is given personal GET_HIT and DYING sounds; + Monk class: sweep damage is (37-75)% instead of standard (25-50)% ; + Fixed a bug with Ghouls getting +health from arrows on MP Doom (presumably on MP Purgatory level 7 as well), Note: I'm not 100% sure it's fixed, I had to re-write that code from scratch using my TH1 asm code as reference, but I hope I did well; + Updated some class pics in meta menu; + Turned off automatic flip animation adjustment for staff type items; + Effigies now have flip animation of teddy bear; + Grave Digger type of monsters now can growl or moan when they see you; + Greeting sound also added for boars, quasits, liches, cacodemons; + Added 2 more trigger sounds for regular goats and reduced chances for them; + Fixed (again) weapon rack crash. It will drop gold if no suitable item is found, Note: it was staff or flask type of would-be drop that seemed to cause the trouble, Note: staff type drops still are not limited by MAG requirement, and too powerful items are dropped, but it's better than a crash, we'll try to fix it better later, Note: word is this fix can influence some other item desynch issues in a good way, including multiplayer coop item desynch; + Reflect now has ability to score critical hits. Only Iron Maiden provides substantial damage with it though; + Adria can recharge staves (or rather items) in right hand and in secondary item slot; v0.7036 (2:15 21.12.2018) + Assassin Fury DFE damage is reduced to 4 * clvl / 7 (was 3 * clvl / 2); + Sharpshooter citical damage with bow set to +500%, +[20-30]; + Sharpshooter bow crit formula set to: 6 + (clvl / 4) % ; + Ironman mode: having 0 to 5 uncleared dungeon objects will suffice to move on now, Note: no more pixelhunting in caves/abyss; + Modified boss oil drops in NM/IM modes: Horror dlvls 1-2: repair oil I, Horror dlvls 3-15: repair oil II, deeper down and on Purgatory & Doom: repair oil III ; + Character blocking sound randomized: 3 new sounds added; + Ghoul arrow damage resistance fixed on MP Purgatory dlvl 7 ; + PvM Melee MP Purgatory: Uber Diablo damage resistance upped from 1/4 to 1/6; + PvM Magic MP Purgatory: Uber Diablo damage resistance upped from 1/4 to 1/6; + PvM Missile: Savage classes used to get only half of base damage with crossbows. Now it's fixed and they get it at full, Note: future balancing should address balance issues, but "Strong Arm" perk will definetely be working properly with xbows now; + PvM arrow damage was x2 in v0.7000 because of an error, now fixed; + Sharpshooter new base damage formula with bow is: ( (cSTR + cDEX) * clvl) / 90 ; + Fix to magic arrows: now multi magic arrows are allowed on any items, and damage is summed from them all; + Added support for new affixes: +X% damage to spells (e.g., +8% Arcane Star damage), accounted for in spellbook, +X% damage to elements (spell group by type of damage) (e.g., +X% to lightning damage), affects magic damage from weapons as well, +X to Y spell damage (e.g., +13-19 Fire Bolt damage), accounted for in spellbook, +X to Y element (spell group by type of damage) damage (e.g., +4-6 to arcane damage), affects magic damage from weapons as well, Note: these are being prepared mostly for uniques, and maybe as a substitute on some of the currently less attractive affixes; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2007 (Wizard Mask). Total uniques 219 now; + Added 32 uniques on uID#2008 (Ring); + Corrections in old unique item data; + New armor added: Ebony Plate Mail. Best arrow damage dissipation among armors. Inquisitor only; + New Fury cast sound for Executioner class added; + Fixed a bug with wrong Nightmare/Ironman mode exit; + Iron Maiden speed changes (affects Bombardier as well): 2 swords / 2 blunts: frame 10, sword+shield / blunt+shield: frame 9, xbow: frame 10, Note: that should fix odd speeds with her and even out swinging speeds for all weapon coombos, plus makes her a little faster with xbows, Note: dualwielding will be slower for her, favoured style now is 1h weapon + shield, or xbow (against retreating ranged attackers); + Following quest levels now give 50% more experience, to make them more attractive: KING_LEORICS_TOMB, BONE_CHAMBER, THE_INFESTED_CELLAR, POISONED_WATER_SUPPLY, ARCHBISHOP_LAZARUS_LAIR, HALLS_OF_ANGUISH, ANDARIELS_THRONE, HORAZONS_HAVEN, SUMMONING_ROOMS, THE_PIT, PASSAGE_OF_FIRE, VALLEY_OF_DESPAIR, DISUSED_RELIQUARY, GLACIAL_CAVERNS, FROZEN_LOCH; + A little less gold from super bosses; + Bosses would never drop Executioner headwear on Doom because this item type was checked for minimum armor of 10. Now it checks for qlvl; + Added flask qlvl check for minimum of 24 on Doom when deciding base item drop level from bosses; + Added a bunch of basic Executuiner armors (he was poorly equipped with body armors); + Fixed some bugs concerning inventory item morphing; + Fixed bugs with items in multiplayer being impossible to pick up (hopefully, it is fixed); + Fixed a bug with actual bow damage not working with elemental arrows (only base damage and affix addons were used for physical), now it's full-throttle; + Fixed a bug with Holy arrow bows not hitting non-Undead at all with missiles; + Base/unique item array size is auto-adjusted, makes executable smaller in size (21mb -> 5mb); + Stronger life regeneration penalty for Executioner in Ice levels and Andariel's levels (-cVIT/2, standard is -cVIT/4); + Mana regeneration class bonus taken away from Shugoki, Kensei and Shinobi; + Mana regeneration class bonus is +1 for Elementalist, Demonologist, Necromancer and Beastmaster, +2 for Monk and Mage, +4 for Warlock; + Base life and mana regeneration double affix flag now includes class bonuses; + Executioner basic life regen formula is changed: (cVIT / 20) * 3 + 5 -> (cVIT / 20) * 2 + 5; + Kensei class now has sweeping attacks with two-handed sword/mace weapon types; + Fixed a bug with newly created characters appearing with gold taking 2x4 slots in inventory; + Added 7 uniques on uID#2009 (Thick Plate Mail); + Added 8 uniques on uID#2010 (Heater Shield). Total uniques 266 now; + Spell name is added to charges info if an item has some spell charges on it; v0.7100 (15:16 12.01.2019) + Executioner life regen increased: (cVIT / 20) * 2 + 5 -> (cVIT / 20) * 2,5 + 5; + Updated max stats for classes; + Added 8 uniques on uID#2011 (Pavise Shield); + Added 1 more unique on uID#4 (Boots). Total uniques 275 now; + Bombardier base life formula set to: 2,5 * bVIT + 23 (was: 1,5 * bVIT + CLVL + 22); + Berserker/Executioner/Savage: +25 to accuracy with crossbows. Murmillo: +20. Dimachaerus/Secutor/Thraex: +15. Iron Maiden: +30; + [Jared] Fixed a bug with starting new game characters, wearing medium or heavy armor, first shown as wearing light armor for one frame; + Shock Pincers: new picture; + Armor racks now show "Armor rack" instead of just "Armor"; + Revised prices for DFE affixes; + Fixed a bug with holy arrows not working, and made them hit only undead (it's not ideal but better than broken); + Fixed camera flying off the borders of the level when Uber Diablo is killed; + Fixed a bug with character not being deleted when dying in Nightmare mode after transcension to Purgatory; + Fine-tuning oil drop balance from bosses on Nightmare and Ironman: Horror: dlvl 2 and below: oil tier 1, Horror: dlvl 13 and below: oil tier 2, Horror: dlvl 24 and below: oil tier 3, Purgatory: oil tier 4, Doom: oil tier 5; + Fixed stash support for expanded inventory. Used to see only 40 slots, now it sees 70; + Arcane flasks got new pictures; + By default config.ini sets game fps to 60 now; + Provided better support for arcane flasks, but they still don't work (don't use them until i notify here they do); + Fixed a bug with +spell damage affixes not showing values correctly; v0.7101 (16:40 12.01.2019) + Arcane flasks are now functional; + Updated sound effect for arcane flasks explosion; v0.7104 (17:15 13.01.2019) + Added 3 types of thorned boots for Iron Maiden; + Added 2 types of thorned gauntlets for Iron Maiden; + Nightmare Save&Exit feature got broken in v0.7100, fixed now (should be fixed, at least); v0.7200 (12:07 24.01.2019) + Added new sound for Ironman mode 'level cleared' status; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2012 (Large Mace); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2013 (Brute Sword); + Pressing ALT key now can keep items highlighted at all time, until it's turned off by pressing it again, Note: to activate this option, set 'AltHold' to OFF in config; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2014 (Falchion); + Fixed Hydra not detecting nearby targets bug; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2015 (Claymore); + Added 4 uniques on uID#2016 (Ballistic Crossbow); + Modified Skeleton King tomb for Purgatory and Doom, so that it no longer spawns weak monsters; + Fixed glitch with DOT flasks not working on tiles with broken barrels and in doorways; + Added restock feature to Adria (costs CLVL * 6 gold); + Spellcaster specific wand/staff items are no longer sellable to Griswold, Adria buys them instead; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2017 (Gladius V); + Battle texts in the upper right corner and gamemode info in the upper left corner no longer shown when inventory/spellbook/quest/char sheets are open; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2018 (Shadow Bow); + Added 6 uniques on uID#2019 (Blade Bow); + Stonecursed monsters are now immediately cleared of all toxic damage; + Added Shift Click messages to potions/relicts; + Sharpshooter critical damage with bow set to +400%, +[20-30]; + Config structure definition updated; + Added new affix that modifies character stun threshold; + Some old goldfind suffixes replaced to give place for new stun threshold modifier suffixes, Note: if you have a magic/rare item with a +[X to Y] type goldfind affix, this affix can change into +X to stun threshold type now; + Modified a lot of quest uniques; + Added new perk: "Haggler". It improves town prices by 10% per level. Affects buy, sell and identify prices; + Modified some perk requirements and description text displays; + Added first step of Trapper functionality: throwing traps. Right now it's work in progress. Do not play Trapper until I say she's ready; + Added 4 uniques on uID#2020 (Rapid Crossbow). Total uniques 322 now; + New perk created which gives a chance to get a random elixir from bosses; + Added base item restock feature to Griswold (costs CLVL * 2 gold); Thanks for support: Torsten Caninenberg, Gracelessdragon, Lucy, TexzTech v0.7212 (17:17 30.01.2019) + Golem doesn't attack stonecursed monsters now; + Strong Arm perk now improves only melee damage. For improving ranged damage (with bows and crossbows) we added new perk "Overdraw" ; + Battle text overlay leftover bug in quest zones was fixed (used to show nonsense info in the upperright corner with inventory open); + Added new perk ("Blacksmith") that slows down item durability loss by a certain percentage; + Added warning about classes that are not ready (in character creation menus); + MvP Melee autohit chances updated: Bombardier: 15%, Iron Maiden: 17%, Executioner: 25%, Dimachaerus: 19%; + Secutor class got new benefit under Fury spell: on character levels 1-29 he gets faster hit recovery for the duration of Fury, after getting character level 30, he gets fastest hit recovery for the duration of Fury; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2021 (Gladius VIII). Total uniques 327 now; + Fixed fullscreen behavior (was broken in 0.7200); + Fixed "Resistance" perk functioning (-resistance gear wouldn't allow to go below what that perk added); + "Sixth sense" perk support added: now it actually works; + Config option added for skipping end cinematics (off by default); Thanks for support: Nickamus v0.8000 (22:04 10.02.2019) + Revised requirements for perks Expert Killer and Slayer (so that archers can develop them without investing in Strong Arm); + Assassin received full line of Claw weapons that she'll be now using as a main melee weapon; + Sharps and blunts previously used by all Rogue subclasses are now restricted to Rogue and Iron Maiden; + "Blacksmith" perk renamed to "Conservator"; + Added support for melee elemental hits with acid / arcane / holy; + Acid immunity given to certain unique monsters; + More gold from flat +GF affixes; + More variations added to rare light armor name generator; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2022 (Khopesh); + Fixed +elemental spells damage affix display info (used to show +0% always); + Added support for affix that sets X to Y CLVL requirements for unique item separately; + Added 7 uniques on uID#2023 (Zweihander). Total uniques 340 now; + Dual wielding is limited to the following classes now: Rogue, Savage, Berserker, Dimachaerus; + Added basic support for Trapper's ...traps. She is now ready to be played; + Added support for Assassin claws. She doesn't use any ther weapons now. Goes with Claw+Shield style; + Added support for generating rare traps and claws; + Added support for spawning claws and traps on weapon racks; + Added support for generating magic and rare affixes for claws and traps, Note: this could potentially lead to affix morphing on magics and rares - be careful; + Assassin attack speeds changed so that she is fast only when using Claw + Shield; + Fixed all broken attack animations for all classes. Adjusted attack speeds for some classes, Note: some Rogue/Archer non-axe/bow animations resulted in her disappearing at the end of attack due to the lack of actual animation frames; + Added new coders from TH team to credits; + Updated some character pics; + The following panel buttons now produce sounds when pressed: INV, SPELLS, QUESTS, MAP, CHAR and PERKS button, Note: applied to spellbook pages and levelup buttons as well; + Kensei now starts with Light Kanabo. Shinobi starts with Light Kanabo and Shield in offhand; + All gladiators use two-handed swords slowly now, same with axes. One-handed weapons without shields will still be used slowly, Note: shield (or offhand weapon in case of Dimachaerus) is required for balancing attack speed now; + Murmillo gets to attack 1 frame slower now to compensate for his immense tankiness: attack frame 9 -> 10; + All gladiator specialists now start with proper equipment (weapons); + Adjusted attack speeds on Guardian: slower with no weapons and one-handed weapon + shield, faster with all else, including staves, Note: all else means two-handed weapons (staves, axes, sharps, blunts); + 50 patron goal was reached by February and because of that Andariel now drops 10 items; + Assassin class melee crit formula changed to (10 + (clvl/5))% chance for +350% + [20-30] damage. Assassin is now (more or less) ready to be played; + Added minimum drop requirements for claw/flask/trap items from monsters/bosses on doom; + Reworked damage calculation for traps and flasks; + PvM NonMelee: removed unwanted damage modifiers in trap formulae; + Damage shown in character panel for flasks and traps is now correct; + Affixes of '+damage' no longer affect damage of character traps (+%damage, ruin, dread - do work); + Updated pics for some starter items; + DFE starts appearing a little earlier on body armors (somewhere by the time they reach 50s in their main requirements); + Added support for CLVL checks on affixes for magic and rare items; + Added CLVL requirements to all existing magic and rare affixes; + Fury now shows timer countdown when active; + Some indestructible item behavior fix; + Etherealize now protects from magical attacks (used to protect against physical melee and arrows). The fix included in PvP as well, just in case; Thanks for support: Dangluh, Ivan, Dan Illingworth, Gavran! v0.8016 (14:04 13.02.2019), "Forty Six & 2" (Tool) + Trapper: adjusted starting mana; + Less (base) damage with bows for Trapper; + Added CLVL requirements to some quest uniques; + Urdukk and Breakspine now drop 2 items; + Fixed broken Guardian bow animation; + Guardian now starts with Hatchet; + KB affix now cannot influence trap missiles; + Removed Shift+click line from elixir info; + Telekinesis now allows to pick up highlighted items not only by pointing at the item itself, but also by pointing at its description text; + Now it's possible to use hotkeys to drink potions with a spell cursor active (telekinesis, town portal, identify, etc.); + Objects 59, 60, 62 & 63 allow 'walking' flag. This fixes old original Diablo 1 bug with being unable to cast certain spells from these tiles, Note: that would be bookcase, bookshelf, right/left facing shrine (in Church and Crypt); + Provided Claw weapon durability icon support; + Added 3 more base items of "Claw" type. Now there are 13 tiers; + Distortions in item durability icon display are corrected; + Monk battle staves are no longer allowed to generate spell charges (both magic and rare), Note: already existing battle staves will likely morph, it's inevitable; + Assassin: damage with claw set to (CLVL*cSTR)/65, otherwise (CLVL*cSTR)/200; Thanks for support: Latinske Preklady v0.8200 (19:29 24.02.2019), "Fortunate Son" (Creedence Clearwater Revival) + Spiritual Treasure uniques are given clvl requirements; + Suffixes of knockback can no longer be generated on traps - this can morph suffixes on traps, sorry; + Fixed Guardian wrong base damage calculation with club in left hand, empty right hand and a two-handed sword in secondary weapon slot; + Grand revision of base damage on all classes - bringing balance to where it should be (at least, closer to it); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2024 (Bolt Trap II); + Trapper: base crit chance set to [1 + (clvl/3)]%, and damage set to +175%; + Positive crit chances in character sheet are shown in blue color, zero - white, negatives - red; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2025 (Round Shield); + Right clicks are disabled when perk window is open; + Triple shot is now handicapped for side arrows/bolts: Sharpshooter: -75% damage, others: -25%; + Executioner stun threshold formula set to: Rnd[(clvl/2)+7] + clvl/5 + bVIT/5 + 1; + Added 3 uniques on uID#2026 (Falx). Total uniques 354 now; + Refactored elemental damage of weapons. Changed formula to: (elemDamage x (baseDamage * 0.05) + (CLVL/2)) x ClassMultipler , Note: baseDamage is picked according to current weapon equipped, Note: Executioner 0,75, Inquisitor 2.0, Sharpshooter 1.25, Templar 2.0 for Holy (otherwise 1.0); + Acid and Holy damage in melee and from bows/crossbows now deals 75% less damage which no longer makes it overpowered. This is a fix; + Dread and Ruin affixes no longer can affect weapon elemental damage; + Redesigned weapon availability on some classes: Guardian and Savage: cannot use axes anymore, specializes in two-handed sharps and blunts, Berserker and Executioner: cannot use two-handed sharps and blunts anymore, specializes in axes; + One-handed sharps used previously by all Warriors and Savages are now only used by Warriors; + One-handed blunts used previously by all Warriors and Savages are now only used by Warriors and Gladiators; + Updated character descriptions and some class pics; + Inquisitor now can crit with weapon elemental damage: 10 + (CLVL/5)% chance for +100% damage; + Holy arrows are now fixed: undead receive both the arrow/bolt damage and holy damage, and non-undead receive only arrow/bolt damage; + Damage decrease from affixes of +/-damage and +%/-% damage can no longer result in less than 1; + Character maxDmg can no longer get below character minDmg. Character sheet info is corrected; + Firewall, Lightningwall, Fire Ring, Lightning Ring now show cooldown timer on the right upper corner of the screen (just like Fury); + Limited character output damage to minimum 1 when interacting with barrels, etc.; + Added 1 more weapon slot. Now it's 3 of them; + Switching between weapon slots now produces sound of the weapon that is equipped in your left (main) hand, Note: if left hand is empty and right hand slot has an item in it, that item's sound will be used instead, Note: sometimes weapons get shuffled, they don't disappear, nothing of that, but it can happen. I hope to have it fixed ASAP; + Empty weapon slots are skipped when switching, Note: when switching weapon slots with 'V' hotkey while inventory is open, empty slots are not skipped; + Multiplayer game start/join CLVL restrictions are restored; + Fixed the bug with shrine text display time depending on config fps setting; + Gladii are restricted to Murmillo/Secutor now (Dimachaerus and Thraex use only Sica swords); + Base life & mana formulae changed for: Murmillo: life: 3,5*bVit + 3*clvl + 2 (less), mana: (bMAG / 2) + clvl -1 (less), Trapper: life: (1,75 * bVIT) + (1,5 * clvl) + 24 (more), mana: (bMAG * 1,75) + (1,5 * clvl) + 4 (more), Guardian: life: 4*bVIT + 2*clv + 13 (more), mana: 1,5 * bMAG + 2*clvl + 11 (more); + Updated starting items on mage classes; + By now The Hell 2 has almost all of the important bugs from the DSF buglist fixed, if you know of any more original Diablo bugs - tell us, Note: the list is here: ; + Added new variations of starting weapons to equip Mage subclasses with proper tools at the start; + The problem with jewelry sometimes being repairable at Griswold's is fixed now (hopefully); + Updated spell icon design. Now the icons look more 3D and in Diablo 2 style. I also expanded spell icon database to 203 icons (was 50), Note: it may seem odd at first but you get used to it quickly, as with the expanded inventory, and extra icons will be needed for new spells anyway; Thanks for support: Artem Bashev v0.8207 (6:31 25.02.2019), hotfix + Fixed Savage and Guardian classes starting with wrong weapons; + Fixed a crash with starting Savage class, added block animations to G?S and G?M animation series - just in case; + Added clvl requirements to Sica swords. Changed STR requirements on Spatha and Great Sica; + Affix of 'Resist all' was reducing non-magic damage as well, now fixed; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2027 (Spatha Supina). Total uniques 359 now; + By accident recently added starter-only Mage weapons were findable. Made them unfindable again. These weapons can morph into something else; Thanks for support: Nocturne Prividyenie v0.8318 (20:36 28.02.2019), "Goin' Out West" (Tom Waits) + Fixed Savage and Rogue class-specific animation flaw where onehander + inactive shield would show dualwield animation; + Added 4 uniques on uID#2028 (Tachi); + Rare item price formula changed from qlvl*50 to qlvl*750; + Adjusted some unique items; + Melchior the Fat receives +1 item to drops; + An attempt made to prevent Adria items from morphing; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2029 (Odachi); + Assassin: elemental damage of acid on weapons has damage multiplier of 2.5 now (+100% acid damage from weapons); + Fixed the bug with unique items being picked randomly from the line, which produced low level trash uniques too often, Note: this may result in some of the existing uniques morphing into higher level variations for the given uID, beware, Note: otherwise, expect more quality uniques to start dropping; + Multi-frame spells from monsters (Inferno, Lightningm Flash) are getting nerfed. They were broken (minimum damage limits too high), New limits now: Inferno: dlvl / 4 + diff (diff = horror 0, purg 5, doom 10), Lite/Flash: dlvl / 6 + diff (diff = horror 0, purg 4, doom 8), Other spells: dlvl / 4 + diff (diff = horror 0, purg 6, doom 12), Note: this means that lightning demons and mages will no longer increase difficulty spike, their damage now will be adequate; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2030 (Ninja-To). Total uniques 374 now; v0.8329 (1:37 07.03.2019), "Pachka Sigaret" (Viktor Tsoi) + Fixed clvl requirements on Sica swords; + Gave clvl requirements to some uniques; + Mouse scrolling now goes through pre-set spells for F5 - F8 keys (it also doesn't function with perk- and shop windows open), Note: the feature is optional but turned on by default in config.ini (see "gameplay options -> SwapSpellsOnScroll" line); + Changed inactive spell icon colors to: red background and greyed icon. We'll see if it's accepted well; + 'Swift Learner' perk now starts with lesser numbers bug goes up to same values as before, just changed progression; + Some classes are allowed to block in melee combat with certain weapons: Shugoki: axe, Kensei: two-handed sword / two-handed blunt, Guardian: two-handed sword / two-handed blunt; + Rondache shields are now limited to Inquisitors; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2031 (Dao). Total uniques 379 now; + Added a universal check for PvM and MvM for monsters with certain immunities (SC, quest_state, etc.); + MvP Ranged: damage calculation is simplified to reduce ARD first, DFE - second; + Introduction of quest entrances in town would overwrite the global variable used for determining where to return from a quest level: fixed; v0.8334 (4:02 09.03.2019), "Feral Spirit" (Paleowolf) + Grimoires now use book flip animation; + Yet another revision to spell icon design: inactive icons are greyed out instead of going red (I am sure now that red was a wrong color); + Active/inactive spell icon color now depends on config option for mana orb color. Blues orb gives blue icons, black orb - black spells; + Added 8 uniques on uID#2032 (Light Maul). Total uniques 387 now; + Improved pictures for Shinobi blunts; + Modified 'Steel Skin' perk description; + Toughness perk progression slows down to +1% after level 5; Thanks for support: kornoux v0.8406 (15:19 19.03.2019), "The Queen" (James Horner) + Gharbad the Weak now has regular item drops (not 'mace' as before); + Ironman mode: +25% to XP gains, Nightmare mode: +50% XP gains (it's not a multiplier of total XP, it's an adder); + Inactive spell icons now can be made look red: added new config option 'RedInactiveSpellIcons' which allows for it; + Sharp combo line eradicated, some items are assigned to warriors, some to Maiden/Rogue; + Short Knife and Wooden Club will no longer be a common drop (Knife is allowed to Warriors, Club - to Warriors/Gladiators); + Added some more base items for classes that lacked in them: Kensei, Rogue, Iron Maiden; + Rods are now used by Warlocks, Orbs - by Mage/Elementalist only, and Beastmaster finally got his own line of weapons: ritual daggers; + Base damage formulae adjusted for some classes: Guardian with 2-handers: clvl * curSTR / 80, Kensei with 2-handers: clvl * curSTR / 75, Shugoki with axe: clvl * curSTR / 70, Savage with 2-handers: clvl * curSTR / 40 (damage boosted to compensate for no basic crit chance and no basic crit damage), Savage with crossbows: clvl * curSTR / 70, Murmillo with sharp/blunt+shield: clvl * curSTR / 70, Dimachaerus with two one-handers: clvl * curSTR / 85; + Diablo, Defiler and Uber Diablo: acid immunity revoked; + Added more various base items; + Necromancer shields are redesigned; + Added a new line of Shields for Shinobi; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2033 (Battle Flail); + Lowered VIT requirements on gladiator armors; + Added 8 uniques on uID#177 (Great Flail); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2034 (Polehammer). Total uniques 405 now; v0.8421 (10:14 25.03.2019), "Cordon" (Stalker OST) + Rare items now displayed in pink on automap; + Adjusted weapon rack item types according to class and new weapon restrictions; + Hephasto will now drop 10 items; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2035 (Heavy Maul); + Added 6 uniques on uID#2036 (Battle Axe); + Chamber of Bone spell reward changed to Fury for all classes but Mages, Bombardier and Trapper; + Added 6 uniques on uID#22 (Huge Axe); + Added 6 uniques on uID#2037 (Great Pollaxe). Adding unique axe weapons is complete now; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2038 (Spiked Knuckles); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2039 (Razor Nails); + Added 6 uniques on uID#2040 (Scissor Claw); + Diablo drops 2 more items now; + Added 5 uniques on uID#58 (War Staff); + Added 10 uniques on uID#2041 (Double-Bladed Staff). Total uniques 460 now; + [Duke] Fixed character attacks when shift-clicking potions to belt; Thanks for support: Markus King, Jason Pharr, Devon Cimini v0.8422 (13:07 26.03.2019), hotfix + Fixed broken monster stun formula; v0.8439 (15:18 29.03.2019) + Common shields are assigned to Warrior and Inquisitor and will not be accessible by all classes anymore; + Added a new line of shields for Shinobi + Assassin; + Added a new line of shields for Trapper + Bombardier; + Affix of unusual base damage now shows numbers; + Bosses have 50% damage resistance to acid flasks now; + Added a line of Mage + Elementalist specific offhand items: Orbs; v0.9000 (14:53 29.04.2019), "Reaching the Innermost" (Shape of Despair) Warning! Read this carefully before upgrading. This update reformats perks and items completely. Summoner classes are ready. But not for cooperative play. We still need work to do in that area. Loading game from previous releases will most likely result in gamecrash. Starting a new game session might work but it's possible you will crash while browsing through perks. If not, you will still experience a lot of magic / rare item morphing. The best way is to just start a new character. If you don't want to upgrade because of that and want to upgrade when version 1.0000 gets released, then don't update and stay on v0.8439. Also, subsequent patches will likely cause affix morphing. + Added new prefixes with acid / holy / arcane hit damage for melee weapons; + Expanded some affixes to allow for generation of low level affixes on some items (jewelry and staves in particular); + Added some low level suffixes that boost SLVL for certain spells; + Expanded summoner-specific suffixes making them available on all level ranges; + Corrected immunity for Warped One (on Horror / Purgatory). They will no longer stop Bombardier progress in Horazon's level; + Inactive spell icon colors updated; + Various works about the mod, lots of data adjustments in base items, unique items, base- and unique monsters; + Added affixes of 'summoning' series, to differentiate these from caster affixes and not have fighters and spellcasters suffer from having items with these anymore; + Improved affix segregation between caster and summoner gear (still need to segregate boots/gloves/belts properly); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2042 (Tetsubo tier 1); + Added 8 uniques on uID#2043 (Tetsubo tier 4); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2044 (Ararebo tier 5); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2045 (Ararebo tier 8); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2047 (Quilted Armor); + Added 7 uniques on uID#2048 (Lamellar Armor); + Added 19 uniques on uID#2049 (Amulet). Total uniques 519 now; + Added some more spell affixes; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2046 (Battle Helmet); + New Fury sound effect for Savages (Executioner uses his old sound), Monks; + Expanded on affixes of +% summon HP/accuracy/damage series; + Changed MvM Melee tohit formula to: monster.tohit + 35 - (defender.AC / 2). Minimum chance to hit in MvM is 20% now, maximum chance is 80%; + Summon (Golem) accuracy formula changed to: slvl + 2 *clvl; + Summon (Golem) armor formula changed to 4 * ( slvl + 10 ) - 39. Minimum 1, maximum 255; + Oil of Fortitude now will not upgrade item durability over 200 points; + Smart drop routine for bosses in SP is updated with fresh limitations to item drops from below. Items with the following types and qlvls are not allowed to drop now: Purgatory: LIGHT_ARMOR: QualityLevel < 8, HELM: QualityLevel < 8, SHIELD: QualityLevel < 6, AXE: QualityLevel < 7, BOW: QualityLevel < 11, MACE: QualityLevel < 12, STAFF: QualityLevel < 7, CLAW: QualityLevel < 11, TRAP: QualityLevel < 12, FLASK: QualityLevel < 12, BELT: QualityLevel < 7, BOOTS: QualityLevel < 9, GLOVE: QualityLevel < 9, SWORD: QualityLevel < 7, Doom: LIGHT_ARMOR: (not dropped at all), HELM: QualityLevel < 12, SHIELD: QualityLevel < 12, AXE: QualityLevel < 25, BOW: QualityLevel < 20, MACE: QualityLevel < 30, STAFF: QualityLevel < 19, CLAW: QualityLevel < 25, TRAP: QualityLevel < 24, FLASK: QualityLevel < 24, BELT: QualityLevel < 26, BOOTS: QualityLevel < 23, GLOVE: QualityLevel < 28, SWORD: QualityLevel < 30; + Changed some base item qlvl numbers to better match the new smart drop rules; + Lower mana restore from potions is now limited to Shugoki, Executioner and Savage); + [summons_work] Bosses get 50% less damage from summons; + [summons_work] Fixed a bug with all monsters in MvM Ranged getting only 25% damage, Golem now gets 75% less damage (as before), summons get 50% less and regular monsters get full damage; + Added 9 more character shield block sound variations; + [summons_work] Left-clicking summons does't make master attack them; + [summons_work] Master can no longer damage his summons with melee & ranged blows; + All 7 Savages classes received different randomized Fury sounds; + Rogues received new Fury sound effects; + Added 4 uniques on uID#17 (Full Helm); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2050 (Hounskull Bascinet); + [summons_work] Added some more affixes; + [summons_work] Set up formulas for all 8 types of summons; + Added 9 uniques on uID#2051 (Plate Corselet); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2052 (Winged Helmet); + Bombardier chances for critical strike are increased to 5+(clvl/5)% chance for +85% damage; + Added 8 uniques on uID#2053 (Wizard Plate); + Bosses in SP will no longer drop 1-handed sharps or blunts to Guardian class; + [summons_work] Mage / Warlock / Elementalist / Necromancer don't appear with a two-handed staff when using just a one-handed weapon now; + [Duke] Spell charges support added for all items now (recently added unique items that give some spell charges will now work better)// it's bugged< 75% ; + Demonologist / Necromancer / Beastmaster base mana formula changed to: (1,25 * bMAG) + clvl + 22; + Summoners lose their bonus +1 to mana regeneration; + Added a new line of Mage-only boots that spawn magic and summoning affixes; + All other boots will now have only battle affixes; + Mages can have now only their specific boot drops from bosses (basic Boots are an exception though); + Added 2 types of Necromancer-specific boots (light and chain tier); + Fixed 'item of mana' item names. Now these use 2nd magic name properly; + Fixed crash when trying to recharge items at Adria; + Monks were missing some endgame stage boots. Added 3 new types of base boots for them to compensate for that; + Perks now recieve support for full class, improved some old bad code right there; + Summoner perks are no longer accessible by all Mage classes and are limited only to Summoners; + Serenity perk now limited to Mage class; + Steel Skin perk limited to Murmillo and Executioner now; + All 15 levels of Toughness perk now give +2% to melee damage resistance each, Note: levels 6 to 10 are available to Savage, Berserker, Executioner and Murmillo only, Note: levels 11 to 15 are accessible by Executioner solely; + Summoner classes receive cooldowns (5 sec ) on attacking spells: Fire Bolt, Fire Blast, Lightning, Inferno, Elemental, Arcane Star, Flash, Charged Bolt, Ball Lightning, Holy Bolt; + Slayer and Expert Killer perks now available to all but Mage classes. Slayer gives more critical damage increase now ( +20% per level ); + Unstoppable perk gives twice as much points now ( +2 ); + Dodger now has 10 levels and goes up to +40 AC; + Master Caster perk now has 5 levels and goes up to +50% spell accuracy. It's available only to Mage classes, Rogue, Assassin and Bombardier now; + Ironclad perk gets 5 more levels that are available only to super massive Executioners. New levels improves DFE by 2 points each; + Overdraw perk is not available to all Mages, Assassin, Rogue and Bombardier now. They have zero reason to use it anyway; + Tuck Tails perk is now available to Murmillo too; + Strong Arm perk now not available to Archers, Mages, Iron Maiden (use your thorns!) and Bombardier; + Eagle Eye perk now unavailable to Mages and Bombardier; + Resist to acid, resist and immunity to cold added in PvM; + Increase or decrease to all resistance under Fury now affects all elements; + Resist all effect would increase damage resistance to physical spells and arrows. Now fixed, physical spell resistance removed, and arrow damage resistance wasn't even working (how ironic!); + Now resistance to arrow damage is supported and it actually works (ta da!): maximum resistance to arrow damage is [70-100]%, Note: it's calculated after processing DFE; + Added summoner perk that increases minion accuracy; + Innate melee damage resistance base formula changed heavily. Now it's BaseVIT/50 for minimum and baseVIT/25 for maximum; + Melee damage resistance cap set to [70-100]; + Removed all chracter class related improvements to innate melee damage resistance. Only Executioner gets +[5-10] resistance as base; + Arrow damage resistance innate bonus set to +[0-5]% for Shinobi, Rogue, Assassin and Guardian; + Added 3 tiers of boots for each summoner class - all have their lines of specific summoner boots now; + Mage boots no longer generate summoner affixes; + Perk 'Resistance' would get around the affix of 'lose all resistance' and not have its increment of resistance reduced by that affix, now it's fixed. This wasn't tested yet; + Fixed summon +%damage affix. Wasn't working; + Spell books now have unique image, each of them; Thanks for support: Monty Mooshabad, Alex Haynes, Robert Ruppert v0.9200 (23:12 01.05.2019), "Trust Me" (Terminator 2 OST) + Cold damage on hit and cold arrows added; + Telekinesis should no longer work on summoned minions; + Fixed display of visual immunity boxes; + Added support for cold on melee / ranged weapons; + Colored cold attacks (bright white scheme); + Fixed Summoner class cooldown exploit; + Elemental and Bone Spirit spells will not target undead monsters, stone cursed monsters, summoned minions, immune monsters (quest monsters that are not activated); + Secondary attack in AI#27 (Bonewing) now uses cold damage instead of physical (although it looks the same). Player resistance to cold damage (from monsters) works now; + AI#39 now uses missile that damages everything (physical), used only by Necromancer's tank and Freezelock boss; + New AI#40 (a.k.a. "Habibi") now uses new animation for cold spell, used by Skullwing types now who represent cold affinity monsters; + Fixed Zhar the Mad activation; + Tormentor monsters now use new AI#42: circle around target, shoot Firebolts, engage in melee; + Hopefully, fixed 'wrong dungeon object' crash scenario; v0.9300 (0:32 07.05.2019), "Promised Land" (Gustaf Grefberg) + Fixed 'wrong dungeon object' crash, again; + Perk points lost due to perk system rehaul for v0.9000 are now regained retroactively as a free spendable perk points; + Minor revision of Demonoogist minion stats; + Snow Liches now use different snow bolts that look much better; + Demon Scale now renamed to Great Scale Armor and is usable only by Beastmaster; + Dark Seraph now uses Snow attack; + Added 3 uniques on uID#2059 (Death Effigy). Total uniques 583 now; + Added some summoner body armors; + Removed summoning affix generation from common (caster) mage body armors because all summoners now have body armors for each tier; + Hitting spacebar now closes Perk window; + Added new stash format: visual, accessed through Gillian, works as integrated into save file, not shared, has 130 slots per tab, 100 tabs total; + For now, new Stash works without messing with the old, but old one will be removed in about two weeks after the public release of this version. Move what you need into the new one; + Stash is not accessible in Ironman / Nightmare modes; + Added 1 more unique on Gladius VIII. Total uniques 584 now; + Executioner is given a better color scheme when in plate armor; + Templar is using a different color scheme in mail armor (white); + Updated look for mail and plate tier Dimachaerus; + Level up progress no longer shown in character info panel. Instead, arrow damage resistance is displayed; + Gold, quest items, elixirs and precious stones cannot be put into the new Stash; + Apoc (from monsters) hits summoned minions and Golem now (they used to be immune); Thanks for support: Christian von Mellenthin, Jeffb v0.9311 (23:55 08.05.2019) + Added new belts for Necromancer, Beastmaster and Demonologist. These can generate magic and summoning affixes; + All other belts cannot spawn summoning affixes anymore; + Restoring Telekinesis as default skill to Monk classes (no idea how it got changed, which is the weirdest of things); + Last 5 tiers of STR line 1Handed blunt weapons are limited to Warrior & Templar now. Duplicates of these items are using different stats and are limited to Gladiators; + Fixed Adria morphing bug; + "Toughness" perk levels 6-10 are now available to Guardian class; + "Ironclad" perk levels 11-15 are now available to Guardian class; + "Ironclad" perk scales better after level 10 now; + Fixed the gamecrashing bug with blocking arrows (or spells, if with 0% resistance to them) in North-NorthWest direction; + Fixed a bug with clicking on stash window that resulted in character going off wandering (with stash open); Thanks for support: Pshemsky, Jeff Halfhide v0.9319 (22:45 09.05.2019) + Removed affixes that added spell levels to Mana Shield, Hydra, Fury and some others. They weren't popular and people were complaining they are just place holders; + Changed affixes that added SLVL to some damaging spells into affixes that add [x - y] to damage of the spells; + Executioner is allowed to go higher in Steel Skin perk: added +5 perk levels for him; + Lots of body armors give resistance to damage from arrows now. Mostly mails and plates; + Fury effects for Iron Maiden changed: -clvl to AC, +clvl/3 to minimum melee damage resistance, +clvl/2 to maximum melee damage resistance; + Assassin Fury effects changed: +3,5 * clvl to damage is removed, added increased chance to crit ( +(clvl/10)+5 ); v0.9324 (23:28 11.05.2019) + Upgraded Fury effects for many classes: case PFC_GUARDIAN: accueacy + charLevel / 2; AC + 4 * charLevel / 5 + 5; Damage - ( charLevel / 5 ) * ( charLevel / 5 ); slvl - 3; damageFromEnemies -= charLevel / 10; rangedAbsorbPercentMin + charLevel / 5; rangedAbsorbPercentMax + charLevel / 3 + 4; case PFC_ASSASSIN: critChance + charLevel / 10 + 10; critDamageMin + 20 * charLevel - 10; critDamageMax + 25 * charLevel; AC + 5 * charLevel / 8; resistAll + charLevel / 4; rangedAbsorbPercentMin - charLevel / 2; rangedAbsorbPercentMax - charLevel / 2; sllv - charLevel / 10 - 2; case PFC_IRON_MAIDEN: meleeAbsorbPercentMin + charLevel / 3; meleeAbsorbPercentMax + charLevel / 2; damageFromEnemies - charLevel / 4 ; resistAll - charLevel / 4; case PFC_SAVAGE: spellsIncreasedLevels - charLevel; addsDamage + 3 * charLevel; damageFromEnemies - charLevel / 3; accuracy + charLevel / 3; AC - charLevel / 3; case PFC_BERSERKER: spellsIncreasedLevels - charLevel / 5; addsDamage + 4 * charLevel; damageFromEnemies - 2 * charLevel / 5; // 40 % meleeAbsorbPercentMin + charLevel / 2 + 10; meleeAbsorbPercentMax + charLevel / 2 + 10; rangedAbsorbPercentMin - charLevel / 2 + 5; rangedAbsorbPercentMax - charLevel / 2 + 5; accuracy + 2 * charLevel / 3; AC - charLevel; case PFC_EXECUTIONER: spellsIncreasedLevels - charLevel; addsDamage + 9 * charLevel / 2; damageFromEnemies - 3 * charLevel / 7 - 4; accuracy + charLevel / 2; AC - 2 * charLevel / 3; lifeRegen + 2 * charLevel; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2060 (Hooded Helm). Total uniques 589 now; + Added 9 uniques on uID#2061 (Gloom Helmet). Total uniques 598 now; + Adjusted damage on early two-handed sharps and blunts. Added some new ones; + Added DFE to late Necromancer shields; v0.9331 (18:45 15.05.2019) + Executioner stun threshold formula changed to: Rnd( 2 * (clvl / 2) + 7) + (clvl / 5) + (bVIT / 4) + 1. Should become more resilient now; + Heavy revision of perks. Mostly, expanded them with new levels for specific classes; + Added 2 new uniques suggested by patron. One on War Sica, another on Light Maul. Total uniques 600 now; + Effect of Ruin (10% chance for +200% damage) changed to 20% chance for doing +100% damage; + Effects of +50% total damage to Undead/Demons changed to +40% damage..; + Effect of Dread changed from 1-260% to 80-160%; + Added 2 uniques on uID#2062 (Ironplate Belt). Total uniques 602 now; + Stash duping bug fixed; Thanks for support: charly v0.9335 (11:15 17.05.2019) + Added 1 unique on uID#2063 (Full Plate Shinguards). Total uniques 603 now; + Added some patron suggested uniques: 1 unique on uID#2064 (Pitfiend Skull) and 1 unique on uID#2065 (Great Axe). Total uniques 604 now, Note: if you don't know yet, for $50 you can design and add a unique item to the mod, and it will stay there forever, PM me and we will create it; + Fixed one of the reported gamecrashes (related to drawing a monster corpse); + Debug messages about bugged monsters when playing summoners are turned off; v0.9347 (23:04 22.05.2019) + Level transaction character freeze bug fixed (hopefully); + Revised steel skin perk again; + Minor debuff of Assassin Fury effects; + Completed design of Shinobi+Assassin shield line; + Added 2 sharp weapons for Executioner class; + Fixed Guardian base damage checks for two-handed sword/mace. Base damage divider was 300 instead of 80 because of a faulty check; + Increased Guardian base damage with 2handed melee weapons by adding (CLVL-1) to it; + Assassin acid damage modifier reduced: 2.5 -> 2.0 ; + Global cold damage modifier from weapons is reduced: 0.25 -> 0.2 ; + Cold immunity issued to some critters; + Added 4 uniques on uID#2064 (Pifiend Skull). Total uniques 608 now; + Added 8 more uniques on uID#2065 (Great Axe). Total uniques 616 now; v0.9500 (19:07 24.05.2019), "Badimo" (Juno Reactor) + In Ironman quest levels 'X monsters left' line is no longer shown twice; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2066 (Leather Jacket). Total uniques 621 now; + Added 4 uniques on uID#2067 (Field Mail). Total uniques 625 now; + Added 7 uniques on uID#153 (Banded Plate). Total uniques 632 now; + Iron Maiden will no longer get non thorn-themed body armors and helms (except for the first one in Rogue class line) from bosses; + All drop limitation checks used for bosses are now used for monsters as well, Note: this should drastically increase loot quality; v0.9510 (13:00 26.05.2019) + Added restrictions to monster drops in SP Purgatory (missed that in the previous update); + Added 4 uniques on uID#2068 (Leather Harness). Total uniques 636 now; + Fixed Imperial Shield picture; + Rebalanced Assassin Fury effects; + New picture for Nether shield; + Inquisitor acid damage quotient lowered to 1.0; + Global acid damage quotient (from weapons) lowered: 2.5 -> 2.0; + More damage with holy weapons for Templar: 2.0 -> 2.25; + Added 4 uniques on uID#114 (Mug Helmet). Total uniques 640 now; + Added 4 uniques on uID#6 (Scare Mask IX). Total uniques 644 now; v0.9518 (21:24 26.05.2019) + Added support for acid / cold / arcane arrows on monsters; + Apocalypse Clan archers now deal less damage (was op) and use cold arrows instead of fire arrows; + Venom Clan archers now use acid arrows, and deal less damage to compensate; + Gloom Clan archers now use arcane arrows and do less damage (but not much, beware); + Grossblow renamed to Mancubus; + Ice Stalker now uses cold arrows instead of ice bolts; + Frozen Horrors now use cold arrows instead of lightning arrows; + Removed some stupid names from rare item name generator ("Devine", "Prick", etc.); v0.9524 (0:11 29.05.2019) + Alexandrite renamed to Amethyst; + Added 1 more unique on War Sica. Total uniques 645 now; + Lustsoul casts blue star now; + Some bosses use different AIs now; + Acidbat/Firebat bosses on floors 19/20 will now use blue star attack; + Expanded Blood Witches to floors 17 and 18. Added 2 new bosses for them; v0.9525 (15:26 29.05.2019) + Fixed a bug that prevented uniques based on uIDs #256+ from dropping. This should allow all unique items to drop now, Note: that means some 500+ more uniques will suddenly get available now; v0.9532 (14:42 31.05.2019) + Added 3 uniques on uID#118 (Sage Mask). Total uniques 648 now; + Added 1 unique on uID#2069 (Large Axe). Total uniques 649 now; + Added 3 uniques on uID#2070 (Lorica Segmentata). Total uniques 652 now; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2071 (Dimachaerus Galea VII). Total uniques 658 now; + Revised some uniques; + Fixed Gloom Clan not attacking with arcane arrows; + Eldritch globe is one-handed now; v0.9537 (0:41 03.06.2019) + Added 4 uniques on uID#161 (Full Cuirass). Total uniques 662 now; + Added 1 more unique on uID#2008 (Ring). Total uniques 663 now; + Added 3 uniques on uID#2072 (Centurion Vambrace). Total uniques 666 now; + Changed flip animation for 2nd tier Arkaine's Valor; v0.9600 (2019-06-10) + Sharps and blunts now show expanded info that gives clue on how to use them effectively; + Visual trade implemented. Old ways are still there for debug purpose. Will be removed later; + Certain requirements that are not meant on a given character will be shown in red when viewing item info; + Old stash deactivated in singleplayer mode; v0.9601 (2019-06-11) + Both stash types got cut in SP in previous build, fixing; v0.9606 (2019-06-12) + Thraex class will now see sharp weapon descriptions without the -50% to undead part; + Fixed faulty code in Executioner's life regeneration while attacking; + In Ironman / Nightmare modes, picking up Fungal Tome and reading it transmutes it into spectral elixir; + Automap is not shown if any window/dialogue is open, done to avoid unpleasant overlay; + Iron Maiden is given new class skill now: Item Repair; + Fixed a bug with exploiting new visual windows; v0.9615 (2019-06-13) + New feature added: "No striptease": it is now impossible to change equipped items in battle mode (except for weapon slot items); + Haggler perk now affects repair, recharge, identify and restock prices; + Pressing middle mouse button now scrolls weapon slots forward; + Fixed in-game menu animations, they would stop after machine spent 49+ days without rebooting (a rare original D1 bug, but we fix them all anyways); + Added sounds when shift-clicking items in stash; + Pressing ESC in visual trade window(s) no longer opens main menu, just closes the trade; + Gems were allowed to be stashed unintendedly, fixed; + Adjusted some tooltip texts when in stash window; + Added 'exit' button in trade windows; v0.9623 (2019-06-14) + Oils will now be used after being actually applied, not on right-clicking them as before, Note: if you right-clicked accidentally or reconsidered, you can right-click again to cancel the action without losing the oil; + Healing potions cannot be used if player is at full health. Same with mana potions. Holy waters and even elixirs are accounted for, Note: spectral elixir can be used if it can up at least one stat; + Casting runes on monsters now doesn't activate melee fight on a character, which means casting runes on monsters is fixed; + Developermod option is considered a cheat now. With it, some debug features are disabled. Getting closer to release, cleaning up, all that; + Amount of characters that can be created and stored in meta menu is now 100 (10x more than before); + Added 5 uniques on uID#2073 (Terror Plate). Total uniques 671 now; v0.9626 (2019-06-15) + Removed old trade dialogues; + Bosses changing trn color after death: fixed; + Added layer of blood on dead monsters (who showed blood); + Fixed recent changes in undrinkable potions (spectral elixir and holy waters in particular); v0.9700 (2019-06-17) + Fixed transferring full class data over net. This will fix a lot of subclass related bugs in coop; + Added 7 uniques on uID#2074 (Lorica Hamata). Total uniques 678 now; v0.9707 (2019-06-17), hotfix pack Warning: start new game with your character(s) after this update, game session needs to refresh to upgrade the changes (not new character, ok? just new game) + Fixed Haggler perk logic in visual trade; + Critical bugfix: DeathMonstersMap is extended to store more than 30 different corpse types per level, fixes crash on some dlvls; + Restock tooltip minimized to prevent obscuring of bottom line of the window where jewelry resides; + "No striptease" turned off in multiplayer mode; + Fixed game mode displayed over trade windows; + Hitting ESC with Perk window open now closes it instead of bringing up main menu over it; + Selling items to Deckard is deactivated now; v0.9712 (2019-06-17) + Izual now drops 10 items; + Fixed some flaws in certain unique items; + Added 7 uniques on uID#2075 (Yoroi Mail). Total uniques 685 now; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2076 (Plate Harness). Total uniques 691 now; + Added 6 uniques on uID#2077 (Spiked Plate). Total uniques 697 now; v0.9716 (2019-06-17) + 'Covetous' prefix qlvl reduced: 25 -> 24; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2078 (Thorned Mail). Total uniques 702 now; + 'Profit' suffix is assigned to 'IS_MAGIC' type and 'Blocking' suffix assigned to 'IS_BATTLE'; + Trapper class doesn't get bow drops from monsters (and bosses) anymore; Thanks for support: maxjoin, RC, Nevu v0.9719 (2019-06-20) + Added 3 uniques on uID#2079 (Thorned Aketon). Total uniques 705 now; + Fixed a critical flaw with the new item picture that could have led to gamecrash/freeze; + A surprise feature that I will not reveal yet, heh ; + Modified Skeleton King level layout for Purgatory and Doom, mainly removing stairgank at the start; v0.9722 (2019-06-22) + Added 15 uniques on uID#2080 (Chainmail Boots). Total uniques 720 now; + Added 15 uniques on uID#2081 (Scalemail Greaves). Total uniques 735 now; + Added 15 uniques on uID#2082 (Mesh Boots). Total uniques 750 now; v0.9725 (2019-06-23) + Added 19 uniques on uID#2083 (Scale Belt). Total uniques 769 now; + Added 18 uniques on uID#2084 (Chained Belt). Total uniques 787 now; + Added 13 more uniques on uID#194. Total uniques 800 now; v0.9730 (2019-06-25) + Executioner base damage will drop to 1 if equipping a shield; + Fixed wrong damage display on non-weapon items. Plus, adjusted some values; + Modified random number generator function #2 to fix potions dropped detected as dupes, same with gold dropped by player; + Fixed resist all + resist [elemental] generated on the same item not displayed properly (was a cosmetic bug); + Cleanups in character base damage formula code; v0.9733 (2019-06-25) + Edited Nightmare mode description; + Lighting bug fixed, hopefully (the one that would randomly lighten up area around character); + Randomization of base item linked to MF value. For monsters drop only; v0.9740 (2019-06-27) + Revised descriptions on affixes of melee elemental hits on weapons, for spell damage\percent affixes and for element damage\percent affixes, Note: the descriptions should be more or less accurate, Note: element damage increasers affect both flask, spell and weapon elemental damage types, they affect everything; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2085 (Scare Mask); + Added 19 uniques on uID#2086 (Steel Mittens); + Added 19 uniques on uID#2087 (Articulated Gauntlets). Total uniques 843 now; v1.0000 (2019-07-26), "Hell Awaits" (Slayer) Attention! This is the first released version. This is new to us and it might take some time before we stabilize the mod. If you want absolutely stable mod, wait another month before you play. The released version wipes characters, items and shared stash. Old early access / beta characters and items cannot be salvaged. Also, swapping characters between SP and MP modes is no longer possible. Your active testing and feedback will aid greatly in our fixing and optimizing what remains flawed in multiplayer. + Dialogues centered on the screen (used to be aligned by left upper corner for 640x480 resolution); + New game window alignment system introduced: centered on the screen: left and right windows together (almost); + New game window alighnment system added: album: game screen is split in two halves like a book and info windows is centered on each page of the book, + Note: modify in config: "set centeredpanels" off/on ; + NPCs no longer selectable under game dialogue windows; + Perk window is centered on the screen by the middle; + Treasure map display is centered by the middle of the screen; + Fixed centering of player message window; + Various visual enhancements of GUI; + Adjustments to affix descriptions; + Added 8 uniques on uID#2088 (Leper Ironmask). Total uniques 851 now; + Sharpshooter elemental arrow damage factor set to 1.0 (was 1.25); + Scout elemental arrow damage factor set to 2.0 (was 1.0), Note: there we go, she has her thing going now; + Scout base damage with bows set to: (cStr + cDex) * Clvl / 250; + Updated class descriptions for many classes (on character creation screen); + "No striptease" turned off in SP Hardcore, Ironman and Nightmare modes as they are not forgiving mistakes. Basically, it's activated only in SP Normal mode now; + Fixed weapon slot shuffling bug; + Fixed tooltip clearups in main menu; + Spectral elixir didn't have 'right-click to use' line in tooltip: added back; + Fixed some uniques; + Added 9 uniques on uID#2089 (Plate Mask). Total uniques 860 now; + Added 1 more map layout to Island of the Sunless Sea quest; + Fixed Fury effect formulae on some classes; + Added 2 new amulets (base item) to close the gap in qlvls of amulets where they would appear too rare. One is common level 10, another is battle affix only level 21; + Replaced image on old qlvl 2 amulet; + Replaced Initiated Robe image with a new one; + Cloak item gets new image; + Witchfire the Unholy renamed to Blood Widow; + Robe gets new image; + Preparations began for expanding set item system; + Added 7 uniques on uID#2090 (Ritual Helmet). Total uniques 867 now; + Pit Fiends are beasts now; + Added 5 uniques on uID#2091 (Dark Lord Helmet). Total uniques 872 now; + Fountain of Tears effect changed from casting Reflect spell on a player to giving +10% resist all until dungeon level is changed; + Trapper class doesn't get bow drops anymore from dungeon objects; + Fixed some errors in unique item data; + Monster gold drop chances reduced by difficulty: 64 - 47 - 32 ->> 43 - 28 - 13 ; + Added 1 more unique on uID#1 (Ring). Total uniques 873 now; + Summoners would resummon minions with least hit points. Now they resummon according to order of summoning, as in D2 (hello to Guza); + Changing items in battle mode for singleplayer normal mode is now put under option. Manipulate "AllowBattleStriptease" option in config: on / off (off by default); + Added 10 uniques on uID#2092 (Full Plate Greaves). Total uniques 883 now; + Added 1 more variation of Disused Reliquary quest map; + Added 1 more variation of Fleshdoom quest map level 3; + Added 10 uniques on uID#2093 (Lesser Orb). Total uniques 893 now; + Some more affix description upddates; + Changed some ring item base imagery; + Changed some more base item pics, giving it all a fresh look; + In Ironman mode, quest levels that are treated like dungeon level 4/8/12/16/20/24 could give "you can save & exit" message when cleared. Fixed by excluding these areas from the check; + Shared Stash is removed completely now; + Guardian class is no longer sold one-handed weapons. Trapper is not offered bows in shops anymore; + Changed singleplayer and multiplayer formats and made them incompatible with old beta character savefiles. Here comes the wipe; + It's no longer possible to interchange character files between SP and MP; + Added Vsync option to config file; v1.0001 (2019-07-27), hotfix + Fixed 'Detsa' ring unique: flawed data caused gamecrash; + Deactivated "Overdraw" perks for Trapper class, as she will no longer use bows; v1.0002 (2017-07-28) + Added some melee damage resistance to some low level body armors; + Revised some base damage coding. Didn't change balance, just code cleanups; + Auto-map now displays mana pots as grey when potion color option in config is black. If potion color is blue, then auto-map shows them in blue as well; + Fixed reported Clergy Ring bug (used to increase only minimal gold find value); + Non-summoner class characters no longer get summoner books in dungeons and in Adria shop; + Characters now can't have their life reduced below 1 hitpoint when in town. This should fix the problem when you can die swapping gear or from negative life regen; + When Trapper dies, her traps are cleared instantly to avoid exploiting 'kill in afterlife' bug; v1.0003 (2017-07-28) + Fixed Eye of Scion unique; + Conservator perk rebalanced: arrives at 60% decrease on level 9. Further levels are accessible only by Executioner (10) and Iron Maiden (12), Note: progression now goes like this: 10, 19, 27, 34, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75; + Trapper no longer has access to Eagle Eye perk (traps have auto-hit anyway, it would be wasted). If your Trapper had it, the points would be given back retroactively as unspent; + Guardian class will not get one-handed weapons from chests anymore, same about Trapper and bows; + Trapper weapons now display delay time to give players more information and avoid confusion when evaluating DPS on these things; v1.0004 (2019-07-29) + Swift Learner perk gets 5 new levels; + Slayer perk (and Expert Killer) is not accessible by Bombardier class anymore; + Guardian class doesn't get Tuck Tails perks now; + Fixed Beasthunter perk for Dimachaerus - was broken; + Fixed speedbook display. It gets cut on the left without going into 4th dimension there somewhere; + Robe (generic) redesigned into Lightened Gambeson. Different looks and stats now. Requirements are the same as before; v1.0005 (2019-07-29) + Fixed "Runeguard Treads": that unique used to lead to game crash when trying to see its stats; + Butcher drops +1 item now; + Disabled running in MP mode. Running breaks synchronization; + More gold drops and more items drops in MP according to number of people playing (or number of people who hit the boss) is deactivated; + Loot in MP is now instanced. Players will see their own items dropped by monsters and dungeon objects. It's now impossible to see what other characters drop on the floor, Note: what you find is what you get now, that's the rule. This also applies to magic find mechanism, Heavy Drinker perk, and gold find (including Gold Fever perk), Note 2: many MP bugs should be fixed by now, but NOT summoner gameplay. Summoners will cause bugs, guaranteed. Better don't play them and report bugs not connected to summoners; + If someone else gets drops in MP and you are not on the same DLVL with them, you don't get that loot; v1.0006 (2019-07-30) + Infravision doesn't make you see trapped objects now, you need to use Awareness perk for that; + Added 6 uniques on uID#76 (Eldritch Globe). Total uniques 899 now; + Removed [11-15] armor from Eldritch Globe; + Fixed 3rd variation of Cursed Blade quest level 3 (overdid sprites and ran out of them); v1.0011 (2019-08-03) + Added 3 more uniques on uID#182 (Cape). That should boost variety in early unique cape drops. People were getting too many Neophytes. Total uniques 902 now; + Running in multiplayer is made possible again, thanks to Jedi level skills of TH team programmers; + Some data fixes in base item table, nothing critical though; + Updated ReadMe again, added more info; + Fixed 3rd variation of Cursed Blade quest level 3 again; + Fixed recent bug with MP game crashing when you enter a dungeon where there's another player fighting monsters; + Added new perk for Iron Maiden; + Fixed some recent warnings in summoned minion data values; + Slain Hero now drops items according to full class, and item types are adjusted for each class; + Butcher made significantly easier when playing on Purgatory / Doom difficulty of Ironman / Nightmare mode; + Trapper, Assassin and Bombardier classes receive new unique item rewards for completing Anvil of Fury quest now; + Fixed Belphegor's Hell Forged cold resistance attribute; + Fixed mana potion display on minimap (black version). Holy waters are displayed in very bright blue (almost white) color on minimap; + Fixed a bug with not killing summoned minions of a non-host player when switching dungeon levels; + Changed some multiplayer message texts; + Summoned minions deal less damage to monsters according to number of players in game: 1: -0%, 2: -25%, 3: -37%, 4: -50%; + Reworked all Anvil of Fury rewards - all 29 classes now get items that can be used, including new unique items; + All multiplayer crashes and disconnection (timeout) bugs are fixed now (at least, they should be, unless some are still lurking). It should be now safe to play multiplayer; + Nerfed Griswold's Edge 1-handed uniques a little. New two-handed variations are buffed; v1.0012 (2019-08-04) + Fixed Wine from Tears perk name; + Kensei melee block chance now can be no more than 50%; + Executioner melee max block chance is raised: 10% ->> 15%; + Greatly revised accuracy with magical damage for certain classes: INQUISITOR: +80, SCOUT: +50, MAGE / ELEMENTALIST / WARLOCK: +25, DEMONOLOGIST / NECROMANCER / BEASTMASTER: -10, ROGUE / ASSASSIN / BOMBARDIER: +60, Note: other classes have it unchanged (+0%). This will increase chances to hit with elemental damage for classes that use it a lot: Rogue, Assassin, Bombardier, etc. v1.0013 (2019-08-06) Warning! Start new game session after this upgrade. Loaded game will lock up or crash - likely. + Book requirements are now calculated correctly when they are in stash/trade windows; + Sprite limit was raised from 125 to 3000; + Fixed new quest uniques (they would morph into random uniques from higher slots in the table); + Fixed gamecrash by Warrior classes when having nothing in hands and block is required; + Wine from Tears perk reduced in power (-50%); v1.0014 (2019-08-07) + Fixed a couple more uniques; + Grimspike and Fleshdoom now drop 10 items; + Adding new feature: "You are sooo in my way" (Best pickup line ever too^^): Summoned minions now don't block way for players. Summons can walk through players too; + Mage classes now get a chance to have books dropped by bosses in IM/NM modes of MP (around 33% for book instead of magic item); v1.0015 (2019-08-07) + Added 2 more uniques on uID#3 (Sash). Total uniques 904 now; + Optimized walking through summoned minions; + Fixed summons cleanup on game/dungeon exit; + Glitched monsters (ghosts) are cleared with a new function that seeks and destroys them. Not a proper fix but an effective workaround nevertheless; + Summoned minions no longer block player cursor. Summons no longer show info when hovered. Pressing Alt key with mouse over them shows their stats as before; v1.0016 (2019-08-08) + Added 17 uniques on uID#2100 (Plated Belt). Total uniques 921 now; + Added 1 more base Bardiche for Shugoki; + Fixed monster charge (animation). Was bugged because of incomplete sprite expansion; + DEMONOLOGIST / NECROMANCER / BEASTMASTER: +10 to spell accuracy instead of old -10; + Some meta menu code cleanups; v1.0017 (2019-08-10) + Added 7 uniques on uID#2101 (Traveller's Robe). Total uniques 928 now; + Starting weapon damage on Rogue and Maiden has been buffed; + Added 11 uniques on uID#2102 (Summoner Amulet). Total uniques 939 now; v1.0018 (2019-08-12) + Speaking to Lachdanan now spawns Golden Elixir on level 14 now, this way you can give it to him and receive quest reward in IM/NM modes; + Now it's possible to right-click Ted to transmute him into quest reward (works this way only in IM/NM modes); + In IM/NM modes, right-clicking Anvil of Fury now transforms it into your class/difficulty defined quest reward; + Savage class now goes 5 perk points deeper into "Strong Arm" becoming undisputed champion of raw base damage; + Savage class loses access to the following perks: "Slayer", "Expert Killer"; v1.0019 (2019-08-13) + Fixed a critical bug that froze the game and crashed to desktop upon attempting to load saved game, was caused by incomplete sprite limit update; + Fixed negative goldfind/xpfind affix overflow values; + Skyrock now can be transmuted with righ click into quest reward in IM/NM modes; v1.0020 (2019-08-14) + Updated some base item looks; + Leoric for SP IM/NM mode is nerfed (used to be a gamebreaker); + Using Horror dungeon layouts of Skeleton King Tomb to avoid them getting populated with OP monsters; + Tavern Sign now can be right-clicked in IM/NM mode to transmute it into quest reward; + Added new shaders that activate vignette/fog(blur) in game. Off by default, it can be activated in config, by setting "set fogvenfx" line to ON; v1.0021 (2019-08-14) + Updated more base item pics; + Bringing up game menu in SP IM/NM mode doesn't pause the game now; + Pressing MURDER HERO / ABANDON GAME in IM/NM mode now doesn't kill hero instantly, now it requires confirmation, Note: pressing F12 when that confirmation menu is up will kill current hero; v1.0022 (2019-08-15) + Game cannot be paused in IM/NM modes of SP if player is in battle mode. This will keep the battle tension up now; + It's now possible to activate new shaders in config separately. Update it and read the descriptions next to FullscreenFX; + Added support for new shader effect: Bloom. See config video options for details; + New picture for Visage Mask; v1.0023 (2019-08-17) + New pic for Reflex bow and Illusionist mask; + Active weapons slot now is shown in the upper right corner of the screen. The type of damage is also shown by adjusting the text color; + Full revision of Warrior/Gladiator line of blunt weapon pics; + Scout loses physical arrow crits, totally. Gains elemental damage crits with the following formula: 1 +(CLVL / 10 )% for +50% damage; + Scout loses access to "Expert Killer" and "Slayer" perks; + Slightly decreased Demonologist's Impling damage progression with time (around 10% less damage on late levels); + Executioner class now can go no deeper than 5 levels into "Swift Learner" perk, and 3 levels into "Educated"; v1.0024 (2019-08-17), "Leto" (Kino) + Leoric in SP Hardcore mode is weakened too, same with Butcher; + Some updates in the readme; v1.0025 (2019-08-20), hotfix + MvP Melee: max block chances changed: Savage, Berserker: 45% -> 35%, Assassin: 25% -> 65%; + Reverted previous upgrade of Lachdanan's Golden elixir generation on level 14, now it works as before, just generated on level 14; + Insignificant changes to some quest unique stats; + Added 10 uniques on uID#2103 (Steel Jackboots). Total uniques 949 now; + Fixed multiplayer bugs that were introduced in v1.0024; + Fixed a bug with broken 15 level (and near levels) in multiplayer mode. (Sprites extension bug); + Fixed a bug with obsolete unique item code that, in case of presence of some unique items in save directory, caused different bugs (save loading failure, broken level architecture etc), Note: Hopefully, these problems will be gone now, but testing is required. Report anything suspicious, any thing ; v1.0026 (2019-08-20), hotfix + Affixes of critical percent and critical damage don't work with spells anymore; + Fixed Shugoki attack animation with inactive axe (this bug would completely break the game by the way and make Ironman mode progress impossible); v1.0027 (2019-08-21) + Added new picture to Girdle of the Phoenix; + Minimum life doesn't drop below 1 HP new after item modifiers (fixes negative life issue); + Island quest level doesn't apply DFE fines on players anymore when played in Ironman/Nightmare modes; v1.0028 (2019-08-22) + Acid arrows hit less times on hit: 15 -> 10. This makes them less dangerous and on par with other arrow types; + Elemental arrows from monsters deal less multi-hit damage outside of normal game mode now: Normal: arrow damage / 2, Hardcore: arrow damage / 3, Ironman: arrow damage / 3, Nightmare: arrow damage / 3; + Added 14 uniques on uID#2104 (Lightscale boots). Total uniques 963 now; + Iproved quality of some base item pictures; + Updated Readme; v1.0030 (2019-08-23) + Restoring Duke's patch to Lachdanan's quest: reversing it made it bugged (no elixir); + Adjusted some quest unique stats; + Revised goldfind affix values in affix tables; + Added 9 uniques on uID#2105 (Full plate boots). Total uniques 972 now; v1.0031 (2019-08-25) + Jousting plate now can be dropped for Guardian. Had to adjust its requirements for that; + Wine from Tears perk now adds flat values instead of life percent based ones. It also no longer gives mana. Now Iron Maiden is no longer broken; + Base damage with bows for non Archer classes would be displayed halved in character info window. Corrected now to display actual values; + Rising Sun nerfed; + Added 1 more unique on uID#2. Total uniques 973 now; v1.0032 (2019-08-26) + Azramon got cold arrow AI (along with minions); + Added 14 uniques on uID#2106. Total uniques 987 now; + Supplied some unique claws with new pics; + Fixed Wine From Tears again (used to increase life for each equipped item hit before) and rebalanced it; v1.0033 (2019-08-28) + Restored Educated perk for Executioner class; + Executioner can go 10 levels deep max into Swift Learner; + Full redesign of some (obsolete) base items; + Some code cleanups; + Updated ReadMe; v1.0034 (2019-08-29) + Iron Maiden stun threshold formula set to: RNG(CLVL + 8) + (CLVL / 3) + (bVIT / 8); + Wine from Tears perk rebalanced: added vitality requirements and revised CLVL requirements; + Replaced Kensei quest reward for Anvil: was using Guardian version before, now it's straight up dex blade; + Parmula shields now get +damage as a default feature; v1.0035 (2019-08-30) + Iron Maiden can go 10 levels deep into Toughness perk now (used to be 5); + Added 8 uniques on uID#2110. Total uniques 995 now; + Updated some affix descriptions; v1.0036 (2019-08-31) + Revised Uber Diablo damage resistance in PvM Ranged combat (includes arrow and magic damage): for Ironman / Nightmare modes: 78% in SP, 83% / 90% / 92% in MP Horror / Purg / Doom, for Normal / Hardcore modes: 84% in SP, 88% / 91% / 93% in MP Horror / Purg / Doom, Note: for arrows, damage resistance was 87% and 93% on multiDoom, for magic, damage resistance was: 87% in SP and 87% / 92% / 94% on MP Horror / Purg / Doom; v1.0037 (2019-09-01) + Fixed some rare affix data; + Summoners will now get summon tier 2 book from Slain Hero on Horror, and summon tier 3 book on Purgatory; v1.0038 (2019-09-03) + Summoner minion formulae changed so that perk boosts are taken into account: reduced max armor / accuracy and damage by 20-30 points, Note: boosting current Magic will have less effect on minions because of this, Note: Summoners should be now balanced as they were intended before adding Perks for them (that threw them out of comfort zone a bit); + Monster #39 no longer warps to player when attacked by summons, Note: it was the only monster (out of 200+) that warped if hit by minions, other warper types did not; + Slain Hero drop function updated to allow all types of items, it also removed drop sorting by item picture and drops items like a magic chest (concerning quality); v1.0039 (2019-09-04) + Corrected Thraex description; + Adjusted mlvl on following bosses (used to be 4 levels higher than intended): Horror Butcher, SP Horror Leoric, Mordessa, Wielder of Shadowfang, Hephasto, Lich King; + Flash (spell) formula changed from [3·Rec(slvl, Itt(clvl, Rnd[40] + 1))/2]/64 to: min: CurMagic + (CLVL * 10) * SLVL, max: (CurMagic + (CLVL * 10) * SLVL) * 1,5; + Inferno (spell) formula changed to: Rnd [ clvl * clvl ] + ((clvl * cMAG) / 1), Note: spellbook damage display gives a pretty accurate description of damage rating now too; v1.0040 (2019-09-05) + MvP Melee: Executioner minimal chance to be hit set to 33; + MvP Ranged: Executioner minimal chance to be hit set to 22; + Max chance to be hit in MvP Ranged set to: 95 - (bDEX/5); + Horn Clans have a little more HPs: 100-300 ->> 350-400; + Removed grates in original Leoric Tomb layout (to prevent safe Leo kill exploit); + MP games of Horror difficulty are now open to characters of any level. Purgatory difficulty is open to players of level 25 and above, Doom is open to all who are level 40 and above; + Revised SP location stairs access on all difficulties (mainly, reduced thresholds); + Executioner mode (damage penalty for being too experienced for a given difficulty in MP) turned off now that CLVL limitations are gone; + MP death gold penalty formula reworked to: CLVL * DLVL + Difficulty_modifier (horror: 0, purgatory: 1200, doom: 3800); v1.0041 (2019-09-05) + Fire Blast / Ball Lightning damage formula set to: CLVL + Rnd[ (cMAG / 2 ) ] + ( SLVL * 10 ); + Elemental (spell) damage formula set to: CLVL/2 + Rnd[ (cMAG / 4 ) ] + ( SLVL * 5 ); + Arcane Star damage formula set to: CLVL + Rnd[ (cMAG / 3 ) ] + ( SLVL * 8 ); + Firebolt (spell) formula set to: Rnd[16] + cMAG/2 + SLVL; + Hydra (spell) damage formula is fixed: was using some messed up recursive damage formula. Now its damage is equal to that of Firebolt; + Adjusted missile speed of player's Fire Blast / Ball Lightning to: SLVL/2 + 20, max = 40; + Holy Bolt/Nova (spell) damage set to: 5 + Rnd [cMAG/2] + Rnd [6] + SLVL*7 + CLVL*2 v1.0042 (2019-09-06) + Minor summoned minion formula updates; + Thraex base damage set to cSTR * CLVL / 65 when using melee weapons, with or without shield; + Warrior class can now go 5 levels deep into Tuck Tails perk; + Revised Gold Fever perk progression; + Shinobi can go 15 levels deep into Dodger perk; + Improved visual quality of some inventory items; v1.0043 (2019-09-09) + Templar, Assassin and Monk now show correct weapon damage modifier (against monster types); + Removed assert line to stop crashing with a wand of charges in one hand and nothing else in other swaps (crashed while pressing 'V' with spellbook open). A rare bug but still a gamecrashing bug; + Max possible block chance in MpV Ranged set to 75% for Warrior class and to 70% for everyone else; + Modified minimum chances to get hit in MvP Melee: Iron Maiden: 17 -> 19, Savage / Berserker: 20 -> 21, Guardian: 20 -> 19, Kensei / Shugoki: 18 -> 19, Bombardier: 15 -> 16, Assassin: 14 -> 15; + Max possible block chance in MvP Melee for Warrior increased: 75% -> 80%; v1.0044 (2019-09-11) + Added 6 uniques on uID#2111. Total uniques 1001 now; + Warlord of Blood drops 10 items; + Goat Shrine- and Skeletal Bonfire room generation was deactivated unintentionally, now restored; v1.0045 (2019-09-11), hotfix + Jousting Plate requirements modified again: STR[200-255], DEX[170-175], VIT[removed]; + Fixed melee damage modifier against undead. Now Templat deals +70% to undead with blunts, Assassin claws do -20% damage to undead; + Wrote support for Claw and Staff item codes for determining damage modifier on monster types, used to be missing and staff and claw modifiers didn't really work; v1.0046 (2019-09-14) + Revision to some Monk line body armor requirements; + Mildly optimized item drop limitations code; + Reworked 'Heavy Drinker' perk, now it goes 10 levels deep with increasing numbers; v1.0047 (2019-09-14) + Reworked Swift Learner, Obsession, and Gold Fever perks so that it's all balanced with afiixes ('5 perk points = 1 affix in power' rule); v1.0048 (2019-09-14) + Fixed Copper Coronet: was using wrong affix; + New Heavy Drinker level progression was broken, fixed; v1.0049 (2019-09-16) + Made an attempt to fix broken arrow damage resistance calculation. Seems like bug was introduced after removing Executioner mode; + Added 22 uniques on uID#2112. Total uniques 1023 now; v1.0050 (2019-09-16) + Added 5 more uniques on various bases. Total uniques 1028 now; v1.0051 (2019-09-18) + Fixed many unique item data bugs; + Added 3rd variation of Sunless Sea map; + Added 10 uniques on uID#2114. Total uniques 1038 now; + Added 7 uniques on uID#2115. Total uniques 1045 now; v1.0052 (2019-09-19) + Monsters could sometimes pierce characters under Mana Shield protection, would damage life instead of mana. Fixed now, Note: we believe it was caused by faulty character parameter recalculation when under Fury and it was ending, happened in a window of 0.05 of a second, a rare bug; + MSL caps raised (character total base stat sum): for CLVL (1-15): (CLVL*7)+70, for CLVL (16-20): (CLVL*7)+80, for CLVL (21-25): (CLVL*8)+90, for CLVL (26-30): (CLVL*8)+100, for CLVL (31-35): (CLVL*9)+110, for CLVL (36-40): (CLVL*9)+120, for CLVL (41-45): (CLVL*10)+130, for CLVL 46+: unlimited; v1.0053 (2019-09-19) + Fixed changes in MSL made last time; v1.0054 (2019-09-19) + Fixed changes in MSL formula (yes, again!); v1.0055 (2019-09-19) + Lord Obese' pack now uses new AI (melee, circling and magic missiles from distance); + Arcane Star affixes now increase Aracne Star damage instead of adding SLVL to it; + Vobul's pack now uses new AI (melee, circling and physical spell from distance); v1.0056 (2019-09-20) + Added 2 new AI's, assigned them to some monsters and bosspacks; + Monster Fireblast damage set to: Horror: DungeonLevel * 2 + 5 + Rnd[ DungeonLevel + 1], Purgatory: DungeonLevel * 3 + 67 + Rnd[ DungeonLevel * 2], Doom: DungeonLevel * 3 + 161 + Rnd[ DungeonLevel * 2]; + Monster Fireblast speed set to: Horror: 10 + (DungeonLevel / 3) + Rnd[ DungeonLevel / 2 + 1], Purgatory: 16 + (DungeonLevel / 3) + Rnd[ 2 + DungeonLevel / 2 + 1], Doom: 22 + (DungeonLevel / 3) + Rnd[ 4 + DungeonLevel / 2 + 1], Note: maximum speed is limited at 40; v1.0057 (2019-09-21) + Inquisitor class now doesn't modify damage with swords and maces against undead/beasts. Tooltips take that into account; + Base crit strength and chances revised on all classes in melee; + Removed Swift Learner perk levels 21-25, it is limited at 20 levels now. Levels 21+ were not really needed. I believe, this was the final revision of this perk; + Base crit strength and chances revised on all classes in ranged and magic combat. Rogue and Assassin get a particularly large dps boost in magical combat; v1.0058 (2019-09-22) + Monk staff damage got "-33% to beasts" modifier now; + Shinobi pants color changed to black; + Fixed faulty condition in PvM Melee damage modifier vs different species; + Bosspack generation rules changed. Boss minions are forcefully generated in the same room with their boss. Minion spawn radius also increased (4 -< 6), Note: in theory, this could lead to game freezes if there is not enough room for another minion, report to me if something like this happens; v1.0059 (2019-09-22) + Fixed double minion HP bug from previous build; v1.0060 (2019-09-24) + Skeleton King AI now summons minions only in Singleplayer's Normal and Hardcore modes; + Added 14 uniques on uID#2116. Total uniques 1059 now; v1.0061 (2019-09-24) + Rogue and Dimachaerus now get +15% damage vs beasts when wielding one or two sharps, and +15% damage vs undead when wielding one or two blunts, Note: when using mixed sharp + blunt, damage is still neutral vs all monter species; + Dimachaerus base damage with 2 sharps / 2 blunts set to CLVL * cSTR / 190, with sharp+blunt it's CLVL * cSTR / 380; + Rogue base damage with 2 sharps / 2 blunts set to CLVL * cSTR / 130, with sharp+blunt it's CLVL * cSTR / 260; + Inquisitor base damage with melee weapons set to cSTR * CLVL / 70; + Monk base damage with staves set to cSTR * CLVL / 135; + Shugoki base damage with pollaxe weapons set to cSTR * CLVL / 90; + Iron Maiden base damage in melee set to cSTR * CLVL / 80; + Savage base damage with two-handed melee weapons set to cSTR * CLVL / 50; + Executioner base damage with choppers / bones set to cSTR * CLVL / 35, with bare hands it's cSTR * CLVL / 25, with axe cSTR * CLVL / 77; + Secutor autohit chance in MvP Melee set to 18%; v1.0062 (2019-09-25) + Revised Fury effects on all characters; + Added 12 unique on uID#2117. Total uniques 1071 now; v1.0063 (2019-09-25) + Bosspack minion generation range set to 6 (was 4 and it sometimes resulted in level load freeze); + Initial arrow damage from monsters is reduced by 25% now, this will make arrow damage resistance more useful; + Revised CLVL requirements on Ironclad perk; v1.0064 (2019-09-26) + Minor debuffs to executioner life regen; + Flat crit damage affixes don't work with Trapper now; + Traps no longer roll flat crit affixes; + Modified Trapper melee crits to be in synch with arrow (trap) crits. Wrote support for char.panel to display crit damage as it is (doesn't display flat crit damage); + Trapper melee base damage set to CLVL * (cSTR + cDEX) / 3900; v1.0065 (2019-09-26), hotfix + Monk base damage set to CLVL * cSTR / 70; + Fixed bosspack generation, caused freeze on level loading; v1.0066 (2019-09-26), hotfix#2 + Previous hotfix didn't work, this one will; v1.0067 (2019-09-27) + Butcher AC is lower on Horror; + Butcher and Leoric made a little harder on Purgatory / Doom; + Shinobi base damage in melee set to CLVL * cSTR / 30; + Murmillo base damage in melee set to CLVL * cSTR / 76 + CLVL; + Warrior base damage in melee set to CLVL * cSTR / 60 + CLVL; + Inquisitor base damage in melee set to CLVL * cSTR / 98 + CLVL; + Guardian base damage in melee set to CLVL * cSTR / 125 + CLVL; + Templar base damage in melee set to CLVL * cSTR / 55 + CLVL; v1.0068 (2019-09-27) + Steel Skin perk redesigned. Toughness requirements replaced with (modest) Vitality requirements; v1.0069 (2019-09-29) + Sweep attack damage was wrong in melee: there was a redundant divider; + Sweep damage calculation rewritten. New formula for it is: Rnd[CLVL+1]% damage, Monk gets 50% higher than that. Means [1-50]% basic, and [1-75]% for Monk; + A lot of base helmets got arrow damage resistance now. Either increased or just added. Not all, but many; + MvP Magic damage initial reduction changed for all classes. Reduced to this percentage: Archers: 40%, Monks, Guardian: 46%, Rogues: 44%, Dimachaerus: 48%, Secutor: 42%, the rest: 50% (default); + MvP Arrow damage initial reduction changed for all classes. Reduced to this percentage: Archers: 60%, Monks, Guardian: 69%, Rogues: 66%, Dimachaerus: 72%, Secutor: 63%, the rest: 75% (default); + Iron Maiden stun formula set to: Rnd[ 2 * (CLVL / 2) + 8] + (3 * CLVL / 8) + (bVIT / 8); + Fixed and corrected many other minor things; v1.0070 (2019-09-30) + Added 7 uniques on uID#2118 (Mask Helmet). Total uniques 1078 now; + In Ironman / Nightmare modes right clicking precious gems will transmute them to gold (Defiler's gems are not included); + Included changelog from TH1 above, because TH2 is based on it; + Steel Skin perk levels 6-10 are available to all now, levels 11-15 are available to Savage, Berserker, Guardian, Murmillo, Executioner; + Added native arrow damage resistance to more base items; + Added 15 uniques on uID#2119 (Iron Mask). Total uniques 1093 now; v1.0071 (2019-10-02) + Upgraded some Executioner body armor requirements (mainly nerfed); + Upgraded some base item pics, added some pics for unique items (nearly 3000 images in item gallery atm); + Small fix to recent precious gem transmute patch; v1.0072 (2019-10-03) + Perk order revised; + Adjusted perk availability for certain classes so that they don't have access to them if they can't afford them; + Some base item stat adjustments and code cleanups; v1.0073 (2019-10-03) + Reverting perk order back to previous. This caused problems; v1.0074 (2019-10-04), "In the Distance Fading" (God is an Austronaut) + Added 18 uniques on uID#2120 (Sorcery Gauntlets). Total uniques 1111 now; v1.0075 (2019-10-08) + Revised Summoned minion stat formulas, reduced scaling of armor and accuracy; + Added 33 uniques on uID#2121. Total uniques 1144 now; v1.0076 (2019-10-08) + Fixed some typos and unique item data; + Added a memorial to heroes of Ironman tournaments on dlvl 2 in SP IM mode; v1.0077 (2019-10-08) + Reverting back Hall of Heroes: doesn't work properly; v1.0078 (2019-10-09) + Sparkling shrine XP gain formula changed: Horror: 1000 * dlvl + Rnd[500 * dlvl + 1], Purgat: 1000 * dlvl + 20000 + Rnd[10001], Doom: 2000 * dlvl + 40000 + Rnd[20001]; + Re-applied Hall of Heroes. Should be ok now; + Maximum one-time experience limited at CLVL * 5000; + In Multiplayer, one-time experience cannot be above of 1/40 of your xp difference between your old level and the next (regarding XP table); + Fleshdoom XP gains reduced to +75%, +100%, +125% for the three levels accordingly (was: +100, +150, +200); v1.0079 (2019-10-10) + Ranged damage absorption is now receiving passive increase from vitality (like MDR): +bVIT/50 to minimum and +bVIT/25 to maximum; + Berserker tier 1 helm redesigned; + Fixed a bug with Executioner mode that made characters who failed their block chance in melee take +300% damage, if they were above CLVL 36 on Horror or above CLVL 49 on Purgatory; v1.0080 (2019-10-11) + Heavy Drinker elixir chance per level reduced: 5% -> 4%; + Max block chances in MvP Melee revised: Guardian / Bombardier / Shugoki: 30%, Assassin: 60%, Savage / Berserker: 20%, Kensei: 40%, Executioner: 10%; v1.0081 (2019-10-13) + Character level up table (XP table) was using wrong numbers, fixed, Note: it will increase XP needed to gain levels starting from level 30 and forth, but now it's how it was supposed to be, Note: don't freak out when you see XP neede to reach next level on your exisiting level 35+ character; + Revised Swift Learner again ,since XP chart is using correct numbers now; + Maximum one-time experience limitchanged to CLVL * 5000; + Sparkling shrine XP gain formula changed again: Horror: 1000 * dlvl + Rnd[500 * dlvl + 1], Purgat: 3000 * dlvl + 27000 + Rnd[20001], Doom: 10000 * dlvl + 40000 + Rnd[50001]; v1.0082 (2019-10-13) + Fixed data mismatch in the last build; v1.0083 (2019-10-14) + MP games of Horror difficulty are now open to characters of any level. Purgatory difficulty is open to players of level 20 and above, Doom is open to all who are level 35 and above; + Elixirs are now allowed to be stashed; + MSL caps raised (character total base stat sum): for CLVL (1-15): (CLVL*7)+70, for CLVL (16-20): (CLVL*8)+80, for CLVL (21-25): (CLVL*9)+90, for CLVL (26-30): (CLVL*10)+100, for CLVL (31-35): (CLVL*11)+110, for CLVL (36-40): (CLVL*12)+120, for CLVL 41+: unlimited; v1.0084 (2019-10-14) + Maximum one-time experience limit at CLVL * 5000 removed now (deactivated), both is SP & MP, it's not needed anymore; + In Multiplayer, one-time experience cannot be above of 1/20 of your xp difference between your old level and the next (regarding XP table): +100% more XP allowed now; + Added more block sounds and adjusted them according to character class; + Phalanx of Immortals: new image; v1.0085 (2019-10-16) + Rogue and Assassin receive +2 to native mana regeneration rate (same as Monk and Mage); + Monsters that had 100% lifesteal, now have 200% lifesteal in MP mode. Monsters that had 800% lifesteal, now have only 400% lifesteal in IM/NM modes (in Normal/HC - still 800%); + Ghoul and Zombie get 500% lifesteal in MP, and 250% lifesteal in SP; + Corrected sound volume on thrown acid flasks and snowball spell; + Removed +DFE ( was: +(CLVL / 5) + 5 ) from Templar's Fury effect; + Warlock doesn't get more mana under Fury, instead he gains ( + CLVL / 2 + 1 ) to mana regeneration; + Savage had -5 * CLVL + 5 to SLVL under Fury, this effect is replaced with (3 * CLVL / 2 )% to XP gain percent (e.g., -36% XP modifier at CLVL 24); + Removed +CLVL * 2 to mana under Fury from Summoners, replaced with following effects: Demonologist: +CLVL/5 to minion AC, Necromancer: +(CLVL/10 + 5 )% to minion HP, Beastmaster: +CLVL/5 to minion damage; + Warrior: block chance under Fury increased by (CLVL/10 +5 )%; + Characters now start with randomly (150 - 250) gold pieces; + Berserker SLVL decrease under Fury lowered: -CLVL/10; + PvM Melee: in IM/NM modes, maximum chance to hit CorruptPaladins (and Lord of the Order) is set to 55%; + PvM Ranged: in IM/NM modes, maximum chance to hit CorruptPaladins (and Lord of the Order) is set to 47%; + Dragon Kins are harder to hit with arrows in PvM Ranged, modified max chance to hit to: SP: Horror 76%, Purg 67%, Doom 59%, MP: Horror 57%, Purg 49%, Doom 43%; + Biclops and Grunt Beast monsters get damage resistance in PvM Ranged: Horror: -6 DFE and -33,33% DR (for instance, 100 damage becomes 100 - 6 = 94, then 96 * 2/3 = 64), Purg: -24 DFE and -33,33% DR, Doom: -41 DFE and -33,33% DR; + Apocalypse damage formula changed to: CLVL * (Rnd[CLVL] + 1) (approximately, minDmg = CLVL, maxDmg = CLVL * CLVL); + Assassin / Rogue base mana formula set to: (2 * bMAG) + (2 * clvl) + 18; + Some work with SFX; v1.0086 (2019-10-18) + Monsters with life steal had their steal rating reduced by 50% (400%/800% life steals are not affected by this patch); + Equipoise and Scales of Affluence: new pics; + Sparkling shrine experience giveouts adjusted better: Horr: 250 * (DungeonLevel * DungeonLevel) + 250 + Rnd[ 250 * (DungeonLevel * DungeonLevel) + 1) ], from 500 - 750 on DLVL-1 to 100k - 200k on DLVL-20, Purg: 250 * ((DungeonLevel + 20) * (DungeonLevel + 20)) + Rnd[ 250 * ((20 + DungeonLevel) * (20 + DungeonLevel))) + 1)], from 110k - 220k on DLVL-1 to 400k - 800k on DLVL-20, Doom: 250 * ((DungeonLevel + 40) * (DungeonLevel + 40)) + Rnd[ 250 * ((40 + DungeonLevel) * (40 + DungeonLevel))) + 1)], from 420k - 840k on DLVL-1 to 900k - 1800K on DLVL-20; v1.0087 (2019-10-19) + Savage stun formula is using same as Berserker's now: Rnd[ player.CharLevel + 7 ] + (player.CharLevel / 3) + (player.BaseVitality / 7) - 1; + Some code cleanups; v1.0088 (2019-10-19) + Added 17 uniques on uID#2122. Total uniques 1161 now; + Added arrow damage resistance factor on some base items. A couple of items got melee damage resistance reduced and arrow damage resistance buffed. Kind of specialization; v1.0089 (2019-10-22) + Item works; + Reactivated previously inactive shrines that were turned off: Ornate, Secluded, Enchanted, Fascinating, Sacred, Tainted, Glowing, Note: the new effects are mostly boosts that work while you remain on current level: +1 SLVLs, +2 Light Radius (yes, it's a negative effect), +5% crit chance, + (2 + (CLVL / 10)) to regeneration rate of life and mana, +30% magic find, +50% gold find, +25% to experience; + Tainted Shrine effect changed. SP gives +10% light radius on current level. In MP gives nothing to the player who activated the shrine but gives Rnd[11] roll for each stat on all other players, Note: if roll is below 5, stat is decreased, if roll is above 4 then stat is increased. There is 5/11 chance for decrease and 6/11 chance for increase. So on average it's beneficial; + Glowing Shrine works this way now: drops tier 1 Oils of Repair in SP, in MP it drops two Full Holy Waters if DLVL is 1-12 and mode is Horror, after that it drops 2 random single stat elixirs; v1.0090 (2019-10-23) + Item works; + Added 11 new crypt palettes: 256 total now; + Added 3 uniques on uID#2123 (Beaked Helm). Total uniques 1164 now; v1.0091 (2019-10-27) + Updated some shrine texts; + Added 4 new unique items on demand. uIDs: 2124-2127. Total uniques 1168 now; v1.0092 (2019-11-12) + Added 28 new crypt palettes: 284 total now; + Updated stats on newly added uniques; + [Duke] Fixed a bug that could teleport player to Lazarus level upon entering certain tile on the level; v1.0093 (2019-11-15) + Fixed "Enigma" and "Reaper of Souls" items; + Summoned Hellboar death animation speed delay changed: 2 -> 1; + Summoned Hellboar AI changed to 24 (Viper); + Lazarus drops 3 items now; v1.0094 (2019-11-20) + Added 2 more uniques on uID#5. Total uniques 1170 now; + Fixed stats on some uniques; + Added new perk: Advanced User. Lowers stats required for equipping items; v1.0095 (2019-11-26), "The Gereg" (The HU) + Dimachaerus base damage with mixed weapons is now: cSTR * CLVL / 380 + CLVL, with two identical types of weapons: cSTR * CLVL / 190 + CLVL; + Redear added to Ironman Hall of Heroes as the winner of Q4 ' 2019 tournament; + Transmuting quest uniques now uses a different function and it should no longer result in item disappear if there is not enough space in inventory for the transmuted item, Note: it will drop transmuted item on the ground though; v1.0096 (2019-12-02) + Changed Templar image back to old; + Preparing the mod for monitors with framerate over 60 Hz: adding support for framerate up to 1000 Hz (even though modern displays stop at 300 Hz and most people still use max 60 Hz displays); + Improved interpolation: when running, framerate speed is significantly increased (looks smoother); + When setting up config framerate, don't set it over what your display supports IF you are setting VSync to ON; + Fixed floating number speeds (used to slowdown with higher framerates); + New high performance timer added for framerates over 60 Hz, but it's taxing on CPU (fps will drop on older CPUs, be aware); + Set framerate to 1000 to benchmark what your CPU can do in TH2 (dont forget to check showFPS to see how much it is); + When running in non-fullscreen, it is advised to set framerate to 200 for better smoothness; + Also, a check is required in multiplayer, to figure out how 2 people play together if their framerates are set to 60 on one computer and to above 60 on another; v1.0097 (2019-12-02) + Fixed duplicate creation on IM/NM quest item transmutation (let me know how it goes); + Corrections to some unique item data; v1.0098 (2019-12-06) + Eerie, Abandoned, Quiet and Creepy shrines now give more stats. Still +1 in Normal and Hardcore, randomly +[1-2] in Ironman and +2 in Nightmare mode; v1.0099 (2019-12-12) + Dimachaerus innate ranged damage reduction increased a bit: 28% -> 31%; + Added 2 new patron supported uniques, total uniques 1172 now; + Player Arcane Star/Nova damage formula set to: CLVL + Rnd[cMAG /2] + SLVL * 10; v1.0100 (2019-12-18) + Adding new option in config: quest randomizer ("RandomizeSPQuests" line under Gameplay options). Many wanted to have this option, now it's there (see description in config.ini), Note: be aware you should not load game after changing it, if you change the setting, pick new game with your existing character(s), Note: initially, it was an option for Ironman / Nightmarem but it quickly became evident it should be expanded to all modes of single player; v1.0101 (2020-01-07) + [DD] Fixed dead monster array overflow, this should fix some "floating" bugs and crashes, and also this should fix crashes in coop games with summoners recasting minions; v1.0102 (2020-01-08) + Revised critical hit chance and damage multiplier for all classes in ranged (non-magic) combat; + Shinobi melee crit formula changed to CLVL / 4 + 4 % chance for +200% damage; + Secutor melee crit formula changed to CLVL / 7 + 3 % chance for +125% damage; + Guardian melee crit formula changed to CLVL / 4 + 5 % chance for +225% damage and +[20-25] damage; + Dimachaerus melee crit formula changed to CLVL / 15 + 4 % chance for +50% damage; + Increased arrow damage resistance on some body armors; + Fixed Stone Ward unique; v1.0103 (2020-01-09) + Melee damage resistance limits lowered for classes that can block in battle. Minimum is 50%, maximum is 80%, Note: classes affected: Monk, Shinobi, Assassin, Maiden, Warrior, Inquisitor, Templar, Murmillo, Thraex, Secutor, Bombardier, Trapper; + Added one more variation of crypt music in sp doom. You need to upgrade to music pack v8.3 to hear it; v1.0104 (2020-01-10) + SP Doom Catacombs used to have no music randomize. It now can play randomly (50% chance) new track written for The Hell 2: Tomb (also needs music pack v8.3); v1.0105 (2020-01-10) + Melee damage resistance limits lowered for classes that can block in battle. Minimum is 60%, maximum is 80%, for others it's now 70/95 ; + Secutor melee crit formula changed to CLVL / 5 + 3 % chance for +125% damage; + MvP Melee: Dimachaerus autohit set to 17 (was 19), Shinobi: 19 (was 18); + Added 3 new Demonologist uniques; v1.0106 (2020-01-11) + Added 2 more Demonologist uniques (total 1177 now); + Gold bless shrine message updated; + [Duke] Dungeon objects should be able to drop summoner books in multiplayer coop sessions if at least one of the players is a summoner, Note: summoner books still shouldn't be available to non-summoner players (if something goes wrong, report to me); v1.0107 (2020-01-11) + Reverting changes from Summoner book drops in MP, caused crashes; v1.0108 (2020-01-13) + Deleted Chastity Belts; + Added 21 uniques on uID#2135 (Silk Gloves). Total uniques 1196 now; + Shinobi base damage formula set to cSTR * CLVL / 50; v1.0109 (2020-01-14) + Added 6 uniques on uID#2136 (Great Platemail). Total uniques 1202 now; v1.0110 (2020-01-15) + Added 1 unique on uID#2137 (Reinforced Greaves). Total uniques 1203 now; + Less chests spawned in Island quest; + Added 7 uniques on uID#2138 (Thorned Cap). Total uniques 1210 now; v1.0111 (2020-01-16) + Fullscreen switch fix implemented; + Some conflict resolve attempts; + Working with menu config; + Working with options; + Changing screen resolution on the fly works now. Fixed RenderCursor potential critical bug (feature deactivated for now, needs testing); + Turned on optimized code generation; + Working with optimization/profiling. Removing unnecessary and STL includes. Down with sluggish bullshit in game engine; + Cleaned some unused headers and modules. Simplified header structure, Note: performance should be increased by about 50% now, Note: also, if game crashes, it will create 'TH2CrashDump.tmp' file in the mod folder, send it to me - it will help in resolving the issue; v1.0112 (2020-01-17) + Updated config.ini (info regarding blue mana/potions). You need to update it and check these; + Added 15 uniques on uID#2139 (Sorcery Greaves). Total uniques 1225 now; v1.0113 (2020-01-20) IF YOU ARE HAVING FRAMERATE ISSUES, UPGRADE YOUR CONFIG.INI AND SET FPS TO 1000 AND VSYNC TO OFF (AND WAIT FOR US TO FIX THE ISSUE IF IT DOESN'T SOLVE THE PROBLEM) + Fixed a crash that occured in coop games with summoners recasting their minions (let me know if there are problems); v1.0114 (2020-01-21) + Boots of Equilibrium: fixed wrong data; + Added 1 unique on uID#2140 (Dawn Shield). Total uniques 1226 now; + Added 1 unique on uID#2141 (Bone Plate). Total uniques 1227 now; + Added 2 uniques on uID#2142 (Spiked Sabatons). Total uniques 1229 now; + Sphere of Holy Might is given a unique look; + Added 1 unique on uID#2143 (Anaconda Skin Belt). Total uniques 1230 now; + Added 1 unique on uID#2144 (Newborn Skull Belt). Total uniques 1231 now; + Added 3 uniques on uID#2145 (Armored Pelt). Total uniques 1234 now; + Added 1 unique on uID#2146 (Horned Barbute). Total uniques 1235 now; v1.0115 (2020-01-22) + Added 1 unique on uID#2147 (Spiked Helm). Total uniques 1236 now; + Many revisions to item images: cleaning up duplicates, adjusting and fixing looks; v1.0116 (2020-01-23) + Many items got new looks; v1.0117 (2020-01-25) + Added 1 unique on uID#2148 (War Scepter). Total uniques 1237 now; + Bolt Trap IV now shoots 3 times as slow and damage is tripled; + Inquisitor now does 200% with elemental attacks of fire, cold, electricity and arcane. Holy and acid are 100% now; + Added 9 uniques on uID#2149 (all tier 2 flasks). Total uniques 1246 now; + Removed penalties to life regeneration on DLVLs 22 - 24; v1.0118 (2020-01-26) + Fortitude and Focus progression is made more attractive in the beginning: gains are +2 after perk level 2; + Fortitude perk is now 25 levels deep for Executioner. Focus is 25 levels deep for Warlock; + Code cleanups (removing old TH1 references and validation checks); + Various performance optimizations (including undoing damage done by advanced user perk); v1.0119 (2020-01-28) + Guardian class will no longer get one-handed weapons from racks (let me know if there are problems); + Added new base item: Iron Hammer; + Added 7 uniques on uID#2150 (Mesh Gloves). Total uniques 1253 now; v1.0120 (2020-01-30) + Stat adjustments on some base items; + Updated looks for some relicts; + Various other minor adjustments; + Preps made to fix the mp saveslot bug; v1.0121 (2020-01-31) + Added 13 uniques on uID#2151 (Light Wood Shield). Total uniques 1266 now; + Changed duplicate Cloth Gloves uID to prevent unwanted obsolete uniques from dropping; v1.0122 (2020-02-01) + Smaller attribute penalty on the Cry of Seven Fathers uniques; + More variety in relict imagery; + Iron Maiden melee damage resistance caps increased to (75-85)% as she is supposed to get hit and withstand it; v1.0123 (2020-02-01) + Added new Monk class body armor (base); + Added error message for outdated item data file "Please update TH2data.mor file, item %i not found", instead of crashing randomly on game loading; + Fixed out of array crash on extended save number in mpq crypt functions - this should fix remaining crashes in multiplayer when playing characters saved in slots over 9; v1.0124 (2020-02-03), "What is Fight Club?" (The Dust Brothers) + Fixed potential character animation freezes that could occur while changing items and not standing/walking, Note: start new gaming session to avoid bugs, don't load your old SP games; v1.0125 (2020-02-05) + Added 1 more unique on uID#2147. Total uniques 1267 now; + Added 1 unique on uID#2152. Total uniques 1268 now; + Better looks given to some base items; + Added Ravenholm .DUN and .PAL files to data; + Fixed a bug with relict/spell casts in town that was introduced after the animation bugfix; v1.0126 (2020-02-06) + Magic Find value shown in charaacter sheet is 100% less now. Don't worry, it's the same, just a visual update; + Magic Find minimum limit is -100% now, everything below -100% is pointless (still no uniques); + Added 17 uniques on uID#2153 (Shoes). Total uniques 1285 now; + Updated Readme; v1.0127 (2020-02-07) + Relicts of Identify now disappear only after a successful identification and not just on cast; v1.0128 (2020-02-10) + Spell damage modifier is: ( base_damage * % spell_damage_modifier + spell_damage_modifier ) * % element_damage_modifier + element_damage_modifier; + Dlvl 5 ghouls in sp purg & doom had 75% resist instead of 50%, fixed; + Holy element damage modifiers used to NOT work with spell damage: fixed; + Holy element damage modifiers are accounted for in spellbook now; v1.0129 (2020-02-12) + Added 1 more unique on uID#2124. Total uniques 1286 now; + Fixed minor image flaws on some inventory items; + Some unique items are given new unique pics; + Completely revised rare item affix table; v1.0130 (2020-02-14), "Black Star" (Lustmord) + Fixed old bug with savegame that could result in some items disappearing after loading game again; + Some updates in item looks again, keep polishing items; v1.0131 (2020-02-15) + Upgraded Felltwin, Illusion Weaver and Invisible One colors to two-toned (including their bosses); + Improving colors on some monsters; + New pics for some uniques; + Total revision of Trapper weapon delays and damage; v1.0132 (2020-02-16), "Dismantling Devotion" (Daylight Dies) + Added support for set items; + Uber Diablo will be able to drop items on death if killed on SP Horror NM or IM mode; + Books can be read under spell cooldown now; + Added new set (0): Midas' Finery; + Added new set (1): Bhaltavir's Battle Steel; v1.0133 (2020-02-17) + Added 1 more unique on uID#2111. Total uniques 1287 now; + Added new set (2): Civerb's Tools; + Added new lategame Inquisitor class set (3): Immortal King. Total uniques 1294 now; + Added new set (4): Tal-Rasha's Path of Torment; v1.0134 (2020-02-18) + Added new lategame Dimachaerus class set (7): Tigris of Gaul. Total uniques 1296 now; + Trapper crit chance formula set to: CLVL/7 +5 % chance for +100% damage (was 1 + CLVL/3% chance for +175% damage); + Added new midgame set for Kensei class (8): Sazabi's Grand Tribute. Total uniques 1298 now; + Fixed lightning and fire walls casting target point to ground under cursor; + Diagonal fire and lightning walls will now stop monsters from approaching: it will work like the edges on fire/lite rings where tiles are placed in zigzag; + Fixed original bug from Hellfire multiplayer when players 1, 2 and 3 did more damage than player 0, now damage of every player is equal; v1.0135 (2020-02-28) + Upgrade of picture for Advocate Plate; + Maximum inventory picture limit raised to 9000; + Added new endgame Thraex class set (6): Celestial Arsenal. Total uniques: 1301; + Added new endgame Rogue set (5): Renegade's Outfit; + Charged Bolt spell is allowed in Island of the Sunless Sea now; + Mage and Elementalist classes no longer get +mana under Fury, instead they get weaker penalty to DFE and stronger SLVL boost; + Knockback no longer pushes monsters in the direction opposite they're facing, instead, it will push them away from player; + Added new early game Savage set (9): Arctic Gear. Total uniques 1303 now; + Added new end game Necromancer set (10): Rathma's Armory. Total uniques 1309 now; + Added new mid game Guardian set (11): Sigon's Steel. Total uniques 1311 now; + Shugoki base damage formula set to (cSTR * CLVL / 180) + (CLVL / 2); + Global +damage effect strength decreased by 25% for affixes, rare affixes and uniques; + Less charges generated (and price is higher) on items with identify / mana/ magi affixes; + Added new mid game Murmillo set (12): Poseidon's GIfts. Total uniques 1313 now; + NPCs now will show exclamation mark above their head if they have something special to say; v1.0136 (2020-03-01) + Added new midgame Templar set (13): Heavenly Brethren. Total uniques 1317 now; + Base damage for side arrows is set to 40% (Sharpshooter still 25%); + Archer class gets new perk that increases side arrow damage; + Flash (spell) formula changed to: (CurMagic + (CLVL * 5) * SLVL) * 1,5; + Lightning (spell) damage formula (for one segment hit) set to: ( (CLVL / 5) + Rnd[ (CLVL / 2) + 1 ] + 1 + (curMAG / 10 ) ); + All Lightning demon types now use small lightning animation; + Cerberus' Inferno now does 200% damage; + Inferno (spell) formula changed to: Rnd [ clvl * clvl ] + ((clvl * cMAG) / 2); + Monk loses basic 2x sweep damage in melee; + Monk gets new perk that increases sweep damage; v1.0137 (2020-03-01) + Upgraded pics for many items; + Certain types of bulky armors will now reduce character damage slightly, as opposed to raising it (what they did before); + Fixed and upgraded some unique items; v1.0138 (2020-03-02) + Golem has somewhat less HP now; + Lots of updates in item looks; + New flip animation for weakest clubs and Demonologist heads; + Some new base items added; v1.0139 (2020-03-03) + Working with item images continues; v1.0140 (2020-03-04) + More item works; + Fire/Lightning Nova damage (from player) formula is set to: Rnd[CLVL * 2,5] + (SLVL * 50) + (cMAG * 5), Note: this should fix nova damage going too high on high spell levels and at the same time make their damage stronger on lower spell levels, making them overall more useful; + Player Firebolt damage formula upgraded to: (cMAG / 3) + SLVL + Rnd[10+CLVL]; + Player Arcane Star damage formula reverted to: CLVL + Rnd[ (cMAG / 3 ) ] + ( SLVL * 8 ); + Fixed Elemental (spell) damage formula by removing +1/16 damage per SLVL cycling - should be dealing exactly 50% less than Fireblast now: Note: formula is CLVL/2 + Rnd[ (cMAG / 4 ) ] + ( SLVL * 5 ); + Elemental (spell) damage formula set to: CLVL/2 + Rnd[ (cMAG / 5 ) ] + ( SLVL * 4 ); v1.0141 (2020-03-04) + Character parameters recalculated after new shrine buffs, this should also fix Light Shrine takeover to new dlvl bug; v1.0142 (2020-03-04) + Fire/Lightning Nova damage (from player) formula is set to: Rnd[CLVL * 1,5] + (SLVL * 30) + (cMAG * 3). Previous formula was overkill; + More item works. Supplied more base- and unique items with better pics; v1.0143 (2020-03-05) + More variety in spell sounds given; + Changed some core sounds; + Even more item works + picture updates; + Credits formatting updated; Thanks for support: Christo Mihalos v1.0144 (2020-03-06) + All summons and Golem are rebalanced; + More item works; v1.0145 (2020-03-09) + Fixed Cervelliere flip animation; + Flat damage increase in melee against certain monster types was not working properly, now fixed; + Great revision of damage on melee 2-handed sharp and blunt weapons; + Lots of sound effects revised for casting and applying spell effects; Thanks for support: Pavel Babiy v1.0146 (2020-03-10) + Some base item pics improved; + Elemental (spell) damage formula upgraded to: CLVL * 4 / 5 + Rnd[cMAG * 2 / 5 + 1] + SLVL * 8; + Player Fiery Blast spell damage formula set to CLVL + Rnd[cMAG / 2 + 1] + SLVL * 8, Note: it hits adjacent targets as well, so the effective damage is actually double on target; + Ball Lightning spell damage formula has been upgraded to: CLVL + Rnd[cMAG / 2 + 1] + SLVL * 13; + Player Fiery Blast / Ball Lightning missile speed set to: SLVL / 3 + 20 + Rnd[SLVL / 3 + 1]; + Player Arcane Star spell damage set to: CLVL + SLVL * 10 + Rnd[cMAG / 3 + 1]; v1.0147 (2020-03-10) + Changed some more spell cast sounds; + Fixed quest items disappearing from inventory (hopefully fixed, let me know if problems persist); + Adjusted base damage on some late 1-handed warrior swords; + Player Arcane Star spell damage set to: CLVL + SLVL * 10 + Rnd[cMAG * 45% + 1]; v1.0148 (2020-03-10) + Fixed Fiery Blast spellbook damage display: was wrong due to a bug. Real spell damage has not changed; + Player spell Lightning damage set to: 2 + CLVL / 4 + cMAG / 10 + Rnd[CLVL / 2 + 1]; + More spell SFX adjustments; + More uniques receive new images; v1.0149 (2020-03-11) + More item works; + Pressing Shift and potion hotkeys (1-8) with non-US keyboard layout wasn't working properly before when in battle, now it's fixed; v1.0150 (2020-03-12) + Improving on item imagery; + Cleaning up some sfx, adjusting volumes; v1.0151 (2020-03-13) + Applying oils on items now gives a sound effect; + Recharging items now gives a sound effect; + Fixed a bug when character light radius is recalculated only on dungeon level change: now it's modified each time you change any of the items equipped; + Fixed a bug with active hotkeys for spells and UI elements with an open chat panel (in MP); + More item works; v1.0152 (2020-03-14) + Trapper gets a new perk that gives her bolt trap more piercing power that tears through target DFE; + Trap bolt IV shoots faster now but packs less damage; Thanks for support: Garnithron v1.0153 (2020-03-15) + More item works; + Berserker gets Fury reworked; + Berserker gets 4 new perks that improve his fighting skills under Fury; v1.0154 (2020-03-15) + One more perk added for Berserker; + Changed up some class pictures in meta; + Added new perk that allows to improve character autohit. Available to few classes though; + Modified character autohit on certain classes to compensate and improve balancing on some classes that had too low or too strong autohit; v1.0155 (2020-03-16) + Inquisitor and Scout elemental damage modifier reduced to 1.0; + Inquisitor and Scout get new perks that increase elemental damage from weapons (Inquisitor doesn't get perks that improve acid and holy damage); + Monster chain activation radius changed by class: Assassin: 2, Rogue / Trapper / Scout / Archer / Sharpshooter: 3, others: 4. In MP every class has radius 4; + Bombardier and Trapper autohit (in melee) set to: 22%; + Bombardier's acid flasks will now do less damage to bosses: -20% as before and for special bosses it will do even less damage, up to -50% to Uber Diablo; v1.0156 (2020-03-17) + Added new perk that reduces Mana Shield excessive damage. Available mostly to Mage classes; + Mana Shield damage reduction formula changed from (damage + (damage/slvl)) to damage + damage * (100 - (slvl + "mind over matter" perk value) ) / 100, Note: for the purposes of calculations, slvl cannot be more than 50 in this formula, and minimum damage is limited at 0 (as before); v1.0157 (2020-03-18) + Warrior class gets new perk that won't allow monsters to steal mana from them; + Warrior class gets new perk that allows to stun monsters easier (with less damage); + Ball Lightning spell gets new (more fitting) icon; + Elementalist class can upgrade Lightning spell now turning it into Chain Lightning. More perk levels give more chains (up to maximum of 1 + perk levels); + When Lightning spell becomes Chain Lightning, it changes its icon now; + Chain Lightning spell no longer tries to target monsters that are out of reach; + Chain Lightning now will not target monsters immune to lightning; + Some fixes to perks that will result in them working properly in multiplayer; + Numpad 1-8 keys will now allow drinking potions (works with NumLock ON only); v1.0158 (2020-03-18) + Mana Shield damage modifier formula goes through 2nd revision. New formula: 200% - (clvl/2) - slvl (max=50) - value from "mind over matter" perk; + Mind Over Matter perk: altered values to compensate for new formula; + Spellbook now shows correct damage percentage recieved under Mana Shield; + Arcane Star cast sound reduced in volume by 25%; v1.0159 (2020-03-19) + Assassin class elemental damage coefficient for acid reduced to 1.0; + Assassin class gets Toxicity perk that will increase Acid damage coefficient up to 2.0 (0.5 more than before); + Changed some class avatar pics; + Removed old limitations for firewall and lightning wall segment duration formula (from slvl 2 to slvl 7); + New formula for Firewall / Fire Ring / Lightning Wall / Lightning Ring durations is 25 seconds + SLVL seconds; v1.0160 (2020-03-21) + Added new perk that increases duration of walls/rings of fire/lightning; + Characters lose bonus to melee/arrow resistance from vitality; + Bonus damage resistance to arrows and melee for Executioner is lost too; + Maximum arrow damage resistance to arrows is now 70-90; + Dimachaerus gets a new perk that increases both current and maximum arrow damage resistance; + Maximum melee damage resistance for Archer, Sharpshooter, Scout, all Mage classes is set to 60-75; v1.0161 (2020-03-21) + Firewall damage from non-player (trap or shrine) damage formula set to: 16 * ((DungeonLevel / 2 + 1 ) + ( 12 * Difficulty)), where difficulty is 0/1/2 (horror/purg/doom), Note: duration is set to 5 seconds; + Insulation perk gave 20 times less duration to walls, now fixed; + Skull Cracking perk gave crash when player was attacked by charging monsters, now fixed. Same fix rectifies problems caused by summons charging monsters; v1.0162 (2020-03-21) + DamageMonsterByPlayer checks for active perk before modifying stun threshold; + Fixed check for perks to avoid crashes because of faulty player pointers; + Firewall/Lightwall damage from non-player (trap or shrine) damage formula set to: 10 * ((DungeonLevel / 3 + 1 ) + ( 8 * Difficulty)); v1.0163 (2020-03-21) + Passive reduction of maximum chances to hit with magic in MvP is removed. Used to be 95 - (bDEX / 10). Now it's 95% and called Automiss; + Same reduction is removed for MvP for arrows - here's AC coming into play; + Autohit and automiss calculations for MvP arrow and magic battle types are separated and tuned individually now; + Acrobatics perk no longer affects spell dodging but lowers automiss too; + Basic spell automiss set to 14%, basic spell automiss set to 95%; + Spell autohit set to 12% for Rogue and Assassin, and 22% for Executioner; + Arrow autohit set to 12% for Monk, Rogue and Assassin, 13% for Dimachaerus and 22% for Executioner; + Added new perk that helps some classes to improve spell evasion; v1.0164 (2020-03-21) + Evasion perk rebalanced; v1.0165 (2020-03-22) + Iron Maiden no longer adds damage from '+damage' affix to each armor piece worn (was broken); + Iron Maiden gets a new perk that adds flat damage to thorns per each armor piece worn (that has thorns on it); + Fixed monster knockback orientation that used to result in monsters getting KB'ed unto unwalkable tiles (walls, etc.); v1.0166 (2020-03-22) + Fixed wrong character pointer for elemental walls and rings, and duration is now calculated properly; v1.0167 (2020-03-22) + Fixed monsters not hitting player in melee; v1.0168 (2020-03-23) + Added new perk for Dimachaerus class that allows blocking; v1.0169 (2020-03-24) + Griswold will no longer offer items of "helmet" and "body armor" type to Iron Maiden class if they have no thorns (e.g. Rogue line items); + Added config option that lets show\hide exclamation marks above NPCs; + Maiden thorns no longer use "+%damage" affix to enhance damage; + Iron Maiden autohit chance in MvP Melee set to 25%; + Heavily revised thorn damage on Maiden's base items to compensate for the loss of damage from weapon affixes; v1.0170 (2020-03-24) + Maiden stun formula set to: Rnd[(7 * player.CharLevel / 5) + 8] + (3 * player.CharLevel / 8) + (player.BaseVitality / 8) + 1, Note: now she is ready to be tested; + Affixes that increase MAG or VIT now give +1 per stat to all classes. Base MAG and VIT stats (white) give as much as before. This will make difference for affixes that give life and mana; v1.0171 (2020-03-25) + Fixed a bug with stash where potions would disappear if placing them into a full tab (of potions); + Added new perk for Rogue that allows to decrease monster chain activation radius (works only in singleplayer mode right now, but i hope to have the mechanics stretched to multi too); + MP chain activation radius is 4 now if there is more than one player in a game. Otherwise, class-specific chain activation radius is used; + Chain activation radius set to 5 for the following classes: all Mage types, Executioner, Savage, Berserker; + Fix attempt made to prevent item disappearance from inventory when it shares guid with another (being used): added base item check in addition to guid. Hopefully, it will fix that; v1.0172 (2020-03-26) + Secutor class gets a new perk that improves hit recovery speed; + Warrior fury increases damage by 7 * CLVL / 4, and DFE penalty reduced to +CLVL / 9; + Made a crossbred AI: melee + arcanestar for ranged. Used by Fearshredder now (solely); + Chance for magical traps to hit player set to 100% (was 90%); + Added new perk that decreases trap accuracy against player; + Added new perk that will help Murmillo's speed attack in melee; v1.0173 (2020-03-27) + King Leoric's tomb entrance used to have a walkable tile beyond the entrance tile, fixed now; + Numpad '+' and '-' keys work now; + Targetting another player in multiplayer and casting spells on them caused the casting player to face wrong direction, now fixed; + Added new perk that reduces monster spell accuracy against player; + Fixed MvP melee southwalk exploit (knockback tile fix should be done in next updates, not working properly yet); + Added new perk for Warlock that improves damage done to monsters; + Bone Spirit (spell) basic damage changed to 1/9th of target's current HP (still needs spellbook info adjustment); v1.0174 (2020-03-28) + Finished fixing southwalk bug: stunning character places them back to the escaping tile (used to land on targetting tile); + Added new perk that increases Monk's accuracy with sweep attacks; + Guardian melee crit power reduced from +225% to +175%; + Guardian melee crit chance reduced from 5 + CLVL/4% to 5 + CLVL/5%; + Added new perk for Guardian that allows to tear through unique monster armor with melee weapon; + Dimachaerus stun formula set to: Rnd[CLVL + 7] + (CLVL / 3) + (bVIT / 8) - 1; + Max limits to 1%/2% life/mana steal changed from 1/16 and 1/8 to 1/20 and 1/10; + Added new perks that increase lifesteal and manasteal; Thanks for support: Mathieu Marillon, Naz v1.0175 (2020-03-28) + Fixed flat elemental/spell damage affixes, now they work properly (the flaw was they added only 25% in power to magic/fire/lightning spells/elements), this is actually a +300% boost in damage, Note: this fix will make flat damage spell boosters more effective as well as elemental flat damage boosters on weapons (it was only one quarter in damage too); v1.0176 (2020-03-29), hotfix + Unidentified items no longer show elemental damage type (if there is one) in the upper right corner of the game screen; + Fixed Chain Lightning's potential ability to cause gamecrash; v1.0200 (2020-03-30) + Introducing new game mode: EASY (variation of Normal), player gets 20% less damage, player can leave dungeon at any time (through portal and stairs), battle lockdown is never activated, quest levels don't lock down players either, fire arrow trap damage is reduced by 75%, save game is available at all times regardless of what level players are visiting or whether they are in battle or not, certain challenging enemies are easier to deal with (like Lord of the Order, etc.), everything else is standard Normal mode; + Introducing new game mode: HARD (variation of Normal), player gets 20% more damage from monsters and traps, certain challenging enemies are harder to deal with (beware!), monster AI is more aggressive, all else is as in standard Normal mode; + Introducing new game mode: SOFT IRON (variation of Ironman), saving is allowed after clearing each dungeon level (not in town) and it's not Save & Exit - it's just Save, no permadeath (delete your character manually if you want to), load game available always, quit menu available always, pause in battle is allowed, magic find is +50%, everything about it is standard Ironman stuff; + Perk code optimized globally to fix problems with performance hindering; v1.0201 (2020-03-30) + Hard mode monster AI improvements made. Now they show more aggression indeed. I believe, this is a more elegant solution: changing not their stats but actually their behavior and tricks; v1.0202 (2020-03-30) + Perk optimization improved further; + Fixed Easy mode quest limitation removals not working; v1.0204 (2020-03-30) + Fixed some new code insertions for Hard mode. This should fix some monsters not attacking; v1.0205 (2020-03-31) + Adjusted Bone Spirit damage display according to Atrophy perk modification; + Griswold's unique weapon rewards had their damage reduced by 20%; + Some items have different looks now; v1.0206 (2020-04-01) + Assassin block chance maximum set to 45% in MvP melee (was 60%); + MvP Ranged: maximum block chance set to 45% for Assassin, 75% for Warrior, and 70% - all others (if they can block and get to raise high enough stats); + Some base- and unique items get new pics; + Secutor gets a new perk that decreases stun recovery duration by 1 frame and allows him to reach the fastest stun recovery among all classes: 2 frames, Note: all fighters with fastest hit recovery have a speed of 3, Note: for your information, this was achievable only in original Diablo if you stacked all 3 types of hit recovery affixes at once on your character, Note: but this was not tested, let me know if there are problems; v1.0207 (2020-04-01), hotfix + Fixed gold giving shrine: minimum gold is now 1 piece; v1.0208 (2020-04-04) + Cosmetical works (mostly inventory); + Muscle Cuirass is wearable only by Dimachaerus now; + Added 1 more unique on uID#2176. Total uniques 1318 now; v1.0209 (2020-04-05), "Too Late (Instrumental)" (Timecop1983) + Changed Horazon level loading screens; + Some unique items get new pictures; v1.0210 (2020-04-07) + Fixed wrong flip animation on one of the sabres; + Added more unique pictures for items; + Some player spell code optimization; + Added support for cold and acid spells for player character; + Elementalist class gets a new line of cold spells; + Warlock class gets a new line of acid spells; + Spellbook page 6 added - these spells currently reside there (might be changed soon); v1.0211 (2020-04-07) + Revised class restrictions on many base helmets for warriors/savages; + Upgraded looks for some items; v1.0212 (2020-04-08) + Added a couple more base items; + Appearance upgraded for some base helmets; v1.0213 (2020-04-09) + Fixed cooldown on new nova spells; + Character class check is fixed for new class specific spell charges on items; + Broken manacost fixed for some spells; v1.0214 (2020-04-10) + Option to deactivate cinematics on game start is added to configuration file; + Faceplate Aventail was assigned to Savage class by mistake, returned it to Warrior; + Updated some class descriptions in character create menu; + Some data adjustments in base items; + Added another base helmet for Templar class to close the big gap in early game; + Wine from Tears perk gives less life with higher levels, was still too powerful; v1.0215 (2020-04-10) + Rancid Bolt / Ice Bolt damage formula set to: SLVL + cMAG / 5 + Rnd[10 + CLVL / 2]; + Toxic Ball / Freezing Ball damage formula set to: CLVL + SLVL * 10 + Rnd[cMAG] (these spells work like Ball Lightning - no splash damage to nearby targets); + Frost Nova / Acid Nova damage formula set to: CLVL * 5 + SLVL * 10 + Rnd[cMAG * 2]; + Hard mode starting XP bonus is -25%; + Mage class gets a new perk; + Gold Fever perk is reworked, now it improves flat goldfind, not percentage. This should make it more attractive early on and less op later; + Added perks that increase current attributes; v1.0216 (2020-04-10) + Warlock's starting spell of Fire Bolt replaced with Rancid Bolt; + Elementalist starts with Ice Bolt instead of Fire Bolt; + Summoners start without offensive spells; + Adjusted resistances on some base and unique monsters to allow Elementalist and Warlock to plough through levels without getting stuck; v1.0217 (2020-04-11) + Rancid Bolt damage formula set to: SLVL + cMAG / 3 + Rnd[15 + CLVL]; + Ice Bolt damage formula set to: SLVL + cMAG / 3 + Rnd[10 + CLVL / 2]; + Added new perk for Thraex class; + Character is centered on the screen better when playing in non-16:9 resolutions; v1.0218 (2020-04-11) + Acid from player spells and flasks kills monsters faster on DLVLs 1 and 2. Monster maxHP divider for monsters set to 6 (was 8) and for bosses to 14 (was 20); + Added new perk for Executioner; + MP game modes of Easy, Ironman and Soft Iron do not limit experience to no more than 5% of level progress per kill; + Experience is always shared in multiplayer modes of Ironman, Soft Iron and Easy. Otherwise chance for shared experience is (CLVL + 10)% ; v1.0219 (2020-04-11) + Fixed a bug with "Give them nothing" perk not working; v1.0220 (2020-04-12) + Reaper type monsters now have energy shield that additionally gives them DFE-like protection against spell damage (from player). It gets stronger with difficulties and it's double on Hard mode, Note: this means that multi-hit spells with lower damage will be less likely to get through their new defense. Casters, Scouts and Bombardiers should be more careful here; + Vignette shader effect fixed and improved. Now it doesn't affect UI; + New perk added for Sharpshooter; + Sharpshooter built-in accuracy boost reduced: +60 ->> +40; + FXAA shader effect improvedL old one did not really work. New one mixes bloom, vignette and highlighting characters / items; v1.0221 (2020-04-14) + 'Gain Stat' perks now process item requirements properly; v1.0222 (2020-04-16) + Fire/Lightning Rune damage formula set to: 20 + (CLVL * CLVL / 20) + Rnd[CLVL]; + Fire/Lightning Nova spell damage (from player) formula set to: Rnd[CLVL * 5] + (SLVL * 10) + (cMAG * 3 / 2); + Arcane Nova spell damage (from player) formula set to: Rnd[CLVL * 4] + (SLVL * 7) + cMAG; + Rancid Bolt damage formula set to: 1 + SLVL + cMAG / 3 + Rnd[15 + CLVL]; + Ice Bolt damage formula set to: 1 + SLVL + cMAG / 3 + Rnd[10 + CLVL / 2]; + Acid Nova spell damage (from player) formula set to: Rnd[CLVL * 6] + (SLVL * 12) + (cMAG * 5 / 3); + Frost Nova spell damage (from player) formula set to: Rnd[CLVL * 4] + (SLVL * 9) + cMAG; + Toxic Ball spell damage formula set to: (CLVL * 2) + (SLVL * 15) + Rnd[(cMAG * 3 / 2)]; + Freezing Ball spell damage formula set to: CLVL + (SLVL * 10) + Rnd[cMAG]; v1.0300 (2020-04-21) + Added a couple of new uniques; + Introducing system of Traits: during character creation you can select up to 2 traits from the list available to your chosen class, Note: Traits have benefits and penalties, altering gameplay but not changing average balance; v1.0301 (2020-04-21) + Fixed "Adventurer" trait penalty; + Fixed "Thick Skinned" trait benefit; v1.0302 (2020-04-22) + Identify cast sound changed (was identical to Ironman level clear effect by coincidence); + Barbarism penalty changed to -(CLVL/5) to mana regeneration; + Added new trait for Executioner; + Improved settings for FXAA shaders; + Added new trait for Rogue; v1.0303 (2020-04-22) + Iron Maiden, Bombardier and Shinobi lose built-in AC increaser because they have shields to compensate (this was originally designed to help TH1's Rogue and Monk classes who did not); + Adventurer trait penalties set to -40%s; + Fixed critical bug with Kamikaze trait, which effectively nullified player's armor class; v1.0304 (2020-04-23) + Fixed a bug with traits staying in chosen slots and being available for other characters; v1.0305 (2020-05-23) + Added 2 more new traits; v1.0306 (2020-04-23) + Fixed Barbarism trait: wasn't really setting max resistance caps to 90; + Added 2 more new traits; v1.0307 (2020-04-23) + Added another trait; v1.0308 (2020-04-24) + Added new trait for Maiden; + Added new trait for Bombardier; v1.0309 (2020-04-25) + Character knockback resist formula changed to: (bSTR/10) + 45 % , Note: now it will be possible to achieve 100% with 250 Strength and 3 levels in Stonewall perk; + Base cold resistance is now increased by 1% with each 10 poins in base Vitality; + Force Wave and Bone Spirit spells are included in spell list that has cooldown for summoner classes; + Nova type spells have increased cooldown for summoners now: 30sec in SP, 60sec in MP; + Reflect spell now has 120 second cooldown. You can't use spells that start cooldown before its timer reaches 0; + Reflect spell now has fewer protection layers. It will absorb a certain amount of hits from monsters (only melee attacks) and these attacks will hit but deal 0 damage to player, Note: new formula for number of layers is 1 + (CLVL / 12) + (SLVL / 10), Note: damage reflection to monsters is still there; + Added new trait for summoner classes; v1.0310 (2020-04-26) + Added new trait (now you can actually sell your soul in this mod); + Trait system expanded to exclude certain pairs / groups of traits (that are not really compatible); + Traits "Skilled" and "Grim Deal" are mutually exclusive now; v1.0311 (2020-04-26) + Added new trait for Templar; v1.0312 (2020-04-27) + Added new trait for Scout. Gives upgraded multishot with manual control; + Life- and mana leech affixes show that they work only in melee now; + Scout class used to have baselife and baselife max mismatch in the beginning. Added autocheck to correct this on the fly. This should also prevent cheating through hitpoints; + Fury spell now activates 90 second cooldown; v1.0313 (2020-04-27) + Ice Stalker damage reduced: [9-14] -> [8-10]; + New trait added for Sharpshooter; + Wild Sorcery improves damage better: +20% -> +30%; + Added new trait for Savage; + Added new multi-class trait; + Cooldowns are separated in different groups: nova, offensive (spell), fury, reflect. They can co-exist but casting spells from the same group is not allowed until cooldown goes off; v1.0314 (2020-04-27) + Chromatic Skin trait code check could cause game crashes when player is hit with charging monsters, it should be fixed now; v1.0315 (2020-04-28) + Traits 'Survivor' and 'Chromatic Skin' are mutually exclusive now; + Formula for number of layers of Reflect changed to: 2 + CLVL/15 + SLVL/15; + Holy Aura damage formula changed to: 1 + CLVL * cMAG / 100 per second; + Savage totally loses ability to score critical hits. Items will not with that now; + Added new trait for Inquisitor (incompatible with 'Finesse'); v1.0316 (2020-04-28) Warning!!! Before you upgrade or start playing, backup your character save folder(s), just to be sure. This is a big update and it changes things in character structure. It will be impossible to load old singleplayer games, you will have to start new gaming session (not new character, new game). + Created (restored) unpublished Diablo 1 quest that is given by Ogden. Regardless of quest randomization, it will be there always, just like Chamber of Bone quest, Note: it is available to characters who visited dlvl-6 and returned to town. Only for Singleplayer. Easy-Normal-Hard-Hardcore modes (other modes won't get it), Note: it's new, and when there is something new, it can have bugs. The quest was tested extensively but if you notice anythin strange, report that and we will fix it, Note: this is not a restored quest, they didn't create it. Only thing that was there is Ogden's speeches about it, the rest is TH team's work; v1.0317 (2020-04-28) + Fixed 'Ratel Hide' image; + Chamber of Bone will now play different music. Same with King's Tomb. And Island; + Music Pack v9.0 is released. Update or you will not hear new music in quests mentioned above; v1.0318 (2020-04-29) + Traps couldn't hit players anymore (including Fire/Lite Walls, that are treated as traps): fixed; + Reflect layer amount formula changed to: 1 + BaseVIT / 50; v1.0319 (2020-04-29) + Added new trait for Berserker (incompatible with 'Heavy Handed'); + Music Pack updated to v9.1; + Flask acid damage deplete on superbosses is slowed (-50%). Let me know how she feels against them, Note: this concerns Ironman mode primarily abd is done before the next tournament as a preparation, if you are not playing it, don't bother with this; v1.0320 (2020-04-29) + Added new trait for Dimachaerus; v1.0321 (2020-04-30) + Fixed a critical bug with current Life calculation on character; v1.0322 (2020-04-30) + Another fix, for starting characters and saved characters. Current life is restored correctly; v1.0323 (2020-04-30) + Fury ending sound is changed to local; + All negative effects from Fury are removed for all classes, only benefits are left; + Affix that increases Fury duration changed to +100% (was +150%); + Fury cooldown increased to 180 seconds; + Berserker gets a new perk that allows to manipulate Fury cooldown; v1.0324 (2020-04-30) + Added new trait for Secutor; + SMD-fix: dlvl transitions no longer clear cooldown timers; + Fixed a bug where character's life could drop to 0 in Tristram with life degeneration (got broken after adding last quest); + Reduced cauldron sound effect volume by 23%; + Added new trait for Shinobi; v1.0325 (2020-05-01) + Fixed a bug when sometimes game engine would perceive clicking inside Perk window as clicking on the ground, sending your character there with the window open; + Fixed flask acid code (there was a flaw in it): now it will deal less DOT to certain big bosses (adjusted manually per each boss). I believe, Bombardier's acid is now balanced well; + Added 2 unique items. Total uniques 1319 now; + Game application now cannot be run in more than one instance; v1.0326 (2020-05-02) + Fixed Gifted trait penalty; + Improved optimization of code: game performance will slightly rise; v1.0327 (2020-05-02) + Grim Deal trait did not reduce AC: fixed; v1.0328 (2020-05-02) + Boss drops modified: Melchior: -1, Hazeshifter: +1, Skeleton King: +1; + Added new trait for Warlock; v1.0330 (2020-05-04) + PvM Ranged: Uber Diablo general resistance to magical damage in SP set to: Nightmare, Ironman, Soft Iron: 56%, MP Normal, Easy, Harcore, Hard: 77% / 82% / 86% (for difficulty modes Horror / Purgatory / Doom), SP Easy: 63%, SP Normal: 68%, SP Hard: 73%; + New code written for acid damage mechanic from flasks: monsters under flask acid are no longer highlighted as if under infravision, damage flows freely (not once every second), chance of stun check for monsters under such damage is randomly 1 out of 120 (otherwise there will be stunlock for some monsters without high stun threshold, especially warpers), overall damage from acid flasks is reduced: -75%, but damage divider is still kept and adjusted individually for some bosses and monster (divided into Dlvl categories - early level monsters lose HP faster), Uber Diablo and Ceromorth no longer resist acid damage from flasks: compensating damage and improving odds here, damage for acid flasks is applied by hit or puddles and time over which it is spplied is determined by new parameter: over time (you can see it in base item description); v1.0331 (2020-05-04) + Burning and electrocuting flasks no longer show fire ring/lightning ring timer in upper right corner of the screen; + Acid spells no longer highlight toxified monsters with red (as if under Seeing); + Bombardier base life formula set to: CLVL + 150% x bVIT + 22; + Adjustments on some uniques; v1.0332 (2020-05-04) + Code for previous fix with wall/ring info is improved; + Expanded code for flask acid damage dividers for monster and boss. Now CLVL progress will actually help in letting kill monsters easier/faster; v1.0333 (2020-05-04) + New trait for Bombardier; v1.0334 (2020-05-05) + Changed base damage formula on some classes (for melee weapon): Shugoki: cSTR * CLVL / 380 + CLVL, Shinobi: cSTR * CLVL / 75 + CLVL, Savage: cSTR * CLVL / 62 + CLVL - 1, Berserker: cSTR * CLVL / 250 + CLVL, Executioner with 1-handed: cSTR * CLVL / 50 + (CLVL * 2), Executioner with axe: cSTR * CLVL / 111 + CLVL, Secutor: cSTR * CLVL / 90 + CLVL, Kensei: cSTR * CLVL / 340 + (CLVL / 2), Monk (staff): cSTR * CLVL / 120 + CLVL; + Fixed the most broken unique items; v1.0335 (2020-05-07) + Sharpshooter base damage (with bow) updated: cSTR * CLVL / 43 + CLVL - 1; + Scout/Archer base damage with bow set to: cSTR * CLVL / 120 + CLVL; + Added 2 more variations of PWS maps (Horror mode map pack); + Cadavers now steal mana on hit; v1.0337 (2020-05-08) + All Anvil of Fury uniques got updated; + Added new trait for Shugoki class; + Holy Aura damage formula upgraded: 1 + CLVL * cMAG / 40 per sec; v1.0338 (2020-05-08) + Fixed a nasty bug in Piercing Shot code; v1.0339 (2020-05-09) + Bouncer trait buffed: +35% damage now; + Added new Warrior specific trait; + Monsters will not drop body armors for characters that have chosen 'Old Fashioned' trait; + Monsters will not drop shield for characters who have chosen 'Fechtmeister' trait; + Trait 'Sandman' made incompatible with 'Fechtmeister'; + Warrior with 'Fechtmeister' trait now starts without shield; v1.0340 (2020-05-10), "Into Your Heart" (Trevor Something) + Added new trait for Iron Maiden; + Cadavers steal life on hit now: 100% on Easy mode, 150% on Hardcore and Normal mode, 200% on Hard mode; v1.0341 (2020-09-10) + Fixed monster lifesteal bug with current life being able to go over max life: inserted safety check that limits stolen life to not go over max life; v1.0342 (2020-05-10) + Added new trait for Iron Maiden; v1.0343 (2020-05-11) + Gold Threads renamed to MIdas' Threads and made part of Midas' set (set also expanded to maximum of 6 bonus effects); + Melee autohit increased by 5 more percent for 'Two Towers'; + Monster Apocalypse damage formula changed: EASY Horror: 90 + Rnd[21], EASY Purg: 180 +Rnd[41], EASY Doom: 240 + Rnd[41], EASY Doom DLVL-24: 270 + Rnd[41], HARD Horror: 130 + Rnd[21], HARD Purg: 220 +Rnd[41], HARD Doom: 320 + Rnd[41], HARD Doom DLVL-24: 350 + Rnd[41], OTHER Horror: 110 + Rnd[21], OTHER Purg: 200 +Rnd[41], OTHER Doom: 280 + Rnd[41], OTHER Doom DLVL-24: 310 + Rnd[41]; v1.0344 (2020-05-11) + Added new trait for Assassin; v1.0345 (2020-05-12) + Elementalist's Hydra spell is changed into Ice version; v1.0346 (2020-05-12) + Arcane Star expolsion animation was gone: fixed; + Added new trait for Murmillo class; + Added new trait for Thraex class; v1.0347 (2020-05-14) + Modified town area new Adria's shack and entrance to Caves; + Added new trait for Rogue class; v1.0348 (2020-05-14) + Reflect now shows number of hits absorbed in spellbook; + Ratel Hide bonus to DFE nerfed to CLVL / 10; + Some updates in unique item stats; + Added new trait for Guardian; + Old Habit trait DFE penalty reduced to CLVL / 8; v1.0349 (2020-05-16) + Adventurer trait penalty reduced to -35% to life/mana; + Nerfed penalty for Best Defense trait: -(25 + CLVL/5 )% HP; + Some upgrades and data fixes in unique item table; + Added new perk that improves Fury duration; v1.0350 (2020-05-17) + Holy Aura should no longer damage Necromancer's minions; v1.0351 (2020-05-17) + Big revision of base flask damage; + Destroyer trait ups damage not as much now (+20%); + White items can no longer be identified (ID relix wasted on them..); v1.0352 (2020-05-18) + Added support for spell damage masteries; + Added perks that increase spell damage by element type (except physical and holy); + Perk 'Ranger' renamed to 'Farsight'; + Adjusted spell damage formulae for nova spells to compensate for newly added spell damage booster perks (some novas needed nerf anyway, and some got boosted); v1.0353 (2020-05-18) + More spell damage fine tuning; + Added perks that improve damage from flasks, by element; v1.0354 (2020-05-19) + Greeting sound effects for monsters were fixed and for bosses - fixed and activated (only Butcher, Leoric and Uber Diablo gabe them before); v1.0355 (2020-05-25) + Fixed Leoric's greeting speech (was using Lachndanan's); + Crit sound no longer interrupts boss speeches; + Removed two bugged chests from Lazarus level (in SP mode); + Default FPS cap set to 200 (in config) to lighten the load on CPU; v1.0356 (2020-05-27) + Staff Recharge skill renamed to "Item Recharge"; + Affixes that give +85% to a resistance no longer show "85% MAX"; + Added a new Kensei trait; v1.0357 (2020-05-28) + Autohit in melee and ranged combat adjusted for Executioner (33% -> 30% and 22% -> 20% accordingly); + Added a new trait for Mage class; v1.0358 (2020-05-29) + Added 1 more unique on uID#1. It's a test. Should make 2 items on one base, both using level 6. Total uniques 1320 now, Note: previously obtained Nosferatu Brooch rings should morph into this new ring in 50% of cases; + Added new Monk trait; v1.0359 (2020-05-30) + Adjusted stats on some low tier uniques; + Music selection code rewritten; + Music selection rules changed. SP and MP music packs are united. Quest music is updated for Disused Reliquary and Andariel's Throne levels; v1.0360 (2020-05-31) + New trait added for Trapper; v1.0361 (2020-06-02) + Axe base damage values revised. Melee base damage for Executioner/ Shugoki and Berserker is adapted to it; + Some Archer class tunings; v1.0362 (2020-06-02) + Music did not play in Halls of Anguish because of a typo: fixed; + Ice Hydra gets pumped with Cold Mastery (was considered fire element for spellbook display purposes); + Fixed some typos in various data; v1.0363 (2020-06-03) + Recently reported Phasing bug fixed: now failed attempts phase caster where he stands (0 tile displacement), Note: it would make 500 attempts to phase you some 5 tiles away in one of the directions and if failed it would send you to 0, 0 coordinates, which is.. outside the map; v1.0364 (2020-06-05) + Added 4 new crypt palettes (288 now); + Added unique images to some unique items; + Fixed Ice Hydra crashing game, was a typo in code; + Added a new trait for Necromancer class; v1.0365 (2020-06-05) + Added new trait; v1.0366 (2020-06-05) + Treasure Hunter trait penalty reduced to (20+CLVL)% and XPgain penalty replaced with MagicFind penalty instead; v1.0367 (2020-06-06) + Fixed music in PWS; + More pictures for unique items added; v1.0368 (2020-06-06) + Added 1 more map variation to PWS quest (Horror); + Added 1 more map variation for Skeleton King quest; v1.0369 (2020-06-07) + Various work with items; v1.0370 (2020-06-07) + Executioner of Death now drops 2 items; + Treasure Hunter trait penalty upscaled to (CLVL + 40)%; + Optimized boss drop code and removed obsolete chunks from it (watch out for bugs, Theo drop was handled in that code too); v1.0371 (2020-06-08) + Added new pictures for some uniques; + Added 5 new uniques on uID#2. Total uniques 1325 now; + Nosferatu is now transformed into unique item set 'Nocturnal Creatures'; v1.0372 (2020-06-08) + Iron Maiden thorns pierce approximately 95% of monster melee DFE factor (knights will be less of a stopping power now); + Thorns are improved on base items for Maiden; v1.0373 (2020-06-09) + Various improvements in item visuals; + Base item price randomization fixed now, was broken since original; v1.0374 (2020-06-10) + Added some more uniques. Tigris' set expanded with 3rd item; + Guardian / Savage melee weapon damage revised. Base damage formulae updated for compensation (Guard cSTR * CLVL / 83 + CLVL - 1, Savage cSTR * CLVL / 44 + CLVL - 1); + Kensei class: damage with blades vs beasts is +30% now, damage with blunts vs undead: +30%. But base item damage and base damage formula unchanged; v1.0375 (2020-06-10) + Guardian base crit formula set to: [2 + (CLVL / 6)%] chance for [+140% and +(10-15) additionally] damage; + DFE vs magical damage reduced for Reaper monsters on game modes: SOFT IRON, NIGHTMARE, EASY and IRONMAN (twice as low than it is for normal); v1.0400 (2020-06-12) WARNING!!! After this update do not load your single player game. You will have to start new game session (not new character, new game). This is to ensure the safety of your character and equipment. + Base items now support individual effects. Some of them; + Nosferatu set expanded with 3rd itm, renamed and bonus effects are re-adjusted (actually, buffed a little); v1.0401 (2020-06-12) + Quickfix to some newly added base item effects; v1.0402 (2020-06-12) + Spheres and Orbs get different base effects; v1.0403 (2020-06-13) + Raised durability on Maidens tier 1&2 shields; + In Ironman & Nightmare modes, bosses don't drop ID relicts for Assassin, Bombardier and Rogue classes (cause they have ID skill anyway); + Bosses don't drop extra gold now if player is using Executioner with trait 'Leper'; + Bosses don't drop potions on death if player is using traits 'Wild Sorcery' or 'Rabid'; + Fixed the code of boss drops (of Full Healing potion) on Purgatory; + When using trait 'Two Towers', player will get shields from weapon racks instead of melee weapons; + Players with 'Fechtmeister' trait will get swords from weapon racks instead of shields; + Players with 'Old Fashioned' trait will get helmets from armor racks instead of body armors; v1.0404 (2020-06-13) + Improved handling of spell charges, durability, level and stat requirements on basic/magic/unique/rare/set tiems; v1.0405 (2020-06-13) + All monsters with retreat behaviour will now try to run away even when cornered in melee. On EASY mode it will still be possible to corner them; v1.0406 (2020-06-13) + Weapon racks could cause crash on rare occasions in MP: fixed this bug; + Dungeon objects (corpses, chests, barrels) don't drop restricted item types now (trait restrictions supported); v1.0415 (2020-06-14) + Items banned by traits are no longer sold in shops; + All Hidden monsters are now invulnerable in retreat state on Hard mode; + Added new trait for Demonologist; + Potion drop restrictions fixed for traits 'Wild Sorcery' and 'Rabid'; + Monster that dig corpses and heal themselves, will do it with a different speed now, depending on game mode (previous value was 1/16th): HARD: 1/10th HP restored, IRONMAN and NIGHTMARE: 1/30th HP restored, EASY: 1/60th, other modes: 1/20th; + Digging corpses would add leftovers to maximum monster life after the last dig, this is fixed now by limiting current hitpoints with maximum hitpoints; + Default mana regeneration speed is changed for Assassin and Rogue: +1 regeneration per 12 points in currentMagic; + Added new trait for Beastmaster; v1.0416 (2020-06-14) + Deactivated chat log in MP that is activated with '0'; + Changed soundset for Demonologist tier 1 summons (many were complaining they had disgusting high pitched attack sounds); v1.0419 (2020-06-16) + Q2'2020 Ironman Tournament winner's name is etched on the pedestal in the Hall of Heroes; + Shuffled some game mode icons in main menu, be careful in choosing your mode; + Added new game mode: Speedrun. It's in very early stages. I expect it will be molding for some time. Suggestions, bugreports and feedback is welcome; v1.0420 (2020-06-16) + Fixed 'cannot go up' message for Speedrun mode, was using message from Nightmare; + MF/XP boosts for Speedrun mode set to +150%; v1.0421 (2020-06-17) + Added some uniques. Arctic set is expanded with 3rd item. Jarulf's Kaleidoscope will not be that much of an eyesore now but if you have it, it can morph; + Adria will sell items with quality level that depends on player level now (instead of last dungeon level visited) on game modes SOFT, SPEED, IRONMAN and NIGHTMARE, Note: actual formula is 2 + CLVL / 2. Minimum = 6, maximum = 16; v1.0422 (2020-06-17) + Mages on HARD mode will retreat if HP is below 75%; + Some Skeleton AI code rewrites (walk delays); + Scutum shields now give arrow damage resistance instead of melee; v1.0423 (2020-06-18) + Speedrun mode now shows several timers in a row, for different areas: town, each location type; + Timer stop now implemented. Stops with Uber Diablo's death. Or with player's death; + Killing Malantor in SP mode gave Diablo death sound, fixed; v1.0424 (2020-06-18) + Etherealize duration set to 20 seconds; + Shinobi class gets a new perk; + Demonologist class didn't receive minion accuracy from effigies: fixed; + Weapons for all Mage classes (except Beastmaster) don't have damage factor anymore; v1.0425 (2020-06-18) + Some boss sounds were broken, some - misplaced: fixed; v1.0426 (2020-06-19) + Treasure Hunter penalty set to (70 + CLVL/2)%; + Speedrun MF/XP boosts raised to +200%; + Fixed some flaws in boss greet sound function; + Added new and replaced some old boss greets; Thanks for support: Pablo Ferrero, Darren Wong, Ardyan Yohan, Zhuo Min Lim, Akzodude, Andrea Alex Colombo, Pawel, Oleg Devyaterikov v1.0427 (2020-06-20) + More fixes in monster and boss sound greet functions; + Another performance optimization. This ought to fix that old problem with performance slowly degrading over time to values of about 20 fps or below; v1.0428 (2020-06-21) + Fixed the glitch caused by previous patch, could cause crash when highlighting items with Alt; v1.0429 (2020-06-21) + Crowded variation of Passage of Fire excluded from game modes IRONMAN, NIGHTAMRE and SPEEDRUN; + Teleport and Phasing spells are forbidden in Passage of Fire now; v1.0430 (2020-06-22) + Added greet sounds for Horned Beast and Magma Demon type of monsters; + Reduced overall chances for initiating greet sounds for all monster groups to about (12-15)% average; v1.0431 (2020-06-22) + Added monster greet sounds for Zombie type of monsters (more variations); + Monster greet sounds are now played locally; v1.0450 (2020-06-23) + Spellbook is re-worked. It's bigger, shows information in a different way now, spell order is revised. Spellbook window visual updated too; v1.0451 (2020-06-23) + Fixed spellbook information display; v1.0452 (2020-06-24) + Quest window upgraded; + Added 28 uniques on uID#2184; v1.0453 (2020-06-24) + Apocalypse gets a (very) long cooldown (even longer for summoners); + Apocalypse damage formula upgraded to: CLVL * cMAG / 4; + Fixed quest window positioning; + Hovering red crosses next to character attributes now shows current stat values in a tooltip; v1.0454 (2020-06-25) + Added new weapon for Executioner class; + Supplied unique imagery for newly added uniques; + Attempt made to prevent 0 gold piles from generating on the floor in dungeon rooms. Minimum goldpile set to 1 GP in these rooms; + Soft Iron mode in multiplayer was probably broken, now fixed. Shoud only have SETUP menu active now (always), and SAVE & QUIT - if levels is cleared; v1.0456 (2020-06-26) + Fixed Starsower image; + Added new unique set for Beastmaster: Trang-Oul's Powers; v1.0457 (2020-06-26) + Added new set for Archer classes: Vidala's Rig; v1.0460 (2020-06-26) + Monster ranged attacker behavior adjusted for different modes. More aggressive delays on HARD and less aggressive on EASY. Other modes were not touched; + Uber Diablo now drops 6 items (10 on Doom), except when his death starts cinematic (in that case, no drop); v1.0461 (2020-06-27) + Monsters with Viper AI can now charge from a further distance on HARD mode: distance of 2-5 tiles is considered ok for that trick; + Viper AI monsters now have +24% to chance of charging in SP HARD mode (MP HARD has the same chance as before); + Bat AI monsters (with the exception of Quasits on DLVL-3) will have now more aggressive chase and charge delays on HARD mode; + Fixed a glitch where Skeleton King did not ressurect skeletons on EASY and HARD modes; + Certain spells show damage per second in spellbook; + Firewall / lightning wall damage (from player) was reduced by 50%, Note: new damage formula is 62% CLVL per frame (one second is 20 game frames); + Fallen AI rewritten from scratch. Obsolete monsters removed from retreat on adjacent monster kills. Fixed original Diablo bug with wrong retreat direction; + Fallen AI: on HARD mode they are brave now and don't flee; v1.0462 (2020-06-27) + Boss drops function fully rewritten; + On HARD mode bosses no longer drop 2 potions; + Defiler drops +1 item (I kept my promise, see?); v1.0463 (2020-06-28) + Fixed Skeleton Archer AI on HARD mode: they never really retreated after starting attacking; + Hunger trait reduces 50% less damage against monsters in ranged combat now: +((Difficulty * 24 - DLVL) / 2) to DFE (should be easier to fight with bows now); v1.0464 (2020-06-30) + Amulets of 'battle' type no longer drop from monsters & bosses for the following classes: all Mage types, Bombardier, Trapper; + Hidden AI: delays made more aggressive for HARD mode; + Zombie AI revised: added checks for custom delays on EASY and HARD modes, Note: behavior now should be quite different depending on difficulty, monster intelligence and game mode; + Overlord AI attack chances and attack types now differ for monster IntF, difficulty and game mode; v1.0465 (2020-06-30) + First 3 tiers of oils of repair are given new images to make them differ visually. Not sure about this but decided to give it a try; v1.0466 (2020-07-01) + Adjusted retreat chances for monsters with primary ranged attack; + Sazabi's set expanded with 3rd piece; + Bhaltavir's set expanded with 3rd piece; + Entrance description to Halls of Anguish is corrected; v1.0467 (2020-07-03) + 12 uniques created on Immolation Dagger; + Sigon's set expanded with 3rd item; v1.0468 (2020-07-03) + Barrels and chests are highlighted with light grey color on automap for Caves & Abyss levels; + Walls of fire / lightning don't stop monsters on HARD mode now; v1.0469 (2020-07-05) + Added 2 more uniques on Field Mail: Skullder's Ire was getting a little too common; + Added some 10+ uniques on Quasit Heart; v1.0470 (2020-07-05) + Highlighting dungeon objects on automap is done only in SOFT IRON and IRONMAN modes, and it's done on all levels now; v1.0471 (2020-07-05) + Fixed a bug with Glimmering shrine that could sometimes erase traits on character (let's hope it works, if not - let me know); v1.0472 (2020-07-06) + Added 7 uniques on Talon Gloves; + Trang-Oul's set expanded with 3rd item; v1.0473 (2020-07-07) + Trang-Oul's set expanded with helmet, harness and greaves (6 pieces total now); + Added uniques on small shield base; v1.0474 (2020-07-08) + Added new set for Thraex: Sunset Armory; + New pictures assigned to recently added unique items; v1.0475 (2020-07-09) + New config option added: ShowObjectsOnMiniMap. It expands chest/barrel highlights on map to other game modes if activated; + New pictures assigned to later tier Parma shields; v1.0476 (2020-07-09) + Random value support was not added for starting (undroppable) items: fixed now; v1.0477 (2020-07-13) + Fixed a bug with unique monsters losing their target when it disappears from sight; + Some fixes in uniqie item data; v1.0480 (2020-07-15) + MF was visually limited at -100% from below (in character window): removed the limit; + Revised balance for many perks (values); + Dimachaerus stun threshold buffed to: RNG[CharLevel + 7] + [CharLevel / 3] + [BaseVitality / 7] - 1; + Changed base life fornulae for some classes: Kensei more, Executioner + Savage + Guardian: less; v1.0481 (2020-07-15) + Adventurer trait penalties returned to -40% to life and mana; + Some more adjustments in base life for player classes; + Ratel Hide trait DFE boost formula changed to: -CLVL / 9; v1.0482 (2020-07-18) + Adjusted and added some unique items; v1.0483 (2020-07-20) + Here and Now perk revised: it will become available later and will require much deeper development of Swift Learner (levels 10, 15, 20, 25, 30); + Added more unique item on various items (where diversity was lacking); + Fixed opened sarcophagi displayed as non-activated objects on automap; v1.0484 (2020-07-20) + Swift Learner progression changed (increased gradually) but levels 26-30 are removed; + Here and Now perk requirements for Swift Learner changed (5, 10, 15, 20, 25); v1.0485 (2020-07-22) + Decapitated bodies added to objects highlighted on map; + Added greet sounds for Overlord type monsters; + Fixed values in Half-swording perk; + Monsters on HARD mode can now attack and break barrels if they need more space or path to get to player(s); v1.0486 (2020-07-22) + Fixed "big chest" object. Could become unselectable; v1.0487 (2020-07-23) + Bodkin Points perk revised; + Cleaned up (removed noise) and replaced a lot of monster, inventory and flip sound effects; + Greet sfx added for acid hounds; v1.0488 (2020-07-24) + Config option added to make town portal blue. Set BlueTownPortal to "ON" for that. It's in visual options list; v1.0500 (2020-07-25) + Perk level access corrected for all classes (this is revised with all basic attribute changing Traits in mind); + Some unique items got new (better) images; + Wine from Tears perk gives a little less life on later levels; v1.0501 (2020-07-26) + Better pics added for some of the unique items; + Wine from Tears perk balance revised again; + Iron Maiden base damage with crossbows reduced to: (CLVL * cSTR / 106) + (CLVL / 2); + Maximum melee damage resistances for Maiden nerfed to 65% min, 80% max; + Maiden's base mana formula changed to: bMAG + (CLVL / 2); + Maiden base damage with non-ranged weapons set to CLVL * cSTR / 160. With Two Towers trait, CLVL is added to the formula (for early game compensation); + Maiden base helmet thorns factor reduced by ~33% (affects later items mostly); + Maiden shield thorns factor reduced for later tiers; v1.0502 (2020-07-27) + Restored old repair oil pictures; + Bosspacks can get deactivated after boss death (this was done unintentionally); + Updated a lot of unique item pics; v1.0503 (2020-07-28) + Relict of Stone Curse changed into Lightning Wall. Relict of Telekinesis changed into Fire Wall; v1.0504 (2020-07-28) + Fixed previously changed relict pics and flip animations; v1.0505 (2020-07-29) + Added new monster (#223), with new looks and sfx, dwells in abyss, uses melee + magic attack; + Andariel is now based on monster #223: shoots stars faster (beware); + Blood Witches are no longer extended beyond DLVL -16; + Added 4 new bosses based on new monster #223; v1.0506 (2020-07-29) + Fixed a little glitch in new animation; + NPCsign option in config got broken recently, fixed now; + MP level display in upper left corner no longer obscured by game mode display (game and level infos are written in one line now); v1.0507 (2020-07-29) + Fixed monster lifesteal; v1.0508 (2020-07-31) + Izual does 20% less damage on Ironman mode in melee; + Improved TRN handling for monsters; + Added another monster to Abyss: a Behemoth beast; v1.0509 (2020-07-31) + Added another new monster type; v1.0511 (2020-08-01) + Monster multiattack function rewritten; + Fixed some data in uniques- and set item sections; + Added new monster; v1.0512 (2020-08-01) + Added another monster type; v1.0513 (2020-08-01) + Forgot to randomize new monster appearance on levels previously, fixed now; v1.0514 (2020-08-02) + Mage spell mastery perks nerfed; + Templar holy damage from weapons nerfed; + Bone Spirit default multiplier raised from 1/9 to 1/10; + Treasure Hunter trait penalty changed to (8 * CLVL)% ; v1.0515 (2020-08-03) + Gauntlets 'Crucible': changed 'lose all regeneration' effect to static negatives to life and mana regen; + Changed restock price formula at Adria and Griswold (premiums) to CLVL * CLVL + 9. For the following modes: IM, Soft Iron, Nightmare, Speedrun; + Treasure Hunter trait penalty changed to (4 * CLVL)% ; v1.0516 (2020-08-03) + Added another new monster; v1.0520 (2020-08-04) + Added new AI (#52): uses circlewalk, melee attacks and icebolts from distance; + Added new monster type to Crypt and Abyss; v1.0521 (2020-08-04) + Fixed monster randomize (this is becoming my favourite bug...); v1.0530 (2020-08-04) + Alternative hotkey system introduced. It's optional. Off by default, for now (if it's accepted well, I will make it on by default), Note: when config option 'set NewShortcuts' (Gameplay Options) is ON, the following system of scrolling hotkeys is activated instead of the old one, Note: here is your visual explanation: ; v1.0531 (2020-08-04) + Blood Knight renamed to Blood Lord; + Fixed bugs associated with the 'NewShortcuts' option; v1.0532 (2020-08-04) + Fixed effect on Dreamweaver (-%MAG -> -MAG); + Fixed Putrid Defiler's stun animation: was missing for East direction; + Fine-tuning some of the other new animations; v1.0533 (2020-08-04) + Corpse Eater was supposed to have double melee attack, now it's there (at frames 9 and 10), second attack has +15% to accuracy and +(2-5) to damage; v1.0534 (2020-08-06) + Fixed Putrid Defiler greeting sound effects (got mixed with Regurgitator sounds by accident); + Newly added monsters don't retreat if damaged while using Hidden AI; + Added yet another monster; + Blood Lords and Steel Lords have less DFE but more damage resistance now. Overall it's the same, just the absolute damage soak got nerfed (they are not knights after all), Note: for Ironman / Soft Iron, Easy and Nightmare modes magic damage DFE is significantly lower, but in Hard mode it's higher; + Relicts of Identify: requirements are randomized now (8-10); + Readme file updated; v1.0536 (2020-08-07) + Uber Bosses of MP (Pinky, Uber Butcher, Abatan): Bone Spirit damage against them is divided by [number of players in game + 2]; + Bone Spirit cooldown (5 sec) now will work for all classes (10 sec for summoners); + Dregbez, Uber Butcher, Pinky, Ceromorth, Abatan, Uber Xorene: drops set to 4; + Added new monster; + Recolored Gold Golems and their bosses; + Night Demon: stun threshold increased by 50% (compensating for their long hit recovery animation (10 frames)); v1.0538 (2020-08-07) + Mage subclass spell crit formulae changed to: Mage: (10+CLVL/9)% chance for +100% damage, Elementalist: (7+CLVL/9)% for +125%, Warlock: (12+CLVL/8)% for +75%; + Affix 'of ruin" changed to 30% chance for +60% damage; + Bone Spirit cooldowns are reduced to 6 seconds for summoners and to 3 seconds for the rest in Multiplayer. In Singleplayer Summoners get 3 sec cooldown; + Monsters can walk around barrels more effectively now (on Hard mode they still ignore it and break them instead); v1.0539 (2020-08-07) + Elementalist spell damage crit formula set to 20% chance for +150% damage; + Bone Spirit damage will no longer be modified by effects of Ruin or Dread, nor will it be boosted by spell crits; + Bone Spirit base damage formula changed to: 1/8 of monster current HP; v1.0541 (2020-08-08) + Added new monster; + Fixed negative life/mana leech when using Hunger trait; v1.0542 (2020-08-08) + Treasure Hunter trait penalty set to: -(50 + CLVL * 4) ; + Entry sound effect was bugged on DLVL-18, cancelled; v1.0543 (2020-08-09) + Gold Golem boss color fixed on DLVL-21 in Multiplayer mode, the lack of his color translation file was causing gamecrash in multiplayer; v1.0544 (2020-08-09) + Changed inventory and flip sounds for potions. Unlinked flask throw sounds from potions (throwing flasks uses old original sound); + Added another new monster; v1.0550 (2020-08-11), "Mammagamma (Extended)" (The Alan Parsons Project) WARNING: you need to replace your config.ini with the one from this update + Colors corrected for some base- and unique monsters; + Using potions produces a different sound than moving them around inventory now; + New hotkey configuration and customize system is ready. Use 'MoreManualHotkeys' option in config.ini: open up spedbook, hover your mouse pointer over a spell and press one of the supported hotkeys: QWERT, ASDFG, AX, F5-F8, this will hokey the spell and show HK overlay. Pretty much, it's the original D1 hotkey system, but extended to more hotkeys; + Another option 'NewShortcuts' is upgraded: it now sets spells hotkeyed in accordance to spell hotkey table in config.ini, Note: you can read details and how to change hotkeys with it in the config.ini, Note: both hotkey systems work independently. If both are off, then previous TH2 hotkey system is used; v1.0551 (2020-08-12) + Grim Deal penalties were calculated incorrectly. New penalty list: AC, %life, %mana, DFE, HP regen & stun threshold are weakened by (CLVL/2); + Izual is given new animation and sounds; + Spell hokey system 'NewShortuts' now includes F1-F4 keys. Upgrade your config.ini file for these changes to take effect; v1.0560 (2020-08-14) + Stinger Lord got 50% more damage resistance to magic, melee and arrows; + Flying monsters (except Gargoyles) can now cross blood lakes in Abyss and lava in Caves; + Monsters that can both fly and spawn monsters, do not spawn minions while over blood/lava; + Added 2 more monsters but they are deactivated for now; v1.0570 (2020-08-15) + Greater Hulk and Blood Hulk are undead now; + Demonologist's Imps can now traverse lava/blood; + Treasure Hunter malus was mistakenly set to 5 * CLVL + 50, reverted to 4 * CLVL + 50; + Putrid Defiler renamed to Contaminator; + Hidden can actually hide in barrels now on levels 10-16 (an old bug is fixed); + Contaminators will now be able to spawn minions on all dungeon levels where they are present; + Redesigned Chamber of Bone to give it a proper flavor (yes yes, I am not spoiling anything); v1.0571 (2020-08-16) + Added some new bosses; + Expanded Tormentors as deep as DLVL-12; + Improved some boss colors; + Gave some bosses new greet sfx; + Excluded imps from barrel spawns in Caves. Excluded Hidden from barrel spawns (completely); v1.0572 (2020-08-16) + Attack animation fixed for 3rd tier of Summoner minions: no longer looks chopped; + Beastmaster gets new tier 3 summon; + All summoner minions had accuracy/damage/armor formulae revised. This should result in a more comfortable play now; v1.0573 (2020-08-17) + Improved original Zombie hit and death sounds; + Removed Siegebreaker from Ravenholm. Got there by mistake; + Tainted shrine in MP gives nothing to the person who touched it and 2 Holy Waters for others (instead of adding or reducing stats randomly); v1.0574 (2020-08-19) + Changed a few boss names; + Kensei melee weapon base damage re-adjusted (except first 2 tiers); + Added some more color palettes for Abyss; + Fixed Hydra / Traps not shooting at targets moving in horizontal directions (expanded old TH1 patch from 2010, yay ); v1.0575 (2020-08-20) + New increased cost for restocks in shops cancelled for Soft Iron mode; + Added more Abyss palettes. Now it's 133 variations. I think that will suffice; + New monster added; + When game window is not active, it still renders frames; v1.0600 (2020-08-21), "Burnin' In The Third Degree" (Tahnee Cain & The Tryanglz) + Monster stun thresholds reduced globally by 20% on Easy mode, and increased by 20% on Hard; + Affixes of +flat damage (including vs various monster types) were globally revised; + Monsters walking in southern directions now can be knocked back effectively; + Randomized base damage for all Griswold's reward uniques for completing Anvil of Fury quest; + Base damage on all sharps, axes, blunts, claws and Monk staves was revised; + Total revision made in affixes for magic and rare items that boost flat damage, flat crits and flat damage against monster types; + Bows and crossbows used to generate affixes for 1-handed line of +damage type, now they get more damage by going into 2-handed affix line instead; + Affixes that boost life and mana in percentage, are nerfed by flat 10% (e.g. what was 25% is now 15%, etc.); + Dimachaerus and Rogue now get more base damage (approx., +CLVL); + Fixed original knockback miscalculations and now monster knockback is working properly: no double hits, knockback is as intended; + Changed all affixes in unique items that alter flat crit damage, damage, life- and mana percents, monster-cpecific affixes; + Newly added monsters now support blood animation when getting a crit from player; + Changed some unique monster names; + Less base damage for unarmed Executioner; v1.0601 (2020-08-22) + Adventurer trait now reduces life and mana by 25% and gives +1 stat to distribute; + Fixed Night Demon highlighting; + More Abyss palettes added; + Fixed data in Vidala set; v1.0602 (2020-08-23) + Traits 'Adventurer' and 'Domesticated' are incompatible now; + Added new option that controls background sound for the game window. See "Special options" in config (don't forget to update it btw); + Added 2 new monsters; v1.0603 (2020-08-24) + Added new monster to Lost Treasure quest icy levels; + Improved motion interpolation; v1.0604 (2020-08-25) + Summoned minion damage formulae changed for Hard mode (less damage with CLVL mostly - more or less what it was before the boosting patch); + Pressing LMB on a minion/golem when they are highlighted with Alt now makes player walk towards the tile they clicked; v1.0605 (2020-08-26) + Gold drop formula for bosses changed to: Horror: 35 + 2 * (DLVL + 1) + Rnd[ (DLVL + 1) * 2] , Purgatory: 75 + 2 * (DLVL + 1) + Rnd[ (DLVL + 1) * 2] , Doom: 120 + 2 * (DLVL + 1) + Rnd[ (DLVL + 1) * 2] ; + Corrections made to uniques with 'unusual base damage' affix; + More palettes added for Abyss levels; + Salamanders use AI#1 now (charging looked wrong); v1.0606 (2020-08-29) + Hephasto uses new look now; + Adjusted new Hephasto resistances to damage (melee / arrow / magic), stun and knockback. He will be a little tougher to deal with now; + 'City of the Damned' level redesigned (mostly, monster mixes); + Overlord type of monsters now use a different set of sounds for activation; + Removed knocback from Beastmaster summon tier 2; + Corpse Eaters are made vulnerable to fire on Horror/Purgatory; + Fixed animation displacement for charging monsters; + Improved a stability issue with mouse pointer; + All uniques based on Hooded Helm and Gloom Helmet now got unique pics; + Added another new monster in test mode; + Monsters could not summon minions outside Normal\Hardcore mode: now they are allowed to do that (again); + Added more pictures for unique items; v1.0607 (2020-08-31) + Turned off mouse key 4 & 5 support; + Warrior class was assigned wrong attack speed when having shield equipped: 10 frames instead of 9. Now fixed; + Added more pictures for uniques; + Fixed hotkey to Flame Ring (was using the wrong spell before): refresh your config.ini ; + Improved stability with alt-tabbing from fullscreen mode; + Added new monster; v1.0608 (2020-09-01) + Executioner attack frame with sharps and blunts set to 10; + Spell limit range of 10 tiles added to the following spells: Portal, Fire\Lightning Wall\Ring, Summon minions (Unsummon is not limited like that), Golem, Hydra, Note: previously, Teleport and Telekinesis were limited like that. If Teleport distance was greater than 10 tiles, you would get teleported 10 tiles in the click direction, and if the target tile was out of sight (e.g. another room) you would just not be teleported (spell cancelled); + The same limitation as above (with Teleport) is applied to Town Portal spell now; + Unsummon skill works without 10 tile limit; + Item under cursor will not be deleted when changing DLVL now: instead it will be dropped on the floor, Note: of course, with game modes below Hard it won't be a solution (as you can't go up (unless it's a quest floor)), but in standard modes your items will be safe, if anything goes wrong with this, don't panic and let me know (I know it's a fool-proof kind of fix but why not?); + Telekinesis now does not open chests if they are not in direct line of sight of the player; v1.0609 (2020-09-02) + Another revision of base damage for all classes; + Added new AI for Scarabs and Goat Lords. They no longer use Diablo AI for this attack; + More Abyss palettes added; + More unique item imagery added; v1.0610 (2020-09-02) + Fixed a small bug from previous patch; v1.0620 (2020-09-06) + Bullseye Dogmaster accuracy increased by 20% (on every difficulty). The name obliges; + Monsters summoned by other monsters now don't give XP and item drops; + Assassin loses increased mana, mana regeneration, bonus to mana regeneration and crits with spells; + Introducing new ranged weapon for Assassins : throwing knives. These will be used now for ranged combat, Note: knives are considered physical ranged weapon (duh) and everything that applies to bows when calculating accuracy, damage and so on - applies to them as well, Note: this item type uses individual affix system and it will differ from bows. There is no knockbak on these and there is no elemental damage; + Assassin ranged weapon crit system is upgraded : 10 + CLVL/9 % chance for +250% + (10-20) damage; + Assassin character bonus to accuracy with ranged weapons set to + 15; + Assassin can now go 15 levels deep in Overdraw perk; v1.0621 (2020-09-07) + Assassin starts with tier 1 throwing knives in inventory; + Treasure Hunter penalty reduced to CLVL * 2 + 50; + Destroyer trait damage bonus set to 15%; + Overdraw perk wasn't working for throwing knives: fixed; + Crit formula changed for throwing knives : 5 + clvl/9 % for +100% damage; + Base damage formula for throwing knives set to : (CLVL * cSTR / 260) + (CLVL / 2) ; v1.0622 (2002-09-08) + Corrections made to maximum levels of perks available for some classes. This doesn't change anything, it's jut a fix; + Picking up items from the floor now gives a sound; + Changed description for Assassin kit; + Throwing knives are given new sprites; v1.0623 (2020-09-10) + Finished adding support for new monster AI : Exploder. This AI makes a monster run towards player and detonate inflicting massive damage to player (or their minions), Note: for Hard mode their damage is upped by ~(25-30)%, for IM/SI/NM/SR : -20%, Note: beware, they can really rip off your face; + Exploders are activated now. You will see them in Abyss and Crypt. There are bosses too; v1.0624 (2020-09-10) + Introducing another update to spell hotkey system : "Instant Hotkeys". It makes casting hotkeyed spells just by hitting their hotkey, Note: works if activated in config file AND if option "MoreManualHotkeys" is activated. See the config file comments for this option, it's explained there; v1.0625 (2020-09-11) + Right ALT key no longer activates Hydra spell when using cyrillic keyb layout; + Corrected Exploder hitpoints for Purgatory and Doom difficulties (they are halved now, as they should be); + Certain bosses who gave 10 item drops got reduced to dropping 4 (these were not custom patron requests, so it's ok to change that); + Uber Diablo drops 7 items on Doom now; v1.0626 (2020-09-18) + Assassin used to show crit damage and chance for melee with throwing knives: now correct info is displayed; + Expert Killer perks levels 6-8 are no longer available to Guardian / Templar / Inquisitor. They were not achievable anyway; + Added new trait for Assassin class, it takes away throwing knives but gives powerful magic (caster) abilities; + If tiles adjacent to player are occupied, it is still possible to drop items on the floor now: item under cursor will seek out nearest available tile and get dropped there; + Added new type of weapon for Templar class: throwing mallets; v1.0627 (2020-09-22) + Knockback effect no longer works for elemental damage from weapons; + Knocking back monsters processing improved : advanced orientation handling; + Ironman players when walking down the stairs (including quest levels) will see a dialogue window - a confirmation to move forth and quit current level, Note: 'NewDunConfirm' option. Look it up in config ini, 'Gameplay options' section, the description is there; + Fixed Ring of Fire/Lightning spells leaving gaps for monsters; v1.0628 (2020-09-28) + Fixed Izual getting stuck sometimes, when circle-walking player (original game bug); + Fixed randomization of elemental arrows when there is more than one type used by a character; + Exploder damage against Golem / minions increased by 1400%; + Fixed grate exploit in Summoning Halls, relocated some monsters from entry point to the Pit; v1.0629 (2020-10-08) + Added some more uniques; v1.0630 (2020-10-09) + Minimal size automap deactivated, only 2 variations left (standard (humongous) and small), i don't think anyone used the miniscule version (if you still want it, press +/- in small mode); + Working with base and unique items: pics, stats; v1.0631 (2020-10-10) + Elemental weapon damage formula changed to: (0,03 * baseDamage * damage(elemental) + 6 + CLVL/2) * class_Coefficient ( was: (0,05 * baseDamage * damage(elemental) + CLVL / 2) * class_Coefficient ); + Modified Crypt .sol file so that left tile of Uber Diablo's chamber exit doesn't block walking and missiles; + Added 1 more unique ring for early game; + Improved descriptions for some affix types; v1.0632 (2020-10-12) + Basic mana regen got broken a few versions ago: fixed (was +1 mana regen per 12 cMAG, now back to +1 per 20 cMAG); [skip] v1.0633 (2020-10-18) + Blood Lords \ Steel Lords : damage resistance nerfed by ~30% against melee and ranged attacks; + Adjustments to some uniques and base items; + First attempt made at fixing original game's missile cornering bug where player and monster would not always be able to hit each other. Sometimes player would be able to hit monster and the monster would be unable to hit the player (or vice versa), now, mostly this is fixed, although this it's not finished yet, and sometimes the problem persists (player hits monster and the monster can't hit the player, etc); v1.0634 (2020-10-19) + Reverted corner shooting fix from the previous patch (was bugged); + Uber Diablo is guarded by Horn Clan archers now (by Bloodied Hidden in Multiplayer Doom, and 2 of their bosses); v1.0635 (2020-10-20) + Added new goat archers monsters to Abyss and Crypt. After adding other new monsters, there was a shortage of archers on these levels, now it should be rectified; + Rewritten monster fireblast damage formula: it will do a little less damage to player now; v1.0636 (2020-10-23) + In Nigtmare and Iron modes chance to get a book drop for Mage classes is set to 20% if Treasure Hunter trait is used; + Monsters do not drop relicts with certain spells if they are available to class as a skill (Reflect to Savage, TK to Monks, etc.); + Horn Clan: resistances revised; + Base damage adjusted for mid to late archer bows; + New gameplay option added to config: AltOnlyItemPick. It allows adjusting item pickups so that they can occur only if items are highlighted with Alt key; + Thorned Buckler doesn't require magic anymore; + Ghostreaver and Andariel are given vulnerability to acid; v1.0637 (2020-10-24) + Values adjusted for perks that alter Fury timings and damage under Fury; + Fixed Demonologist summon tier 3's primary Tohit formula; + Adjusted HP formulae for all summoned minions (didn't change Golem); v1.0638 (2020-10-27) + Added 8 new Cathedral palettes; + Iron Maiden base mana formula changed to: bMAG + CLVL ; + Inferno range (from monsters) set to 6 on Hard mode; + Izual's secondary melee attack is no longer random and is active only on Hard mode; v1.0666 (2020-10-30) WARNING!!! READ THIS LOG CAREFULLY, THIS VERSION INTRODUCES NEW SYSTEM THAT WILL CHANGE THE GAME FOREVER! (and i recommend upgrading config file too) [known bug] : it sets base spell level to zero for all nova and summoning spells, fixed in v1.0702 + Izual's damage absorption and damage factors adjusted for game modes; + Exploder HP boost for Purgatory/Doom is 25% now (was 50%); + Adjusted some unique item stats; + Ranged attack monsters will now change positions after attacking player (basically, circle), Note: chance for that depends on difficulty mode, game mode, dungeon level and game type (SP / MP), Note: this also solves old problem with monsters shooting walls and becoming target practice; + Nerfed damage dealt by Exploders; + Revised summoned minion primary minimum and maximum damage formulae; + Fixed Golem AC formula; + Rewrote Golem HP formula (HP no longer depend on DLVL). New one : (cMAG * CLVL / 5 ) + 100 + curMana + Rnd[10 * CLVL]; + Fixed inventory rune/trap sound; + Introducing new system of crafting: players will now be able to find various types of upgradable gems and items with sockets, chances of finding items with sockets and gems depend on difficulty mode and dungeon level, number of sockets in items depends on difficulty (minimum 1, maximum 6), gems upgrade service is provided by Griswold (there's a new menu in his dialogue window, under 'trade / repair' ), there are two crafting tabs in Griswold shop: for gems and for items, only similar type and grade gems can be combined, and only socketed items can be used in 'items' tab, inserting and extracting gems costs gold (extracting is more expensive), upgrading gems costs gold too, the system is new, we might add new gems or other socketables after gathering substantial amount of feedback; + Crafting system upgrades character save files and having used them in this version makes them unusable in previous versions (you might want to back up them first!); v1.0700 (2020-11-06) + Fixed a few visual bugs in crafting tooltips; + Improved some of the music tracks: removed noises, created fade-ins and fade-outs; + Some areas now play different music, re-download the music pack to get the latest update (music pack v9.3 or newer); + Renamed some precious stones and gave them prettier pictures; + Amethyst weapon augments revised; + Penalty for 'Forgetful' trait reduced by 75%, bonus increased by flat +100; + Improved pictures for Onyx line; + Gem dropping function rewritten: on higher difficulties there will be less gem drops but they will be of higher grades; + Uber Diablo now drops random gem of grade 5 on Doom mode (Treasure Hunter trait doesn't affect this); + Added 5 new level variations of Passage of Fire; + Connecting to multiplayer games of different type is forbidden now, Note: if game is hosted by Hard mode player, you will require a Hard mode character to 1) see it and 2) connect to it, etc., Note: I was using "rAdmin VPN" for testing, connection through UDP, Note: if you use IPXwrapper (which you don't need with radmin), try unchecking firewall flag in settings); + Added 3 more level 47 unique Zweihanders; + Tanto is given new picture; + Socketed items now show prefix "Socketed" before item name, and show "Gemmed" if there is at least one gem inserted; + Belial would spawn to the south from Uber room, this created situations where he sometimes would spawn too close to stairs, now his pack is placed randomly; + Circlet and Crown items got new appearance now; + Added 2 new uniques on uID#2062; v1.0701 (2020-11-09) + Fixed a small cosmetic bug where alt highlight would show all white items with grey color; + Sarcophagi cannot be opened with Telekinesis if not in the line of sight of the player; + When unable to open an object (chest/sarcophagus) with Telekinesis, cursor will become red; + Full revision of flat XP affixes on magic, rare and unique items; + Precious stones can be stashed now; + PvM Melee: Uber Diablo damage resistance revised: SP: Hard: 87,5%, IM/SR: 82,5%, the rest: 85%, MP: Hard Horror: 87,5%, Hard Purgat: 90%, Hard Doom: 92,5%, IM/SR Horror: 82,5%, IM/SR Purgat: 86%, IM/SR Doom: 89,5%, other Horror: 85%, other Purgat: 88%, other Doom: 91%, Note: previously, resistance was 87,5% for SP and MP Horror, 91,66% for MP Purgat and 93,75% for MP Doom; + Added new Hall of Heroes on SP Speedrun mode dlvl-2; v1.0702 (2020-11-11) + Improved support for scrolling hotkeyed spells with mouse wheel; + Added unbinding a hotkey feature (by binding it to the same key again, you unbind it); + Sound effects added for binding / unbinding spells; + Left CTRL and Right CTRL added to bindable keys; + More spells flagged as bindable: ITEM_REPAIR, ITEM_RECHARGE, IDENTIFY, TRAP_DISARM, PHASING, APOCALYPSE, MAGI, MANA_RECHARGE, SEEING and ETHEREALIZE, Note: config.ini was updated and default hotkeys were revised, you need to update config and set your hotkeys to what you want; + New perk added for Mage class, it allows for two Golems; + Fixed a bug (originated in v1.0666) that would set base spell level to zero for some spells (usually summoning spells and novas) because of support for crafted items; v1.0703 (2020-11-11) + Fixed minor bug with mousewheel hotkey scrolling; + Blood stones in Valor quest could be deleted if more than one was picked up and dropped: now it is fixed; + Receiving damage under Mana Shield stopped if mana was depleted. Now, if damage received is greater than current mana, the remainder of the damage is substracted from life after mana is exhausted, Note: the remaining damage percentage that was not absorbed by mana is extracted from life without damage increase for Mana Shield; + Beastmaster T2 units would charge monsters and that sometimes could lead to a monster duplication glitch, they do it no more, plus they can now spit acid as an additional ranged attack; v1.0704 (2020-11-16) + New feature added: "Inventory backlights" (when coders give these their names, I like leaving the names as they are). So, the backlights now highlight inventory slots when you have items under cursor; + Added new perk for Warlock which increases physical spell damage; + Backlights expanded to stash and belt slots; + Readme file replaced with txt version, and updated (if you think I forgot something - let me know!); + Changed meta menu trait screen description; + WIth items (perks, traits) that increase physical element damage Mana Shield would show that you get increased damage. The real damage wasn't increased, it was a display error. Now, shown damage is correct; v1.0707 (2020-11-20) + Added new option (under Special Options) to turn off background rendering: BackgroundDraw. Look it up in config file for more details; + Fixed nVidia videocard (tested on drivers 451.67 and 457.30) related bug where background rendering would sporadically result in game window blackout, Note: this didn't happen if game was running on integrated Intel graphics. No idea about AMD - should be fixed there too anyway; + When in background, game runs at 20 frames per second now. When minimized, doesn't render frames at all; + [Duke] Golem and summoned minions now display stats in spellbook; + Improved application stability when switching to fullscreen modes with Alt+Enter, alt-tabbing, minimizing and restoring game window; + Summoned Golem had too fat ranged damage resistance (75%), now reduced to 50%; + Readme updated again (config section); + Added improved pictures for some base and unique items; v1.0708 (2020-11-20) + Fixed knockback against moving (walking) monsters: it used to return monster to the tile from which it was moving, now KB pushes them 1 tile further away from player, Note: on Hard mode KB still works like before; v1.0725 (2020-11-21) [ boss layers cause problems, public versions must skip to 1.0740 ] + Rogue class body armors get different stat requirements: removed Mag requirements, added Vit requirements, rebalanced requirements on mails and plates; + [Duke] Introducing new system of boss buffs (similar to blue champions): on Hard and Normal modes bosses will be randomly assigned certain buffs, on 1st difficulty there is a small chance for 1 buff, on 2nd difficulty: 1 or 2 buffs, and on 3rd difficulty there will be 1 to 3 buffs, Note: certain quest bosses, or those hardcoded for certain buffs already, will not be receiving these buffs; + [Unexpect3D] MoreManualHotkeys option from config is on by default now. It expands manually configurable hotkeys to F1 - F8 and A through Z. Left and right CTRLs are assignable too, Note: yes, you can assign I, P, C, V keys to spells and in that case they will not function as before. To clear the hotkey, bring up speedspell menu, and assign this key to that spell again; + Manually set hotkeys are now carried over to new game(s) with that character; + Updated Readme (Hotkey section); + Improved appearance for some items; v1.0726 (2020-11-25) + Oils are not dropped for all Mage classes from bosses anymore in game modes below Hardcore; + Fixed colors for item craft panel (used to be messed up with increased gamma); + MP chat button has a sound now; + Monster (including summoned minions) stats can go over 255 in value for damage, accuracy and armor, and over 65535 for hit points, Note: this upgrade requires to start new game in SP mode with your characters (you can't LOAD game that was started in previous version); + Player VItality is checked now when determining item availability in Griswold's shop (used to check only Str, Dex and Mag); + There are 2 music files chosen randomly to play in meta menu now; + Added new config option "OriginalMusic": it allows using only original Diablo soundtrack (in original quality too), Note: you need to upgrade music pack to v10.0 for this to work, and upgrade config.ini too; v1.0727 (2020-11-27) + Fixed 3rd variation of Island map; + Activated Full Cuirass uniques; + Improved pics for some base and unique items; + Buying premium items in Griswold shop was giving wrong backlight dimensions before bought items were put in inventory: fixed; + Added 10 new Catacomb palettes; + Added 10 new Cave palettes; + Background blackout fix improved; v1.0728 (2020-11-30) + Assassin maximum block chance altered: in MvP Melee: 45% -> 25%, in Mvp Ranged: 45% -> 20%; - [cancelled] Player stun formula is now limited from below (to prevent going into negative values): minimum stun threshold is 0; + 2 more Island variations added; + Repair and Recharge relicts no longer drop for classes that have these as skills (this limits drops from monsters, dungeon objects still can drop them); + Reduced flat melee/arrow damage resistance for knights on Easy, Ironman and *Nightmare modes (by approximately 30%), upd: *Nightmare check gets changed to Speedrun in v1.0730; + Shugoki subclass was using same base damage formula for polearms and unarmed, now unarmed formula got separated (is identical to Kensei now); v1.0730 (2020-12-04) + Fixed skeletons rising from sarcophagi on player tile; + On Hard mode total hitpoints of monsters are increased by 50%; + Maximum block chance reduced to 20% (from 30%) for Guardian class in Monster vs Player Melee combat; + Added another music set ("ambient_music"): it replaces music with ambience. See config file sound options for details; + Running does not turn off step sounds for players anymore; + Fixed picking up items with alt highlight (got bugged after adding alt only pickup option); + Cauldrons are highlighted on map in IM mode; + Added new perk for increasing Golem resistance; v1.0740 (2020-12-11) + Fury was not castable if curHP was below clvl, this condition is removed; + Torches in Valor quest hall emitted no light (was erased by player's light radius), now fixed; + Fixed some bugs regarding unique monster light radius; + Spruceups for visual stash buttons: active and inactive buttons differ visually now; + Monster secondary damage was bugged (quadruple) after lifting monster stat limits, now it's fixed (but versions 1.0725 - 1.0730 must be skipped for Blue XS); + Rogue class and Assassin (with Black Witchery trait) get books from bosses now, in all game modes below Hardcore; + Pressing "Save & Quit" in Ironman / Nightmare / Speedrun modes now returns player to character selection menu instead of exiting to Windows; + Character base damage revised for melee and ranged / thrown weapons on many classes (it's mostly buffs, for late game you will have some +50 to 100 flat damage); + Added new trait for Rogue class; + Late levels of Strong Arm revised (concerning availability to certain classes); + Dimachaerus loses his DFE buff under Fury. Instead, it gives him 1 frame faster attack (for melee weapons and crossbows); v1.0750 (2020-12-18) + Fixed a bug with hardened bosses generating "none" affix; + Gems can be shift-clicked into craft window now; + [testing] Fixed floating numbers showing surreal numbers sometimes (mostly from Maiden's thorns); + Default music mix expanded with another set that uses slightly different versions; + Fixed Greyskull picture; + Added new boss to Chamber of Bone (Guardian of Bones), drops 2 items; + Fixed Rune Blade (was assigned MAG requirement by mistake); + Hidden are no longer stunned regardless of damage in MvM; + MvM stun formula changed to damage >= (damage >= (mAC / 2) + MLVL + (Rnd [ DLVL/4 + 6*DIFF + 2 ]) ). Old formula was: damage >= (mAC / 2 + mlvl); + Adding new Savage trait is complete; v1.0760 (2021-01-03) + Fechtmeister Warrior sword/mace attack animation improved (skips a frame instead of setting attack frame to 8); + Added new trait available for many classes; + Lifeleech in MvP lowered by ~50% in SP IM/SR modes; + Added new Berserker trait (the idea came from the movie "Crank" ); + Mage classes now recover less mana from Mana charges; + Healing spell formula changed to: [1-4] + ((bVIT / 2) * [1-2]) + (SLVL * [1-2]). Half power for Mage classes, 150% power for Executioner; + Added new perk that improves healing spell power; + Adventurer trait penalties set to -20% HP/mana; + Seeing has limited radius now: targets that are further than 8 tiles from player, will not be highlighted; v1.0770 (2021-01-08) + Fixed Concussive blows: was actually lowering player ability to stun monsters; + Apoc didnot attack monsters flying over lava: fixed; + Apoc didnot attack monsters moving in horizontal direction: fixed; v1.0780 (2021-01-15) + Throwing knife (and Mallet) drop chances lowered (33% of what it used to be); + Fixed flask DOT elements not working over tiles that allow flying over; + Fixed forbidden spells being active for quest levels in Easy mode; + Reduced number of Hidden monsters in Valley of Despair, to reduce chances of stairgank; + Added new trait (available to all classes, except Templar and Mage). Incompatible with 'Forgetful' trait. Called 'Sisyphean Task' ; + All variations of Passage of Fire map are available for all game modes now (beware, some variations are harder); + Added 3 new amulets (existing 'Moonheart' can morph into one of them); + SP modes of IM/SR/NM now use random palettes in town; + Amethyst stones increased Fire element damage instead of Arcane: fixed; + Added new config option: original_palettes (under 'VISUAL OPTIONS'). It uses original game color palettes for dungeon levels. In case you find TH2 palettes odd/dark or just feel like it, Note: remember to update your config file; + Fixed summoned minions displayed in distorted colors when in the distance (happened after setting Seeing radius limits); + Guardian of Bones has less HP now: 1500 -> 1200; + Battle Axe unique of level 53 has 2 more instances. Warning: Dayaxe can morph into one of them; + Added Poisoned Water Supply boss (appears on Purgatory and Doom, never on Horror)- be careful, it will be a little more difficult; + Added new unique monster to Halls of the Blind quest room; + Added new unique monster to Valor quest dungeon; + Added new unique monster to guard Anvil of Fury: steals mana, has 90% kb resistance, 50% improved stun threshold, double damage, gets 5x hitpoints from warcries; + Fixed monster extra hit points (acquired with Fallen AI): were cleared upon hitting player; + Exploder MLVL increased: 28 -> 44; + Created 11 unique items based on Arrow Trap VI; + Map variation #2 of 'Passage' excluded from the pool of maps on NM/IM/SR modes, because it's too hard and would likely kill players; + Archaic shrine messages removed; + Revised base damage and delays on Trapper weapons; + Added some 20+ new uniques to reduce chances of getting the most common ones; v1.0790 (2021-01-18) + Added new config option 'SkipUnusableSpells' that skips unusable spells while scrolling through hotkeyed ones (on by default); + Added config option 'ExpandedSpellsOnScroll' that allows switching between full (A-Z, F1-F8 and CTRL keys) and limited (F1-F8 keys) spells - by scrolling mousewhell (on by default); + Added new visual XP bar; + Adrenaline trait balance changed (made less extreme). Flat life regeneration is changed according to character state: idle: -(3 + 200% CLVL), e.g., -43 at level 20, attack (melee): +(3 + 200% CLVL), attack (ranged): +(3 + CLVL), block\hit: +(3 + 500% CLVL), casting: +(1 + 50% CLVL), Note: life will not drop below 1 when in town, but be careful in dungeons: if you enter with 1 life, it will kill you because life degeneration will kick in; + Added new trait (available to most classes): 'Bend the Rules' ; + Fixed a bug with Apocalypse multi-hitting player characters standing on warp tiles (stairs); + Improved lighting handling in Valor quest dungeon; + Fixed boss lighting on knockback; + Fixed boss light radius appear/disappear when phasing in/out as Mage or Hidden; v1.0800 (2021-01-18) Warning! This version introduces Enchanting of items system. It changes some core game structures. It is advised to not load previously created single player games after upgrading, and start new gaming session with these old characters. After you create new game with them and save, new changes will take effect and everything should be fine from that moment. In essence, same precautions we took when introducing Crafting. Lastly, Enchanting is available in all game modes. Just FYI. + Added class-specific formulae to spellbook for Fury spell; + Enchanting system is now activated. Talk to Adria, she provides the service; + Fury spellbook descriptions changed. Now it will show resulting values there instead of formulae; + If player has unspent attribute points of more than 255, they can be carried over to new game without being changed (cut) through byte overflow; + Activated 'Augmented Healing' perk: wasn't working before; v1.0801 (2021-01-22) + Improved Fury spellbook info display; + Fixed certain traits (that change base stats) that were not synchronized well in multiplayer coop games (Blood for Blood, Black Witchery, Big Frame, etc.); v1.0802 (2021-01-26) + Mage classes (in IM/SI/SR/NM modes) will again get oils from unique monsters, with 30% chance; + Added new monster type to dlvls 16-19; + Hidden are generated on dlvls 10-15 (were: 10-20); + Minor adjustments to perk availability (after introducing 'Bend the Rules' trait); + Death Minion renamed to Death Reaper (to avoid confusion when they are boss minions); + Seeing, Teleport and Warp spells are forbidden in Lazarus' level now, for safety measures; + Modified architecture of Lazarus level: removed doors and braziers; + Monster strafe chances are lowered; + Summoned minions no longer strafe now (Necromancer tier 1's and Demonologist tier 2's); + Fixed minor light bug with red portal that leads to Lazarus' level; v1.0803 (2021-01-29) + Perks with level above 0 (if not maxed) will be displayed in blue color now; + Visual stash tabs can now be scrolled with mouse (or arrows: left / right); v1.0900 (2021-02-05) Warning! After upgrading to this version, you shouldn't load old singleplayer games, start new game sessions and save - this will upgrade your characters. + Some UI improvements; + Enchanting window is made close player inventory on pressing Exit; + Backlights added to socketing window; + Scrolling through hotkeyed spells is deactivated when Stash is open (to avoid scrolling through spells while scrolling through stash tabs); + Firebolt trap damage formula rewritten. Does more damage early on and on Purgatory. And it now does 33% less damage on IM/SR/EZ modes; + Trait 'Old Fashioned' revised. Additional AC and damage formulae changed to +(CLVL^2/20) and +(CLVL^2/25) accordingly; + Removed support for Augmented Healing perk for All Mage classes; + All Mage classes now use Concentration spell instead of Fury; + Fixed Bouncer trait not reducing attack speed with dual weapons when paired with Monkey Grip; + Drinking pots/elixirs from inventory is protected against double clicks now (which could result in casting active non-targettable spells like Fury, Healing, etc.); + Fixed a bug where manually moving items to belt would deactivate active spell; + [Aura branch] Fixed Warden of Anger appearing in Frozen Loch; + Fixed Kodachi-based uniques looking like Chokuto ones; + Fixed Ararebo-based uniques looking like Kanabo ones; + Added new system of monster curses. Some monster types now have 2 to 4 tile radius curse fields around them, The fields are invisible but give warning sound when player enters them, There are different curses: life burning, mana burning, reistance-lowering, armor/stun/damage lowering, Summoned minions are not affected by these curses, Cursed fields have min-max range: the closer you are to the cursed monster, the stronger the curse, Multiple curses from many monsters do stack. Beware, that is their main danger; v1.0901 (2021-02-08) + Item tooltips are now transparent; + Gamma (in-game setup) now works like contrast adjustment rather than shifting palette colors; + Fixed gossip for towners: now it changes after player returns from the labirynth (used to reseed after starting new game); + Fixed a bug with characters freezing while trying to go downstairs; v1.1000 (2021-02-10) + Created 9 unique items based on Alloyed Buckler; + Fury duration increase affix now follows a formula instead of adding flat 30 seconds: +(CLVL/2)+5 seconds. It's also correctly shown in affix description, Note: same applies to Concentration spell; + Enhanced perception will not highlight monsters hidden inside wall tiles now; + Speedrun mode: saving after killing end boss and loading game will no longer overwrite timer (it will be saved); + Stash update (v23): newly created characters now have only 1 stash tab, other tabs have to be purchased from Gillian (old characters will still have access to all 100 tabs); + Added auto-sorting feature to stash; + Fixed some more boss lights, I don't even remember what these bugs were but they are fixed, plus some improved handling of light for Valor boss and Hazeweaver; v1.1001 (2021-02-12) + Updated appearance of Monk staves. They all have 2x4 dimensions now; + Recolored Overlord and Filth Demon; v1.1002 (2021-02-19) + Warden of Anger got less hp and damage in IM/SR modes on Horror; + Fixed Warden of Anger monster type: beast now; + Rogue can go 20 levels deep into Strong Arm now; + Fixed Gargoyle squatting bug; + Restored and updated classic zoom feature from Diablo 1. It can be toggled with (ALT + Z). It makes resolution virtually twice as small. E.g., 1600x900 becomes 800x450, Note: original game visibility is achieved at 1440x810 with zoom (adjusted for 16:9 screen ratio). Also, playing like that is a freaking horror game all of a sudden, Note: if you have 16:10 monitor, try 1296x810 with zoom; + Mouse over belt items doesn't open tooltips if talk panel is open; + Replaced some throwing knives pics; + Attempted fix to prevent 0 pile of gold generating in inventory sometimes; + Savage, Berserker and Executioner classes are allowed to go 15 levels into Eagle Eye; + Replaced shrine message when 2 oils are dropped (from "Drink and gain more power" to "The effects of time shall be reversed"); v1.1009 (2021-02-26) + Fixed Fury description for Executioner; + Black Witchery trait now adds chance to score critical hits with magic: (CLVL / 5 + 10)% chance for +200% damage; + Enchanting items could freeze game when processing base items with many stats, fixed; + It's possible that Enchanting will decrease item attribute requirements now, but not below their minimum; + Char.panel To Hit is now shown as value, not percent; + Added new monster to Infested Cellar level: Wyrm; + Infested Cellar level redesigned: 3 new architecture variations now (shared between difficulty modes (for now)); + Monkey Grip trait lowers total max.chance to hit by 20%, Zealot trait now lowers max.chance to hit by 15%; + On 1st difficulty, unique monsters don't drop 'Rags' class items after dlvl-5; + Augmented Healing spell level requirements revised: 1-2-4-7-11 -> 1-2-3-4-5; + New feature added: see "SecondaryTooltip" option in config file under Visual Options; v1.1014 (2021-03-05) + Monk damage penalty with staves against beasts changed (sit down, you will be shocked, it's a buff): 33% -> 20% ; + Monster info bar reworked: shows only vulnerabilities now (in graphical icons), shows Stonce Curse vulnerability now, shows monster type as graphical icon (beast, undead, demon); + Monster info bar now shows information about monster curse field below champion boss information line; + It is possible now to draw rectangular border around monster HP bar. See 'AlternativeMonsterBarBorder' option in config; + On-screen version number is displayed below now (right above potion line); + Added beginner's quick starting guide section to readme; + Secondary tooltips are shown now only with Alt pressed; + Fixed original game bug with spell queuing; + Fixed spell-charged item processing in enchanting; + Added new perk for Warlock class; + Beastmaster's Cannibalism trait: autohit against summoned minions is decreased from +10% to +8% ; + Added 2 new Vortex Rogue bosses; v1.1030 (2021-03-12), [must be skipped to 1032 bc of dying in Leo level bug] Warning! You need to upgrade config.ini for this version. + Fixed monster species DFE affix (was not working); + Mace Glove has inherent +[20-25]% damage increase against Undead; + Fixed enchanting items (v3) assigning unwanted effects to items; + Introducing new system: Game Changers (GC): Character creation steps are: 1. New Hero -> 2. Choose Class -> 3. Choose Subclass -> 4. (Choose Specialization) -> 5. Choose Traits -> 6. Select Game Mode -> 7. Enter Name This system is inserted between steps 6 and 7. It's an additional sub menu of options that can be chosen during character selection, GCs can be bound to a) game mode(s), b) class(es), c) trait(s) and even d) other GCs, It's a system of game options chosen by player during character selection, and they change gameplay (sometimes, dramatically!), While traits offer a mix of advantage and disadvantage, GCs are individual features, they don't really change balance of power, they change how the game is played, Characters created before GC introduction are treated like characters that have all GCs as inactive; + Added new GC: Auto-saving. Can be activated for SP Easy/Normal/Hard/Hardcore modes. Works like save system from Normal multiplayer mode (character is saved, world - not), though it has options 'load game' and 'new game' from meta menu, they work the same way: new game is created, watch your items on the floor in town with this GC - you will not be able to quit game and load it again, new game will be created and items on the floor will get erased; + Added new GC (available always): Bound Gear. It's "battle striptease" moved to GCs from config (it's deleted from config now), When activated, it prevents player (when in battle) from equipping or unequipping items. Hand slot items are an exception: works through hotkeys and manually, battle modes is shared for players in MP when they are on the same (dungeon) floor - if you have BG and your partner too, your items will be bound, if you have no BG and your partner does have it, you will be able to change items in battle, they - won't, but be aware if you are in battle (or your partner) and you are on the same level of the dungeon, and you have BG - you will be bound to your items til the battle is over; + Some body items for female classes are horizontally flipped (base item pics); + NewGC added: "Item Drops". It's available in all MP modes. And in SP modes, if Auto-saving GC is activated. This GC makes you drop items on death; + Setup now has Gamma and Contrast settings; + Resource loss/gain combat text no longer displayed (including player incoming damage); + Added high level blunt weapon for Executioner (similar to Jigsaw); + Added new GC: "Demo Mode". Available only in SP Easy mode. Makes game way easier by making monster AI dumber; v1.1032 (2021-03-13) + Fixed dungeon descent check message; + Monster curse fields for melee/arrow damage resistance weakened by 1%; + Arrow DR curse field radius increased by 1; + Fixed item instability when going with it through portal; + Upgraded control panel: added new perk and game changer buttons. Buttons for character and quest sheets are compacted; + Bringing back old PvP button in MP: you can set it to hostile or friendly mode, just as it was in classic The Hell mod, to switch between collaborative and competetive gameplay; + Added new info window for Game Changers. It shows active GC list and their descriptions; + Fixed some bugs associated with Auto-saving GC; v1.1049 (2021-03-19) + Added support for mouse buttons 4 and 5: see config option 'ExtraMouseButtons' ; + Fixed stability when setting game resolution above 2160 in height; + New GC added: "Live off the Land". Available in all modes. Makes shop owners not sell anything to players. Players have to hunt for resources themselves. With this GC restock buttons are gone too, Note: apart from not selling items, NPCs are not changed in any other way: gossips work, quest dialogues, repair, crafting, enchanting, socketing, recharge, it's all there; + Added new GC: "Impossible". Available in SP Hard only. Makes monsters deal double damage. This is practically impossible, I think. So don't count on it beaing actually beatable; + New GC added: "Prohibition". Available in all modes; + Added new GC: "No Retreat". Available in all SP modes except Hard. Makes ranged attackers not retreat; + Effortless GC no longer prevents monster retreats; + Executioner with "Leper" trait cannot choose "Live off the land" GC; + Fixed some (potential) memory corruption bugs; + Perk availability used to depend only on character class. Now traits and game changers are checked too; + Haggler perk is unavailable now if player selected Leper trait; + Perks "Expert Killer" and "Slayer" are unavailable now if player has "Tormentor" trait; v1.1086 (2021-03-26) + Attempted fixing invalid monster crash in MP (test); + No Retreat GC renamed to Full Contact; + Perk "Overdraw" is now unavailable if "Black Witchery" trait is chosen; + Perks "Swift Learner", "Here and Now" and "Educated" are turned off for characters who chose "Sisyphean Task" trait; + Perk "Acrobatics" is now unavailable for Big Frame Rogues; + Perk "Tuck Tails!" is now unavailable for Fechtmeister Warriors; + Radius of Enhanced Perception/Seeing is similar to activation radius. Default set to 9 tiles - same as light. Lesser light radius will allow seeing targets before activating them; + Added new GC: "Hack & Slash". Available in SP Easy mode, to all characters that have melee weapons with modifiers according to type of monster they hit. It makes all damage neutral, Note: traits "Bestiarius" and "Axepertise" make this GC unavailable; + Added new GC: "Vaccinated". Available in SP Easy mode to Mage, Elementalist, Warlock and Bombardier. It forces monster vulnerability to all magic damage types (MFLAC) so you don't have to switch spells, Note: Stone Curse, Bone Spirit, Elemental and Holy spells are unaffected by this GC; + Adjusted stats on Griswold's Fencer(s); + Added new perk for Holy Aura Templars: Righteous Anger. It increases damage to undead from Holy Aura; + Warlock now uses new DOT acid mechanic, damage stacks and acid burning speed can be improved with his new perk (Acid Burn); + Monster spawn speed in The Den modified: 2 seconds for Hard mode (as before), 5 for Normal, 8 for Easy; + Bodkin Points perk values adjusted to favor early levels of the perk more by giving more armor penetration, Note: progression through 12 levels of the perk is now: 8, 16, 23, 30, 36, 42, 47, 52, 56, 60, 63, 66; + Raised damage for Devil Kin; + Acid damage from weapons now uses new acid mechanics too: all acid is applied over time (shown in dirty green on monster bar); + Assassin can go 6 levels deep into Toxicity now (up to +200%); + Warden of Anger: hitpoints and damage reduced. Gets 25% less hitpoints from warcries too; + Acid puddle damage formula changed to: 1 + 2*Diff + Rnd[ DLVL/4 ]; + Beastmaster boar spits leave no acid pools in multiplayer (they caused problems with duplicate loot/deaths and for now I just turned them off); v1.1090 (2021-04-02) + Players can now destroy barrels from a distance with missile damage (spells/arrows) on Easy mode; + Firewall/Lightning Wall/FireRing/Lightning Ring damage reduced (to hurt other players less); + Warden of Anger drops 2 items now; + Added new trait for Savage: "Barbarian". It gives him 90 additional perk points over the course of character development, but he can't use any item that has affixes on it (jewelry - at all), Note: also can't have perks Haggler, Heavy Drinker, Bloodsurge, Obsession; + Heavy Drinker values nerfed by 25%; + Trapper's accuracy with spells (vs monsters) increased by 50, as innate bonus (same as Scout); + Monster fields that curse player's melee damage, melee/arrow resistance - are nerfed; + Base damage increased for Rogue and Dimachaerus classes (melee weapons); + In Singleplayer Caves levels on NM, IM, HC, SR modes player is invisible to monsters on arriving to level until player moves, Note: this is done to give player time to prepare for bad start, and there will be a better fix to this problem when possible; + Somewhat different company guarding Anvil of Fury now. Plus, less probability of running into "schwarma" scenario; v1.1100 (2021-04-09) [must skip to v1.1200] + Nerfed damage and accuracy for The Polluter; + Nerfed damage and accuracy for Contaminator; + Warden of Anger: basic AC reduced: 70 -> 50, basic accuracy reduced: 140 -> 91; + Chances to get books from bosses changed in IM/SR/SI/NM modes for Rogue and Assassin (using Black Witchery): 20% (12% with Treasure Hunter); + Fixed 'no block animation' crashes for savage classes with bows; + Updated amber description: "+X% accuracy" -> "+X accuracy"; + Added new perk: Rehabilitation. It increases basic life and mana regeneration by a certain percentage when not in combat, Note: not available if player has traits Adrenaline, Barbarism, Dark Pact, Grim Deal; + Lowered damage for corrupt elemental archer bosses on dlvl-13 (approximately, -37%); + Fixed enchanted item prices (a lot more expensive now), Note: this works retroactively; + Cold immunity is given to Snow Lich, Frost Bone, Ice Golem and Lich King; v1.1200 (2021-04-16) + Adjusted +XP (flat) values on items; + Slightly darker monster infobar color; + Island DFE penalty nerfed for soft modes: 10-20-30 ->> 2-4-6 (makes game easier); + Fixed 2 Norrec jewelry items; + Fixed Ice Hydra color (for coop partners); + Seeing highlights monsters within 10 tiles (was: 9), and within 11 tiles for all Archer subclasses; + Lazarus map in SP Doom made (much) easier; + Gargoyles now make a chance roll before retreating to regain hit points. Chances differ according to game modes; + Fixed a critical trait bug from v1.1100; v1.1201 (2021-04-23) + Fixed random number generation for dropping books in IM/NM modes from bosses (report problems/oddities!); + The annoying retreat from melee distance for Mage monsters now fixed by adding check for retreat: on HARD mode Magi always retreat as soon as their HP is below 75%, on other modes they will retreat never if GC "Full Contact" is active, and with 8% chance when HP is below 50% otherwise; + Corpse Digger AI: monster can go dig corpses if HP drops to 40%, Full Contact GC totally prevents corpse digging now (they will not retreat to nearby corpses to do that); + Improved randomness in book drops; + Fixed enchanted item dupe morphing; + Vaccinated GC is available for Scouts and Inuisitors now; + Added new GC: "That's my Secret": available in SP Easy, makes Fury/Concentration have no cooldown and it can be re-cast without delay. Makes "Hot Tempered" perk unavailable; + Fixed (preventing) accidental perk point assignments with Enter when perk window is open; v1.1204 (2021-04-30) + Added 2 new unique items on uID#2008 (to add more loot variativity); + Added 8 uniques on uID#2200; + Fixed fire/lightning wall/ring cancelling their previous instances in multiplayer; + Changed some uniques (on demand); v1.1205 (2021-05-07) + Fixed spell queue (by clearing queued spells after player dies). Report if problems with spell queue persist; + Fixed inability to enter dlvl-16 through pentagram in MP games - it's always possible to enter dlvl-16 now if Lazarus is dead; v1.1213 (2021-05-10) + Maiden with Two Towers doesn't have access to Hack'n'Slash GC now; + Fixed Barbarian trait: perk points used to get stuck if jumping over 100 (this would normally happen only for cheaters, but still it protects even them now); + Axepertise Rogue now starts with Long Hatchet and there is no gold compensation on start anymore; + Fixed light radius glitches on dlvl 15; + Added a unique on Osseous Armor; + Summoned Golem HP formula updated: ( cMAG * CLVL / 10 ) + ( CLVL ^ 2 ) + 100 + MaxMana + Rnd[ CLVL * 10 ], Note: this should increase Golem hit points for classes with lower Magic while not changing much for classes with higher Magic; v1.1220 (2021-05-12) + Perks are synchronized between players in multiplayer (this also fixes Insulation issue); + Fixed MP games creating different monsters for different players; v1.1221 (2021-05-14) + Increased base damage for Trapper class weapons for early game; v1.1224 (2021-05-20) + Redear wins Q2'2021 Speedrun Tournament. Hall of Heroes monument updated; + Fixed Mana Shield spellbook description when playing with Wild Sorcery trait; + Fixed unarmed attacking speeds for Axepertise Rogue and Monks; + Fixed inability to enter dlvl-16 through pentagram after killing Diablo; v1.1227 (2021-05-27) + Fixed Emberstone Walkers stats; + Created 6 uniques on uID#2202 (Heavy Sword); + Treasure Hunter penalty formula changed to CLVL + 100 (was CLVL*2 + 50); v1.1300 (2021-06-04), "Dogtown Lovesong" (Shahmen) + Created 11 uniques on uID#2203 (Light Scepter); + A little less max HP for Poisoned Ones; + Affix of losing all regeneration is applied before penalties for quest levels now (to avoid nullifying such penalties with it); + Talking to Ogden once removes his quest sign; + Tahu's Cut-Throat stats corrected; + Nerfed Burning and Static flask damage by ~50%; + Fire/Lightning Rings would not always appear in a proper circle: fixed now. Previous fix for line of sight check rewritten to allow more intelligent checks, Note: rings will destroy barrels/pods/urns now when appearing on their tiles; + Fixed Hydra colors when playing with Elementalist class; + Fixed a visual bug in multiplayer where summoner classes would not see other non-summoner classes casting offensive spells while their cooldown is active; v1.1301 (2021-06-06) + Gloomclaw cannot spawn under Uber Diablo's room now; + By default, game runs in borderless window mode now (done by updating config.ini ); + Minor cursor fix; v1.1306 (2021-06-18) + Serenity perk is now deactivated for HC / IM / SI / SR / NM modes; + Removed 25% XP penalty for Hard mode; + Added 10 uniques on Bolt Trap X; + Thraex_pig wins Q2'2021 Ironman Tournament becoming 3 time Ironman champion. Hall of Heroes monument updated; v1.1308 (2021-06-25) + Haggler used to increase stash tab price instead of decreasing it: fixed; + [Duke] Fixed a very old bug with manacost and chargecost for spells of Lightning Wall / Ring of Lightning; v1.1317 (2021-07-09) + Fixed "Hit Harder" perk progression; + Added new Mage trait: Psionicist (gives you ability to damage monsters within the line of sight and light radius, and removes natural mana regeneration); v1.1318 (2021-07-09) + Restored quest boss immunity to psionic damage; + Renamed the trait to Psion; v1.1322 (2021-07-16) + Holy/Psionic Aura doesn't damage monsters anymore if player is dead; + Added some magic-boosting weapons for Rogue class; + Monster spawn speed in The Den modified: 2 seconds for Hard mode (as before), 4 for Normal, 6 for Easy; v1.1323 (2021-07-16) + Monster-summoners are allowed to bring forth their minions in MP now (the feature used to be limited to SP), Note: this was tested and no problems were noticed but if you see anything suspicious about it in MP, let me know ASAP; v1.1346 (2021-07-23) + Full Contact GC now stops Skeleton archer AI retreating; + Added new synergistic perk that improves character stat limit. Appears only for characters with 'Bend the Rules' trait; + Changed the way unusual item damage affix displays values in tooltip; + Adjusted and compensated (with +%ED) some unique item unusual item damage values; + Added new GameChanger: 'No Regeneration'. It removes all basic character regeneration for life and mana, Note: turns off perks: Will to Live, Rehabilitation, Serenity, Quick Recovery, Fortitude, Focus, Unwavering Attack, Give them Nothing, Tranquility, Note: can't be activated with Traits: Adrenaline, Necrosis, Grim Deal, Dark Pact, Barbarism, Survivor, Fast Metabolism, Blistered Skin, Black Witchery, Psion; + Items on the floor are not highlighted now if player is comparing items with Alt, Note: if 'SecondaryTooltip' option is turned off, pressing Alt does not afffect item highlights; v1.1400 (2021-07-25) + Adding new GC: Nightkin. It allows to play as a nocturnal creature (basically, a Vampire). Features: 0. requires single player mode, Executioner class, absence of "Leper"/"Scrounger"/"Barbarism"/"Weird"/"Treasure Hunter" traits, 1. innate life leech and mana leech (can be improved through perks), 2. CLVL * 3 - 3 perk points available, 3. doesn't get potions of heal/mana/holy from boss kills, 4. GC limited to Executioner class, 5. additional + Base VIT / 5 to stun threshold, 6. cannot read books of Holybolt, Holynova, Healing, 7. cannot wear any items (weapons, armor, jewelry), 8. maximum magic: +230 points, 9. gets 5x life per level and per 1 point of VIT, gets 5x mana per level and base point of MAG, 10. additional mana regen: clvl / 2, 11. base DFE: - (CLVL^2)/50 + (CLVL/5), 12. innate bonus to hit with spells: +30, 13. +5 + CLVL to accuracy, 14. + (CLVL / 2) + (CLVL^2)/10 to AC, 15. melee/arrow damage resist increased by (CLVL/5) + ((CLVL^2)/100), 16. resist all increased by CLVL, 17. + clvl/5 to crit chance, 18. can not drink holy water potions; v1.1404 (2021-07-30) + Night Kin starts without axe; + Fixed Cube of Armageddon; + Unique monster gold drops turned off for Night Kin; + Added stat requirements on some Night Kin perks; v1.1425 (2021-08-02) + Berserker champion damage modifier changed from 2 + (7 * Diff) + ( Dlvl / 4 ) to ( 30 * Diff + ( 125% Dlvl ) ); + Fixed Psion trait image (in meta menu); + Psion is given new color; + Added new perk for Psion. It increases psionic focus when standing still, amplifying psionic damage; + Warpers don't jump to player if hit with psionic aura; + Base psionic damage formula updated to: 3 + ( CLVL * cMAG / 75); + Revised Amplify Damage and Psychokinesis perks; v1.1429 (2021-08-03) + Enchanting: mana regeneration percent affixes are allowed now on base items that allow generating magical affixes; + Rogue ( heavy armor + 2 flails ) animation upgraded to draw 2 maces ( + fixed some color issues by applying new TRNs on animations that looked brighter than the rest), Note: thanks to Nathok for the animations; + Old Habit trait activates new perk "End Them Rightly", which raises monster minimum HP threshold for triggering triple damage; + Added new perks for Night Kin that improve attack and cast speeds; v1.1433 (2021-08-06) [critical bug, must be skipped to 1440] + Fixed minor flaw for upgraded Rogue animation (NW walk); + Night Kin skill set to Seeing, and default light radius (90%) changed to 60%; + Wyrms leave acid pools on death now; + Cacodemons and all Lightning Demon monsters leave static lightning on death for a few seconds (that does Dlvl/6 + Diff*4 damage), All Magma Demon types leave burning fire after death (same damage formula as for Lightning Demons), Note: this only works in SP mode; v1.1440 (2021-08-13), "Binbeal" (Comacozer) + Added new GC: "Clean Hands". It makes player unable to get loot (equippable body items replaced with gold). All equippable body items have to be acquired through buying, Note: it cannot be activated if: 1. player class = Executioner, 2. GC "Live off the Land" is activated, 3. player has traits "Scrounger", "Barbarian" or "Treasure Hunter", 4. game mode is Ironman, Soft Iron, Nightmare or Speedrun, Note: it also removes the following perks from the list available to player: Obsession, Heavy Drinker; + Rehabilitation perk deactivated for Psions; + Gargoyles now will wake up if player is closer than DLVL / 9 + Diff * 2 + 5 tiles. Modifiers: +2 for Hard mode, -1 for Easy; + Fixed Catacomb level morphing bug; + Added new GC: "Ice Age". It gives all dungeon levels icy palettes; + Izual Inferno delay reduced; v1.1508 (2021-08-20), "Through the Maze" (Sleeping Pandora) + Added new perk for Kensei/Executioner: Path of Blood - increases life regeneration in percentage, based on character's current life, Note: it's not available with "No Regeneration" GC; + Base life regen bonus for Kensei and Shinobi is +1 now; + Updated descriptions for some perks; + First 14 levels of Endurance and Willpower buffed in power; + Added new GC: "Groundhog Day". Same dungeon is generated every time. And quest randomizer option in config can affect it, Note: available in SP Speedrun mode; + Added new config option that displays monster's current stun threshold on monster HP bar ('ShowMonsterStunThreshold' under Visual options); + Alukret wins Speedrun tournament Q3'2021 (Necromancer, 2h:28m:55s) and added to Hall of Heroes; + Added new GC: "Tougher Monsters". Increases monster hitpoints. Available in SP, except Easy mode; + Added new trait for Inquisitor: "Devastator". It adds 4 aura types that deal elemental damage to vulnerable monsters in his radius (and vision), Note: auras stack together and radius can be increased with special perk; + Ice Age GC: liquid surfaces in non-quest Caves/Abyss levels are frozen solid. Player and monsters can walk over them. Also, footstep sounds are adjusted for these levels; + Ice lake in Frozen Loch made brighter; + Changed a lot of global design choices in Ice Age to make it feel different; + Added back some old outsorted music from th1 days, used some of it in Ice Age. Music pack updated to v10.8 (remember to update); + Picked a different music for Ice Age town (previous was too dramatic). Added 2 more tracks to the pool of town there; + Town portal is always blue in Ice Age (ignores config option); + Fixed an old Fury bug where life regen would kick in on a corpse if lethargy phase ended. It also fixes Psion/Devastator aura damage return like that; + Fixed a few minor bugs associated with latest changes; v1.1526 (2021-08-27), "Drawback" (Gomer Pyle) + Soulpus and his mob will not retreat now if stunned; + Zombie lifesteal generally nerfed (approximately by 30-40%); + Fixed an old bug with Lazarus quest; + Fixed Cube of Triumph; + Names of white/socketed items with spell suffixes read spell name according to subclass/perk features now; + Cleaned up blue color for Elementalist's magic cast animation; + Fixed a bug where quest drops from Defiler, Malantor, Wielder of Shadowfang and Cerberus sometimes could not be picked up; + Bosspacks in MP Horror were always 9 minions. Changed to: DLVL+1 up to maximum of 9 (but the maximum will now be reached by DLVL 8); v1.1543 (2021-09-03) + Added new perk for Warrior: "Counterbalance". Increases melee damage when holding a shield in one hand. Perk unavailable for Fechtmeisters; + Added new perk: "Resilience". Available for Scout, Kensei and Dimachaerus. Gives a chance to avoid getting stunned completely; + Added new perk for Scout/Sharpshooter: "Deadly Fletchery". Improves the skill of stunning monsters with arrows; + Added new perk for Scout: "Penetration". Improves the skill of piercing monster DFE; + Fixed potential attack speed bugs for Axepertise Rogue, Fechtmeister Warrior, Kensei and Shugoki; + Perk "From the Shadows" is now available only in Singleplayer mode; + Fixed attack speeds (2 & 3) for Shugoki using axe that doesn't meet requirements; + Number of charged bolts cast by monster secondary attacks is 5 for Hard mode, 3 for Easy (otherwise is 4); + Added new Warrior perk: "Shield Parry". Improves autohit in melee (reduces it below standard limit); + Sandman penalty changed: (CLVL / 2) -> (CLVL / 3); + Rebalanced "Point Blank" and "Cautious" traits; + New orb flip sound; + Resistance to knock back added for Cadaver: 80% in SP, 89% in MP; + Fixed relict requirement instability when putting them in stash; + Changed some relict requirements; + Fixed Warping; v1.1572 (2021-09-10), "What The Hell" (Avril Lavigne) + Changed some gem pics; + Improved entering speech in Valley of Despair; + Sage Hood based uniques are revised, added more uniques on them, removed unwanted one; + Removed Horazon's Concentrator unique from uID#194; + Created uniques based on Mallet tier 2; + Created uniques based on Mallet tier 12; + Sandman MDR boosts changed to +10% to minimum and maximum; + Character MDR caps lowered by ~5% for all classes; + Damage reduction for MP in PvM and MvM revised: 1 player: -0% (was: -0%), 2 players: -20% (was: -25%), 3 players: -33% (was: -37,5%), 4 players: -40% (was: -50%); + Augmented Healing progression revised: 20>50>90>140>200 ->> 30>65>105>150>200; + Item tooltips are not displayed now if game is paused; + Spellbook now shows maximum amount of summons for Hydra and summoner critters; + IM/SI modes will highlight remaining monsters (red flickering squares) on the discovered map after counter hits 5 or less, Note: player summons are not highlighted; + Lowered volume for Infested Cellar music; + Kensei now has Battle Trance instead of Fury (in SP mode). Battle Trance slows time (-50%) and allows Kensei to run while it lasts, Note: cooldown for Battle Trance is 5 minutes; + Sandman penalty changed: (CLVL / 3) -> (3 + CLVL / 4); + Added a config option on demand (in gameplay options): "DisableESCinBattle" - see the description in config; + Added a system of randomized area- and monster type-dependant sounds for monster walking; + Improved description of 'Old Habit' trait; + Adjusted monster sfx volume, added support for 'Ice Age' GC; + Fixed Goatlord walk sfx frames; + Added new config option: MonsterWalkSounds (Sound Options). By default it's active, but can be turned off there; + Monster walk sounds can't be heard now if they are not in player's sight; v1.1583 (2021-09-17) + Tougher Monsters GC is now available on Easy mode too; + Lowered monster chances for strafing, more for Ironman and Speedrun modes (about twice as low chance by the end of Doom there, compared to before); + Updated music pack to v10.9 (decreased volume for music in Infested Cellar); + Monster walk sound audibility check corrected; + Added some more unique items on uID#4, to increase variety; + Added new game changer: "Indestructible Items". It prevents items from getting destroyed if max durability drops to 0. Same as socketed items, Note: available in both SP and MP, for game modes Easy, Normal and Soft Iron; + Fixed items getting destroyed if repaired with player skill (used to reduce max durability to 0); + Fixed 3 wrong tiles in Valley of Despair that allowed walking; + Added Rogue dual blunt wield animation for hit recovery; + Fixed Mindweaver stats; + 'ambient_music' option now works with Ice Age GC; v1.1596 (2021-09-24) + Removed critical chance/damage affixes from unique items usable by Scout/Savage: Amazon's Corset, Solas' Faceguard, Galesong; + Shooter AI: chances of retreat reduced by 5% for Soft Iron, Ironman and Speedrun modes; + Mage retreat chances adjusted according to game mode: EASY: 10%, IRONMAN / SPEEDRUN: 15%, NIGHTMARE: 30%, HARD: 100%, the rest: 20%; + Secutor helms reduce character visibility (accuracy) now; + Fixed auto-clicking interfering with clicking on target with Telekinesis effect on; + Added new gamechanger: "No map". Adds challenge by making automap unavailable; + Walls made transparent in Fleshdoom quest; + Added animation of walking with 2 flails in mail armor for Rogue (#3rd revision); + Added chance to escape reducing gold from touching Murphy's shrine: CLVL+40%; + Monsters in Nightmare mode now have 3% chance to score critical hit on player (+100% damage); + Acid Pool minimum damage limiter formula changed to: (Diff * 2) + (DLVL / 10) (was: Diff*2 + Dlvl/8), Note: if, according to formula, it is below 1, it is set to 1; + Added new trait for Scout/Kensei/Shugoki/Rogue/Maiden/Savage/Berserker/Dimachaerus; + Added new perk "Find Item". Availability conditions are too complex to describe but it's unavailable to Monk and all Savages, Note: also unavailable if it's SP EZ/NR/HR/HC modes (except if you activated "Auto-saving" GC), and unavailable if you have "Clean Hands" GC; v1.1602 (2021-10-01), "Vindarnas Hus" (Ulf Söderberg) + Fixed Fury cooldown display, was broken after adding Battle Trance; + Elemental weapon damage formula changed to: (0,05 * baseDamage * damage(elemental) + 6 + CLVL/2) * class_Coefficient ; + Fixed some monster and unique monster names; + Thraex_pig wins Ironman tournament Q3'2021 and added to Hall of Heroes; + Added new Berserker trait: "Psychotic". It makes the character more resilient under Fury but character will go off fighting on his own until Fury wears off, Note: while under Fury, Psychotic Berserker cannot be controlled by player but if no monsters are left in vicinity, character control will be restored; + Barbarian receives the following improvements under Fury: clvl 20-29: fast hit recovery, quick attack speed, clvl 30-39: faster hit recovery, fast attack speed, clvl 40+: fastest hit recovery, fastest attack speed; + Fixed Gloomcrawler crash (injecting the fix in Blue XS); + Night Kin can not drink Holy Water anymore (duh); + Added new trait: "Small Frame". It reduces maximum resistance to melee and arrow damage from monsters but improves autohit, Note: this trait also changes character basic armor class formula to curDEX/3 (default: curDEX/5), Note: taking Kamikaze trait along with it will set basic AC formula to 0; + Acid pools have ~40% chance to skip hitting player. It's done to prevent quick damage escalation from these pools; + Fixed displaying Night Kin skill in spellbook; + Slightly decreased melee damage for Night Kin; + Night Kin default light radius set to 7 (was 6); + Night Kin's leeching perk levels 11-20 give less power: Melee damage resistance: (CLVL/5) + ((CLVL^2)/166), Arrow damage resistance: (CLVL/5) + ((CLVL^2)/125); + Night Kin innate mana regeneration bonus set to CLVL / 5; + Night Kin innate life regeneration bonus set to +1; + Added new perk: "Crossbow Mastery": it increases crossbow damage for Guardians (available if character has "Crossbow Training" trait); + Added new perk: "Bravado". Available to all Gladiators if they have the trait "Rudiarius". It adds X% chance to double damage against monsters, Note: Murmillo goes 10 levels deep in it, others only 5; + Added new defensive perk: "Critical Defense". Available for characters who chose "Thick Skinned" trait; + Indestructible Items GC becomes unavailable for choosing if Night Kin has been activated; + Barbarian and Night Kin will no longer have access to gem drops, socketed item drops and Griswold's crafting service; + Killing Fleshdoom now opens up gates that create a shortcut to level entry stairs (should help to go back faster); v1.1604 (2021-10-08) + Changing map tiles also updates automap now (works in Horazon's Haven and Pit of Flame); + Created 4 more uniques on uID#2124; + Updated some uniques; + Created 10 uniques on Throwing Knives tier 3; v1.1610 (2021-10-15) + Spell charges information now displayed correctly (for speedbook, spellbook and tooltip). It worked correctly, was just giving wrong status in info windows; + Added new gamechanger: "Double Damage". Available in SP Easy mode (not for Devastator, Psion and Holy Aura Templar). It doubles damage against monsters; + Fixed wrong trait pictures (those after 'Bend the Rules' were not really added because of some limitations); + Fixed spell icons for Flame Ring, Arcane Star, Flash. Added 24 new icons; + Improved crypt palette #279. Added 12 new Crypt palettes; + Added new GC: "See No Evil". Removes Seeing effect and forces player to not see highlighted monsters in the dark. Not available in Easy mode; v1.1611 (2021-10-17) + Fixed Executioner spellbook info for Fury DFE; + Created one more unique on uID#2140; + Rewrote music selection function. Now ambient_music option in config can work without activating OriginalMusic; + ambient_music now takes priority over OriginalMusic; + ambient_music now selects correct music tracks in Ice Age quest levels; v1.1627 (2021-10-27) + In Nightmare and Iron game types Night Kins don't get extra ID drops from bosses now; + New perk added: "Duelist". Available to Warriors with "Bend the Rules" and "Fechtmeister" traits; + In Nightmare modes level-up gives by default randomly [3-7] stat points instead of standard 5. This is compatible with traits "Domesticated" and "Adventurer" ; + Created new perk available only to players with "Kamikaze" and "Heavy Handed" traits; + Created new perk available only to players with "Kamikaze" and "Ratel Hide" traits; + Created new perk available only to players with "Kamikaze" and "Zealot" traits; + Valley of Despair resistance penalty is no longer applied to Night Kin; + Created new trait. Available to all classes except Savages; + Fixed spell queue bugs (new game and load game issues); + Fixed a bug with Mana Shield sprite duplicate. Golem sprite duplication on knockback should also be fixed (wasn't tested, report if it persists); v1.1700 (2021-11-12) WARNING! It is recommended to backup up your characters before you start playing this. This upgrade will introduce new system (Synergies) that changes quite a few things about characters. We try to avoid damaging items and characters but until this is tested extensively and polished out, there can be bugs. All bugs found during development and testing stage, were fixed. But you never know, better safe than sorry. + Added one more unique on uID#2003; + Added new trait for Warriors, Monks and Savage subclasses (except the Savage); + New config option created for player walking/running sound effects. Search for it under Sound options; + Perk system expanded to support requiring more than one spell or perk; + Created system of Synergies: these are built on top of perks, give CLVL/5 points by default and can activate various effects if requirements match (usually, two perks), Note: if some synergies don't work as expected, don't panic deleting your character. Just report it and it will be fixed; + Barbarian and Night Kin don't have access to 'Will to Endure' synergy; + Added 2 new traits that alter Synergy point rate (the two are mutually exclusive); + Added a new synergy that reduces Fury cooldown (requires perks Rampage and Rehabilitation, doesn't appear in the list if these perks are unavailable); + Formula for tier 2 minion limit changed to 1 + slvl/3 (was: 1 + slvl/2); + Adjusted level requirements for Path of Blood perk; + Fixed resist blessing shrine to not increase resistance to physical spells; + Created a basic pack of synergies; + Reflect info in spellbook supports Armadillo now; + Fixed text centering in perk info window; + Fixed arrow damage resistance from 'Fight in the Shade' perk; v1.1701 (2021-11-13) + Default FPS limit raised to 10,000 (how much FPS can your CPU provide? : ) ); + Fixed a bug with item image displacement for 1 frame during picking up in inventory; + Spellbook now displays cooldown timers; v1.1702 (2021-11-19) + 'Blood Thievery' synergy unavailable now for Monks with 'Bloodless' trait, Increased Life Stealing affix doesn't work too if character has 'Bloodless' ; + Added some more animations for Rogue with support for dual weapon look; + Updated credits; + Monster fields are applied with player resistances above the cap; + Fixed character dying animation showing one wrong frame in the process; v1.1705 (2021-11-20) + 10 uniques created on uID#2209, +1 on uID#2071, +3 on uID#2210; + Fixed Dimachaerus animation glitch in light armor with two swords, casting magic spell in south-west direction; + Fixed drawing bug for bug monsters in upper part of the screen (this bug bugging bug was bugging me for a while you know); + Added new synergy: 'Rebound'. It reflects monster arrows (non-elemental) back at them. Available to Iron Maiden only; v1.1746 (2021-11-26), "Dark Rift" (God is an Austronaut) + Trait 'Necrosis' renamed to 'Necropathy'; + Added new config option under visual options: "InventoryBackgroundColorBlue", see description in config.ini ; + Fixed spit animation delay for Water Wyrms in Infested Cellar; + Added more dual wield animations for Rogue; + Fix for item image displacement from v1.1701 has been improved (the bug used to persist in windowed mode); + Added some new synergies; v1.1747 (2021-11-27) + Improved pathfinding for Pshychotic Berserker; + 'Aggression' synergy upgraded to modifiy both current and maximum block chance; + Acid spells will be shown on upper slots of spellbook page 3 for Warlock (in place of former cold spell slots); + Fixed Fury spell description (cooldown line would sometimes get below the text field); v1.1759 (2021-12-03) [must skip to 1.1763] + Minor monster movement interpolation improvement; + Added new synergy for Mage/Warlock (reduces nova cooldowns); + Templar shields have less armor now, but give arrow damage resistance; + Added 1 more unique on Dawn Shield; + Improved (reduced) attack delays for Psychotic trait; + Fixed bolt trap tiers X and XI showing damage as DOT; v1.1763 (2021-12-03) + Scrounger trait stun penalty reduced: clvl/3 -> clvl/5; + Added new perk for characters with Breaker of Stones/Petrifier traits; + Fixed meta menu font formatting (got broken in 1.1759); v1.1800 (2021-12-10) + Fixed physical spell damage variators affecting Mana Shield damage value in spellbook; + Created 8 unique items on Cobra Rod; + Created new gamechanger: 'Black Death'. Synergies in this GC are replaced with symptoms, that are developed automatically as character grows in levels, list of exclusions (unavailable if any of these are present): class: Executioner or Warlock, trait: Adrenaline, Forgetful, Sisyphean, Prodigy, Insensitive, game mode: Easy; + Executioner maximum melee/arrow damage resistance limits set to 60-70, and innate +5% melee damage resistance increase is removed; v1.1804 (2021-12-17) + Renamed some Ice Age monsters; + Set default resolution in config to 1056x594. This looks better and eliminates screen tearing; + Added sound of pressing to PvP button; + Added game speed changer button to Soft Iron, Nightmare and Ironman modes (in SP); + Added support for Page Down / Page Up (scroll 7 lines) and Home / End keys in Perk and Synergy panels; v1.1808 (2021-12-24) + Fixed 'Blood Thievery' synergy (was adding 1/64th of life/mana); + Shrines that give stats, work differently in Nightmare now. Used to give +2 stats. Now they have 50/50 chance to reduce stat by 1, or add [1-3] to it; + Fixed ghosting monsters and multiple drops in coop multiplayer; + Perk 'Rehabilitation' not available for characters with 'Black Death' GC; + Added new synergy that combines trap damage mitigation and goldfind% bonus; v1.1809 (2021-12-31) + Added new config option: ShowSystemTime. It displays current time in upper left part of the screen. Off by default. It's under visual options; + Fixed character panel gold color threshold for 'Impedance' synergy; + Fixed 'Small Frame' description, and fixed melee damage resistance debuff for it; + Amount of items that can be dropped on the floor is raised to 254 (was: 127). Watch out for problems and report if you notice any; v1.1900 (2022-01-14), "Liar" (Rollins Band) + Character panel will display more accurate class information now; + Fixed Force Wave spell missile motion interpolation; + New config option: "ForceMoveOnCtrl". When you keep CTRL pressed, left-clicking makes character move there and not attack / manipulate objects, Note: don't forget to upgrade your config.ini and read the description in it; + More code cleanups; + Player auras (Psion, Devastator, Holy Templar) now have a visual and audio effect (there is a new config option for it too, on by default); + Acid Terrors leave acid puddles after dying now; + New audio effects assigned to elemental attacks (melee and arrows); + Player receives +30 bonus to accuracy on Easy mode (works for melee, ranged and magic); + Double Damage GC is accounted for in character panel now; + Levelup buttons displayed in blue color for Ice Age; + Monsters now take damage from player auras when moving in horizontal directions; + Updated pictures for some unique items; v1.1911 (2022-01-18) + Upgraded 'Devastator' trait description; + Fixed SC cooldown; + Two new cosmetic options added to expand on blue inventory background colors. See visual options in config.ini; + Fixed monster Apocalypse spell not hitting player characters moving in horizontal directions; + Added new synergy, exclusive to Devastator; + Kensei Battle Trance cooldown increased by 60 more seconds; + Blood Thievery effectiveness reduced; + Night Kin's later life/mana leech perk values slowed down in effectiveness; + Consumption of Vitality/Magic elixirs no longer fills life/mana for Night Kin; + Elemental damage on thrown hammers and knives no longer turns them visually into arrows; + Added support for enchanting thrown hammers and knives with elemental damage (knives cannot have holy effect); v1.1913 (2022-01-21) + Consumption of Vitality/Magic elixirs fills life/mana for Night Kin again, but turned off for characters with traits 'Rabid' and 'Wild Sorcery'; + Player Apocalypse code improved to target monsters better; v1.1990 (2022-01-28) + Arrows/bolts and thrown hammers/knives now can have multiple elements at once which stack; + Gargoyles get awoken after getting hit by player aura; + One more team member added to credits; + Night Kin stun threshold bonus nerfed to +bVIT/20 (was +bVIT/5); + Basic Hydra limit set to CLVL/10 + 1 (was: CLVL/8 + 1); + Added new trait for Warlock: 'Hydramancer'. It makes him use Hydras primarily. Plays somewhat like a Trapper if she used Hydras for traps; v1.1991 (2022-02-04) + Fixed some problems with player portal; + Hydramancer has distinct color now; v1.1992 (2022-02-11) + Battle Trance now doesn't increase damage for Kensei; + Night Kin GC is now available only in EASY/NORMAL/HARD/HARDCORE modes (in addition to previous checks); + Fixed Necropathy mana penalty; v1.1993 (2022-02-18) + Hydramancer cannot spam Toxic Ball now (spell cooldown applied); + Added new unique on uID#2001; + Some item cosmetics; v1.1994 (2022-02-25), "This Love" (Pantera) + Ctrl+Click will now drop items on the floor instantly. New config option 'DropItemOnCtrl' needs to be activated for it; + Barbarian class gets innate bonus to melee & arrow damage resistance: +(CLVL/10) + (CLVL^2/425) ; + Basic chance to get an oil in IM/SI/SR/NM modes is nerfed to 70% (Mage subclasses still retain their 30% chance); + In IM/SI/SR/NM modes chances for getting Identify relicts from bosses are: 60% for one and 40% for two; + Monster elemental arrow damage divider boosted to 3 (was 2) for EASY/NORMAL modes and to 4 for other modes (was 3), Note: this will make elemental arrows from monsters less dangerous, by 33% and 25% accordingly ; + 'Insensitive' trait gets an additional penalty of -2 to mana regeneration; + Increased values for some +XP affixes; + Added new perk for Bombardier, it allows throwing flasks further (requires 'Bend the Rules' trait); v1.1995 (2022-03-04) + Fixed 'Rebound' synergy processing elemental arrows; + Added one more Hounskull Bascinet unique item (qlvl 60); + Perk 'Resistance' was increasing physical spell resistance as well, fixed; + Blocking spells from monsters was flawed. Player couldn't really block missile spells because minimum was set to 1 instead of 0. Fixed; + Chance to block spells from monsters is now using additional check of Resistance + RND[40]. If it's below 20, then blocking can occur, Note: this is basic 50% chance to block at 0% resistance, and +2,5% chance to block per each 1% resistance after that, up until it hits 0% (at 20% res.), Note: and now in human language: less resistance gives more chance to block spells, but if your resist is 20+ then you won't block; + Loading screen colors are no longer messed up when returning from Poisoned Water Supply level; + Bosses with Hidden AI get their radius returned to their coordinates when killed in phase out state; + Fixed light radius for Guardian of Valor; + Improved old fix for Valor quest torch lights; + Ranged attack autohit for Small Frame set to -4%; v1.1996 (2022-03-11) + Ranged attack autohit for Small Frame set to -3%; + Added new trait: "Iron-Fisted". Increases damage, lowers critical strike chance. Incompatible with 'Finesse'; + Beastmaster hearts / Mage orbs / Demonologist heads / Warlock tomes can now be generated as white items; + Disallowed generating spells on staves that cannot be used by class; + Town Portal charges cannot be generated on staves in HC/IM/SI/NM modes; + Fixed 'Master Caster' perk: worked only in PvP; + Fixed synergy 'Spell Power' not improving Holy spells; + Fixed framerate drops (it's a temporary solution, a better fix expected later); + Added new trait for Templar class: 'Paladin'; v1.1997 (2022-03-18) + Hydra spell (skill) is allowed for Hydramancer in Glacial Caverns and Frozen Loch; + Rat Horde bosses on floors 3 and 4 now have acid vulnerability (to prevent becoming a blocker for Hydramancer); + Added support fox Xinput gamepad controllers: all you need to do is connect your controller to the PC and start playing, Note: added special section in readme about this, make sure to read it if you want to use controller; + Added 2 more uniques on Full plate greaves (both qlvl 60); + Fixed (hopefully) multiple drops in coop multiplayer; + Dimachaerus Fury effects changed: damage boost set to +CLVL/2, accuracy boost set to CLVL/2; + Executioner (not Night Kin!) gets back innate resistance to melee and arrows (+5%), and melee&arrows maximum values set to (65-75)%; + Added 8 uniques based on Full plate mail; v1.1998 (2022-03-25) + Cleaned up player visibility fields when returning to dungeon; + Added 2 more qlvl 55 uniques on Mask helmet; + Added config option for limiting mouse clicks within game window (if running in windowed mode); + Acid synchronization improved over net; + Related to acid fix, generation of invincible monsters in coop games is eliminated; + Fixed invalid monsters that stay alive in other players' view, when a player kills such monsters and changes Dlvl at the same time; + Synced player SLVLs in multiplayer; + Fixed visual double casts of spells in multiplayer, including double attacks and arrow shots; + When a player moves towards unwalkable tiles (e.g. house in town), other players see this player going inside the house: fixed; + Fixed staves and wands having too few affixes when generated as rare item; + Rare items of staff/wand type are allowed to generate 4 affixes, despite having spell charges; + Life/mana steal affixes can't be generated on rare items of magical type (wands, etc.); + Added new arrow resistance-specific armor for Monk classes; + Increased accuracy (by 6) for Contaminator; + Increased max damage for Polluter to 30 (base). Was 23; + Diagonal Force Wave will no longer skip enemies; + Force Wave will correctly knockback monsters in the wave traveling direction; + Reduced chance for rapid multihits in open area due to previously incorrect KB direction; + Tried to make diagonal Force Wave do the same total damage as non-diagonal ones (this may need upgrades in future yet); + Improved corpse searching logic in Scavenger AI; + Filth Demon renamed to Blackheart Demon and recolored for Ice Age Gamechanger; + Added 1 more qlvl 60 unique on uID#1; v1.1999 (2022-04-01) - breaks enchanted items, must be skipped to v1.2005 + Acrobatics gave too much evasion to Dimachaerus with Sandman trait: fixed; + Enchanted item affixes rebalanced to not exceed standard item power limits (were exceeding by ~20%); + Added 2 more uniques on uID#2080; + Melee damage resistance caps reduced for Dimachaerus and Rogue: (70-80) -> (65-75), Note: Axepertise Rogue retains (70-80) limits; + Dropping Treasure Map on the Disused Reliquary entrance wouldn't destroy the map: fixed; + Fixed old problem of big chain activation of monsters when entering new dlvl in MP; + Guardian of Ice spell moved to page 5 of spellbook; + Character sheet has pop-up info tooltips for most stats now; + Fixed old bug with exploiting belt items with charges (allowed double-casts); + Psion's aura damage gets reduced in coop according to number of players in game: -0% if alone, -20% if 2 players, -33% if 3 players, -40% if 4 players; + Created some new unique items; v1.2000 (2022-04-08), "La Grange" (ZZ Top) + Fixed MP-only bug with Mana Shield working wrong when taking damage from another player; + Fixed colors for gamepad instruction picture; + Nerfed "Strength & Honor" synergy; + Item Drops GC made unavailable in Hardcore mode; + Fixed inventory item blinking with RestrictMouseToWindow config option; + RestrictMouseToWindow mode allows to move mouse outside game window in meta menu and with game menu brought up (in-game ESC menu); + Fixed visual bug of players jumping after teleport in MP; + Added 3 uniques on Rags; v1.2001 (2022-04-12) + Double-clicking for Teleport doesn't cause 1 tile displacement for player on second instance; + Made some improvements to inventory item appearance; v1.2002 (2022-04-22) - must be skipped to 1.2003 + Synergy 'Onset' applied accuracy bonus twice: fixed; + Inquisitor and Scout start game with new elemental weapons; + Created unique item line on Dark Shield; + Stepping on firewall segments would cancel them: fixed; + Created unique item line on Thorned Bundle; + Fixed casting walls from relicts; + Basic chance for unique item from bosses lowered: 10% -> 6%; v1.2003 (2022-04-22) + Fixed a crash caused by v1.2002; v1.2004 (2022-04-23) + Fixed a crash bug caused by trying to draw aura hit FX outside of screen; + Created 1 more Skeleton King dungeon layout variant; + Fixed framerate dropdowns. Finally! I really hope this problem is gone now, but let me know if anything is wrong there; + Improved the fix from v1.2002, the one with firewall segments disappearing when you step on them; + Fixed critical bug introduced in 1.1999 (coordinates on CoB entry); v1.2005 (2022-04-26) + Paladin is immune to mana burn now; + Axepertise Rogue gets Griswold's Slasher reward for completing Anvil of Fury quest now, so that she can actually use the item; + Enchanting system got broken in v1.1999, now fixed by updating enchanting affix assignment & save logic; v1.2006 (2022-04-28) + Dual shield Maiden reward for Anvil of Fury changed to shield type; + Improving some item cosmetics; v1.2007 (2022-05-01) + Fixed Dark Charger footstep sounds (produced normal sounds in Ice Age Glacial Caverns and Frozen Loch); + Quick casting sequence of Teleport and (Chain)Lightning caused faulty cast of the latter, fixed (this also fixes potential gamecrash issue), Note: it also fixes a couple memory leak bugs; + Added 1 more music track to main menu (remember to update to music pack v11); + Added support for displaying modified damage in character panel for Dread effect (doesn't show for flasks and traps); + Added support in character panel for Ruin effect, but through tooltip (if you have it on you, the tooltip will appear when you hover damage cell); v1.2008 (2022-05-03) + Fixed potential softlocking from monsters dying in Stonecursed form while acid is burning them; + Preventive actions taken to eliminate (or reduce the number of..) invisible (and invincible) monsters in MP; + Working with item cosmetics; v1.2009 (2022-05-03) + Fixed items dropped on the floor shown as a different item type before they are picked; v1.2010 (2022-05-06) + Fixed some of unidentified base item names; + Revised some of Archer class base helmets; v1.2011 (2022-05-07) + Fixed 'Sandman' trait: current resistance bonus wasn't applied; + Added a new patron grave near Cathedral; + Created 2 more Paladin synergies; + More item cosmetics; v1.2012 (2022-05-10) + Fixed mouse highlighting when ESC menu is active; + Lots of item cosmetics updated; v1.2013 (2022-05-13) + Display of remaining monsters in quest areas updated: 0 monsters left is shown in blue color, and if there is 1 remaining monsters it's shown as "1 monster left"; + Lots of work with item cosmetics; v1.2014 (2022-05-20) + Restored support for Windows XP; + Item cosmetics; v1.2017 (2022-05-27) + Added config option (XinputEnabled) which will turn on/off gamepad support, it's off by default, Note: remember to update your config.ini file; + Unusable equipped items are shown as red when hovered with mouse; + Added one more unique on uID#2182; + Added 1 more level variation of Valley of Despair; + Warlock starts with Fire Bolt spell now instead of Holy Bolt; + Warlock can no longer read Holy Bolt and Holy Nova books; + Schwarma fix reverted, a different fix would probably be introduced later; v1.2022 (2022-05-29) + Ironman meta menu description updated; + Fechtmeister gets innate +5 to melee damage resistance caps; + Barbarian gets a white reward from Anvil of Fury quest; + Fixed speed setting carryover to other modes; + Fixed a bug with item disappearing from under cursor when picking it up at the time of entering portal and not having enough room for such item in inventory; + Created one more unique on uID#2009; + Updated Warlock class description; + [reverted in 1.2023] Allowed casting animation in town to fix/prevent certain bugs caused by spell queue quirks; + [reverted in 1.2023] Fixed spell missile orientation for queuing spell after Teleport; v1.2023 (2022-06-03) + Added new trait: Unshakable (lowers AC, ups Stun threshold); + Optimized monster walk sfx functions, for better performance; v1.2024 (2022-06-06) + Added new trait: Resolute Guard (improves magic resistances, lowers stun threshold). Incompatible with 'Survivor' trait; + Increased accuracy and damage for Shadow Clan; + Added new qlvl-57 unique on uID#2102; v1.2029 (2022-06-10) + The Den level now supports timer saving; + Changed Cerberus monster type (looks more fitting now); + Default magicfind factor reduced by 50% for Barbarian; + Traits 'Scrounger' and 'Barbarian' are no longer compatible: you will not be able to create a new character that has both of them; + Item cosmetics; v1.2038 (2022-06-15) + A very rare bug fixed when transition to level 21 from level 20 is not accessible if entrance to Passage of Fire on dlvl-19 was generated on the same tile; + Item cosmetics; + Updated 'Puncturing Stab' trait description; + 'Civerb's Tools' set revised: removed shield and scepter, added helm (new one). Set bonus list revised too; + 'Point Blank' damage bonus reduced to +80%; + Added more Rogue animations (mid armor, swords, walk/stand), (lite armor, swords, hit recovery); + Autosave GC savefiles can be restored now for debugging purposes (it doesn't affect gameplay, helps track bugs); v1.2049 (2022-06-17) + Shrines that identify items, restore durability and charges, now process items from inactive weapon slots as well; + Item cosmetics; + Berserker Fury +MDR effect replaced with +damage ((+CLVL/2)+(CLVL*baseSTR/357); v1.2060 (2022-06-19) + More cosmetics; + Trapper's Holy spells are not modified by archer species perks; + Elemental weapon crits were using arrow array data, fixed by adding additional array for elemental weapon damage; + Elemental weapon damage crits changed for classes: Inquisitor: (15+(CLVL/10))% chance for +150% damage, Scout: (15+(CLVL/10))% chance for +100% damage, Rogue: (5+(CLVL/9))% chance for +50% damage, Assassin: (CLVL/5)% chance for +75% damage; + Inquisitor acid weapon damage coefficient set to 0.9 (was 0.5); + 'Tormentor' trait elemental damage boost set to +33%; v1.2061 (2022-06-22), "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" (AC/DC) + Fixed Mana Shield with life below 1 invulnerability hack; + More item cosmetics; v1.2070 (2022-06-29) + Expanded and revised Renegade set for Rogue(s); + Increased bonus for 4 pieces for Heavenly set; + Added new DDraw mode in config.ini (use it only if you have problems running the game normally, and report issues if you notice any); v1.2080 (2022-07-02) + Added new synergy for Warrior: "Careful Mending". Available in multiplayer and in Singleplayer if there is Auto-Save GC active; + 'Strength & Honor' synergy buffed by 50% (75% of its former power now, as you suggested. let's not do this again); + Applied horizontal mirroring to Axepertise Rogue's melee weapons; + New unique of level 62 added on uID#2124; v1.2100 (2022-07-04) + Fixed mirroring of Monk unique bow imagery; + Revised 'Immortal King' set; + Added 2 more uniques on uID#2148; + Added 2 new animations for Rogue wielding dual blades in mail armor. Rogue dual wield animations are complete now; + New config option in Visuals: 'ShowGameMode'. It's possible to setup game mode display or hide it, according to this setting. See config description for details, Note: remember to upgrade your config file (don't use old one), it has to be done every time a new option is added; v1.2107 (2022-07-12) + Fixed transparent tile flickering; + Fixed Gillian's Lazarus dialogue missing sound; + Doom Clan archers expanded to dungeon level 11, Malice archers - to dungeon level 6. Added 2 new bosses for these; + Scavenger AI corpse dig power revised for all modes: Easy: 2%, Hard: 5%, IM/NM/SR: 3%, other: 4%; v1.2120 (2022-07-17) + Devastator aura damage values grow with a steeper exponential curve, giving about 2x more damage at the end level; + Fixed an audio bug where potion breaking trap would produce no breaking sound if player touching it has full belt of potions; + Inquisitor scepters give more damage increase to certain elements; + Real damage for Charged Bolt was Rnd[curMAG * 3] + 1 instead of Rnd[3 * curMAG / 2] + 1. Fixed by reducing Charged Bolt real damage in half; + Changed Dark Reaper colors for Ice Age; + Changed Biclops colors for Ice Age; + PvP: enemy players throwing missiles at each other will no longer hear themselves getting hit, but the target; + Death scream of a player in MP can only be heard by players on the same Dlvl, and can no longer be heard by other players on any Dlvl, including Town; v1.2122 (2022-07-18) + Fixed Warrior/Savage speech sfx when reading Horazon entry book; + Unique items 'Ground Breakers' and 'Infernal Stomp': nerfed Apocalypse damage boost; + Apocalypse spell damage formula updated to: (CLVL*CLVL) + (CLVL*curMAG/15); + Paladin basic mana regeneration speed updated to: curMAG / 20 (was: curMAG / 15); + Paladin base mana formula updated to: (bMAG * 2) + (CLVL * 2) + 28; + Psion base aura damage set to: 3 + CLVL * cMAG / 100; v1.2123 (2022-07-23) + Revised some monster magic immunities; + Lowered all of Devastator aura damage perk level requirements by 1; + Stinger Lord does less damage now; v1.2200 (2022-07-27) + Heavy Handed trait damage bonus increased to 80%CLVL; + Bestiarius trait penalty to damage vs undead is -25% now; + Added new gamechanger in Normal and Hard modes: "Tough Luck": 1. no starting items, 2. level-up stats are reduced to 2, 3. all starting stats set to 5, 4. -75% GF, -75% MF, -75% XP, 5. no +XP/MF perks and syns, Note: it is unavailable if character has: traits "Gifted", "Grim Deal", "Adventurer", "Forgetful", "Blue Blood", "Domesticated", "Rudiarius", "Sisyphean", it deactivates: perks "Swift Learner", "Here and Now!", "Obsession", "Heavy Drinker", "Educated", and synergies "Retribution", "Silver Tongue", it is also incompatible with "Black Death" GC; + Heal Other spell now uses Stone Curse-like improved targetting; + Hostile / Friendly players throwing missiles at each other will now see the same missile state; + Dying in MP Soft Iron now activates 'New Game' menu option; + Cannibalism trait makes minions leech 20% HP per hit, and chances of being hit are raised by 9% (was: 25-8); + Inquisitor class weapons (scepters) receive innate elemental damage abilities; + When hit, Warpers will not teleport to Hydramancer now; v1.2222 (2022-07-30) + Setting potions to original colors in config will now also color relict of mana blue; + Some item cosmetics; + Affixes of '+X to all stats' got a little boost in power; + Added new config option: LowCpuUsage. If your CPU gets too hot when playing the mod (or fan speed gets too high), activate it and lower FPS limit. It will fix it, Note: don't forget to update your config file; + Added new options to config: 'ForceZoom' (play in zoomed in state, unable to zoom out) and 'ShowResolution' (display resolution used in upper left corner); v1.2300 (2022-08-02) + Added new synergies, quite a few; + Base Vitality better synced over network; v1.2318 (2022-08-05) + Acid spit resistance randomization made smaller (which means you will get a better protection with higher resistance); + Silk Gloves give randomly +(1-2)% to all resistance; + Traits 'Negotiant' and 'Bend the Rules' are now incompatible; + Created new trait for Warrior: 'Ranger': incompatible with 'Fechtmeister', has unique assortment of bows with strength requirement, starts with bow, bow attack frame set to 9, bow accuracy increased by 20 + CLVL (to compensate for lacking DEX later), max Vit decreased by 40, max Mag increased by 40, additional (2 + (CLVL/6))% chance for critical hit when using bow, special additions and exclusions in perks and synergies, can't wear shields, melee autohit increased by 3%, ranged autohit decreased by 1%, can't use crossbows, has some perks and synergies excluded, and some new ones added, base life formula: 2*CLVL + 2*bVIT +18, base mana formula: 2*CLVL + 1,5*bMAG +8, uses slightly different color scheme than Warrior; + Ranger gets +CLVL/2 to base damage with bows additionally; + Config file ignores everything after // symbols now (there was a problem with set fps limit since v1.2300); v1.2320 (2022-08-07) + Raised HP for Moon Clan (their stun threshold was suffering from the lack of hit points); + Ranger gets triple shot under Fury; v1.2351 (2022-08-10) + Damage reduction from resistance against missile spells in MvP is upgraded from (50-100)% to (75-100)%; + Created new synergy: 'Auxiliary Armour'. It reduces final damage received (all types) with a chance and degree of reduction determined by the synergy, Note: available to tanking classes with two-handed weapons, cannot be access if character has Night Kin GC, Grim Deal or Thick-Skinned traits; + Created new synergy: 'Survivalist'. Improves autohit. Accessible by Executioner (non-Night Kin) only; + Updated spellbook Fury description for Ranger; + Articulated gauntlets are mirrored for male classes now; + Shinobi class now can use new weapon type: shuriken stars; v1.2366 (2022-08-12) + Added new synergy to Archer; + Finally! Nerfed some gems. Garnets-crit%, chrysolites-damage, onyxes-%damage; v1.2372 (2022-08-13) + Fixed interpolation issue when moving up to a wall (by clicking on it); + Fixed (hopefully) gold substraction issue when buying expensive stash tabs; + Fixed 0 gold remaining in hand sometimes after picking up gold from the floor; + Fixed casting relict from the quick book consuming random relict of the same type instead of the one(s) that meet(s) requirements; + Fixed limits to net sync thread sleep time; + Fixed sporadic ~10 sec 'freezes' when leaving Direct Cable MP game session; v1.2375 (2022-08-17) + New synergy created: "Infernal Bargain". It gives extra perk points in exchange for life and mana regeneration, Note: incompatible with "No regeneration" GC and traits "Grim Deal", "Skilled" and "Barbarian"; + Rangers get swords and maces from monsters with 15% chance (rarely); v1.2400 (2022-08-21) + Some synergy availability removed from some classes because of insufficient requirements; + Another improvement to config file processing; v1.2402 (2022-08-26) + Fixed several memory corruption issues, improved game stability; + Fixed some old network desyncs in identified/unidentified item re-equip routines; v1.2403 (2022-09-01) + Some network sync issues fixed (duped drops and monster summon positions), Note: i didnot test these myself, so watch out for bugs; v1.2404 (2022-09-09) [ TH3 is forked from this version ] + Fixed an old bug with item code; v1.2405 (2022-09-10) + Some item balancing; v1.2417 (2022-09-16) + Infernal Bargain adds another negative effect: -X to all (current) stats; + Summoner monsters are disallowed to spawn monsters in multiplayer (until it gets fixed, at least); + Rebalance to some unique items; + Force Wave gets a cooldown (similar to that of Nova spells); + Fire Blast (player's) splash damage reduced by 50%; v1.2419 (2022-09-16) + Angel statues lost the sequence after player quits game and loads it, fixed now; + Fixed Den time sequence not resetting on new game (would glitch out on Purgatory or with other characters), Note: the timer fix will not work in loaded game, only after you start new game; v1.2430 (2022-09-19) + Created 7 uniques on Shadowforged shield; + Created 5 uniques on Hound Skull; + Created 4 uniques on Beaked Mask; + Created 4 uniques on Hound Pelt; v1.2433 (2022-09-21) + Turned off memory corruption read; + Fixed Trucebreaker unique; v1.2435 (2022-09-26) + Added 1 more qlvl 6 unique on uID#2008; + Some unique item balance cleanup; v1.2500 (2022-09-30) + Empyrean Bands are buffed; + More unique item works; v1.2501 (2022-10-02) + Adjusted volume levels for weapon elemental hit sfx; + Fixed Infernal Bargain item stat requirement checks; v1.2502 (2022-10-11) + Fixed attack speed and recovery speeds for Barbarian; v1.2503 (2022-10-22) + Fixed a very rare bug that happens only in IM/SI/SR/NM modes when ricghclick transforming tavern sign into Peasant Cap. It could block a nearby door arc; v1.2504 (2022-11-01) + Secondary perks and synergies are not displayed in the list by default (made it into config accidentally during 2503 update); + Combat Axe: mirrored image; v1.2505 (2022-11-09) + Warrior doesn't get Ranger's bows from weapon racks now; v1.2506 (2022-12-04) + Prevented Exploders from attempting to destroy barrels; + Fixed Twilight Clan not hitting barrels on Hard mode; v1.2507 (2022-12-17) + Fixed Leper bonus applied twice; v1.2508 (2023-01-18) + Removed cold immunity from "Plaguemaw" and "Gut Eater" (used to cause complications for Ironmode Elementalists); v1.2509 (2023-03-06) + [ported from TH3] Fixed Catacomb level morphing in MP Doom+ difficulties; v1.2510 (2023-04-13) + Cloth Gloves use blue color for Trapper (by default); + Fixed Monk attack speed with no weapons or just shield: 8 frames now instead of 7; + Base stat tooltips are better tuned to show what they affect; v1.2511 (2023-06-12) + Lowered DFE against magical damage (and elemental arrows) for Blood Lords and Steel Lords in EZ/IM/SI/SR/NM modes ; v1.2512 (2023-07-06) + Goatlord bosses (in Abyss), Abatan and Bloodied Hidden had 7000% lifesteal in Hard mode. Fixed. Now it's 700%; + Fixed player speech delay for clearing Infested Cellar; v1.2513 (2023-09-29) + Fixed an old bug with Rogue arrow autohit being too low; v1.2514 (2023-12-16) + Fixed Blink Demon displaying damage reduction field effect; + Seeing displays timer now; v1.2515 (2024-01-03) + Fixed old bug with returning player to wrong coordinates when going back to town from Ravenholm by foot (through red portal); v1.2516 (2024-01-18) + Griswold's menu now shows "Crafting / Socketing" ; + [ported from TH3] Griswold's Anvil quest initiating speech didn't trigger because of faulty dependence on Magic Rock quest status: fixed now; v1.2517 (2024-04-22) + Fixed perk 'Stoning Mastery' not working together with trait 'Petrifier' ; v1.2518 (2024-04-23) + Fixed Stone Curse cooldown for characters with 'Breaker of Stones' trait; v1.2519 (2024-04-23) + Fixed minimal Stone Curse cooldown duration for characters with 'Breaker of Stones' or 'Petrifier' traits; v1.2520 (2024-05-01) + [ported from TH3] Fixed an old bug (it probably goes back to The Hell 1) that prevented (sometimes) low level uniques from dropping; ================================================================================================= News, downloads and updates: Community (discord): If you are a 2d/3d artist / coder (c++, git) / composer / 3d modeller and you want to participate in development of TH2, write to me in Discord (_Mordor)